America’s Shadow Government: Behind the Veneer of Democracy (1/20/25)
How the murder of JFK set the stage for 9/11, The “Patriot” Act, & Security-State crackdowns on innocent Americans (January 20, 2025)… GOD BLESS AMERICA
Trust me, this is worth suffering through if you want to understand what’s being done to our country.
However, if you’d prefer to lead a sheltered “Fahrenheit 451”-type existence this essay isn’t for you.
This is essentially a living manuscript that updates on a regular basis, not a finished product that has been edited.
[This keeps winking out in my Substack app, possibly due to file size being too large, but still works fine in my browser (350pp).
I read this type of work very slowly, as I pause to digest what I’m reading before moving on to the next section. I am afraid the further Left one leans, the less sense this will make. If so, then you really must keep reading!
It has gone by faster on my laptop, as most paragraphs appear bite size on larger devices. Sorry about the inconvenience.]
The more time I spend on this, the more obvious it becomes the US is a Capitalist-Communist hybrid being modeled after the People’s “Republic” of China (PRC). For this reason, I’m using a pen name.
[North America’s first white settlers tried Collectivism before settling on free trade with limited government intervention. However, today’s leaders would like to retry failed Socialism while eradicating civil liberties.
Whereas ChiComs were forced to open up their struggling economy, Washington’s unelected bureaucrats are shooting for “Socialism with Chinese characteristics” by using technology to clamp down on our right to dissent.
If US and European leaders succeed at implementing corporate ESG rule - unbridled Fascism (we would no longer have a voice) - I would expect economic dislocations to become even more severe than they are today.
A loss of free speech, and the economic disruptions Fascism causes, can and will harm all of us in time regardless of our political inclinations. Simply study the inefficiencies inherent in many Socialist regimes.
These policies are PRO-gressive for global “ruling” elites, but RE-gressive for their charges (everyone else). Ruling in quotes because there are 8 BILLION of us.]
Behold. The future. IF, Canadians and Americans continue to vote for Socialism. It’s never for “Socialism” itself, but rather for the government’s promise of Socialism in exchange for our Civil Liberties.
Oh Canada - The Parliament Moves to Impose Potential Life Imprisonment for Speech Crimes: Jonathan Turley.
Should a “Democrat” win the 2024 election we will no longer be living in the US, but rather some hybrid of the Soviet Union and People’s “Republic” of China with Soviet “show” trials and ChiCom surveillance. We’re already there, but it’s going to get even worse…
Here’s a free copy of Edward Snowden’s Pulitzer prize winning “Citizen Four” from 2014: Watch Documentaries.
[Like it or not, the Establishment is coming for our first and second amendment rights, and the only voices of dissent are a handful of Populists on the Right. If you value your 1A & 2A rights the choice is clear. I would hope the majority of my Liberal friends value our right to dissent as much as Conservatives do.
Remember, our government does not care about social & environmental causes, only control. This Establishment is hellbent on criminalizing the flow of any factual information running counter to their narrative. The truth is now disinformation, or so they claim. There are no voices for freedom on the Left, and only a precious few on the Right…
That this pendulum has swung back and forth my entire life has escaped my notice until recently, with whomever is in power seeking to silence its opposition. If not for everything flowing through the internet and social media these days, I might have missed the call for censorship yet again.]
Who wants to live in a Communist country, have their assets inflated away, and be heavily surveilled while criminals run scot-free? This “United Nations” agenda has been carried out under Americans’ noses for generations, and is coming to a head or I would have missed it. Tens of millions of Americans and Europeans are coming to our senses, but are we too late?
Remember, those in power WANT you to believe the truth is a “conspiracy theory”. They want you to stop investigating and asking questions. They’re counting on it.
We must make politics unappealing to those who crave money and influence: term limits, jury duty pay, and the repeal of Corporate Personhood are critical for success.
[A citizen’s government comprised of Americans from all walks of life, colors, and orientations, so that every group is represented, is critical.
It’s long overdue for the silent majority of Conservative and Liberal voters to coalesce and demand the resignations of all those in power (July 4, 2024).
We better move quickly, before “ruling” elites cook up something else. Eat your hearts out anti-Populists.
I believe we can coalesce despite differences on issues such as abortion and gay marriage. Especially if most grasp the gist of my writing (July 4, 2024).
Our Constitution and Bill of Rights aren’t failing us, neither is healthy Capitalism. Corrupt leadership, Crony Capitalism (Fascism) and endless wars which bankrupt American taxpayers have failed us.]
I’m hoping this piece will prove to be The Holy Grail of Geopolitics. Here’s to the Guy Montags among us.
“I believe it is better to tell the truth than a lie. I believe it is better to be free than to be a slave, and I believe that it is better to know than to be ignorant” - H.L. Mencken:
The Left versus Right PSYOP Exposed with Mel K. Mel K does a fantastic job of blaming our “Stakeholders” and those who strike it rich serving them. Not Jewish people, nor Liberals for a change: Man in America (July 4, 2024).
The Constitution was written to protect us, and was never intended to be suspended when our Stakeholders (Rulers) saw fit. It’s why our Rulers spend trillions to convince voters to hate the Constitution and America as much as they do. Our Constitution may be the only stumbling block preventing them from acquiring all the marbles (July 4, 2024).
Letter to the ‘Brainwashed’: A 12-Step Recovery Program. Are You a Victim of ‘Deception’? Look for These 10 Signs: Margaret Anna Alice.
The short answer is “yes” if you consume MSM, or listen to those who do. “Letter to the Brainwashed” will put you on the right path…
Think about how well Gates and his pharma investments did after he co-sponsored Event 201 along with the World Economic Forum (WEF). Or how well Jeff Bezos and Amazon did during the lockdowns. Why is Mark Zuckerberg spending millions to influence elections in Georgia as George Soros buys Spanish-speaking radio stations? Behold, the unelected "stakeholder class". It’s a great name for them, isn’t it? What is it with this oligarchal class, and why can’t they leave well enough alone (July 4, 2024)?
It is nonstop gas lighting (we’re really NOT punching you in the face while punching you in the face), or projecting their criminal behavior onto political enemies to justify prosecuting them.
There should be very little to anger readers in here. If there is, I’ve either fumbled the football, or you might need to re-read a section.
I’ve recently met true pros in EVs, Special Warfare and Genetics. For this generalist writer, it’s been very humbling to learn from those who comprehend their field light years better than I ever will. I WISH I HAD MORE TIME TO LEARN FROM YOU.
I’ve always had absolute faith in our government & military until a few years ago. To say it’s been painful having my trust shattered is an understatement. Writing ASG has been devastating at times, but comforting at others. We can’t tackle the unknown (July 4, 2024).
Marc Andreessen Describes "Alarming" Meeting With Biden Admin That Prompted His Trump Endorsement. Tech VC and lifelong Democratic voter on why he was “forced” to vote for Trump: ZeroHedge (July 4, 2024).
[Countering the Color Revolution End Game with Joaquin Flores: The Mel K Show (July 4, 2024).
How Deep Is The Rabbit Hole?: Jeffrey Tucker.
This has become a story of the original oligarchs and those who serve them. Yes, the Rothschilds (trillionaire financiers of endless wars), servants like George Soros (the billionaire stakeholder class), as well as America’s feckless corporate and political leaders. The aims of the original oligarchs have been recycled over generations by groups ranging from the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, to the Atlantic Council and Council on Foreign Relations (July 4, 2024).
“It starts tomorrow: the people vs. the banks. The U.K. could be in for a bumpy ride.” On how London bankers want to clear/process US treasuries in the UK. Presumably to strengthen their weakening power over us. A must read if you want to understand what’s really going on behind the scenes: Alex K (July 4, 2024).
How the British Invented Globalism. Modern Globalism was born in Victorian England. The plan was to merge the British Empire and the United States into a single superstate: Richard Poe (July 4, 2024).
Unfortunately, this Globalist ideology has infected our government. I don’t believe the majority of our corporate & political leaders have a clue what they’re enabling, unlike its more powerful proponents/servants. Notice is served, from this point on you are no longer exempt (July 4, 2024).
Maybe this document explains the human sculptures in the WTC lobby - with a hole where their stomach (guts) should have been - prior to their being turned to ash, and also Globalists obsession with transhumanism. I’d like to believe the ethos described in this doc only ascribes to the very top. It’s also possible this document was simply a plant or fake so we’d implicate a certain group. “The Hidden Tyranny - the issue that dwarfs all other issues”: The Rosenthal Document (July 4, 2024).
This Globalist agenda reminds me of the Rolling Stones song “Sympathy for the Devil” and also Tom Cruise’s character Lestat in “Interview With The Vampire”. Zionism is a pet cause of the Rothschilds that’s run away with the US government and its captured politicians. That you cannot utter the name “Rothschild” without being labeled an anti-Semite is by design (July 4, 2024).
At the very top: Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, and Bush Sr have always known exactly who and what they were supporting. Larry Fink and Blackrock as well. Ronald Reagan may have been the last president who gave a shit about the American people. Trump is the only one who might not be in the New World Order / Wreck America cabal since 1988 (July 4, 2024).
Remember Peanut: A Treatise On Evil And Why The State Killing Of A Squirrel Matters So Much. Is this the Amerika we want to live in?: Brandon Smith (July 4, 2024).]
While enjoying my visit with the Geneticist, it dawned on me I failed to account for the impact of the Placebo Effect on VAERS statistics, and how it might have skewed the numbers. My work should be viewed from a generalist’s perspective.
Jack of all trades, master of none, is the story of most of our lives.
I’d like to begin by dispelling the myth of the 1%. Ironically, when I back-tested my “0.001” addition to Michelle Obama’s possible candidacy this morning by dividing 364,000 federal employees in the greater DC metro area by 300,000,000 American citizens I came up with 0.00121333%. I in no way, shape or form believe all of OUR civil servants are evil, but 364,000 may be a number large enough to encompass all those in permanent power world-wide (big pharma, China, defense contractors, Globalist Banking & Media Dynasties, lobbyists for multinational corporations, the United Nations, as well as technocrats who profit from these selfish concerns).
Our government is run for these oftentimes hostile to democracy or adversarial interests, not for the US taxpayer who pays their salaries. Should you divide 364,000 bureaucrats by 8B global citizens you come up with 0.0000455% (4.55E-5%). Now there are nowhere near 364,000 demons pulling the strings globally, but the few who are have control of their respective banks, media outlets, governments and militaries. This makes them appear larger, and more powerful than they really are. This group has proven themselves to be untrustworthy, dangerous and wholly unfit to govern (July 4, 2024).
Are we going to allow a handful of crooks to hijack our democracy by hijacking its flow of information (because this is what’s happening)? I fail to see how Donald J. Trump got enough votes to win the last election, but there’s no disputing the fact this group commandeered social media, oftentimes by censoring the truth or labeling the truth as “disinformation” in order to torpedo the incumbent prior to the 2020 contest. Even with polling numbers for Congress and Mainstream STATE Media at all-time lows, it still seems like a lot of Americans parrot what they hear on the “news” (Left AND Right).
Remember, Fox News is the US government telling Conservative voters what it wants them to believe (hate Liberals), while CNN is our government telling Liberal voters what it wants them to believe (hate Conservatives). It’s programming (July 4, 2024).
Could the global “ruling” class be comprised of 10,000 or fewer individuals? Globalists are modern day robber barons whose influence dwarfs that of their predecessors.
If the moment someone says something - that does not comport with what CNN or Fox News planted in your brain - you rudely begin shouting them down… As an American this behavior is all too common (and embarrassing to witness).
That many prefer tuning into Fox News or CNN to get their little narrative (instead of studying serious journalism) is very concerning. Reliance on State Media is a lazy, and dangerous habit.
A large part of our problem is words and their meanings. I’m in the process of editing this manuscript to reflect the fact Globo-Cap (our rulers) are using Neo-Marxism (not Communism) to tilt the board further in their favor by dividing us. 90% of the pie isn’t enough. They must have 100%. We must have nothing.
The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest, and the Deep State’s Plan to Control Our Speech: Mike Benz.
Our government promotes Free Speech in countries where it wants to overthrow the current regime, but supports censorship of dissidents in countries where it’s installed dictators (July 4, 2024).
This is the best video I’ve seen regarding the expansion of the US security state post-9/11 attacks. It’s covered in a measured tone, and was shared in the comments section of a news aggregator I enjoy.
[Jacob Siegel (Part 1): 'Disinformation' Warfare: A New Weapon of Mass Destruction: Jan Jekielek.
I had the good fortune of listening to Siegel for 1:43:00 in my car yesterday. Let me just say his audio version is the full color version. Jacob describes his background in military intelligence, and how our government weaponizes the same techniques against its own citizens.
Jacob Siegel (Part 2): Pandemic Censorship and the Technocratic Betrayal of the American Voter: Jan Jekielek.]
Our goal is to inoculate the American people against information warfare. We must hope and pray journalists are able to miraculously get at the truth in this brave new world now facing us. We’re counting on them.
I’m far enough along I can say “I know more than so and so on this topic, so I can hit ‘fast forward’, but so and so is stronger than me in other areas, so I’ll continue to learn from them”. You can apply this to every news source.
Glenn Greenwald did a masterful job of pointing out how today’s censorship regime mirrors that of the mid-1990s (I was too busy being a typical high school and college student to notice at the time).
The Liberal shift from despising the security state to revering it occurred during the Clinton presidency, following the WTC and Oklahoma City bombings (there appears to have been federal involvement in the earlier WTC attack and OKC).
“From Waco to Today, Retracing the 30-Year Domestic War on Civil Liberties That Launched Gore Vidal's Political Transformation”: Glenn Greenwald.
Based on my fruitless searches regarding “Agenda 21” on DuckDuckGo, I would say curating your own trusted sources is a must these days. Greenwald and Siegel are a great place to start (neither discusses “conspiracy theories”).
[From what I understand, Conservatives may have censored Liberals during the 1980s. I haven’t had time to pursue this subject though.
Marxism should be criminalized as it was created for the express purpose of overthrowing democracies (see the Chinese Cultural Revolution of 1949).* Ironically the very same rulings that protected CP-USA should protect Conservatives in the US unless “Liberal” politicians succeed at overturning them. That said, apparently “Liberal” representatives are no longer constrained by the rule of law (see numerous false accusations & “show” trials of American conservatives).
*The USSA (UN) government is using a similar playbook to Chairman Mao’s on unsuspecting Americans as we speak. For simplicity’s sake, I may begin referring to the USSA strictly as the United Nations heretofore. We are one signature away from becoming a Socialist vassal state of the UN’s.
In a move predicted by many, the Amerikan establishment’s Censorship Regime has begun targeting the Left for protesting the Israeli government’s unlawful expansionism and genocide of the Palestinian people (many of whom are women and children). As you can see, Freedom of Speech no longer exists in our country. Will this finally give Conservative and Liberal voters something to rally around – personal feelings on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict notwithstanding? There are many reasons why Americans had the Right to Dissent in the former United States of America.
Republican senators Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio and Mitch McConnell made it clear to Trump they would vote to impeach him if he pardoned Assange and Snowden, declassified JFK files, or declassified other secrets that should have been declassified ages ago. Donald Trump was unable to stand up to the Deep State (UN) his first term, and now appears to be considering Marco Rubio for his VP. Make sense? Great article on the inner workings of DC, and why it’s a lost cause: Glenn Greenwald (July 4, 2024).
Stopping a Dangerous Article V Convention. Compare and contrast Greenwald’s last article with this one, and note the irony. This is the Deep State pushing back against Americans trying to regain control of our government. It’s a threat to the business as usual blackmailing described in Glenn’s piece: Common Cause.
Tulsi Gabbard or Marco Rubio for Trump’s Vice President? I was wrong to believe the hearsay on Gabbard. Here's why: Keep Hammering.
If Trump is re-elected and manages to cast “Little Marco” aside, his life will continue to be in danger much as JFK’s was when he broke from Establishment orthodoxy. I’ll look to soften my criticisms in light of what happened in Pennsylvania yesterday. As Trump faces an impossible situation in DC, I believe we need an Article 5 Convention asap.
Part of me wonders: why can’t we have an Article V Convention RIGHT NOW. Our Federal government is an unwieldy abomination that appears to be serving the UN (WEF) agenda rather than its own citizens. It wasn’t intended to run roughshod over states’ governors, or to usurp states’ rights.
Secret Service protocol for presidents was not followed. Because they were stretched thin, the S.S. wanted Trump to be assassinated or they realized it was a staged photo op? We will never know the truth. The truth when found will go into a classified file along with everything else withheld from the public: Tucker Carlson.
“‘Evidence’ of Multiple Shooters at Trump Assassination Attempt”. Did Secret Service let Trump stand up and pump his fist for a photo op, or because they wanted him to get hit? How could they have definitively known there weren’t more shooters? I can see why Liberals and a few Conservatives are examining the narrative: Greg Reese (InfoWars).
Police Snipers Noticed Trump Shooter Nearly 2 Hours Before Assassination Attempt, Texts Reveal. LEAs: it is on you to protect Trump. The Secret Service can no longer be trusted: Arjun Singh.
Sound can “ricochet”, confusing eye witnesses etc. It’s dangerous to dismiss this as a hoax as Japan’s Shinzo Abe was murdered, an attempt was made on Slovakian PM Robert Fico, and another has been made on Donald J. Trump. Each leader has put their country’s sovereignty ahead of the United Nations’ (UK) wishes - e.x., not supporting endless funding for Ukraine. I’d expect assassination attempts of Nationalist leaders to continue as long as Globalists are in power (July 4, 2024)…
Most conservative Free Speech advocates have gone off the rails following October 7, 2023 and are clamoring for Censorship of anyone questioning the Israeli government’s actions. Why is that?
It’s because Ukraine is central to the UN (UK) in Europe, whereas Israel is central to the UN (UK) in the Middle East. The British empire is who our country is being run for, not for American citizens (July 4, 2024).
Gaza: Israel’s ‘Open-Air Prison’ at 15. Israel, Egypt Movement Restrictions Wreak Havoc on Palestinian Lives: Human Rights Watch.
Our latest martyr. Please help resurrect Iyah’s career if she needs help. We’re fucking fed up, quite possibly at the expense of our careers/livelihoods. “Karmageddon”: Iyah May (July 4, 2024).
The vast majority of American (and European) voters who support the Israeli and US governments WOULD NOT if they followed legitimate journalists.
A war where no one shoots back at you isn’t a war. It’s a genocide. No one is shooting back at the Israel Defence Forces while they liquidate the Palestinian people, save for a few brave war correspondents - shooting film. Never mind, a few Hamas snipers are shooting back. Sniper takes out Israeli officer involved in attack on Gaza hospital: Jon Elmer.
After watching this video it should be quite clear to all that all Israel would have to do to end this war would be to raze these buildings completely. Hamas would have nowhere to hide. For some reason the Israeli government seems to be quite content offering up its troops as cannon fodder to keep this conflict going.
From what I understand 1,200 Israelis and up to 30,000 Palestinians have perished. Many believe the Israeli government has no choice other than to respond disproportionately to send a message - since they’re surrounded by Arab countries.
For me, it has a “there may be a few Viet Cong so napalm the entire village” feel to it. Regardless, I suspect most of us just want an end to this conflict before more Israeli and Palestinian lives are lost.
My take increasingly has become: most of us aren’t experts, so why beat each other up over certain issues. I personally have a difficult time trusting a government where seemingly every single Congressman wants a state of permanent war.
Of course, I appreciate the grit of the early Israelis. Especially first generation. I’m currently reading an ironic book. Jewish refugees of WWII briefly fled to Palestine along the same route Nazis and Red Army deserters initially used on their way to South America. My favorite book I’ve read on Israel was James Michener’s “The Source”, albeit it paints the settlers in a romanticized light (and Palestinians as one-dimensional). The book begins at an archaeological dig site and ends with Israel’s proclamation of independence. This is the version I had: The Source (July 4, 2024).
Unfortunately, the dark side of Zionism is what’s driving the Israeli government, not the aspirations of these first determined settlers who tired of being treated as second class citizens in Europe (July 4, 2024).
Far from being a dying empire, it appears as if British imperialism is alive and well - but rather being carried out by the US & Israeli militaries. How have they managed to accomplish this (July 4, 2024)?
[I’ve heard the expression “all wars are bankers wars” many times, but with little to substantiate it since comments or tweets don’t allow for much elaboration. Bankers - and “our” representatives - get rich from war itself, as well as from the subsequent rebuild of war torn countries in many instances (July 4, 2024).
If a “significant minority” of bankers who can call your debt, defense contractors and their representatives in Congress all want war - You get war. The bigger and/or longer lasting the better as far as these special interests are concerned.
Critics have begun to refer to bankers, defense contractors, lobbyists AND Congress’ behavior as a form of money laundering. Deep down we all realize our representatives represent everyone but we the American people. They get our endorsement no matter what every April through our tax dollars (July 4, 2024).
If government was run like a business, and we got to vote with our tax dollars, the US Federal government would have gone bankrupt and been out of business generations ago, most likely following the Vietnam War (meaning you’re doing a lousy job, we’re not paying our taxes until you get your act together).
Our system of governance should be returned to a much earlier time, before one of our many adversaries turns us into nuclear ash.
The Paradigm Shift of the New Populism. JT has been about as spot on as any of us could possibly hope to be: Jeffrey Tucker.
Obviously, none of us will ever bat 1,000, but Tucker’s observations regarding the CoVid pandemic should be relatable to all of us (Left to Right).]
“Why does the Christian West ignore Palestinian Christians’ plight? Israel may well wipe out the Christian presence in Gaza as part of its genocide, and Western leaders could not care less”. Why is that?: Daoud Kuttab (July 4, 2024).
Of course their narrative is going to be biased. If this leads to the resurgence of anti-war Left voters that would be a very good thing for we the people and the rest of the world.
Israelis’ bad behavior falls between Apartheid and Genocide. Were acts of terrorism prevalent enough to justify incarcerating Palestinians in an open air prison? Does it warrant the Israeli military gleefully razing rows of apartments while toasting one another, or Israeli citizens blockading humanitarian aid?
“Liberal Finger-Wagging At Netanyahu Is A Phony, Cynical Charade.” More proof the Military Industrial Complex has had control of the US government and media for over SIXTY years. Bear in mind ONE 2,000 pound bomb is capable of leveling an entire city block. Is this really necessary?: Caitlin Johnstone.
Gracias Univision por informar que nuestros estudiantes están protestando por el genocidio del gobierno israelí y estadounidense contra los habitantes de Gaza (el pueblo palestino). Sus compañeros judíos también participan en protestas por la matanza de inocentes. Estas no son protestas antiisraelíes o antijudías. Esa es una mentira patrocinada por los gobiernos de Estados Unidos y Occidente.
Perhaps I am underestimating the pressure Israel is under. If so, I apologize. That said, we all win should this war draw to a close.]
Could it be possible Americans are living in a country more nefarious than China? Yes, if you speak out against the CCP politburo you’re in deep trouble - much more so than currently in the US - but what if you do not speak out against their Communist party? While the CCP politburo is waging Cultural Genocide on Americans the US is funding Actual Genocide with our tax dollars and money printing.
Let me clarify: it’s now the Amerikan establishment waging Cultural Genocide on our children - trans-Easter or whatever Chairman Joe labelled it (we can no longer conveniently, or expediently lay the blame exclusively at the CCP politburo’s feet). Identity-Based Neo-Marxism has been a successful top-down project of the United Nations (USSA) government and its institutions. It’s why everyone of these bastards must be fired immediately.
How much blame truly lays at the ChiCom politburo’s feet (as globalist banking and media dynasties are much more powerful than the Chinese Communist Party)? I may need to rewrite parts to reflect this unfortunate reality.
That’s 345,800 Federal employees who are Woke and also under the influence of the Chinese Communist Party. That doesn’t include Federal employees throughout the nation, or the Woke and CCP-captured Amerikan establishment and its institutions and universities at large. Without a doubt, this is where the CIA and FBI get most of their new recruits. Thankfully our military is more diverse, generals notwithstanding. Many have lost faith in our generals.
*Now, back to those 364,000 Federal employees in the greater DC metro area. 95% are Democrats who consider checks and balances, and common sense as forms of Right-Wing extremism. For them, a Left vote is a vote for job security. Why vote Right for a party that “pledges” to shrink the government and eliminate your jobs? Can everyone see our dilemma?
Government media has engaged in a white washing of history to convince Liberal voters the Chinese Communist Party isn’t guilty of Muslim genocide, forced organ harvesting from living prisoners of conscious, or other crimes against humanity. ChiComs and their money are on our side, or so DC’s Federal employees believe. “The government doesn’t tell us to worry about China, so we don’t worry about China” say Liberal voters and Federal employees. Existential threats to our Republic are piling up, aren’t they? These Federal employees’ beliefs are just one threat of many.
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history” - George Orwell:
I’m not ready for Drag Queen torchbearers at the Summer Games. Was viewing Rocky Horror Picture Show as a high school requirement in the 90s paving the way for this? I view an operation like this as being much more heavily influenced by the devils at the UN (WEF) than by Chinese Communists.
“Covert Child Sex Change Surgeries at Texas Children's Hospital”. Child Sex Change Surgeries are big business, and also a “nonviolent” way to depopulate: Tudor Dixon & Caroline Downey.
Josef Mengele, Texas Children’s Hospital same difference? Herr Josef would most certainly enjoy performing these “surgeries” on unsuspecting youths. Vote Left if you hate children and heteros (there may still be a few voices of dissent on the Right).
[I’m fine if a handful of my adult friends in the arts dress in drag occasionally. They are adults, and besides it’s none of my business. However, how many feel Drag Queens should be held up as role models to tens of millions of young children? I’d prefer to let them be children. If a few decide they enjoy dressing in drag as college students, fine. I worry this trans agenda is being carried out to destroy children’s identities at as young an age as possible (and also for profit). It’s sickening. I hope most in the broader gay community agree with me, including my adult friends who model women’s clothes occasionally.]
Do I believe the average intersex person wants to slice off a 10 year old boy’s penis & replace it with a vagina? No, of course not. The fact this agenda is coming from our government should be disturbing to everyone - including trans people. The question everyone should be asking themselves is WHY?!
Paris Olympics sponsor Coca Cola selects purple-haired drag queen to carry the Olympic Torch: La Provence.
If this was simply a one off, I'd be happy for Martin. Unfortunately, it’s a global movement that has sprung up from out of nowhere - the UN (WEF) - to strongly encourage teens to alter their bodies at as young an age as possible. Drag can be viewed as a gateway to Trans, just as Transgenderism can be viewed as a gateway to Transhumanism. Transhumanism is the WEF’s ultimate goal as it would make the human race fully controllable.
[Paris Olympics 2024: Transgender middle-distance runner Nikki Hiltz qualifies with record-breaking 1500m time: Jordan Pagkalinawan.
Are NBC’s viewers supposed to think “look how awesome it is to be trans; to win all of these events”? Biological women are a joke (inferior). Among numerous objectives the Amerikan establishment also wants us to hate each other. The question is how do we fight this war without making it personal to the few Intersex friends we encounter in our daily lives? It seems like we could have the men’s 1500, women’s 1500 and save the trans’ 1500m as the marquee event. Intersex Olympic Games qualifiers: is it fair or just someone’s biologically female daughter will have to sit out the Paris Olympics because of you?
Sad to say, if there is ever an asterisk next to Nikki’s name it will do no good for the poor young lady stuck at home. If trans go 1-2-3 in Paris there’s no point to women’s athletics. Women might as well hang up their spikes for good.
Why not call yourselves females whilst competing in women’s sports rather than a trans / non-binary word salad that leaves millions of viewers wondering if you’re a hermaphrodite, or a man who has had a sex change operation to gain a competitive advantage over biologically female athletes. Nikki & Co are responsible for perpetuating this confusion (while laughing at millions of confounded viewers). What kind of game are they playing?
As Nikki’s birth certificate says female I’ll grudgingly root for her as she’s an American in the women’s 1500m final, but I’m not sure why we must go down this ridiculous path? There’s no place for this bullshit in women’s athletics. Just be an adult and say I’m biologically female when you compete. Call yourself whatever the fuck you want outside of competition. How upset should we be if someone reveling in this doesn’t have offspring?
How about “I’m biologically female when I compete (but identify as someone else for giggles and grins when I’m not competing)”? If I understand correctly Nikki deserves full credit for setting the American record. Can anyone blame me for being confused?]
Eugenics programs include both positive measures, such as encouraging individuals deemed particularly "fit" to reproduce (this doesn’t occur at all in Western societies), and negative measures, such as forced sterilization of people deemed unfit to reproduce. A brief history of Eugenics: Wikipedia.
Friends joke I'm coming at the problem from the Right, whereas they're coming at the problem from the Left, but if coming at the problem from the Left destroys civil society, and transfers all of the power to a handful of Technocrats (or heaven forbid, to an Artificial Intelligence) what could humans possibly hope to gain (July 4, 2024)?
No, I’m not an anti-Technologist. However, I would prefer to see AI managed by a smaller sovereign Federal government, and also by we the American people rather than by a zombie Congress (who appears to be controlled by some Foreign entity that doesn’t care a whit about our country or her people).
Technocrats are passing Hate Speech laws throughout the Western world targeting all those voicing concern for young people. Censorship is a given, with possible fines and jail time on the horizon (this can also be applied to wars in Israel and Ukraine, CoVid mRNA “vaccines”, the 9/11 attacks or any concern running counter to the UN (WEF)’s narrative. Our governments are no longer our own. We’re all property of the UN (WEF) and WHO now. The pandemic was our proof.
One could make a valid argument that all Western governments should be dissolved and governance handed back to their people. In any event, every Technocrat must be removed from power while we still have the opportunity to do so. We may lose that opportunity for good should WWIII and/or the next Pandemic lockdown MARTIAL LAW be around the corner. One could view Zelensky’s anti-Democratic behavior in Ukraine as a test case for our future. I would imagine there are high level talks right now in Western governments regarding how best to enslave us before we’re able to toss them out on their asses - SEE EVENT 201.*
*Event 201 was when the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum, and Johns Hopkins collaborated with world rulers (unelected technocrats) to prepare for the next pandemic on October 18, 2019. The first reported cases of CoVid-19 were in Wuhan, China, around November 17, 2019. Coincidence?
Constitutionalists may have guns, but are in charge of little else. True Americans who value individual freedom are battling several generations or more of indoctrination in our public institutions. Freedom lovers are losing, or have already lost. I’m worried it’s the latter. The hammer has clearly dropped on a Free Press. Democracy can no longer exist without a Free Press. It’s heartbreaking that a significant minority of American voters are dumb enough to support more censorship.
Americans who care about freedom - our Constitution & Bill of Rights - should find this very troubling. Globalist banking & media elites have no respect whatsoever for our Civil Liberties should they get in the way of their agenda, as Americans’ rights frequently do. It is all very Chinese Cultural Revolution of 1949ish-the destruction of traditional values, so that we the people no longer have a moral compass to guide us, as well as our leaders whitewashing of history (July 4, 2024).
While many influencers such as university professors may believe in Woke ideology, those in permanent power view this Neo-Marxist nonsense strictly as a means to an end (and professors and the like as useful idiots or tools leveraged so they can increase their power over us whilst eliminating basic human rights we take for granted). They are molding America into China with great success (primarily in the surveillance and social credit departments). I hope you’ll keep reading, and conduct your own research, as this is easily verified.
Today’s youths may never learn what it means to be an American. It will be up to their parent’s to teach them (they won’t learn it in school).
The Nazi Shadow Behind the World’s Youngest Billionaires. Josef Mengele’s son Rolf is worth $1.8B reportedly: David De Jong.
Young Globalist Leaders of the World Economic Forum pushing transgenderism on Chinese schoolchildren would be summarily executed. This probably puts China on globalist banking & media elites’ shit list as well (despite them having learned a great deal from the CCP regarding surveillance, social credit and the like).
How George W. Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power: Betsy Reed.
Had unaccountable Rulers abided by the Trading w/ the Enemy act instead of looking for loopholes, might World War II have ended much sooner? Oligarchs appear to have enjoyed generations of close ties with Nazis and their descendants out of the limelight - speculation (July 4, 2024).
["You can't blame Bush for what his grandfather did any more than you can blame Jack Kennedy for what his father did - bought Nazi stocks - but what is important is the cover-up, how it could have gone on so successfully for half a century, and does that have implications for us today?" asked John Loftus.
“The Anti-Defamation League in the US is supportive of Prescott Bush and the Bush family. In a statement last year they said that "rumours about the alleged Nazi 'ties' of the late Prescott Bush ... have circulated widely through the internet in recent years. These charges are untenable and politically motivated ... Prescott Bush was neither a Nazi nor a Nazi sympathiser."
However, one of the country's oldest Jewish publications, the Jewish Advocate, has aired the controversy in detail.” - Betsy Reed]
The ADL is yet another tentacle of the Deep State (CIA) aligned with the rich and powerful against we the people in my opinion. We know there was a cover up for a fact, and yet that’s the best the ADL can do?
Cultural Marxism is being used to weaken our armed forces as well. A weakened Russia (Ukraine) also benefits the Chinese Communists. Russia’s abundant natural resources - should she be overrun by the CCP - would give ChiComs the ability to conquer the entire region. Sanctioning Cuba and Venezuela also gives the People’s Liberation Army a large footprint in the Western hemisphere. Our decision-makers are being played expertly by the Chinese Politburo without most realizing it.
“First you allow your country to be invaded, then you hand automatic weapons to the people who invaded it. Douglas Macgregor on the worst idea Congress has ever had”. This could be Narcos, or Hamas. We’ve had service members lose it before, but you can imagine having dozens “lose it” within a period of hours or days: Tucker Carlson.
Those of us who want equal opportunity for minorities are being manipulated by evil. Unfortunately, the party of DEI also favors CRT and Gender “Reassignment” Surgery (Sex Change Operations for minors as young as six years old) as well as Open Borders. We can’t endorse one without endorsing the others. Whoever is pulling the strings is evil - we must ferret them out and bring them to justice asap. Don’t feel stupid if this doesn’t click at first. However, you owe it to your fellow countrymen to pore over this manuscript until it does. Remember the many patriots who sacrificed to get us to this point.
DEI can mean different things to different people. I cannot imagine very many of my “colored” friends I met raising money for their communities would endorse Critical Race and Gender theories (gender reassignment). However, one can’t vote Democrat without inadvertently supporting the UN (WEF)’s Transgenderism efforts. Sorry, it’s impossible to be ahead of the “tip of the spear” geo-politically whilst being an expert in all things Trans.
I suppose “authorities” will have to look up who a Scotsman voted for if he happens to misgender someone publicly. If “authorities” do not approve of his candidates, it’s off to the clink he goes. This would help the Scottish government keep sane & reasonable Scots off the streets. Needless to say, I hope this measure did not pass. What’s to keep the UN (WEF) Congress in Washington DC from enacting a similar measure? Nothing but a dwindling handful of Republican populists (July 4, 2024).
I’d love to visit Bretagne and Wales some day, but sadly never will as long as the UN (WEF) is calling the shots. Screw you and your vaccine passports. Shove ‘em up your arses. You’re ruining the tourism business. It’s safe to assume Western governments cook the books on tourism just as they do with economic numbers.
[We can give minorities greater opportunities without caving in to our Marxist leaders primarily through education (and greater access to capital). Imagine if our government had spent the trillions of dollars it spent on the Gulf wars making sure school districts were on equal footing, and their teachers compensated. The difference would be night and day. I have a great education, but there are many things I don’t do well. When a Latino youth possessing the latent gifts to be a surgeon is passed over due to lack of resources, we all lose.
Blame our Crony Capitalist system where bureaucrats & defense contractors get rich at the expense of American taxpayers. Not the average white person. The majority of us proles want what’s best for each other regardless of race, but we’re not the ones in charge of our government and its many institutions. Unfortunately, many self-serving (duplicitous) apparatchiks are.]
“Defining Woke In The Context Of The Federal Budget & Appropriations Process”: Center for Renewing America. The Center for Renewing America. Everyone one of us should love the sound of that. “Beijing’s Woke Propaganda War in America”: Miles Maochun Yu. Most Americans are in favor of eradicating racism & homophobia, just not in (Neo-Marxist) ways that drive a wedge between us.
The Amerikan establishment can’t win a single argument so they must resort to name-calling and censorship. If you don’t support the Israeli government’s unlawful actions you’re anti-Semitic. If you don’t support Critical Race Theory and Gender Theory you must be racist or homophobic. Both sides of the Amerikan Establishment’s Uni-Party, the Left and the Right, support this petty behavior. One actively, the other passively…
“The Woke Movement Is Actually Corporate Enslavement…” No further description as I want everyone to read this: Brandon Smith.
IT’S OBVIOUS THE AMERIKAN ESTABLISHMENT HAS INTIMIDATED MOST AMERICANS INTO SILENCE. One example, I see very few “Let’s Go Brandon” tee shirts in public (“now, we mustn’t offend our Corporate overlords” - Dallas, TX is a very Corporate city). A few Mexican-American friends have even given me the “you must be a White Nationalist” stink eye when I have worn it - because it’s racist not wanting to hand my tax dollars to someone in our country illegally.
We have got plenty of Americans who are in need. What is our government’s agenda? Nothing they do is for American citizens’ benefit. Might their true agenda be harmful to the average American? Spoiler Alert: it almost always is.
Trans-Easter was more top-down Neo-Marxism designed to drive everyone except the most brainwashed Leftists bonkers. It’s a creation of the Totalitarians in power, rather than something nefarious dreamed up by the gay community. If you’re a black or gay person institutionalized State marxism is killing your causes, turning people against you, and winding the clock back decades. All of this is being done in order to transfer power to the most despotic group of depraved technocrats the world has ever known. I’m afraid it will be up to our children and grandchildren to overthrow these tyrants (in order to restore democracy). Free Shit will carry the day until our country is completely destroyed. Those of you voting to exchange a Free Press for free shit prove me wrong. Slackers are “winning” in Canada, as will very likely be the case in the former United States of America. It’s a damn shame.
When the government says it’s paying for your loan (or denies paying illegals) it’s not paying for anything, taxpayers are!! Many taxpayers are scraping by or going into debt under this administration. We’re not xenophobic (please educate yourselves Liberals and ILLEGAL immigrants)!! You’re not owed anything by the American taxpayer. A few of you may be owed by our government as a result of its never-ending sanctions and wars, but unfortunately our government is an unproductive liability that leeches off its citizens & inflates the value of our currency into ether rather than a productive asset.
Where have our Black & Mexican-American friends gone? Sure, a few have gone into restaurant management, but what about the rest of them? Have they learned to code? It has been predominantly Central and South Americans taking care of me in recent years. Cheap labor loses its luster when most of us are the Cheap labor (the “help”) by the way.
{I agree w/ Rand Paul that we should continue trading with the hardworking Chinese people as a means of averting war. However, we mustn’t let them steal our Intellectual Property-IP. It’s as if ‘murcan companies are habitually caught with their pants down. What gives?! You know the Politburo doesn’t have your back / won’t help you when a ChiCom company apes your products/technology. Why keep bending over and saying “thank you sir, may I have another?” That goes for Texas Instruments and many other American corporations. Is this really a purposeful transfer under the guise of IP theft? It’s beginning to seem like it.
Are our technology executives beholden to/corrupted by the Chinese Communists? Blackmail, bribes etc. Accepting money in some way, shape or form in exchange for letting this IP transfer occur - and then by wringing their hands and claiming they don’t know how to stop it (July 4, 2024)?}
This deceit has worked predictably well given most Liberal voters refusal to question authority. The Amerikan establishment has somehow convinced young Liberal voters that Totalitarianism is Liberalism. It’s not.
Four more years of “Democratic” rule is apt to lead to our best investigative journalists being deplatformed and defunded - assets frozen or seized. It’s beginning to sound as if Americans have woken up, and Trump is a shoe in for president. Love him or hate him, his presidency was far less injurious to most voters, including Liberal voters. The “Democratic” party may have to run Michelle Obama or assassinate Trump. The jury’s out on how many Republican politicians are for real. Not many by the looks of it.
[Yes, we can accuse everyone of being a racist or a homophobe so Marxists and their NGOs remain relevant for another 20 years (July 4, 2024).
Yes, we can project our crimes onto our political opponents and claim their policies are our policies in the run up to an election.
Young voters thank you for seeing through this BS!! Harris was beautiful and articulate in the debate and at the DNC, but aside (July 4, 2024)…
from her childhood most of what she said was a lie. Projection was rampant as well as the theft of Trump’s agenda (border, etc).
Progressive Nihilism will destroy everyone, including those voting for it. Democratic policy is Globalist policy to a T (July 4, 2024).
Regressives then have the nerve to turn around and accuse any Nationalist leader who loves their country as being Hitler.
I’m not preaching Isolationism. There’s no question we’ll have to do a great deal of investing abroad to compete with China and to remain relevant (July 4, 2024).
But I would prefer to see diplomacy, investment and the occasional threat of a “big stick” carry the day, rather than endless wars.
I’m sorry bankers, defense contractors and politicians, we’re going to leave your depraved business model behind for good (July 4, 2024)…]
“Tucker Carlson and Michael Shellenberger Break Down the California Fires”. I’m including this link as it also touches on Progressive Nihilism and the curious phenomenon of White Self-Hatred: Tucker Carlson.
One should view my work as strictly wholistic.
It’s influenced by my understanding of the Federal Reserve (and the Fed’s relationship with the Bank of International Settlements, IMF and World Bank), the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, as well as the United Nations (UN). All of the above appear to share many common goals (July 4, 2024).
Do we want these entities to succeed, or to fail?
“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority… National sovereignty was not such a great idea after all” - Strobe Talbot, Bill Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State (July 4, 2024).*
“Vote no to EU enslavement”. No further description as I want everyone to read this: Cymru Sofren.
Though supposedly independent, the UK was able to sink its claws into America via financial methods and flattery.
I’ve come to the conclusion a significant minority of voters will go along with whatever our government says. No matter how harmful to our democracy. Championing further “limits” on Free Speech is one example. The elimination of Free Speech would be quite a coup for the crooks in power. It’s difficult to put up much of a fight with these losers acting as an albatross dragging our freedom into the abyss.
Conservatives must miraculously win over a significant minority of Liberal voters for our Democracy to survive. However, each group has been conned into supporting the United Nation’s agenda of endless foreign conflicts/entanglements.
Globalists Claim Mass (Illegal) Immigration Helps The US Economy – Here’s Why That’s A Lie: Brandon Smith.
Soros-backed investors buy dozens of Spanish language U.S. radio stations to combat “misinformation” THE TRUTH among Hispanic communities: The Rio Times.
I’ll one up Smith and say that it’s much more than a wash when one factors in the Western-Born “lower rungs of the ladder” who are being replaced and forced onto welfare as a result of Illegal Immigration.
Communism is the end game for us and most of DC’s Federal employees, but not for George Soros and his ilk. They will own everything we used to own.
Soros fancies his son as the second coming of Alexander the Great. Consider yourself warned.
I should spend a lot more time studying this, and I’d imagine most readers should as well. Without this holistic top-down approach, it’s impossible to understand how the field of geopolitics works or to forecast.
It’s possible there are more sincere Populists in the Republican ranks than I realize, I hope that’s the case, but I just don’t find the ins and outs of the micro very interesting. Most politicians are quite daft, and so are those reporting on them.
Like most voters, I should also become more familiar with who I’m voting for up and down the ballot. I’ve a few brilliant friends who are able to accomplish this, but they are in the minority.]
And this is precisely why certain powers-that-be in Washington, DC were absolutely dedicated to making sure that Jordan could not get this close to the center of power. The urgency these days to keep the racket going, and keep rebels at bay has become extremely intense: Jeffrey Tucker.
I’m afraid it may not be an accident the new Speaker’s an Evangelical. Liberal votes will be as hard to come by as ever for Conservatives. I realize many Liberals grow up voting Democrat, the same way Conservatives vote Republican, but it may be time for Liberals to reconsider. I hope many of you will after realizing how little you are getting in return on the social and environmental fronts. It’s mostly just hot air and money printing - the latter of which will gradually then suddenly bankrupt all of us. This is central to global oligarchs very public “you vill own nuh-ting, und be heppy” plan. Yes, aspirational Liberal elites with net worths in the tens of millions, you will own nothing and be happy as well. It just may take a little longer with you than with the rest of us.
The previous paragraph should be considered with the many Conservative SCOTUS rulings (“victories”) since overturning the landmark Roe v. Wade case “coincidentally” before the midterm elections.* Supreme Court justices appear to be ruling in such a manner as to guarantee voters who are socially Liberal never vote Conservative again (even as they go broke). Overturning Roe v. Wade generated a predictably Pavlovian response, shifting Liberal voters’ focus from inflation and the economy, to abortion. I say this non-judgmentally. If I felt my rights were under siege, I may have responded by voting Left and against my financial well-being as well.
“Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now to Confess?” It never occurred to me censorship effected the ENTIRE election, not just the Presidential race. Any candidate so much as questioning the narrative was shut out: Jeffrey Tucker.
*I don’t care whether you agree with the Supreme Court’s decision to give states more power, it’s the timing of their decision (any court ruling in favor of Corporate Personhood is an enemy of the people. Period. Look @ what’s happened. Corporations have almost completed their takeover of our country as a result).
I am afraid Speaker Johnson is a fraud. I figured as much on a gut level when the Establishment wings of both parties lauded his promotion to House Speaker. On paper, he and Jim Jordan appear very similar. However, Johnson has looked like a Manchurian candidate at the podium lately. Johnson has done the opposite of what he promised at every turn.
I am not going to come out and say it at this point, you will have to work it out on your own, but I can think of one specific lobby who may not be above issuing death threats to our elected officials or anyone else standing in their way (July 4, 2024).
It’s too bad I didn’t think to conduct an informal poll while attending gallery events over the past year. Please feel free to subscribe and leave a comment.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warns against a 'system of socialism for the rich' as his 2024 campaign launches. I fell into the trap of parroting nonsense about Tulsi Gabbard and RFK, Jr. As it turns out, we’re all more or less on the same page: Joshua Comins.
I’ve since been informed that Bobby Kennedy, Jr. was forced to run as an Independent for “Democracy”. DJT is also being politically persecuted heavily for “Democracy”. We the people having any say whatsoever is clearly a threat to our “Democracy”.
RFK, Jr. saw he wouldn’t be able to gain enough delegates under the current system. Let us get Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the ballot in all 50 states. Why are “Democrats” throwing up roadblocks: Joel B. Pollak.
Populists are racking up landslide victories around the world, from Europe to South America, leaving Ronin to wonder if Liberal voters aren’t as far gone as Right-Wing media claims.
States are trying to block Donald Trump from the ballot (to defend our “Democracy”). Here's what happens next: David Jackson & Aysha Bagchi.
This would be ludicrous if it wasn’t so troubling. Our “rulers” are jumping through flaming hoops in order to avoid another JFK-assassinating a president who wields the greatest power to hold them accountable, and who also pledges to fire them in great numbers.
Massive Ballot Fraud Forces Judge to Overturn Election, Whistleblower Leaks Video. Ballot stuffing in race to determine Democratic nominee for mayor in Bridgeport, CT: Facts Matter.
You didn’t have the nerve to tangle with the Deep State (CIA) by pardoning Edward Snowden while you had the opportunity to do so. Bureaucrats & ruling oligarchs who control the media were calling most of the shots during your time in office. The only solution is removing all of them from power.
It seems like Trump could have pardoned Julian Assange as Assange was never a US citizen, but it also appears as if Trump has no desire to ruffle the Deep State (CIA)’s feathers short of shaking his fist at them periodically for votes and morale. He must prove he’s for real this time, and he’s got a lot of proving to do. I don’t think he’s for real, but am eager for Trump to prove me wrong. As usual, the Deep State (CIA) has seen to it we the people don’t have a choice.
I am cynical as hell, but the trials may all be one big charade to convince us Trump is the Messiah. If he’s elected, our Democracy must still be intact (IT’S CLEARLY NOT AS PROVEN BY THE COVID-19 MARTIAL LAW LOCKDOWN AND COVER UP). Nothing to see here move along. Any government willing to spend billions of taxpayer dollars, whether these trials are a charade or not, deserves to be…
The only reason the Uniparty is obsessed with TikTok is that information appears to be flowing more freely through TikTok at the moment. Saber-rattling against the CCP is disingenuous as Facebook and company also collect data, as well as pushing Neo-Marxist viewpoints, and censoring those of who tell the truth - expose State secrets. You mofos will run into a brick wall once we convince Liberal friends and family our Democracy isn’t possible without a Free Press.
You don’t like what “Jeff Bezos” has to say, stop using “Amazon” and stop reading the “Washington Post”. Bezos is probably far from the most flagrant of the lot, but his was the only name that came to mind. Sorry Jeff, better luck next time.
If our tyrannical government says “Jeff, stop hosting Conservative apps like Parlor” Amazon must comply or face the consequences (“we’ll break up your business etc”). Everyone loves to hate Mark Zuckerberg, but Zuck may have faced a similar set of circumstances.
That said, stay out of the election-influencing business Zuck. Donate to public school districts instead.
“The Cloward-Piven Strategy: Orchestrating A Crisis So Government Can ‘Solve’ It”. This is but a Marxist-Communist footnote, but benefits from the above foreign policy: CFA (July 4, 2024).
This block is Jeffrey Tucker’s writing. There’s more in the link below. This is the only time I can recall featuring another journalist in this manner, but Tucker really nails his description of the Deep (Administrative) State in a way all of us can understand. I hope you’ll also check out a free link to Jeffrey’s work below:
“Many totalitarian societies have figured out over time how to appear to be democratic without actually being so. When I was growing up, we used to laugh about how the Soviet people had a vote. What possibly could that mean or why would it matter in the slightest if the vote only ends up changing the face and name of the marionette on the balcony reading prepared propaganda?
We as Americans sneered at such a fake democracy. It exists in name only over there, whereas here we have the real thing!
Or so we thought. Every American must absolutely learn the lesson of these last 31 months.
They locked us in OUR homes, closed our churches and schools and businesses, restricted travel, segregated whole cities based on whether a person had taken a medicine like some kind of dystopian movement, wrecked the entire economy, and separated families by force.
Not one person in this entire country voted for a single one of these things to happen. It was never on the ballot. And for the most part, the elected leaders in this country were not the main actors in this. They gave approval to be sure but mainly because most of them are deeply ignorant, easily led, and deeply scared.
The main actors were people who were never elected. They were appointed bureaucrats. Most of them cannot be fired. They have permanent jobs with high income & benefits. They have vast power, more power it seems than the politicians and certainly more power than you. Indeed they have awesome power over you. And over everything, to the point that they can say whether you can go to church or not or whether your children can play with friends.
Not even the courts can act fast enough to control them and stop them from exercising total power over our lives” - Jeffrey Tucker.
“The Deep State Is What Disables Democracy.” This is one of the best definitions of the GLOBAL Deep State you’ll find hands down. Don’t let Mainstream STATE media fool you into believing the Global Deep State is our savior. It’s most certainly not: The Burning Platform.
It’s clear technocrats around the world had a plan for the pandemic, isn’t it? The first cases of CoVid-19 were reported in Wuhan around November 17, 2019. How could our despotic rulers possibly know there’d be an outbreak thirty days after their Event 201 pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019: Center for Health Security?
I haven’t had time to follow the news lately, so treat this as a near future science fiction concept of how the world works behind the scenes. Generally speaking, I believe this happens all the time (EVs are one example). Bill Gates has created an mRNA “vaccine” to protect chickens from bird flu if I understand correctly. Will eating poultry pass the spike protein on to humans? Cue a bird flu pandemic: The People's Voice.
“Klaus Schwab Warns of ‘an Era of Shock Events’. Klaus Schwab and his ‘forum’ have been proclaiming how they will change the lives of the masses for years but everyone turns a blind eye”: Martin Armstrong (July 4, 2024).
“Conspiracy theories take off after global IT crash”. The French media parodying itself (and all Western MSM sources). Oh, how I wish I could trust their anonymous “journalist”. They’re describing exactly what’s being carried out in general, and then categorically denying it. This behavior is commonly referred to as gaslighting. As far as this particular internet outage is concerned, I don’t have an opinion: France 24.
For simplicity’s sake I’d view the following as Nazis: bankers who fuel wars by providing arms then profit from rebuilding nations they have destroyed, as well as unaccountable governing RULING bodies such as the United Nations (WEF) & World Health Organization. I’m tired of them leveraging the US military and printing press to do their dirty work (July 4, 2024).
A big part of our problem is that Americans, myself included, don’t understand how things work. Everyone should spend some time studying Keynesian Economics, and why it’s doomed to fail.
Do most of you feel like almost everyone and everything around you is in some way… dumber? That critical reasoning, and the use of a high school vocabulary is in some way frowned upon. Items break down, reps can’t fix them, infrastructure’s crumbling, trains are derailing, but many Americans don’t have a clue. Including our President. There are consequences for letting mediocre bureaucrats “rule the world”. Politicians historically are not the most intelligent people. Every decision they make is to better themselves at our expense, allowing them to rule indefinitely with no accountability - at this they’ve excelled (fully integrating the three branches of our government in the process). Now I’m no Einstein, but I’m constantly shaking my head in disbelief. If this is you then this comedy’s right up your alley - Mike Judge nailed it again: Idiocracy.
“The key to beating back rising support for Socialism on both the Left and Right is helping more people understand that Big Government and Central Banking are the cause of their problems…” Central Banking is Socialism: Ron Paul.
{Theoretically if a president shutters the Federal Reserve bank (as Javier Milei is proposing for Argentina), then ceases to pay Federal income taxes, out-of-work bureaucrats won’t be able to print themselves out of a corner. It’s game over for ALL Federal employees. President Biden’s refusal to send disaster relief to Florida - because IL-LIBERAL Washington elites disapproved of Governor DeSantis’ handling of the pandemic - made me wonder what the point of having a Federal government was? I realize FEMA and a few other government agencies do God’s work, and that reality may not be as black and white as some of us would like it to be…
How the Federal Reserve Created an American Caste System. “The Fed’s monetary manipulations have financed trillions of dollars in federal budget deficits, but they have also created a permanent American underclass, something antithetical to the Founders’ vision for the country”: E.J. Antoni (July 4, 2024).
America hasn’t been a sovereign nation since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. JFK was probably the last President in the least bit beholden to the American people. That realization has become abundantly clear watching Congress’ behavior in the aftermath of the Hamas attack. It most likely explains Speaker Johnson’s bizarre transformation as well.
I would imagine the more intelligent of their time decried the creation of a Federal government and Central Bank. A Central Bank beholden to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS). Yes, the same Bank of International Settlements who suppresses the price of gold so it can inflate the value of our money into ether. The BIS’ actions hurt 99.999% of us around the world. There is nowhere for people to store savings to get out in front of 20%-25% inflation. Another four years of Biden’s endless “grants”, and up to half of Americans will no longer have savings.
People: the stock market can go to zero in a hurry, and stay there longer than we can stay solvent. Perhaps forever… I’ve also begun to view inflation as a form of Economic Nihilism (July 4, 2024).
What role if any did the Federal Reserve & international banking entanglements play in World War I and World War II? Why was Switzerland permitted to remain neutral with all hell breaking loose around it? I’ve refused to study this thus far as I can only take so much bad news at a time. We do know American robber barons made out like bandits by playing both sides.
What American Presidential Candidates Can Learn from Javier Milei: Roger Simon.
“I do think that the future belongs to electronic money, but what we’ve seen over the last centuries is that it is actually a good idea to give banks & governments the ability to create more & more money in order to build more trust within society. So, I’m not sure what money would look like in 20 years or 30 years, but I hope that it would be a currency of greater trust & not a currency of distrust” - YUVAL NOAH HARARI lol: The Davos Class Is Desperate.*
You can imagine if ceasing to pay taxes ultimately defunded government-controlled corporate media, as well as government-controlled social media companies. This coupled with the public no longer supporting companies like “A-B”, and voila all of the sudden our “ruling” oligarchs are no longer ruling. I get the sense billions have also been pulled from Blackrock. The only way for we the people to fight back is to hit them where it hurts - financially. We can play this game too. The only hitch is, we must do this immediately. It’s the only way to defang the bad guys. How can I/we hurt Soros? How can I/we hurt Gates? How can I/we weaken the Chinese Communist Party (put down social media immediately)? Hopefully other writers will pick up this ball and run with it…
*Are Nazis framing and setting up Jewish people, hiding behind the Jewish cause, then slandering anyone who questions them (Nazis claiming to be Jewish) of anti-Semitism? There’s something sick and twisted going on here (July 4, 2024).
Pinning our hopes on one Messiah, or on a handful of self-proclaimed Conservative populists, isn’t likely to work. I’m simply suggesting this as a short term option, as I believe it will take things getting worse for the American people to finally throw off the yoke of the Amerikan establishment. This will probably require the middle and upper classes suffering alongside lower income Americans. We’re not quite there yet. Maybe in four years? The EU is a “term” or two ahead of us. We could save ourselves a lot of trouble getting rid of these assholes right now, but we won’t.
Tucker Carlson Interviews Argentinian Presidential Candidate Javier Milei. Once again, common sense efforts to better the people at the expense of ruling elites are referred to as Right-Wing. How “Socialists” took a thriving country & ran it into the ground for the umpteenth time: TheDC Shorts.
Ironically, many Federal employees would support defunding “our” government as it’s difficult to imagine reforming our government in its current bloated state. Notice my use of OUR. It’s supposed to be the people’s government but it’s clearly the grandest Public-Private plundering of them all.
That the American people would have a runaway Federal government should’ve been clear over 100 years ago. If not 100 years ago, the abandonment of the gold standard following Vietnam coupled with limitless Keynesian money printing should’ve been enough to get our attention. The morally bankrupt leadership following the Kennedy assassinations, as well as a distracted electorate who can’t seem to figure out how to rein in DC, suggests there’s no end in sight barring nuclear war or the USD losing its reserve currency status. I HOPE I’M WRONG.}
Do we need a federal government? In all likelihood yes. But not one spending trillions instigating then fighting foreign wars that benefit the 0.001%, and result in the deaths of millions of innocents whilst causing hardship for the 99.9%
Say what you will about Trump’s CoVid bailout (DJT wasn’t the one who released the pandemic in the first place - see Event 201 before unjustly slandering me), but it’s the first time I can recall a bailout attempted for the people. During my lifetime funds have typically gone to big banks, never community banks, defense contractors etc.
I support our truckers’ efforts, especially in D.C., but as long as federal taxpayers and corporations continue topping off politicians’ coffers…
Event 201 may not constitute hard evidence, but it’s very suspicious nonetheless. Not questioning the narrative isn’t leading we the American people anywhere we want to go…
🌟[The United Nations (formerly the League of Nations + conceived in the UK) was created to absorb our country, and extinguish its sovereignty one day. If Biden signs the WHO “Pandemic” treaty, and “ESG” replaces our representative democracy (our representatives/voices) our leaders would complete the loop from the 90% Corporate Socialism (Fascism) we have now, to Fascism without limits (corporate rule with NO checks and balances). This is my Cliff’s Notes version (July 4, 2024).
The CoVid-19 pandemic gave American citizens a taste (preview) of no holds barred Fascism, before calming down. Now, our “rulers” have no doubt we’ll submit to their future whims…
I will continue to refine and simplify my unfinished work, but it’s important we share it nonetheless. Patriots have ONE year to reach confused voters before the general election. Our choices remain 90% Fascism OR 💯% Fascism. My writing may not be complete by then. Needless complication is our enemy, but has been an unavoidable part of learning.
Is global warming a conspiracy elites are using to usher in a new brand of tyranny (Environmental and Social Governance), corporate rule sans pesky human rights concerns? One in which corporations would become rulers (rather than constituents as they are today), while governments and their citizens become largely irrelevant. “Hasn’t this already happened?” you ask.
“Are you saying the new ESG system of governance global ruling elites espouse to would be worse than the Fascist regime currently in power? And rezident Biden signing the WHO pandemic treaty would allow his administration to rule by decree much as Chinese dictator Xi Jinping ruled throughout the pandemic with draconian lockdowns continuing into December of 2022? But, I thought Donald Trump was the dictator?! 🤔 💭
My God, we would be boosted, locked down & masked for years at a time!! 😱 There would be no representatives of the people to demand a lifting of restrictions. It would be rule by decree exactly as Chairman Xi carried out in China. Man, talk about the proverbial jackboot of large, tyrannical government stomping on our faces (a minority of voters would perversely enjoy this).
Yeah, I’m not so sure corporate ESG rule and signing the WHO ‘Pandemic’ treaty are such good ideas now.”
Bob’s your uncle!! You’re a reasonable human being after all. You’ll notice every single solution globalist banking & media elites offer, involves shitcanning our representative democracy.
Remember, this is the same WHO that feted the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for welding doors to apartments shut so Chinese people could not “ESCAPE” during the pandemic.
I believe what’s being carried out may well be a joint Chinese Communist/UN Globo-Cap agenda.* The two entities are clearly symbiotic in nature (see the WHO). I fear the United States has almost been fully absorbed by the United Nations while we were sleeping.
This could be easily accomplished by using the WHO “Pandemic” treaty to get all global citizens onto a social credit scoring system like China’s.
Our government is already using Big Tech to censor us, first Conservatives & most recently Liberals, by claiming social media companies are private concerns not subject to the First Amendment.
We would be subject to a global surveillance state as well. Most of this infrastructure is already in place. Airports and CCTV cameras are two examples.
*To clarify: Globo-Com for us, and Globo-Cap for ruling oligarchs (including corporations) in the long run. What is their long term plan when proles run out of money to buy their products?
“Meet the Thought Police”. I shared CJ’s writing liberally in my deleted works: CJ Hopkins.
[This combined entity may be conspiring to enslave the entire world, partly through the passage of the WHO’s “Pandemic” Treaty, and its subsequent implementation of a social credit scoring system similar to the ChiCom’s. We’d no longer be a sovereign nation and would be under this Global entity’s thumb in no time. No, this isn’t for our own good sheeple. It rarely is.
I want to stop the UN (WEF) in their tracks before they cause more harm. Ignore MSM pundits and their legions of Programmed viewers. If you read ASG with an open mind you’ll learn a lot, and also be exposed to many other journalists’ work. The proof is in the pudding, & a fair amount of their wrongdoing is covered in this manuscript.
2024: The Year Global Government Takes Shape. I hope those of you who read this manuscript from start to finish will revisit these links: Kit Knightly (July 4, 2024).
This is PRECISELY what Science Fiction writers warned us about generations ago (a handful of tyrants using new technologies to control the mindless masses). According to a brilliant neighbor Rod who’s studied this topic for years, Orwell & Co. had access to “secret societies” of ruling Oligarchs to base their novels on: Biography.
If everyone read America’s Shadow Government mass layoffs of bureaucrats would commence overnight. Lord, I hope Substack’s metrics are wrong. Most middle and working-class women are juggling careers, whether they want to or not, and child-rearing. My sister isn’t a career woman, but I don’t see how a young mother like her could find the time until their kids were out of school.]
Are they planning a false flag event in London? Very nearly all of London's Webcams went dark in early September (2024). Why?: Alex K (July 4, 2024).
Bush Jr. signing The “Patriot” Act made he & Cheney’s totalitarian wet dream for our country a reality, resulting in a total loss of Americans’ rights (or privileges as the great George Carlin used to say). Dollars to donuts Biden signing the UN (WEF)’s WHO Pandemic Treaty would forfeit our independence to a global one-world government, and most likely place Americans (and Europeans) onto a similar social credit scoring system as the Chinese Communist Party uses. The totalitarian New World Order Orwell and Company feared would become reality. “Conspiracy Theory” my ass. There’s a reason our leaders keep pounding that assertion into our heads, and it’s not a good one (July 4, 2024).
HAS EVERY AMERICAN PRESIDENT FOLLOWING JFK BEEN A PUPPET OF THE GLOBALIST ROTHSCHILDS (ISRAEL)? Presidential candidates must realize what they are signing up for and go into the presidency with eyes wide open. Would any appreciate what I’m hoping to accomplish with my writing?
Bush & Cheney should be forced to live in a fishbowl with thousands of eyes peering at them. That is how our airports feel thanks to them (July 4, 2024).
INTERVIEW: The Newly-Elected, Anti-Establishment Member of UK Parliament—George Galloway—on the New Politics of the West. Galloway dishing on the fact the Iraqi war - the 2nd Gulf War - was a complete fabrication. All of the people referenced from 20 minutes on tried, convicted and… It would ELIMINATE terrorism against the US and UK if justice was belatedly served. Come on we the people. CONVICTIONS: Glenn Greenwald.
All wars from Vietnam to present have been based on falsities sold to the American public. Good hunting - researching (July 4, 2024).
“Assange has been engaged in a legal battle for fifteen years. It began in 2010 when WikiLeaks published classified military files from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — including footage showing a U.S. helicopter gunning down civilians, including two Reuters journalists, in Baghdad… Finally, Julian did not, unlike Daniel Ellsberg, leak the documents. He published documents leaked by U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning”: Chris Hedges.
Worst case scenario, Vladimir Putin may want to rebuild the Russian empire starting with Ukraine. On the other hand, UN (WEF) Globo-Cap wants to enslave the entire world. ESG and the WHO appear to be its vehicles. At the very least, we know for a fact that Chinese leadership is determined to usurp the US as the world’s dominant superpower, and is doing everything Sun Tzu at their disposal ex-war to accomplish this.
Tucker Carlson’s Vladimir Putin interview. I believe Putin is wrong when he says the US wants to deploy Russia’s resources against China. If that was the case, I might feel differently about the war in Ukraine. China is apt to switch allegiance to whomever is stronger. Despite this, Putin is a bright man and it was an enjoyable interview: Jason Powers.
2009 Gaddafi speech asking why the UK, US and Israel can operate with impunity/fly in the face of the United Nations charter (he also touches upon the release of viruses for corporate profit): AfricaNews (July 4, 2024).
However, if one views our government rather as the UN (UK), Nazis controlling the purse strings would love another chance to conquer sovereign Russia, and would also love to use Russia’s resources to conquer sovereign China. There would be absolutely NO independent superpowers left for the United Nations (UK) to conquer. Only Iran would be left standing in the way of absolute UN (UK) hegemony. How about them apples (July 4, 2024)?
[One of the primary reasons the Middle East isn’t more peaceful is because of superpowers like China, Russia, and the US (UK).
I’m fine with China and Russia throwing their weight behind the “opposition” as long as the US (UK) are meddling in the region. I’ve seen enough of this UN (WEF) agenda under the Biden administration to last me a lifetime (July 4, 2024).
Though adversaries, if Xi, Putin and Trump each want to take a dump on the Globalists’ plans I’m okay with it.
President Trump should remove DEI from our armed forces for Nat Security, so our military doesn’t resemble California’s fire response (should China threaten to invade Taiwan or the Philippines). China is undergoing an unprecedented military build up while its domestic economy struggles. We had better be prepared (July 4, 2024).
As long as there is money and power in politics, there will be no way to rid ourselves of this personality type.
This type of official is also susceptible to recruitment as agents by adversarial nations - another reason why money and influence should be removed from politics. Foreign operations such as the KGB’s Line X continue to siphon billions in trade secrets from these agents (traitors) to this very day. With special emphasis on our defense, space exploration and private intelligence companies (July 4, 2024).
[China is large enough the UN (UK) government in Washington, DC would have to conscript (draft) millions of young Americans to fight. The only way to avoid this may be to dissolve the Federal government, but continue funding its most vital services. We may need the best minds in government and also in the private sector to help us.
If China attacks us out of its own volition with no provocation on our part, so be it. But I do not want our current UN (UK) government to provoke another war. Certainly not a war as large scale as China, then turn around and say its provocative actions justify conscripting & slaughtering millions of young Americans. Fuck them (July 4, 2024).
Military Draft Coming? House Passes Measure To Automatically Register Men For Selective Service. Enjoy: Tyler Durden.]
China has tremendous advantages in AI, & manpower. As a result of overregulation most drones you see in the United States are Chinese as well, including drones Law Enforcement Agencies use. It’s possible these drones could always be turned against us. We’ve also learned in recent days that Russian missile technology is light years more advanced than ours (July 4, 2024).
Writers inside the U.S. Military Industrial Complex are selling the Ukrainian war as a war to prevent Putin from conquering Europe, but they are lying as usual.* If you think I’m lying, look at the extent to which the US government’s agenda has begun to mirror that of the UN (WEF)’s. Our country would be completely foreign to Americans living 100 10 years ago.
So what if Putin has traditional Liberal values, builds Orthodox churches, and wanted to negotiate with NATO. “Weaken Russia” wail the warmongers in DC. “We’ll get rich from another never-ending war, and that’s all that matters to us because we’re clearly exceptional, not bound by international laws, and rule the world.” Putin’s given up for obvious reasons or… he is also in bed with the Globalists (my initial theory two years ago). His actions are simply pushing more countries into NATO’s arms. Not good for Russia, but great for the Globalist agenda. We will cover the reasons why war is great for Globalists in this manuscript.
US / Russia Conflict in Ukraine Escalates with Subs in Cuba as US Lifts Assistance Restrictions on Azov Brigade under the radar as many in the West are distracted by Israel. It’s a travesty Glenn only has 500k followers. He should be required viewing: System Update.
It’s suspected Putin is simply trying to win over two-thirds of Russia’s population by building these churches. As a KGB hardliner I can’t imagine Putin gives a damn about religion, unless he’s discovered God in old age. However!, it’s also an excellent way to poke a stick in the eye of Globalists - as many of our rulers shrink away from / despise / fear God. I’ve heard many Democrats in Congress have to get up and leave the room if someone prays.
*George Orwell wrote propaganda for the Brits until he got fed up, walked away and began trying to make the world a better place by warning us where this was headed. You can too. Stop being craven losers, and join the Light side of the force, it’s much more lucrative.
The Maidan Revolution was a Globalist “CIA”-sponsored Color Revolution (regime change op) to install a Ukrainian-Jewish leader PUPPET of the UN (WEF)’s, whilst goading Putin repeatedly to strike Ukraine. Now our Globalist UN (WEF) rulers can slander everyone in opposition to this war as being anti-Semitic bigots (their favorite smokescreen frequently enforced by the ACLU and ADL), in addition to the creative “Agents of the Kremlin”. Brilliant, but we’re onto you now.
Our rulers want us to view Ukraine as the Israel of eastern Europe, despite the fact Ukraine is a Christian country - while Putin lays Ukraine to waste. Therein lies the difference between Ukraine and Israel (they would never let this happen to Israel). Weirdly Ukraine’s Prime Minister and Lord knows how many others in its “cabinet” are Zionists as well. In addition to the profitable rebuild, banks can also swoop in & buy up Ukrainian farmland for pennies on the dollar.
Everything was as right as rain to avoid all of this prior to overthrowing Ukraine’s former president. Now, what does Putin have to do? Bump off Zelensky & replace him with another Russo-friendly president to return order to the region (to restore the region as it was prior to our regime change operation)?
[A little background on Ukraine and Zelensky: the number of Jewish people comprises well less than 2% of its overall population (sadly as a result of the Nazis during WWII). Zelensky was a popular comedian prior to starting his own political party in 2018 named after his popular TV show “Servant of the People”. Shortly thereafter he was elected President in 2019 after running on an anti-Corruption platform. Was he selected to portray a sympathetic figure on the world stage? One the entire Western world would rally around (one no one would dare condemn)?]
We could begin by conscripting the 364,000 UN (WEF) Globalists in Washington, DC to fight instead of our young men and women - including their captured writers. That might flush them down the toilet where they belong once and for all. Hopefully young adults and their parents won’t bite on another conscription. Remember, it is a United Nations (WEF) government in Washington, DC, not a United States government.
The EU’s Globalist technocrats, France’s Emanuel Macron for one, are getting their asses handed to them as most European citizens DO NOT support a NATO invasion of sovereign Russia. Thank you Europeans. May your common sense trickle down to American voters. If Macron wants it soo bad, he can hunker down on the front lines with Mike Johnson (by all means take your families with you ass wipes).
Scratch that. France’s Globalist technocrats have elections until they get the result they want. Either until pro-EU centrists remain in power or until they get things so gridlocked reform isn’t possible.
Biden Cannot Be Forced Out of Race Democratically by Oligarchs; What the U.K. and French Elections Mean for Establishment Politics in Europe. I especially enjoyed the last 12 minutes of Marine Le Pen on the importance of sovereignty & not being ruled by unelected technocrat Ursula von der Leyen (EU): Glenn Greenwald.
Now Romania is taking a page out of Emanuel Macron’s playbook to undo the will of their people. Romanian people voted for a president who pledged to put their interests ahead of the EU’s, but once again the incumbent Globalist regime is shitting on free and fair elections.
Lindsey Graham: please, by all means, take your children and grandkids to the front lines. Prescott Bush, HW and even Hitler all had to fight and risk their lives at some point. Lindsey, watcha waitin’ for (from what I recall even elderly Brits grabbed their hunting rifles and partook in WWII)? Cat got your tongue?? Lead by example, show me the way…
“US Government-Backed (read taxpayer financed) Ukrainian Publication Releases New ‘Enemies List’ Including Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute, and Hundreds More”. All for not wanting to send additional money and weapons to Ukraine. Article exposes several recent lies MSM is repeating to its “naive” viewers: Daniel McAdams.
{Our government and its proxies (UN, NATO etc) break almost every agreement they enter into on the world stage. “Do as I say, not as I do” writ large. The ChiComs and UN (WHO) are symbiotic entities that have a shared vision for handling “pandemics” global citizens should find alarming (July 4, 2024).
Let’s hope our government wants a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza more than it does with Russia and Ukraine. The US would not allow peace in the Donbas to take hold - as evidenced by the Ukrainian military’s shelling of that region with cluster munitions for over a decade (killing civilians on their way to work, etc).
I assume this shelling of the Donbas began in the wake of the Maidan Revolution, & that readers are bright enough to “read between the lines”. It should not take Albert Einstein to see that the US government grew into the United Nations while we were sleeping, or at the very least that the “US” has become a vassal state of this powerful entity.
It doesn’t really matter as the UN (WEF)’s agenda is being rammed down Americans’ throats regardless.
Our government took every action prescribed in a Rand report to stoke conflict with Russia, and Putin invaded Ukraine while DC warmongers severed the Moscow “Mo” line. We provoked a war with Russia, then severed all communication as a means of fomenting another smoldering conflict.
Their motto is clearly “fight until the last Ukrainian”. I hope not many young women have taken up arms as well, or I’m afraid an entire generation of Ukraine’s youth will be wiped out. All so globalist bankers and contractors downstream can profit. Oh yes. And to weaken Russia!! How could I forget?}
New “Report Details U.S. Troop 'Land Corridors' In Event Of European Ground War With Russia”. Does this mean Team Amerika is really going for it this time? “Amerika” because we are the UN (WEF) now, out to extinguish as many sovereign flames around the world as possible: Tyler Durden.
US officials are ratcheting up anti-China rhetoric before the 2024 election like they did with Russia following the 2016 election results. Will they blame a Trump victory on the ChiComs this time; will they use it as an excuse to start a broader conflict with Russia AND China? Will Americans allow their sons AND daughters to be drafted by the millions; or will Americans seize upon this to belatedly dissolve or to dramatically shrink a Federal government that went off the rails several generations ago?
Jeffrey Sachs lays out why Neo-Cons on both sides of the aisle are responsible a dozen times over for the mess in Ukraine. Thank you Professor Sachs. Now that Big Pharma has gotten in on the racket, I predict only bad things to come barring a great deal more civic involvement: Jeffrey D. Sachs.
Americans must come to grips with the fact we just might be the bad guy, unless we finally get a handle on Washington, DC. If there’s a forced conscription, I suggest all those 18-26 who’ve been drafted throw Congress into the Potomac.
‘Dobby’ saying Ukraine isn’t a country may have been somewhat revealing. I have also heard various things including that the two groups (Russian speakers in the Donbas vs those favoring the West) hate each other, not unlike the U.S. Without being over there it’s difficult to say.
Is it possible Russia is funding terrorists?! Russia may have backed separatists, but proof is hard to come by (Russkiys kept a tighter lid on their actions prior to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, whereas Nuland & Co bragged about their actions). A simple guide to the Ukraine-Russia crisis: 5 things to know: Al Jazeera.
“Americans Are More Likely To Go To War With The Government Than Submit To The Draft”. Another fantastic, forward-looking article from good Brandon: Brandon Smith.
Just say “this is our agenda, and this is Putin’s agenda” then let us decide. We can’t trust a regime that’s hellbent on spewing disinformation & propaganda at all times. Perhaps if the US government had been truthful with us, we might have sided with it all along - if not for CoVid, 9/11, JFK, Vietnam etc.
Having a US government with severely damaged credibility hurts all of us, but the solution isn’t letting them get away with ever more egregious actions. Does Putin simply want to restore a buffer zone as he states publicly, or does he want to rebuild the Soviet empire as our government accuses him of? We’ll see…
Putin has done a good job of selling Russia, playing up their good qualities such as being a sovereign country building churches, but an even better job of keeping quiet regarding Russia’s covert actions. “Loose lips, sink ships” seems to be taken to heart much more so in the former USSR.
Would Putin initiate false flag attacks to goad Zelenskyy into shelling the Donbas (to justify his invasion of Ukraine)-and also to further his possible aim of reunification of the former Soviet republics?
“Vladimir Putin’s formative German years”: Chris Bowlby.
“Ukrainian journalist, 27, who chronicled Russian occupation dies in prison”: Sarah Rainsford.
It’s important to remember there is no free press in Ukraine (or Israel) either.
I’m afraid it will be forever before I’m able to update the rest of this manuscript to reflect a possible dovetailing with “the narrative”. There’s really no way to know for sure about anything, is there?!
Oh Canada: Government Blocks Citizenship Due to woman’s Russian Conviction for Criticizing the Ukrainian War. Canada is now on par with Totalitarian Regimes like Australia and Russia. Way to go Canada LOL. Keep voting for “Socialism”, eh? Yeah, I’m part Canadian but not terribly proud about it at the moment you sissies.
It looks like “Obama”, or his minders, tried to take a page from Canada’s book to ram “Socialism” through in the US but Obamacare was not widely adopted enough to put freedom-haters over the top. Clearly the majority of Canadians sadly are cool trading their freedom for healthcare. It makes it very difficult for the remainder of Canadians to fight Turdeau’s brand of Totalitarianism.}
Tucker and Greenwald: filter out your bias. It weakens OUR arguments. But fantastic job otherwise.
The best time to resist “creeping” Totalitarianism is right now. Vote for conservative Populists or better still vote for States’ Rights and insist on an Article V Convention ASAFP as we can’t trust our politicians. We’ll work the rest out later. Politicians will never solve our problems by creating more of them anyway.
Women - and Karens - wouldn’t have the right to vote, and African-Americans would still be slaves without our First Amendment rights (frankly, I shouldn’t have to remind anyone). If you need to be reminded, you shouldn’t have a vote.
Can We Trust Data Anymore? How our government’s reporting has begun to mirror the former Soviet Union’s reporting of economic data. Jeffrey Tucker’s writing is well worth the hassle of non-Googling if my links are being uncooperative: Jeffrey Tucker.
The vast majority of journalism on Epoch Times is objective (if you can overlook the occasional anti-China rant - for example, accusations that China and only China was responsible for the CoVid-19 pandemic (see Event 201) - $50 is well worth it for the remaining 90% of objective articles).
Never forget the causes themselves still exist. Do as to others as you’d have them do unto you, and to care for the natural world. Reasons for living the Golden Rule don’t disappear based on the whims of Goebbelsian political actors. That’s what they are. Actors, MSM (security-service) pundits, Establishment “operatives”, talking heads, and a litany of vacuous celebrities. Ignore them completely and subscribe to Ronin.
I have come to think of a few of us as Anti-Virus software running unnoticed in the background (or as the glue that binds). If you're in this for the recognition...
You’ll notice “Agenda 21” involves taking as much land offline as possible by 2030, which may result in mass layoffs, all while tons of Fentanyl are pouring across our Southern border. Are these the actions of a government that cares about its country and its people?
“Texas Fighting Back Against Agenda 21, Land Grabs, mRNA Vaccines in Livestock” Facts Matter. The Dutch government’s proposal to murder innocent dairy cows does not sound very “Liberal” to me either. It sounds completely unhinged.
Is Gates really planning on giving millions of poultry mRNA “vaccines”? Will it contaminate us with Spike Proteins? Is that his goal (or is Gates’ goal simply to profit from protecting our chickens from bird flu)? Why does this man have so much power?
To be comfortable with a UN (WEF) global government one must be comfortable w/ losing all of their individual freedoms and trusting Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and George Soros implicitly among others. I would bet only Left Liberals - the FAR Left - would be comfortable with this arrangement.
One can only conclude their minds are gone. Do they comprise 2% or 10% of Liberal voters? Why does it appear as if this small group controls our government, courts, institutions and media? Liberals have been conned into believing the UN (WEF) agenda is their agenda - an agenda other Liberals have created. It’s not.
Globalist totalitarians created the “Neo-Liberal” agenda. It’s much bigger than a handful of Leftist voters could ever imagine, and funded by some of the most evil people civilized society has ever known. They’re determined to rule the world, and will stop at nothing to get their one-world government. They’re capable of anything.
These are some of the best insights I’ve had, but they’ve come at the expense of a “clean” copy (I’m wearing all of the hats). Hopefully, you’ll find some interesting material in here regardless. Cheers!!]
Is there any reason why Texans can’t set up gun batteries to gun down drug cartels trespassing on our farmers’ and ranchers’ properties? This is Texas, not Mexico (for the moment).
I had no idea Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas had ceded control of our border to the carteles. Unsurprisingly State Media doesn’t report on this very serious issue. Every time Texas pushes back, the Federal government sues us.
It makes far more sense to recall our agents from Mexico - as a sign of respect - but to brutally gun down those cartels conducting operations on US land. Sound like a fair trade to everyone?
We are one step away from drug cartels bribing additional criminals (bureaucrats) like Biden and Mayorkas, just like they do in Mexico. Liberals, keep ticking that Blue box… Sarcasm obviously.
Hopefully it won’t take one of your loved ones being brutally raped and murdered or kidnapped and sex-trafficked. You’re obviously unconcerned by the 100,000 or more overdosing from Fentanyl each year (that’s old news).
“The Mexican drug cartels are gaining control of US territory. While authorities try to take back areas on American soil run by cartels, the Mexican organized crime groups are issuing threats against sheriffs, border agents, and even their families”: Crossroads.
Threats started coming in hot and heavy shortly after Biden took office (along with Narcos entering Texas). Cartel members are easily identified by the body armor they wear, as well as their use of military grade weapons. Narcos experienced an immediate boost to their drug and child trafficking efforts in the USA shortly following Biden’s inauguration.
Should Chairman Joe remain in office Americans will have killings of border agents and their families as well as public displays of their desecrated bodies to look forward to. It’s beginning to look like Democratic voters will need to see this to believe it. Not likely if they’re tuned into Mainstream STATE media.
Every couple years or so in Mexico a couple dozen mayoral candidates are slaughtered across their country. If left un-checked, cartels will take over many local governments and gain significant control on the state and federal levels in the United States as well. Imagine adding this to the many issues already facing Americans.
This has clearly happened along their smuggling routes. How else would carteles have a presence in Nogales, Sacramento & the Puget Sound (this is leaving many states out)?
In Paolo Bacigalupi’s 2015 sci-fi novel “The Water Knife” Bacigalupi refers to Mexico simply as “The Cartel States”. At the time I never once imagined Cartel States would begin to apply to the United States six short years later thanks to our predominantly UN-centric government and its indoctrinated supporters.
Our government is deliberately turning us into lawless Mexico. Yes, the very same country our State department tells Americans not to visit. Make sense?
So you see it isn’t just illegal immigrants displacing lower-income Americans from their jobs / and forcing them onto welfare. Another year or so of this and some very dangerous individuals will be controlling our local, state & federal officials like sock puppets.
Now you may not care about lower-income Americans, but your odds of eating a stray bullet from an illegal firearm will go way up. Gang and cartel activity carried out in the open will likely increase, and may even make its way into the Dallas/Fort Worth area. We can count on State media not reporting the increase.
And to think most Liberals favor additional restrictions on gun ownership as well as the creation of more gun-free zones and also appear to be soft on crime as well - IT’S WORKED GREAT IN NEW YORK CITY, HASN’T IT?
Liberals: since everything must be spelled out to you. If you were a Narco, would you be more or less likely to gun someone down in the middle of the street if you realized half the civilians surrounding you were carrying? Less right? Unless you were trying to commit suicide publicly you’d be less likely to gun someone down. I know, I know common sense arguments don’t carry any weight with the Left (I’m sorry, I had to try). Oil and Water.
Mexico’s cartel violence haunts civilians as the June 2 election approaches: Megan Janetsky.
I hope Mexico doesn’t become flyover country for me, but someone has to speak up against Biden and his United Nations’ 2030 Agenda. If he gets another four years it won’t just be Biden and Mayorkas on the take, it will be dozens of elected officials. Our leaders choice will be “accept our bribe, or we’ll murder your family. Capiche”. Exactly as it is in Mexico.*
Oh, and by the way, we also know for a fact REAL terrorists are coming across the border as well.
*The carteles also force military veterans and former police into service for them by using the same tactics. They’ve even been known to post fake employment ads (for “call centers”) then to slaughter all young applicants who refuse to join their cartel.
Is this what’s happening in my beloved Puebla, Mexico. Is it why so many have gone missing? Gracias virgen por señalarme esto. Espero que mi escritura y mi fotografía puedan proporcionar un remedio.
May the cartels choose to make an honest living one day. God knows they have the resources…
The longer this is allowed to continue the higher the risk I might be assassinated in Dallas, Texas should I write more often on this subject. Life’s already too short which is part of why I’m considering fiction should I continue writing.
As is, if I’m harmed it would simply draw more attention to my existing work (as in millions of new readers). That wouldn’t be very helpful to the groups I’m exposing / shining a light on.
Barring meeting the love of my life (a second time?*) or landing a more lucrative job opportunity in Dallas I am hoping to depart to Argentina or someplace else prior to the next election. I’m too old for what’s coming…
*This would be like lightning striking twice.
The cartels have not only infiltrated states along the U.S. southern border with drugs like fentanyl and methamphetamine but have also taken the major distribution from local drug dealers and gangs in states like Florida, Illinois and New York. Cartels have even taken a foothold in unexpected places like Mississippi, Montana and Wyoming.
“The cartels are here in the United States, and not only are they here, but they’re comfortable” - Robert Almonte, a former U.S. Marshal and former El Paso Police Department narcotics detective: NewsNation.
Our future comes down to deprogramming blue-pilled Liberal voters. If we cannot impress upon them the importance of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and also hook them up with legitimate investigative journalists, America is finished. If this feels like a beat-down good, you WE deserve it.
Everyone is blue-pilled on endless war and the majority of us are also blue-pilled on Zionism (save for a few spirited Liberals). We must decouple Zionism from Jewry. Zionism was most likely created by “Christian” warmongers wanting an ally in the ME to help with illegal UN (UK) regime change operations. I’ve had the misfortune of being in front of Fox News lately & their pro-Zionist “slant” has been alarming. Everyone let’s take the red-pill and leave our indoctrination behind (July 4, 2024).
Conservatives are also lost in a fog, and would benefit greatly from the investigative journalists I’ve linked to in my writing. Pro-War propaganda emanating from govern-media makes it all but impossible to have a convo about Ukraine, Israel etc without getting into a heated disagreement or fight (July 4, 2024).
Say something often enough and people believe it, including me with Israel (one thing I’ve learned over the last several years). I was a believer until the disproportionality of the Israeli government’s retaliatory strikes clued me in to their real intentions (July 4, 2024).
“What Do Israelis Think About Americans? Start With Disdain”. Though Israel is a famously fractious society, Israelis tend to agree on one thing: Their strongest allies are an inherently dupable people: Naomi Zeveloff (July 4, 2024).
Whether one worships Big Government or Zionism, when the subjects arise everyone appears brainwashed (as if they’ve WE’VE had frontal lobotomies). Otherwise, we are normal, well-adjusted individuals when the subject matter isn’t politics or Israel. It’s critical for those of us on the Right to see that we can be just as easily manipulated as the Left (July 4, 2024).
How the Sinaloa Cartel rules. Kudos to the FBI for their great work, but maybe they should ask Mexicans rather they prefer the Sinaloa or Jalisco Nueva Generación before taking action that destabilizes the region. What was our government’s ‘hidden’ agenda for taking down two of Sinaloa’s top dogs?: Vanda Felbab-Brown (July 4, 2024).
By all means please prove me wrong Ms. Sheinbaum; we have just seen this template SO MANY times. I want you to do right by Mexico, and the United States (it’s always been kind of the same thing).
When the siloviki (Putin’s St. Petersburg cronies) came to power they gained control over Russian mafia. Could it be possible our rulers are attempting to decapitate and take over Mexico’s largest, most well established cartel? I’d expect no less knowing our government’s history. From cheap labor to poppies to sex trafficking (Epstein, Diddy etc)? I’m reading the border crossers cast aside and dying in the desert are mostly 20-something mothers. Could they be trying to out-evil Putin and the KGB (July 4, 2024)?
At the very least child sex trafficking is a big business. My question or concern is whether our government is skimming profits and covering it up as cartels separate mothers from their children and send the children to the Entertainment industry, Washington D.C. etc (whilst leaving their mothers stranded in the most desolate portion of the crossing). Every time our governor has tried to clamp down on the border he’s faced executive action from D.C. overturning whatever steps he took. Why is that? What about these women & children (July 4, 2004)?
I’ll see if I can do a “table of contents”-like bullet point summary with a link to this manuscript - this coming week - that will make this more reader friendly, so we can reach more people.
I have been adding an article or two’s worth of material to this manuscript every week (10 pages or more). If you enjoyed this a couple weeks ago, I’d recommend skimming it for new material.
American voters must set aside our differences in order to reform OUR government. Readers should get in the habit of reading between the lines and/or prognosticating our shared future more often.
Many Americans shockingly support the Deep State (CIA)’s iron grip on MSM and silencing of dissent (truths considered inconvenient to those already in power). The open-minded are in short supply. Perhaps a shrinking middle ground still exists?
49% of voters revere Big Government, along with its security state and Marxist causes (taking for granted the US government is benevolent and trustworthy), while 51% of us are determined to hold our representatives accountable by making sure they honor the US Constitution & Bill of Rights-and their oath to serve the American people. Each group of voters believes the other should be reprogrammed. It’s not this extreme, but you get the picture (July 4, 2024).
This United Nations government of ours is hiding in plain sight behind a bunch of phony causes while doing everything possible to destroy our country, its sovereignty and our voices (July 4, 2024).
On Fearing Freedom—Plus Thanking Substack for Standing up to the Censorship Bullies: Margaret Anna Alice.
[This author is working his tail off, but that effort will not be reflected as a series of standalone articles for the time being (the greatest incentive for standalone articles would be if I made it onto ZH’s “reading list”).
Americans need a long, comprehensive work like “America’s Shadow Government” (ASG) which endeavors to connect the dots (July 4, 2024).
I could attach a copy of my weekly updates as standalone articles so they are easier to find. However, this is more times-taking than it sounds, and it would likely be counter-productive to have ASG at the end of the line.]
Neo-Marxism and the End of Language - How Globalist Oligarchs are Targeting Western Meaning: Dr. Naomi Wolf.
My Liberal friends have grown fond of saying “free speech has consequences” (that sounds A LOT like a veiled threat, doesn’t it? Thank you for reminding me dearest comrades).
Yes, it does. The free speech-protected character assassination of Senator Joseph McCarthy* in order to prevent him from removing Marxists from positions of influence several generations ago has had grave consequences for our nation. We may have a second Civil War (2.0) on the horizon. One in which corrupt Amerikan ruling elites will be the only ones left standing.
That means you and me, GONE. My uncles are rolling over in their graves right now, or perhaps just shrugging their shoulders while muttering “we’re not surprised” as they enjoy the same view they have enjoyed for going on 100 years now (Mazatlán’s Pacific shoreline)…
*History is always fabricated by the winners, and the Marxist establishment of the 1950s ensured McCarthy lost. Americans cannot afford to have a repeat of neighbors informing on their neighbors. Five more years of our current regime and Amerikans will be informing on pro-Democracy advocates. It’s much easier to predict something that’s already happening isn’t it (the investigative journalism-savvy among you will see me “predicting” events which are already occurring throughout this open manuscript)?
Marxism appeals to those in power because the majority of rulers are amoral, and Marxism always involves transferring greater power to them. Isn’t Marxism taught in history class? “No, it’s not. Neo-Marxism (CRT and Gender Theory) is reserved for programming American school- children while ‘authorities’ deny its existence.” Oh, that’s rich.
Transgenderism has also replaced religion in schools. It’s difficult to take anyone who believes this is an improvement seriously. Only an evil human being with a sick sense of humor would find this funny.
Chinese people aren't taught the ins and outs of the Chinese Cultural Revolution of 1949 nor of the Tian'anmen Square Massacre, just as American students aren't taught the ins and outs of Neo-Marxism (identity-based Marxism rather than class-based) and how Neo-Marxism is used to divide us so we can never hold our "rulers" accountable. Divided we're falling...
Schoolchildren: trust me, your brain cells are better applied to studying history before Marxists erase it than to make-believe nonsense like Gender Theory and Critical Race Theory. Don’t be dummies.
Now, Deep State bureaucrats (Marxists) who’ve been in power for generations are working to criminalize dissent and also to forfeit our sovereignty (to their UN and WHO creations)* have managed to con the Liberal electorate into supporting their anti-Democratic efforts. I cannot agree more, free speech does have consequences, especially in the hands of amoral Marxists.
They have majority control of the American establishment, and are petitioning the courts to further restrict our free speech. Look it up, our current administration is pressuring the courts to silence opposition to their Marxist ideology. If their behavior isn’t an abuse of free speech, I don’t know what is. Marxism should be criminalized in the United States. Komrade “Biden” is also leaning on our court system to classify all semiautomatic firearms as automatic weapons.
The ruling majority in DC should be on trial, not running (ruining) our country. Both parties and their political appointees.
This is a multi-generational effort that encompasses both political parties. Our loss of civil liberties dates back to at least the “Emergency Powers” Act of 1976, if not earlier. It’s not something that magically transpired with Biden’s presidency. However, Deep State (CIA) bureaucrats success at convincing our Liberal friends not to support the heroic personal sacrifices (transparency efforts) of Snowden, Assange, Manning, and Felt among others, has been an extraordinary feat of Sith mind control.
Stella Assange’s thoughts regarding the CIA as well as on Mike Pompeo’s desire to murder her husband. Trump didn’t have the balls to pardon Snowden, so dream on concerning Julian. Free country? Free world?? Assange is an Aussie national, not an American, so extradition to Amerika makes little sense: Stella Assange.
The CIA should be plying its wares to convince Chinese people to peacefully replace their amoral politburo with representatives from the Republic of China (Taiwan), at least until the Chinese have time to democratically elect officials of their own. This would also remove the threat of a Taiwan invasion. Will Deep State bureaucrats allow the CIA to do this? No, they won’t. Representatives bought off by defense contractors will “goad” China into invading Taiwan. IF WE THE PEOPLE LET THEM.
At the very least, the CIA (Hollywood and NBA) could pressure the ChiCom politburo to roll back its surveillance and social credit programs whilst encouraging free speech and its ensuing criticism of the Chinese Communist Party. There’s no political will to do this in DC, because our government is implementing the very same CCP initiatives in our country to shut down Free Speech and criticism of the “US” government.
*As the United Nations headquarters is on American soil, it would allow ruling elites to serve their constituents (multinational corporations) stateside, but without the threat of Democracy and Free Speech (the former US Constitution and Bill of Rights that were nullified by signing the WHO “Pandemic” Treaty) limiting their insatiable appetite for absolute power over the populace and rapacious profiteering (July 4, 2024).
Globalism is lowering the standard of living in developed countries while transferring increasing amounts of wealth and power to a shrinking elite. Global-Capitalism is far from a “rising tide lifts all boats” ideology.
There’s a good reason why more of us are speaking truth to power. We’re not N@zis and Confederates. You do realize “pundits” with megaphones are making things up 24/7/365, don’t you? I can’t stand giving MSM (security-state) trolls the time of day in my writing, but this is our shared reality for the moment. They’ve done this for over 100 years, but their lying is reaching dizzying (offensive) heights.
I’m not necessarily anti-Establishment, I just want to see the Establishment revolve around we the people for a change. If you live long enough, you should have a mötley crüe of close friends who have emigrated from their miserable Communist countries to the US to FLEE many of the same abuses I point out in my writing. As the US is the last bastion of representative democracy, I encourage Russians, Chinese and others to “defect”, but also add that freedom-lovers are on the ropes in our country (the CIA is either unwilling or unable to perform its job, or at least the job listed in its irrelevant mission statement).
You’ll notice me chiding friends to speak up throughout this manuscript, as they recognize what’s happening because they’ve lived through it once before, whereas most Americans have not.
Very few sane and reasonable Americans want Communism. Kommunist fetishism tends to be limited to congenitally naive (and/or malicious) citizenry, and always to power hungry Marxists.
“What must be understood is that a political party with a revolutionary agenda is not constrained by rules” - Paul Craig Roberts. Revolutionary for those in power, not for everyone else. A large part of why this party has successfully dominated the last two elections is that the majority of the “opposition” party is also thoroughly corrupt.
If you are a Liberal voter who believes no holds barred RULE by Corporations AND un-elected technocrats (including amoral Chinese Communists) is an improvement over having the small but diminishing voice American voters currently have, explain why in the comments section below. I believe my position is unassailable, but by all means feel free to give it a go.
One key disadvantage of investigative journalism is lack of speculation. As a result of journos’ caution, the most “in the know” among us are flying blind. We certainly can’t expect someone working, and raising a family to connect the dots, nor should we.
For obvious reasons, when journalists are questioned they must have hard evidence they can point to, so this is not meant as criticism. However, it’s an Achilles’ heel of our profession.
Maybe marketing this as political fiction would give an Indy publisher an out? I’m aware of “No Place to Hide”, but I can’t imagine its publisher reading this unless it came highly recommended by a trusted source (it wouldn’t be reasonable for me to expect them to - due to lack of time).
The unpleasant reality that your writing may just plain suck always looms large over your shoulder…
I’m always upfront when one of my opinions is speculative, and encourage intrepid readers to conduct their own research. At the very worst, you’ll have more fodder for Boolean searches.
non-Google everything. You may still have to go through pages of results to get past purported “fact checkers”. I’ve caught them lying repeatedly. This is one reason why great journalism is more priceless than ever.
I reference two “Leftwing” journalists who are also in “a state of shock” OR “great surprise”. I’m so happy their eyes are now open and we (lovers of freedom) have their support.
Liberal journalists who support our representative democracy and right to dissent are in short supply these days. Writers who embody JFK’s legacy, rather than shit on it. TRUE LIBERALS.
Liberal readers I apologize in advance for not adopting a more neutral tone, but I’m out of the time and money needed to edit this beast (behold, the bane of every young writer’s existence).
I cannot stand all Democratic politicians in DC and most but not all Republican politicians. Yes, I know for a fact Conservative voters are less upside down than Liberal voters, but we’re all more propagandized than we realize or care to admit. Especially when it comes to being conned into supporting endless foreign wars.
If Americans were educated we would have known about provocative war exercises NATO conducted along the Russian border, and would have been able to call out our government for its actions. We may have also forced our government to sidestep war altogether. Instead we have 250,000 dead Ukrainians with nothing to show for it, other than profits for the 0.001%. This is unacceptable.
Thank you so much for joining the fray. We’ve got a lot of work to do (copy and paste sections of this to share, if it helps you reach friends and family).
Please share liberally as that’s the entire point of this endeavor… 🙏
A few sections are the best geopolitical writing you’ll find by miles, but it is virtually impossible to compete as an unknown (with an unwieldy manuscript to boot). If we’re in agreement, I need your help sharing this. Liberal friends and family are beginning to see the light.
At the very least, if one does not understand how Globalists wield Transgenderism - and Judaism - it’s impossible to understand how politics work in the Western world. Do these Globalists sound like anyone who would care about devout practitioners of Judaism?
As shrieking “R A C I S T” at anyone questioning the UN (WEF)’s agenda has drawn nothing more than a shrug of the shoulders in recent memory, Globalists have had to resort to calling anyone with a brain and a backbone anti-Semitic. It’s working at the moment, but it’s power is weakening by the day…
We’re living in a world in which, at least according to Banking and Media elites, a world where pragmatic Black people are Racists, and the children of Holocaust survivors are anti-Semitic LOFL. Is it any wonder their barbs are losing potency?! I would love to put these elites in a jail cell with audio screaming RACIST and anti-Semitic at them 24/7/365. Strobe lights would be a nice touch as well. Let’s make it happen. Cheers (July 4, 2024).
As of this morning (Sunday), we’re well over 37.5k views and 500 subscribers. Thank you!! We need the 500+ of you who are “down” to share this as much as you possibly can. It should be clear to most readers that ours is not a benevolent government but rather a malevolent one hiding behind a veneer of social and environmental causes. This USSA (UN) government of ours is a fraud. The sooner we realize this, the better.
Hopefully my work is strong enough to shed some light on what our governments are doing to us, and will give you something to share with your friends and family. I will be setting this down for a few weeks - looking for work so I don’t lose my apartment - so I’ll be reliant on you to help me share this.
[ISRAEL: I’m busy re-discovering how onerous job applications and resumes can be, and am about to have my life upended for a time (so your guess is as good as mine on Israel). Generally speaking, Western leaders would have realized they were creating a conflict zone at the time they carved out Israel (perhaps not too unlike Ukraine).
The most logical reason for Hamas to risk Palestinian lives would be to weaken the West. The last thing the US can afford is another costly ground war in the Middle East.* As a result of US sanctions, China has also established close relationships with Cuba and Venezuela. Should US troops be engaged in multiple conflict zones, Cuba and Venezuela would provide China prime real estate in the Western hemisphere to stage materiel, troops & long range weapons.
While our troops are strung out all over the world, our Southern border is wide open. It makes no sense. Our government has lost the perspective to realize this, or is so corrupted / blind it no longer cares. Are these the actions of a government trying to destroy its country, and its people by letting down its guard to foreign adversaries (Washington bureaucrats’ poor policy-making decisions are becoming legion)?
Listening to Columbia’s Jeffrey Sachs describe the run up to October 7, 2023 sounds eerily similar to the run up to 9/11. Israel lets its guard down supposedly, Egypt warns of Hamas militants, and the Israel Defence Forces are shifted away from where Hamas attacked. Israel warns the US about an imminent terrorist attack on the US, the US shifts the Air Force away from the Eastern seaboard, and it’s described as the greatest intelligence failure in US history. The Hamas attacks were a mirror image of the 9/11 attacks. Americans are supposed to be too ignorant of history to notice. Now will Israel go on to level Gaza as the US leveled the Middle East - this is it (July 4, 2024)…
*I’m no longer convinced Hamas carried out the October 7, 2023 attacks on innocent Israeli citizens. One must research the Israeli government’s long history of false flag attacks used to carry out its anti-Muslim agenda. Israel curtailed gun ownership not long before the Hamas attacks as well, much as our United Nations government and up to half of its uninformed American voters are hoping to do.
“OCTOBER 7TH WAS AN INSIDE JOB. THE ISRAEL HAMAS FALSE FLAG”. A DOCUMENTARY BY JOHN HANKEY 2024. Was 10/7 the government-sanctioned murder of Israeli peaceniks who prefer a two-state solution; was it used to justify the Israeli government’s ethnic cleansing and continued land theft? Must perverse irony always be a hallmark of Zionist terrorism? Please reserve your judgment until after you’ve watched this video (July 4, 2024): RoseArcana_2024.
I don’t want this to read as if I have a problem with the average Israeli citizen, I don’t. I do however have a problem with the Israeli government and also with the fact there are so many dual Israeli/US citizens in powerful roles within our government. Why is that (July 4, 2024)?
Traders Informed of Hamas Attack Profited Millions by Short-Selling Israeli Stocks, Study Suggests. Two New York law professors said they identified a 'sharp & unusual' spike in short transactions prior to the Oct. 7 attack. This is exactly like 9/11! What a surprise (sarc): Bill Pan (July 4, 2024).
The Powers That Be always crave endless conflict, which their citizenry is powerless to halt (or so they believe). The West may be well within its rights to consider Israeli expansion unlawful - Israeli leaders appear to be abusing Western support mightily. Does that justify Iran and Hamas’ cowardly hitting of soft civilian targets they knew would be unarmed? No, it does not.
I denounce Hamas as well as the Iranian and Israeli governments, China, Russia, and Western governments. It’s past time for their people, US, to replace them and remove corporate money and defense contractors from power. Too many innocents have died, in order to make the few wealthy. F*CK THEM (UNITE). There are 8B of us, and the situation isn’t improving…
China and Russia have poured money into (Hamas), (Hezbollah), Iran and Palestine throughout the years, whereas the West has steadfastly supported Israel (and China). That’s the extent of what I’m aware of. An awful lot is happening at the same time, isn’t it? I’d say the odds of an attack on American soil are very slim, but it might be a good idea to dust off our guns and head to the shooting range fairly soon - if only as a deterrent.
If I understand correctly parts of our Southern border are still wide open despite this possible terrorist threat. It’s almost as if our leaders want something awful to happen. If someone comes across the border they’re apt to have fully automatic weapons at the very least. Hamas would likely go to the first school, or “Liberal” city, it could find to carry out an attack due to gun-free zones, gun ownership restrictions, as well as soft on crime policies (underfunded local police).
ALEX JONES BELIEVES THERE’S A RISK OF HAMAS SLEEPER CELLS BEING ACTIVATED IN THE US IF OUR WARMONGERING GOVERNMENT MANAGES TO PROVOKE IRAN. Frankly, our government could order Arabic speaking “Antifa” members (if there are any) to carry out mass shootings if it grows tired of waiting - as Israel may have just done. There’s no way to get to the bottom of the rabbit hole or to determine who’s doing what, is there?!
If we have a terrorist attack on American soil this year, it’s because the Deep State (those in permanent power) wants us to be attacked. It would be the easiest way for ruling elites to declare martial law* before the election - an election oligarchs know they’ll lose if Trump is in fact one of the good guys (trying to do right by the people). Trump being for real is a longshot, as damn near every other candidate for the last sixty years has been the Deep State (CIA’s) Democratic or Republican preference for president. Notice how few Trumps and Perots we’ve had - DC outsiders with a real shot to win the presidency.
It’s hard to fathom just exactly what Hamas thought it would gain by sacrificing 25k predominantly innocent Gazans. Especially when one takes into consideration the Israeli government very probably had a plan and is clearly chomping at the bit to clear out Gaza. If Hamas was indeed responsible, why would they sacrifice 20,000 women & children to draw attention to their cause? Was there a group of mercs that the Israeli government could have paid to carry out the October 7 attacks?
*The CoVid-19 pandemic was a test oligarchs passed, and proles failed. Most citizens will endure Martial Law if the Deep State (UN) assures them it’s in their best interest to jettison their civil liberties. The surveillance state has already expanded into every ass crack in Amerika which leaves Covid MARTIAL law as the only logical next step to enslaving Americans once and for all.
Ever wonder why banning alcohol and motor vehicles aren’t Liberal causes?* They kill far more Americans than law-abiding 2A adherents.
If “Hamas” gets lucky on American soil… Americans should call for an immediate defunding of the Federal government. However, we must have an actionable plan in place to keep its most vital sources, like the military, running. I suspect the FBI still does a reasonably good job with white collar crime, excluding carrying out unlawful political persecutions. The CIA on the other hand has begun to seem as dangerous a threat to our national security as its masters are. Our next 9/11 is apt to be a combo of the Bush’s disastrous foreign policy, coupled with Biden’s - Soros’ - Open Borders. If you happen to lose a loved one, by all means give Bush Jr. or Chairman Joe a shout. I hope Jr. got a few boos, or cries of “War Criminal”, at the World Series. It’s past time to stop being such wussies. Will I have the nerve to yell “WAR CRIMINAL” at Bush next time I see him? I sure hope so. Our troops believed we had been attacked, but Jr. & co. may have known otherwise this entire time.
*Because the government hasn’t told Liberal voters to make them causes. “Sit Boo Boo, sit”. I would be ashamed to be called a Liberal in 2023.
There are just so many contingencies our government isn’t prepared for as it has the majority of its resources turned inward monitoring MAGA grannies, carrying out un-Constitutional political persecutions (for example, the numerous Soviet “show” trials of the Amerikan establishment’s political opponents). That our security services deny this publicly has little if any merit. The CIA is trained to lie and deceive. It is child’s play to con a naive and/or gullible public. Maybe if each of us lived for a few hundred years? But with every new generation…
The Israeli government uses the threat of a handful of terrorists to justify entombing Palestinians (whilst mysteriously letting its guard down for the first time in its brief history). Meanwhile Lord knows how many prospective terrorists the US government and Blue state governors have deliberately allowed to enter our country. I shudder to think what a few hundred, much less a few thousand Hamas militants could carry out by unleashing a drone swarm. I believe there are those inside government who want this to occur to justify starting another war in the Middle East.
I met an Egyptian physician recently, one who lives in America and loves our country, who said he feels the loss of innocent lives in the Middle East may be well in excess of the 5-10M I cite in this manuscript. He said Christians and Muslims get along fine, but that the ME press also greatly blows any tensions out of proportion to benefit the wealthy few who control the media - like they do everywhere else in the world.
Liberal in quotes because I am having a difficult time figuring out how exactly these cities are Liberal other than an unwillingness to prosecute criminals. Liberal policies appear to be draconian or Totalitarian in nature. Draconian for law-abiding citizens, and Liberal for criminals. That this is being done to destroy Western societies should be crystal clear to all but the most obtuse.
That said, throwing the book at someone for a minor offense is unacceptable. Full private jails equal greater profits which equates to greater demand for building new for profit jails. It’s why aggressive sentencing for minor offenses is so popular in our Fascist (Corporate Socialist) state. Think of all the lives that have been ruined so the Feebs could get a conviction, or so a private prison could profit or justify its expansion to investors.
Capitalizing on Mass Incarceration: U.S. Growth in Private Prisons. I’m referring to minor offenses, not murder or rape. Joe Biden played a key role in this trend, but as long as he gives you free shit…: Kara Gotsch & Vinay Basti.
If lower income “people” became more self sufficient, the Amerikan establishment (whose public face is the “Democratic” party) would have a serious problem: Tucker Carlson.
Government MSM has conditioned us for a domestic terrorist incident for several years now, not unlike they did with Usama bin Laden. Hamas adds another layer of complexity. Those in permanent power might use a Muslim extremist incident to foster support, as well as unity, for another costly ground war in the Middle East.* The Amerikan establishment is so thoroughly rotten I could also see them rolling out the red carpet for the ChiComs at some point in the not too distant future, should “Democrats” remain in power.
*{With public support for Ukraine aid at all-time lows - our government doesn’t have the public support required to send tens of billions of additional aid to Israel - another 9/11-style attack or Bataclan Theatre massacre is a possibility (buckle up). Hamas chose an opportune time to strike our Israeli friends. According to Time magazine on October 26, 2023: 1,400 Israelis and 7,000 Palestinians have perished. It seems like the Israelis have extracted their pound of flesh, doesn’t it?
I’m not surprised a few Israelis are calling for a ceasefire - the Israeli government’s aggressive expansion is the real issue, not the average Israeli citizen. Unfortunately, a ceasefire is the last thing our government will allow…}
Our government is doing everything in its power to encourage another 9/11. Use war and sanctions to create refugee crises, lax borders in Arizona & California, as well as distributing illegals throughout our country coupled with anti-2A initiatives in Blue states (such as Arizona, Kommiefornia and NEW MEXICO).
Is Texas the US’ only Red border state? That’s frightening. No wonder rezident Biden is at war with Governor Abbott. It doesn’t matter so long as Arizonans, Californians and New Mexicans’ feast happily on the federal government’s dole (sarc). To hell with everyone else’s safety and job security. You don’t care if the carteles take over so long as you and yours receive unlimited free shit. Thanks guys. Would you please consider moving to Canada?
It’s also easy to prove that United Nations NGO’s are dispersing illegals all over our country on the US taxpayer’s dime. Yes, American taxpayers are funding UN (WEF) efforts to run us all into the ground. Wealthy Liberals’ assets will be confiscated in time as well. That’s how this works. In the end no one’s immune.
Supposedly, US taxpayer dollars are also being used to help NGO’s in EUROPE to ferry illegals across the EU.]
More on the Israel - Hamas conflict can be found by hitting CTRL + F “Amari”…
Liberal voters ask yourselves: are we getting anything in return by voting for socially Liberal causes. Anything? Is having your student loan paid off by American taxpayers like me more important than preserving our Democracy? Many people are struggling right now, but you expect them to pay off your loans FFS?! If that’s not moral hazard and poor character I’m not sure what is. It’s time to tell the self-proclaimed Liberals (Totalitarians) in DC to shove it.
O’Biden - meaning the Amerikan establishment which comprises up to 90% of our government and institutions - is doing everything in his power to spike inflation and put as many of us into the poorhouse as possible before the next election. Can we get someone into office to arrest or slow down this process? I am worried it’s going to be Nikki Haley versus Gavin Newsom. Every American voter should be deeply worried.
Young Liberals: every time the government pays off your student loan debt, it prints money. The US Dollar has lost $0.20-$0.25 of its purchasing power since Biden took office due to his endless money printing. It’s all money we don’t have. Every time you benefit from a green grant, or having your loan paid off, you’re bankrupting working-class taxpayers. Before long, you will be participating alongside the Federal government as it bankrupts the lower middle class etc.
Hundreds of billions of dollars we do not have are being printed to subsidize costly EVs over Hybrid vehicles. It is one of many ongoing Public Private rackets. “Fueling Electric Vehicles costs roughly the equivalent of $17 per gallon” - Study*. This is mostly the result of Biden’s bottomless grants: Brady Knox.
Does Elon Musk realize this? He must. At best, Teslas should become niche luxury items like Lamborghinis. This trainwreck must be exponentially harder on our environment than a few Ferraris or Rolls Royces. Taxing combustible engine “gas guzzlers” out of existence is yet another example of Globo-Cap run amok.
EVs are as effective a way to bankrupt our country and its citizens as wars, but people truly believe they’re saving the world when they buy a Tesla. The government says it’s so. It’s really just another wealth transfer to the 0.001%. Buy a Hybrid instead. Research this and you will agree with me.
*Others have claimed it takes nine years for a Tesla to pay for itself (but no lessees and very few if any owners keep their Tesla for that length of time. Teslas are cool as hell but I would consider something like a plug-in Hybrid Porsche Taycan, or the American equivalent.]
I hope none of you have traded in your Teslas yet!! Tesla's Electric Cars Aren't as Green as You Might Think: Lizzie Wade - Wired.
The main issues are Brandon’s subsidies, and Musk lowballing pollution estimates. Remove subsidies, and EVs are somewhat compelling as niche luxury items. Tesla has significantly increased its battery recycling capacity, but only a few owner battery packs are coming back: Fred Lambert.
Any endeavor that involves copious amounts of money printing is harmful to most Americans. Especially those of us who can’t afford Teslas.
“From scaling back subsidies for energy & transportation companies to privatizing state-owned enterprises altogether, Argentina’s new government seems intent on trusting the ingenuity of the free market — rather than a bloated public sector — to achieve fiscal balance”: Brad Lips.
It’s ironic most American journalists are afraid to apply these concepts to the United States for fear of being attacked by the Amerikan establishment. Thank God they’re still covering other countries.
Oligarchs plow hundreds of billions into EVs, “incentivize” the public to purchase them by printing hundreds of billions of green grants, then reap the rewards while inflation hollows out the middle class. Is Warren Buffett brilliant, or simply trading on insider information (he bought 225M shares of BYD in 2008)?
Our rulers plow hundreds of billions into wars of no strategic benefit (other than to enrich themselves), meatless products and pharma companies - printing trillions to finance wars, plandemics and now meatless products - then reap the rewards while inflation hollows out the middle class.
Oligarchs plow hundreds of billions into divisive Woke ideologies, print hundreds of billions in subsidies and accept billions from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), then reap the rewards - a distracted and divided citizenry incapable of holding them accountable - while inflation hollows out the middle class.*
“The Hertz Meltdown Reveals the Scale of the EV Debacle.” It’s not a crime to enjoy visiting Fashion Island in your new Tesla before having drinks at Balboa Peninsula, but to say they’re so perfect for every application to justify phasing out combustible engines by 2032…: Jeffrey Tucker.
Between inflation, offshoring our jobs, and wages that have been stagnant for a generation or more, you can clearly see why the American middle-class is an endangered species. IMO it’s all by design and why our rulers must be fired immediately.
The Administrative State shoving its… deep up everyone’s… (who’s not a Coastal Elite). I hadn’t considered many of us may no longer be able to afford new cars in addition to being unable to purchase houses.
“Behind the EV Push, a Wealth Transfer From Red to Blue Regions. Federal electric vehicle mandates are being criticized as ‘class warfare’ with far reaching implications for certain parts of America”. OUR GOVERNMENT IS AT WAR WITH US: Kevin Stocklin.
[It also furthers WESTERN-BORN Replacement Theory (through war, sanctions, and open borders) to provide CHEAP LABOR for Corporate Rulers at the expense of the working class. This practice is devastating to Americans of ALL races. Americans on food stamps are also less likely to question our tyrannical government.
Mainstream STATE media should do a special on all of the people who’ve had to shut down their businesses, and/or lost their livelihoods. They won’t because Corporations and Ruling Elites benefit from a lower cost of labor as a result of illegal immigration. You’ll notice their coverage revolves around Trump and Abbott being bad men, and is intended to make you feel sympathetic for illegals - some of whom feel they’re entitled to a free ride (why, I’m not sure). Maybe State media plants that seed in their brains?!
I don’t hate “unauthorized” immigrants on a personal level - most are decent people hoping to better their families - but this article makes clear the effect they’re having on “NATIVE-BORN” Americans. It confirms everything I’ve written thus far on the subject. NEO-FEUDALISM HAS ARRIVED. “Behind Today's Stellar Jobs Print: It Was Literally ALL Part-Time Jobs (And Illegals)”: Tyler Durden.
The Amerikan establishment makes everything about race so they can dismiss push-back as racism. Their incurious voters are gullible enough to fall for their lies every time. It’s impossible to reform a govt. with this ignorant of an electorate. Western-Born Replacement Theory may be the most glaring example of Corporate Socialism-Fascism there is.]
Who could forget our rulers “encouraging” us to get vaccinated through coercion and intimidation after buying stock options on pharma companies? I believe Bill Gates is one of the largest holders of pharma stocks. The ruling class claim this is Public-Private partnership, but it’s clearly Public-Private plundering.
Oligarchs are diversifying from war into other areas such as EVs, meatless products, pharma companies, and Woke ideologies. Another example of coercion is forcing all automakers to cease producing combustible engine vehicles as soon as Oligarchs are heavily invested in EVs. Global ruling elites are “experts” at frontrunning markets.
No, I don’t think it’s a crime for honest investors to invest alongside the ruling class. It would be very ill-advised to short our rulers barring a seismic shift (such as we the people forcing them out of power), but it’s difficult to imagine this happening.
I hope the few Americans who are fortunate enough to own multi-million dollar homes, G-Wagons and the like are as worried as I am. “Fire, Then Ice: Our Deflationary Future”: Charles Hugh Smith.
*When one takes ESG into account, Woke ideologies account for trillions of dollars of money printing (DEBT), and may ultimately lead to unsustainable levels of inflation. It’s already unsustainable, just ask anyone who was living paycheck to paycheck under Donald Trump.
“Recent Gallup data shows a massive decline in the number of U.S. adults who believe relations between white and black Americans are good. In the past ten years, the number of white adults who believe relations with black Americans are good has plummeted from 73 percent in 2013 to 43 percent in 2023. For black adults, that number has plummeted from 66 percent to 33 percent in the same time frame. It is no coincidence that this declining trend began around the same time that Black Lives Matter popularized the term “woke” in 2014 as part of the Ferguson riots…
For the Left, the goal isn’t to advance equality or improve race relations; it is to drive wedges in society to facilitate their agenda of destroying the culture and institutions that are in the way of their radical vision…
‘Culturally Responsive’ drives a wedge between people based on identities and rejects conformity to a shared American culture, preventing Americans (and, in the context of schooling, children) from uniting as one people.
Thus, ‘Culturally Responsive’ is an anti-American term meant to undermine and vilify American culture and society while promoting and elevating other cultures in a way that goes far beyond the mere intention of understanding and being respectful of different cultures” – The Center for Renewing America.
{Top-Down UN (WEF) Globo-Capitalist driven Woke ideologies are designed to be as unhinged, and deviant, as possible so the Right “hates” the Left more than it already does. If you are a Liberal voter you must champion the + in LBTGQ+, Gender theory, and also be in favor of biological males using the schoolgirls’ bathroom or you risk accusations of not supporting the 0.018%, 0.05% or 1.7% (depending on the study) who are legitimately intersex.}
I lump the majority of “Republicans” in government, Neo-Cons and RINOs, in with the Left whilst hoping a few Conservative populists remain. Most are united against our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Our entire country is being run for the benefit of those in permanent power (HINT: those who don’t have to vote). The O’Bidens, Bushs and a litany of others across the Amerikan (USSA) spectrum. This UN (USSA) establishment has gained 66.6% to 90% control of our country, perhaps 100%, given these technocrats hijacking of American democracy several years ago. We the people’s voting power has been nullified so that we the American people can never elect another Populist.
Even if you’re in denial regarding the last general election, it can’t be argued that those in power have rebranded the truth as disinformation, and have completely usurped the flow of factual information in order to push narratives (LIES) that benefit our Fascist (Corporate Socialist) system of government and ruling elites above all else. Everything Amerika’s OLIGARCHS do is designed to further enrich themselves at the American electorate’s expense.
[I was an avid follower of ZeroHedge pre-dating the “Great Financial Crisis”, but for its financial reporting. I enjoyed getting reports Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley etc published for their clients.
It wasn’t until this Amerikan establishment de-platformed Donald Trump, crippling his ability to communicate with the American people, and also suppressed reporting on the Biden family’s felonious behavior, that I finally created login credentials for ZH and began participating in its comments section. Yes, there’s a right-wing bias to the comments section, but there is also a surprising number of non-Partisan journalists participating on the site.
To strictly blame the Left (or the Right) is to entirely miss the fact Americans have a UNIPARTY of corrupt politicians from both sides of the aisle in power. I strongly believe Donald Trump had the majority of the Republican establishment trying to oust him as well while he was in office. Liberal friends & family: can you imagine how you would have felt if the Amerikan establishment had done this to president Biden rather than to Donald Trump?
There’s also no disputing American voters must do a better job of putting ourselves in the other side’s shoes. How would Liberal voters feel if Democratic poll-watchers had been aggressively removed from polling stations etc? Liberal voters unwillingness to examine (outright denial of) these issues has been very hurtful. Our country is falling apart, but one side either has its head in the sand (or appears to be outright voting for this societal decline).
DJT claiming the election was stolen over and over again didn’t help. All of the above contributed to Conservative voters protesting election results. Now, all that’s missing are their executions (sarc obviously).
If Trump is one of the good guys, he must be more mindful of his actions. Though not seditious, Americans have an anti-Democratic government looking to silence anyone in opposition to their despotic methods. Sedition is what they say it is.
These poor Americans protest what was made to look like a stolen election, and was called a stolen election by DJT repeatedly, and are unjustly locked up in the J/6 gulag forever. They were conned.
If patriots battled their way into OUR Capitol, killing a few officers along the way, then their punishment might fit the crime. We all know that never happened (or at least sentient non-Liberal voters do). With one exception I am aware of - the Ray Epps instigated removal of a barrier - patriots entrance into the Capitol was facilitated by Government officials and very probably encouraged by insiders.
I don’t understand blind devotion to Trump. I’m sorry, I really don’t. Blind devotion to Trump is akin to Liberals believing square wheels on automobiles (Marxism) will save the world.
To further clarify: J/6 was a clear & blatant set-up. Conservatives have known this for damn near three years. Was DJT sincere in claiming “stolen” and “landslide” over and over again, or was he part of the racket? He must have known it was not going to be a landslide victory after four years of relentless MSM deception.
This is an unpleasant question I must ask myself, even though Trump did far more good in office than most Americans realize. Even if Trump proves to be sincere, it won’t be be enough as it’s far too easy to silence one person.
This Amerikan establishment was looking for another 9/11 to claim as its own, and it got it. Largely in part to a press and group of voters incapable of critical thought, and independent research (a hive mind). Of course I want absentee ballots and drop-boxes to go the way of the DoDo bird - everyone who demands certifiable elections should want this.
It’s crunch time, and I’d prefer to see all those involved permanently removed from power before they have another chance to facilitate a set-up like J/6, or another false flag attack like 9/11.
If elected, if Trump doesn’t pardon the J/6 detainees he deserves to be strung up from a lamp post. Does Trump, or anyone else on the Right still talk about them? Or is it all about Donald Trump versus the Deep Bureaucratic State?
George W. Bush (and Dick Cheney) should be investigated as whatever immunity ex-Presidents once enjoyed has gone out the window. At the very least, if Bush was jailed or executed it would send a message.
Unfortunately, the bulk of the Amerikan establishment, which consists of majorities of both political parties, are Bush & Cheney clones. It’s why the Federal government very probably must be dissolved as I believe Ron Paul suggested.
It’s why I’ve got that 1,000 yard stare & don’t feel like talking to many people. How many Americans understand this? Six to thirty million (2%-10%)? It’s difficult to be around anyone who drinks the Establishment’s Kool-Aid - LIES. I have not minded spending the holidays in exile. In fact, it’s been quite a relief.
Conservative voters could do much better on issues such as gay marriage, but what I have described above represents an existential crisis to the Republic. Liberals: can you imagine being labeled a right-wing extremist or “domestic terrorist” for believing in the principles our country was founded on, and having half of the American electorate believe our government’s deceit? The amoral Marxist establishment can say whatever it wants, and you fools will believe every word. Don’t be one of the fools.
That vacuous MSM pundits have begun forecasting another 9/11-style attack is very “concerning”. This is precisely what our government ordered them to do prior to the 9/11 attacks - hence my 1,000 yard stare. Alex Jones told his viewers to call the White House months before 9/11. You can see how little good it did…
As many believe the Amerikan establishment is goosing the stock exchanges to help Chairman Joe, maybe we’ll also avoid an attack!! No one wants a terrorist attack to be proven correct. Most Muslims who have gained their USA citizenship are delightful individuals; ones who would hopefully tip off the necessary authorities if trouble was brewing.]
Amerika’s technocrats know best. If they can successfully rig our “democracy” for a few more years, we the people will have been permanently silenced, so that they can profit without intrusions such as human rights. Everyone who takes issue with this should demand Populist candidates across the political spectrum: federal, state, and local. Populism should only be a bad word to those in permanent power: John Kerry, Antony Blinken, Victoria Nuland etc.
Citizenship and voting rights used to be such a big deal. Now the Amerikan establishment wants to give voting rights to people here illegally?
[If there was cheating it was unnecessary because no one could stand up to the MSM blitzkrieg (it’s been so over the top that even to this day a small part of me wonders if it was all staged to destabilize the republic). There’s also a growing number of people who fear the 2024 election might be called off - could be another “pandemic”, 9/11 or “Oklahoma City” bombing.
If so, it’s critical we remain calm and not point the finger at one another. It could be another false flag attack of some sort, whether carried out by an adversary or one of our own we’d never know.]
We have a government that’s doing everything in its power to destabilize our country, while weakening what should be a powerful ally to keep the Chinese Communists in check. I can’t overemphasize how evil the Chinese Communist Party is (they harvest organs from LIVING political dissidents. Not even the “Democratic” party in the US is doing this, yet…
Voters who scoff at the word Populism are upside down, voting against their own interests, and helping to further tilt the board in favor of the worst class of people America has to offer - those in permanent power.
I’ve noticed other journalists using the term “permanent power”, as ruling elites are repurposing words like Deep State and disinformation to suit their selfish agenda. I also say Deep State bureaucrats, though not all of the scum in power are civil servants (they are the very opposite of who civil servants are supposed to be). Hopefully most of you are able to read between the lines, as you gain familiarity with the topics covered in this manuscript.
People meaning the other 98%+ of the American public. Liberal voters: you’ll never be invited to join the 1%-2% club of ruling elites. Why continue to support these Oligarchs (psst it’s really just the 0.001%, some of whom are deranged)? It makes absolutely no sense for Liberal voters to continue to support this 0.001%’s agenda.
This is a creepy ass Tool video that kind of works: “Schism”.
xoxo 11/16: this manuscript has served its purpose so it’s almost an academic exercise to clean it up for posterity’s sake.
Tucker Carlson Alex Jones FULL Interview: PI4PSI. I’ve only watched a few minutes and already we have Dick Cheney DOV ZAKHEIM calling for a Pearl Harbor-type event being carried out to usher in a Security State. Why the fuck are these people not being tried for war crimes fellow Americans?! It’s pathetic and unacceptable that they aren’t.
“Both legally and politically, it's hard to imagine a more significant scandal than the President and Vice President deliberately obstructing the investigation of the 9/11 Commission by concealing & then destroying vital evidence which the Commission was seeking. Yet that's exactly what the evidence suggests has occurred here”: Glenn Greenwald (July 4, 2024).
And yet the Amerikan establishment and its Security State continue to falsely charge Donald Trump (and Alex Jones), while lionizing George Bush, Sr. and giving Bush, Jr. and Dick Cheney carte blanche. The American people should find this embarrassing and unforgivable. It should be crystal clear who’s running our country by now.
When looking up obstruction into the 9/11 Commission’s investigation I was hit by a wall of governmedia “SPAM”. However, I was able to dig up an oldie but goodie from Greenwald’s Salon days.
CIA Secrecy on JFK Points to Criminal Culpability. “It is a virtual certainty those still-secret records contain circumstantial evidence that further confirms criminal culpability on the part of the CIA & the Pentagon in the assassination of President Kennedy.”: Jacob Hornberger (July 4, 2024).
As a caveat, ever since John F Kennedy’s assassination it’s been do what the Globalist Deep State (CIA) Rothschilds (Israel) say, or else. No one, including Trump, seems to be immune to their pressure. I wasn’t present so I have no idea who is a psychopath (demon) versus who’s a decent man, but caved into the pressure. Please forgive me if you are lumped in, but the American people and Muslims deserve accountability (July 4, 2024).
Did the Rothschilds (London) lean on Bush to do Israel’s bidding/to further Israel’s interests in the ME by signing off on the 9/11 attacks? Maybe Bush had hoped they would be prevented (July 4, 2024)?
It’s important we not blame the average bureaucrat for the many Conspiracy Facts swirling around the Deep State. If the Deep State (CIA) pounds “conspiracy theory” into OUR heads regarding certain subjects - 9/11 is a terrific example - it should be everyone’s cue to research the hell out of it (July 4, 2024).
We know Alex Jones is sincere. Hopefully Greenwald will follow Tucker Carlson’s lead and have Alex Jones on his program. I hope Jones belatedly gets his due whilst being made whole financially, passes the torch, and has more time to spend with his family.
Any voter who has a problem with what Alex Jones has said, Sandy Hook comment aside, is a mental incompetent who should not have a vote or say in the future of our country. My advice to you would be to apply for a position in the Deep State.
You’re already furthering its aims by doubting an honest man. Might as well collect a government paycheck.
Was the United States government aware of, and/or complicit in the 9/11 attacks? Here are a few more links (July 4, 2024):
World Trade Center’s Infamous 91st-Floor Israeli ‘Art Student’ Project - (GELATIN & E-TEAM): Graviola Team-Finland.
[“Cheering Movers and Art Student Spies: Was Israel Tracking the Hijackers Before the 9/11 Attacks?”: Democracy Now!.
“Israeli Trainees and Mossad Agents Swept Up in 9/11 Net”. Was this intended to distract the Feds?: Richard H. Curtiss (July 4, 2024).
“The Israeli ‘art student’ mystery”. Huge size and scope. Why on earth were the Israelis here?: Christopher Ketcham.]
“FREE FALLIN' starring BUILDING 7”. Don’t forget to click “more” under the description: vengeancefrom 1979.
In addition to a distraction campaign, Israel may have used Epstein’s private island to obtain kompromat to be used for blackmail to keep American leaders in line and from speaking out about 9/11. Israel must have obtained a lot of compromising material for the 9/11 attacks to proceed - this assuming there were a few insiders who may have wanted to blow the whistle (July 4, 2024).
WE KNOW OF AT LEAST ONE INSIDER WHO WAS BOUGHT OFF AS PER THE SUSAN LINDAUER VIDEO BELOW. I believe a small group orchestrated and carried out the attacks with the help of Israel’s Mossad (and perhaps MI-6), and an even smaller group may have wanted to blow the whistle. There’s no way Congress at large would have known, especially if many Feds weren’t aware (that’s my contention). One would think they’d be as alarmed as many of us are (July 4, 2024)!!
The United States government and its captured Mainstream Media has conveniently (for them) swept all of this under the rug. They might find themselves tried, convicted and perhaps jailed or executed effective immediately if the U.S. government allowed investigative journalism to flourish.
Must American voters have it explained to them why We the People need Free Speech for our protection (July 4, 2024)?
“Every bit of the stories were true. The 61 page DEA report gives detailed information about their identities, actions and claims. Some of the phony art students (IDF bomb technicians) were allowed to live on the 91st floor of the WTC for a whole year with 24 hour access into both buildings to work on an alleged art project.
They called themselves the "E - TEAM" aka "Gelatin B Thing." Now it's clear the "E" was for EXPLOSIVES TEAM. Gelatin is also an ingredient used in bombs, hence the "B Thing." Israeli terrorists have never been subtle. The art project involved rigging both buildings with fuses to put their name "E-Team" in lights on 1 building. No doubt a trophy record of their handy work to go along with the photos they took of themselves rigging the bombs. Their name in lights was exactly where one of the planes hit.
The claim that they were tracking the middle eastern terrorists was a lie. No middle eastern terrorists were involved, only Israeli & American ones. More than half of the alleged terrorists have turned out to be alive. Yet the FBI refuses to clear them. They also found Urban Moving Systems was a Mossad front but haven't addressed it. Just more evidence that the terrorists were Israeli & American. Other Israelis were pulled over for driving around in their truck with a mural of a plane flying into the towers that day. They too were released (July 4, 2024).
Among the different types of bombs they used, two 2 kilo ton mini nukes (aka backpack nukes) made in Dimona were placed in each tower basement. FEMA's Human Remains Recovery Team GPS map proves it. It shows the almost 3,000 people inside the towers were blown into 21,812 tiny pieces of flesh found as far as 3,368 feet away (the distance of 11 football fields).
Nothing else in the world has the power to blow objects the distance of 11 football fields. That's the real reason hundreds of cars within a 5 block radius caught fire (evidence of nuclear fission) and why so many people died from cancer (mostly thyroid from radiation as opposed to lung from asbestos). It's also why most of the buildings turned to dust with fires burning for 3 months” - Izraul Hidashi.
It can be argued the US government was not only complicit, but asked the Israelis to be here. The Israel Lobby was instrumental at getting this mess swept under the rug, and memory-holed (turns out this puzzle was solved long ago). I’d say We the People hold a Sword of Damocles over their heads.
If AIPAC was involved with the cover up and smearing of 9/11 investigators and journalists it goes without saying AIPAC should be labeled an enemy combatant (July 4, 2024).
2013 “Behind the Smoke Curtain” Pentagon 9/11 Attack - Whistleblower Barbara Honegger. None other than Bush and Cheney would have had control over “black ops”: Robert Estlinbaum.
“10 Good Reasons Not to Trust the Vaccine, or the Government”. Red flags #s 5 and 6 cover the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11: Izraul Hidashi (July 4, 2024).
Requiem for the Suicided - Terrance Yeakey. Courageous first responder in OKC who questioned the narrative and was most likely killed for it: The Corbett Report.
At the very least, the towers collapsing into their own footprints as well as the victims’ bodies being blown 10 1/2 blocks (as per FEMA) from the site is not possible without explosives throughout the buildings. Don’t miss the five or so blue screen grabs of our terrorists below. For those interested, keep reading (July 4, 2024).
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" - William J. Casey, CIA Director 1981.
These motherfuckers carried out a terrorist attack against our country, covered it up & now treat law-abiding American citizens as if we’re the terrorists. We are guilty unless proven innocent. As for our ‘rulers’, not even a court date. Shame on cowardly journos who know better, but refuse to report on the subject-and instead automatically default to our government’s preferred narrative, and crater under MSM’s accusations of anti-Semitism. Rulers who cared for their citizens would never pull this crap (July 4, 2024).
It has been encouraging to see several of my favorite podcasters beginning to shed light on how involved Israel (and perhaps Britain) is in the USA government. Israel clearly should have NO influence on our representatives (November 26, 2024).
Lord knows how many terrorists “Biden & Kamala” let walk across our border, or how many foreign operators are on US soil to take down our electrical grid, launch a drone attack etc. I wonder if our federal government will use a terrorist attack they enabled to declare martial law, and a permanent end to Americans’ civil liberties. I believe all those responsible (yes, you too Mayorkas) should be investigated, tried, convicted and sent to jail for a long time (July 4, 2024).
In addition to leaving our border wide open, the traitors in DC have sent over $250 BILLION to Ukraine while depleting our weapons caches . If there’s a “Red Dawn” type scenario we’ll be in rough shape thanks to these worthless pieces of shit (July 4, 2024).
“Biden and Kamala” are moving materials meant to fortify our border wall to Arizona and auctioning them off before Trump takes office. These guys are so bad, we might as well have the ChiComs or Russia running OUR country (July 4, 2024).
The whole of our Western society revolves around the premise that our leaders aren’t dangerous psychopaths.
🌟1)When the DOD thought it would be a good idea for the CIA to bomb innocent Americans to justify going to war with Cuba: Operation Northwoods (July 4, 2024).
“In Memory of JFK: The First US President to be Declared a Terrorist and Threat to National Security”. President John F. Kennedy was declared a terrorist (much as those who questioned the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq): Cynthia Chung.
Was Israel trying to draw the US into the Six-Day War by attacking a US Navy ship and blaming Egypt? USS Liberty Incident (July 4, 2024).
“30 years ago, the FBI might have had its biggest bomb: the World Trade Center attack”: James Bovard.
How were nineteen hijackers armed with knives AND mace able to board FOUR planes? “9/11 Hijackers Used Mace And Knives, Panel Reports”: Sara Kehaulani Goo & Dan Eggen.
This alleged failure was used to justify the creation of the TSA (and DHS). I’ll forever have my doubts...
{I find it ironic that a significant minority of airport employees are Muslims who have been displaced by our government's many unjust wars in the ME. It's especially ironic when one considers the flaming hoops American-born nationals must jump through when traveling by air.
Allow 19 “terrorists” armed with knives and mace to board 4 planes, then use that as justification to beef up security for everyone else?
These are the actions of a federal government that should be fired immediately IMO (in addition to flinging our border wide open, while implementing gun-free zones & carrying out their anti-2A agenda). I am not trying to make our Muslim friends lives more difficult, I’m simply pointing out the irony.
Making life easier for terrorists and drug cartels, but more difficult for law-abiding Americans, is yet another example of USSA (UN) government-sanctioned Anarcho-Tyranny.
If “authorities” are apprehending illegal immigrants who are on our government’s terrorist watchlist, why the fuck is the border wide open. We know for certain the governors of New Mexico, Arizona and California AS WELL AS Chairman Joe the Amerikan rezident couldn’t care less. How could anyone with a brain vote for these jokers? Oh yeah, “free shit” LOL.}
Deadly Pattern: twenty journalists have died by Israeli military fire in 22 years. No one has been held accountable. In addition to the USS Liberty, the Israeli government appears to be ordering the IDF to murder journalists: Committee to Protect Journalists (July 4, 2024).
It’s WAY MORE than twenty. We should be sanctioning Israel, not sending billions to fund their genocide of Palestinians (July 4, 2024).
🚨“9/11 Whistleblowers - Full Documentary 2019 (HD)”. The twin towers were beautiful. Hard evidence proves the White House & EPA lied about air quality following 9/11.
MSM now claims global warming caused the collapse of WTC Building 7 (sarc). In honor of Barry Jennings and first responders, please share on Twitter: Conspiracy Documentaries (July 4, 2024).
[“9/11 Whistleblowers” also includes credible eyewitness accounts of charges going off in Building 7 AND another explosion in 1 WTC six to seven seconds BEFORE the plane hit the tower.
Dozens of additional accounts have been redacted from official reports. Though we’ll never possess all of the data, we have indisputable evidence the government and NIST investigators… LIED.
After reviewing the documentary, Building 7 sounds a lot like a controlled demolition that didn’t go according to plan. I can’t think of any conceivable reason it would have collapsed 8 hours later.
It’s good for eyewitnesses’ health that our government views them as inconsequential. This may bring back unpleasant memories. It should also permanently dash any faith you had in our government.
9/11 was obviously the work of goat herders. The former Afghan mujahideen had expertise in taking down 110 story buildings throughout Afghanistan’s Helmand Province prior to 9/11, as it’s an integral part of goat herding. If not renegade goat herders, then it was most certainly global warming or UFOs (sarc).*
In addition to owning a mine in Sinaloa, scouting for the wealthy, and one becoming his Texas town’s postmaster, my uncles also owned goats!! This upon returning from Brazil after trying to shake off the horrors of the Civil War.
*The NOT SO FUNNY part is that the Mossad has EXTENSIVE experience with explosives. Will the good guys PLEASE STAND UP (before your country loses all support/funding?! DESERVEDLY SO.]
“9/11 ‘Controlled Demolition’ - Fact or Fiction?” Ian Harvey (July 4, 2024).
“The Dancing Israelis: FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks.” Israel’s top demolition team handed to you on a silver platter? Were the Mossad operators celebrating not wiping out Manhattan? John Titor.
Were they assured, did they believe, the buildings were empty? I can’t imagine them caring based on my most recent revelations.
Most of our government would not have been aware of a possible terrorist plot at its highest levels (why would there be a plot unless your leaders were insane), hence the FBI initially detaining the Israelis.
“9/11 and the Saudi Connection”. Mounting evidence supports allegations that Saudi Arabia helped fund the 9/11 attacks. “Nothing in the joint congressional investigation, the 9/11 Commission’s work or the CIA Inspector General’s investigation explains why the CIA hid its knowledge about these two al-Qaeda operatives” - Richard A. Clarke: Eric Lichtblau & James Risen.
“9/11 Terrorists Made Millions on the Stock Market”. If the financial derivatives paper trail led to Osama bin Laden you’d think our government would be happy to share that with us: Hugh McDermott.
Global ruling elites (terrorists) trading on insider knowledge (banksters, defense contractors, politicians etc)?
“WHAT THE HELL DID AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ HAVE TO DO WITH THE 9/11 ATTACKS?” UBL was a Saudi national estranged from his family (July 4, 2024).
Many in the CIA and Iraq were bending over backwards to remove Iraqi sanctions prior to 9/11 (war wasn’t on the table). It seems as if the US government wanted war with Iraq well before Dick Cheney’s bogus “weapons of mass destruction” claim.
“No, really, George W. Bush lied about WMDs”: Dylan Matthews.
Secretary of State Colin Powell was NOT sold on their story. He was one of the last holdouts before being forced to be a good “General”, and acquiesce. Neither was Kofi Annan - a true peacemaker.
The only party who would’ve been hurt by peace was those who profit the most from war. Lindauer believes the hijackers were foreign nationals contracting with the U.S. government, not jihadis.* There were also “25” NORAD drills, which left the Eastern seaboard largely unattended on 9/11.
*The “jihadis” smoked, drank, and chased women according to Lindauer. They may have thought they were participating in a drill on 9/11.
[There really was a DOD-proposed Operation Northwoods plan which tasked the agency (CIA) to carry out false flag attacks on American military and civilians, to use as further justification for war with Cuba. We’re fortunate JFK nixed it. As an aside, Deep State bureaucrats are hard at work persecuting whistleblowers, most of whom are blowing the whistle for our (the public’s) safety.
Why do 49% of voters frantically defend the Deep State (CIA’s) lying behavior. “Northwoods” may have been over sixty years ago, but I find it alarming the Establishment hatched a plan to blow up ordinary Americans like you and me. I view Northwoods as a precursor to the 9/11 attacks (July 4, 2024).
ONE MAN, JOHN F. KENNEDY, KEPT “OPERATION NORTHWOODS” FROM SAILING THROUGH. What does that say about the US government? There is NO reason for government officials to clean up their act in America’s two-tiered justice system. Especially not with an apathetic citizenry who repeatedly let them get away with murder - the genocide of innocent Muslims and Christians in the Middle East.]
The warning Bush received from the CIA may have been “leading the question”, so we’d blame Osama bin Laden. Remember UBL initially denied planning the attack. Lastly, Lindauer learned the hard way that The “Patriot” Act is similar to The Soviet Criminal Act (July 4, 2024).
The following is a must watch video, with A TON to unpack. As always, research the subject yourself. Save for George W. Bush, Cheney, Rummy, and a few inside our Intel community, it’s impossible for the rest of us to bat 1,000 in our analysis of 9/11:
A cover up of epic proportions? Why is Israel also getting a get out of jail free card (in addition to the Saudis)? Did the stock market trail lead back to the highest levels of our government? Who would have been more likely to collude with Israel: Osama bin Laden or the US government? Is it even remotely possible our government wasn’t aware of an operation this large on American soil (July 4, 2024)?
A few of my friends were angry enough, and brave enough to do something. Our 9/11 veterans should be commended for heeding their call to action. Twenty years later, it appears as if we may have been misled. If any veteran commits suicide over my writing, I’m going to find you and kick your ass in the next life.
I swallowed the 9/11 narrative hook, line and sinker twenty years ago just as many believe our bureaucrats’ lies today. It’s long overdue for Americans to pull our heads out of the sand, turn a critical eye toward our leaders (corporate and government) and decide if Fascism (Corporate Socialism) is a system we can trust.
[If Deep State (CIA) operatives coordinated 9/11 to leverage as moral justification for invading Afghanistan and Iraq, in reality to enrich defense contractors and corrupt bureaucrats among other objectives, it would qualify as Corporate Socialism (it’s not Capitalism that’s failing us).
If ever there is an example of Crony Capitalism it is the 9/11 attacks, and now CoVid-19 most likely (non-Google Event 201). Only someone naive, way too trusting, or slow would disagree with me. It’s as plain as day to those of us willing to do the research. If you’re not madder than hell, you’re missing something…
“The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told.” Deep State: must we resort to vigilantism to take care of business? Tens of millions of us are aware of a dozen or more actors who should be tried, convicted & executed. Let’s start seeing some heads roll. Right fucking now: Documentaries (July 4, 2024).
{Now that billions have been sunk into companies like “Beyond Meat”, “40” USSA (UN) city mayors have pledged to steer their citizenry into purchasing fewer meat products. Once you understand the terminology, you will see examples of rampant Corporate Socialism aka Fascism popping up all over the place in 2020s Amerika. It’s exactly the same as the 0.001%’s ESG scam. Deploy massive amounts of capital, then force proles to unwittingly enrich you while inflating them out of house and home.
Beyond Bad: Fake Meat And Other 'Ultra Processed' Vegan Food Linked To Heart Disease, Early Death. Enjoy: Tyler Durden.
We need a system where we the people can get Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Nuland, etc a court date. The evidence we have suggests with 99.9% certainty our government was involved with the 9/11 attacks themselves, as well as the subsequent cover up. No one should be okay with this egregious lack of accountability. Our collective silence has done nothing for victims’ families, first responders, or for New Yorkers poisoned by toxic air quality at ground zero.
I guarantee those of you who invest the time to watch the “9/11 Whistleblowers” & Susan Lindauer videos will agree with me. I listened to Susan in the car yesterday & she was wonderful. She gave everything for our country (and the Iraqis), but was run over by our government on its mad dash to war. Thanks again Susan. Your boyfriend wasn’t kidding about the truth having consequences. Telling the truth certainly isn’t rewarded by Deep State bureaucrats (July 4, 2024).
Many good men and women in our security services are torn in opposite directions: wanting what’s best for our country and her people, is almost always at loggerheads with special interests like defense contractors, and big pharma. I am unequivocally doing the right thing, but many American voters are too programmed to realize it. They believe they’ll get an all-powerful, benevolent government if people like me & Susan are silenced. Nothing’s changed for millennia.]
If our government has evidence that fully exonerates it, and proves 9/11 was a “lone wolf attack”, they should present it to the public immediately. As is, it appears as if the USA government might have colluded with al Qaeda, ISRAEL (perhaps Britain), and Saudi Arabia to carry out a devastating false flag attack on American soil. One that would have been very difficult without insider help (July 4, 2024).
I remain highly skeptical a man in a cave was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks. A regional attack like the USS Cole in the Gulf of Aden maybe, but nothing near the size and scope of 9/11. Everyone should remain skeptical of the government’s dubious narrative, and we should DEMAND the 9/11 Commission’s findings be released to the public. It begs the questions what are they covering up, and why do they keep pulling this crap? That’s reason alone not to trust the government. Government of the people, by the people, for the people my ass.
Was 9/11 facilitated by our government to advance an agenda the American people would never have approved of? The facts speak for themselves. A well thought out agenda with a dozen or more objectives.
Our Congressmen and women are mostly Christian, but when Globalists say “jump” they jump (as our leaders have with Ukraine and Israel). Why is that? To hell with the American people and our Southern border.
Is it the Israeli government’s agenda to “ethnically cleanse” itself of Palestinians, or is it the British Empire’s? Which is more likely: that this tiny country in the Middle East controls the US government, or the US and Israel are simply vassal states of the more powerful British Empire (July 4, 2024)?
“The Israeli Government is behind the serial assassinations of the Kennedy brothers. Israel has lodged itself like a parasite in all of America's power structures.” John F. Kennedy opposed Israel having nuclear weapons. Take this with a grain of salt, it is from the Tehran Times, but many educated people share this view (once regarded as bigoted): Laurent Guyenot (July 4, 2024).
I’d argue it’s London and the Rothschilds, and that unerring support for Israel despite its ethnic cleansing and genocide programs / has always been required or else we lose their support or worse - you get JFKed or Epsteined - have your reputation destroyed. Every politician must support Israel, OR ELSE (July 4, 2024).
This sentiment has taken on a certain logic at present as the Establishment wings of both political parties are beginning to appear as bloodthirsty Neo-Zionists to many in the International community. I agree with Laurent that evil took over our government in the wake of John F. Kennedy’s assassination.
The CIA should have been dissolved shortly thereafter, and an Article 5 Convention should have taken place - this said with the benefit of sixty years hindsight (July 4, 2024).
I am fine providing the Israeli government the usual amount of funding to maintain their defenses. However, if they choose to leave a specific sector unguarded that’s on them - they would receive no additional monies from the US (July 4, 2024).
Was their thought process simply to “just get out of the way and let Hamas carry out its attack so we can begin razing Gaza anew”?
Genocide is okay as long as they (we) report back to the crown. While I’m at it, there’s also no such thing as Judeo-Christian.
Yes, I realize the Israeli government warns Palestinians to leave apartments the IDF is planning to level, but it’s also rumored the Israel Defence Forces bomb the very same areas they’ve told Gazans are safe to relocate to (July 4, 2024).
This Zionist (Globalist) lobby may be the most powerful lobby of all. Even more so than defense contractors and pharma companies. If you control the financial system (BIS, IMF and World Bank), you control all governments. They’re not victims as they claim to be.
Professor John Mearsheimer Dissects Catastrophic US Foreign Policy: Israel-Gaza, Russia, China, and More | SYSTEM UPDATE #252. These wars defy logic, even for Geopolitical professionals. The logic is bringing us “together” under a one world government. It’s not a conspiracy as a few leaders have discussed this publicly for decades (while others have run cover and denied the NWO to the gullible masses): Glenn Greenwald.
It appears as if the Zionist Lobby & Deep State (UN) are inexorably linked, doesn’t it? I’ve heard this theory for many years, but I needed to confirm it through my own research. It’s why a fair number of highly-educated individuals appear anti-Semitic at first blush.
The Deep State (CIA) and UN (UK) are two sides of the same coin more or less, not unlike our political parties. It’s indisputable that the Deep State does the Nazi bankers’ (posing as Zionists) bidding and has for over one-hundred years. Unfortunately research bears this out (July 4, 2024).
Of course I don’t believe every member of this banking dynasty is evil, but this family appears to be at the root of every conflict since at least 1913. They have successfully linked themselves to Judaism by declaring themselves Zionist, and are above reproach as a result. I sincerely doubt they give a damn about God or Jews. Blood and money is their God (July 4, 2024).
I would caution that any hate be directed at this powerful group rather than Jewish citizens at large. That’s a very important distinction. I condemn this group, but not Israelis or Jewish people around the world in general.
Should one of the many arms of the Zionist Lobby come after me I will simply state that I’m anti-EVIL, not anti-Semitic. Everyone should follow my lead. The ACLU & ADL have been used in recent years to target anyone who opposes the UN (WEF)’s Globalist / Zionist agenda.
I have met many Israeli citizens over the years who are quick to say their Mossad are thugs, much as knowledgeable Americans speak of our CIA. Perhaps the Mossad and CIA are yet another tentacle of the UN (UK) and Zionist Lobby (July 4, 2024)?
Based on the callousness shown to Christians and Muslims in America one is left to conclude the Zionist lobby is the most powerful lobby of all in the United States. The Zionist (Globalist) Lobby who control STATE media also refuse to cover the suffering of Christians in the ME (only the supposed plight of Israelis), and are hateful to Gentiles in Europe and the US as well.
How does the government of Israel treat Christians? In the West, Christian leaders do not seem interested in knowing the answer. They should be. Here’s the view of a pastor from Bethlehem: Tucker Carlson.
My Two Cents: Zionist media has slandered this pastor by calling him an anti-Semite for not condoning the Israeli Defence Forces sniping of two elderly Christian ladies as they emerged from church (because that’s how the IDF & Zionists roll). For example, the Israeli government refers to thinning the herd as “mowing the grass”. They don’t care whether it’s Hamas terrorists, or elderly Christian ladies. A kill is a kill. Just ask them. IDF snipers get off on using Gentiles for target practice (July 4, 2024).
“Israel army kills 2 Christian women in ‘cold blood’ at Gaza church compound. A Christian woman and her daughter shot dead in Gaza’s Holy Family Church by an Israeli soldier”: Al Jazeera (July 4, 2024).
Have the Israeli government and its Mossad always been monsters? I am afraid so. Or at least it sure seems like it. I haven’t lost faith in the Israeli people though. Sorry, but they blew up the WTC and killed a few friends. There will never be any forgiveness in my heart for them. I hope they burn in hell. The sooner the better.
In addition to the Christian women, 3 World Central Kitchen trucks were obliterated. After the IDF destroyed the first vehicle, the survivors moved to the second (these are marked clearly as aid vehicles by the way). As several MARTYRS moved to the third & final clearly marked aid truck it was leveled by the IDF, killing all nine innocents who were simply trying to provide aid to sick and starving Gazans. How could anyone with a soul support this?! Univision also covered this story (July 4, 2024).
“Strike That Killed World Central Kitchen Workers Bears Hallmarks of Israeli Precision Strike”. We pay taxes so our government can continue to fund these monsters (without a lick of dissent in Congress)? WOW: Nick Waters (July 4, 2024).
These are one of many charity trucks and workers who have been brutally murdered courtesy of the Israeli government, the IDF, and our Zionist Congress (as a result of our impotence, tax dollars and money printing). Epoch Times readers: Christians can support the state of Israel all we want, but the Israeli government would gun us down without a MOMENT’S hesitation if we passed through Gaza or the West Bank. They don’t give a SHIT about Christians (neither does our government).
[It’s fair to say “Globalist” Congress, isn’t it? The way our country is now being run is the anti-thesis to how our founders envisioned America being run. Washington, DC is now wholly 100% focused on the concerns of the UN/UK (July 4, 2024).
Amerika’s Zionist Congress is indifferent to America and her people. Not one penny to our Southern border in the last aid package to Ukraine and Israel. Ukraine is into us for over $200B and counting because of its importance to the Globalists…
Speaker Mike Johnson’s votes would have prevented unlawful spying powers from being rolled forward, and would have also prevented many billions going to Ukraine and Israel pending funds being used to secure our borders. Johnson is a traitor to the American people as are most of his cronies in Congress. These criminals are an affront to everything George Washington - and Ike Eisenhower - stood for (July 4, 2024).
Hopefully European countries in NATO will demure rather than escalate the crisis by sending troops in, and allies can negotiate the way out of the mess our regime change operation in Ukraine created. The EU looks like it may have to step in as the U.S. has severed comms with Russia.]
Norman Finkelstein Returns - The Future of Israel's War in Gaza. What is really happening in the Gaza strip that Western media doesn’t want you to know: Glenn Greenwald.
Globalists offend Christians as much as possible (see trans-Easter on the day Jesus rose from the dead). Our Congress wants you to believe it’s just the Left, but it’s both parties trying to sow discord. This is another reason why they are evil (in addition to supporting the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza). Our ruling class are secular war-mongers, just like their creditors in “Switzerland”.
Early Zionists simply wanted the Jewish people to have a safe sovereign nation of their own free from the many years of persecution they had endured (pogroms, Holocaust, etc). Neo-Zionists appear to be hellbent on the extermination of the Palestinian race, and indifferent to the plight of Christians in the region. One wonders if these Pseudo-Zionists will stop with the eradication of Palestinians, or if they will attempt to conquer the rest of the ME.* I suppose that depends on the one-world government Globalists in Congress and what lengths they’re willing to go to. This is a new subject for me. I hope you can see from my previous work I’m simply trying to hold the rich and powerful accountable, rather than attempting to unfairly single out any minority groups. If it appears as if I have, you’ll most likely see my oversight corrected in time...
[Israel strikes Iran consulate in Damascus, Syria. Iran has promised a response after an alleged Israeli attack on its consulate killed seven including two top commanders.
Iran’s mission to the United Nations said the strike was a flagrant violation of United Nations Charter, international law, and the foundational principle of the inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises.
Saying the strike was “a significant threat to regional peace and security”, the Iranian mission urged the United Nations Security Council to condemn Israel’s attack & also said Tehran has the right “to take a decisive response”.
“We strongly condemn this atrocious terrorist attack that targeted the Iranian consulate in Damascus and killed a number of innocents,” said Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad: Al Jazeera.]
The Iranian government has smartly avoided jumping to conclusions regarding its former President’s helicopter going down. Obviously the UN (WEF) isn’t going to condemn Israel’s actions when the UN (WEF) itself very likely wants to overthrow Iran’s government - and Russia’s.
*The Nazi Zionist Israeli government’s next move might be carrying out a Holocaust “ethnic cleansing” of the Palestinian people within its borders (while the International community looks on with horror, but does... nothing). A new friend remarked Israelis are more tolerant of Muslims in their country than I realize. However, I’ll stand by my remark for now - prove me wrong.
“EVIL” IRAN COULD HAVE WIPED ISRAEL OFF THE MAP ONE WEEK AGO, BUT INSTEAD WAS KIND ENOUGH TO GIVE ISRAELIS TIME TO PREPARE FOR THEIR DEMONSTRATION. I view the United States and Israeli governments as a far greater threat to the world than Iran. When compared to the US, Iran tends to mind its own business if left alone. However, the UN (WEF) one-world government in Washington, DC is wholly incapable of leaving ANYONE alone.
Funding a handful of terrorists versus the shit our government has pulled over the years. 10M or more innocents dead in the Middle East as the result of United States sanctions & blown up infrastructure, Vietnam etc. Whatever atrocities Iran has committed are a drop in the bucket (July 4, 2024).
I am not encouraging the average Israeli citizen to drape themselves over foreign aid workers and journalists to ensure their safety going forward. However, I can’t casually dismiss reports of journalists & aid workers being murdered by the IDF because a few friends have enjoyed their pilgrimages to the Holy Land. Once again, prove me wrong Israelis.
[Zionists around the world hate Orthodox Jews in other words. The Torah specifically states the Jewish people are not to have a state of their own. The Israeli government clearly covets Gaza and the West Bank-maybe this is why the Torah proscribes statehood? Its behavior has been frightening…
allowing hundreds of young IDF troops to be sacrificed to give itself more time. As I stated earlier, all Israel has to do is level blown out apartment buildings and it would be virtually impossible for Hamas to kill its soldiers. Hamas fighters would no longer have cover to snipe or to fire RPGs from.]
Swedish diplomat Folke Bernadotte, who personally saved 31,000 Jews from the Nazis, was shot dead by a Zionist terrorist group in Jerusalem at point blank range in 1948 after writing a UN report based on the devastated Palestinian villages he saw. The go-ahead for the murder came from future prime minister of Israel, Yitzhak Yezernitsky - anonymous quote from ZeroHedge comments thread (July 4, 2024).
The further Left the thicker the skin required, but one can learn a great deal from ZeroHedge comments if they’re willing to corroborate them.
This may prove to be the culmination of several years hard work. Globalists appear to be at the root of many unpleasant truths. They are the United Nations and everything thereafter. Does the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) really believe it can defeat them? UN (WEF) Globalists will raze our societies save for CCTV cameras, implement Martial Law, and then take over. Our ChiCom friends will be no match for them either, and will be thrown under the bus as well despite mentoring greedy “Socialist” Amerikan officials for a great many years.
Friends: I see many bizarre permutations here. For example, Trump partnering with Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin to break entanglements with this depraved Global Banking Cartel. Deep down our three Leaders may romanticize for our Sovereignties I believe. Each of our cultures has such a rich history, especially theirs. Teamwork comrades. Let’s do this!!*
Xi and Putin prove my thoughts wrong below this dividing line. Unfortunately, the Globalist puppet state of Amerika is bound to make things difficult. We’ll all lose if Globalist bankers take over for good. It is time to erase them from history. They play for keeps, so must we…
*Leaving interest rates high may be one way to make it difficult for Globalists to fund their initiatives. When I say partner I’m not advocating for the American president to engage in any illicit, backroom dealmaking. I don’t believe that’s necessary. Just refuse to cooperate with, and make life difficult for the Global Banking Cartel.
[Some studies suggest that up to 20% of teens and young adults identify as LBTGQ (of course I support the few who are genuinely attracted to their same-sex partners). This must be heartbreaking to the few legitimate public servants Americans can depend on. Remember, these secular banking and media DEMONS are trying their damnedest to demoralize us. They may also view transgenderism as a step towards transhumanism. I haven’t researched this topic, nor do I care to.
A few of these young people have even been convinced that heteros should give up. Think there’s not an agenda at work? Given hospitals may be performing more Sex Change Operations for profit than the public realizes, the Trans push may have just become one of the gravest threats we face as a species.
This almost amounts to a Eugenics forced sterilization program for profit (almost b/c it requires input from the child, but not necessarily the parent). For example, if an 8-12 year old boy tells a nurse he feels like a girl they will very probably affirm his feelings and suggest treatment and/or surgery.
As Western technocrats are pushing what amounts to a sterilization campaign, how far might they be willing to go to “reimagine the world to their liking”?
Unelected globalists Nazis at the World Economic Forum envision an “augmented society” ruled by digital identity and transhumanism via the Internet of Bodies. The WEF is often viewed as the private arm of the United Nations: The Sociable.
However, their may be noble applications if managed responsibly. “Noland Arbaugh, Elon Musk’s first Neuralink patient, says there aren’t words ‘to describe how amazing’ the technology is: NewsNation.
I consider myself less than 2% as intelligent as Musk, but would like to believe he is a good man (because everyone smarter than me is evil lol). I’m poking fun at myself. The question remains though: how do we keep a lid on Pandora’s box?
Is Elon Musk ahead of DARPA, or vice versa? What is DARPA up to?]
It also appears as if food and drug companies want us to be obese and diabetic, or to have other chronic illnesses which result from eating addictive processed foods by 30 as it generates trillions in profits for big pharma over our lifetimes-while big pharma and food companies donate billions to med schools & federal agencies.
As tobacco became regulated scientists saw greener pastures in the food industry developing addictive products containing empty calories (so consumers can’t stop eating them). Is it any wonder Nazi Germany (a regime with occult roots that had declared war on Christianity) gave us atomic weapons, poisonous pesticides, and Adderall? During WWII Nazi troops on Adderall & sodium bicarbonate marched across Europe, now children indoors on social media take it.
“The Truth About Ozempic, the Pill, and How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick”. I apologize for shoehorning this in here, but it gives you an idea of what we are up against: Calley & Casey Means.
I hope it’s strictly the lunatic fringe of Israeli settlers (occupiers) who won’t allow aid to reach Gazans. Will kind and decent Israelis please put an end to your government’s evil behavior (July 4, 2024)?]
The same Globalist cartel who controls the global banking system also controls global media (in addition to the vast majority of DC’s bureaucrats). Arguments as to whether Israel deliberately let its guard down aside: does anyone agree with Israelis behavior after reading this?!*
Our bloodthirsty Globalist Congress may finally succeed at getting Israel nuked by Iran and permanently scrubbed from the Mid-East map. American “diplomacy” has consisted of trying to provoke wars for so long that Blinken and company don’t know when to say when. You’ll notice both “sides” censoring their voters when it comes to criticism of Israel. Say one bad thing about Israel, and their claws come out.
The fact we cannot criticize the Israeli government, or Jewish people in general does make it appear as if Israelis or Jews (or those claiming to be Israeli or Jewish) control the globalist banking and media industries. Whoever controls these industries is evil. We must ferret them out asap.
[Israel Massacres Rafah Refugees as Speech Crackdowns Escalate in the “US”; GOP Obsession with Israel; Alan Dershowitz Debate on Iran Recap | SYSTEM UPDATE #272: Glenn Greenwald.
Is a regime change operation on the table for Iran now? Well, why the hell not?! It worked great for Ukraine (AND RUSSIA). Where we at? Over 500,000 dead in their part of the world. Way to take the fight to ‘em to “protect” Ukraine (SARCASM).
If “US” leaders gave a shit about Ukraine there wouldn’t have been a Maidan Color Revolution. Torching “the breadbasket of Europe” also helps Globalist leaders in DC goose inflation in our country and throughout the world. Yes, inflation and currency defaults are part of their agenda as well. Get us all on government aid as well as onto one digital currency -this is very easily verified.]
“Smith’s are the best I’ve read. That said, in the future it would be nice if he’d include some of the regime change ops that are getting us into these wars. A few authors have begun to include so called Colored Revolutions. Hopefully James will in the future. 10 years in spec ops. Dude knows his stuff!!”
Amazon appears to have censored this review (I didn’t r/c an email from Amazon that my review was online as I’ve always in the past). One could make a valid argument that tech companies should be dissolved along with the Federal government as so many are aligned with the government against the people.
*This may be a coordinated effort to get our troops strung out all over the world as I mentioned earlier. Lest we forget this new axis of evil (China, Russia, and Iran) now have a large footprint in countries like Cuba and Venezuela as a result of sanctions our country has levied against them. While we’re gutting these countries and creating refugee crises, China is forging close ties with their officials (July 4, 2024).
You can imagine the terror if Hamas also started carrying out drone attacks stateside in addition to wars raging abroad. Our UK-centric government’s inaction along the Southern border says it all. Will they use state-sponsored terrorism (supposedly Iranian) to justify full scale war with Iran and seemingly everyone else? I’ll continue to look for ways to extend off ramps and olive branches to our adversaries - real or imagined.
ASG is an ongoing effort. Obviously, I would prefer the scenarios I discuss to be realistic (but not ones that come to pass). Hopefully this will give proper statesmen and women something to work with.
The Ukraine war is apt to continue as long as Zelenskyy can conjure up conscripts to go to the front lines. Trump will likely take orders from the Zionists, as he himself is a Zio, but we’ll see… I hope not. Moloch cannot be sated (July 4, 2024).
[Anonymous quotes regarding the arrests of ANTI-GENOCIDE protesters follow:
“Think about this for a second. People protesting against Genocide are being arrested for Anti-Semitism. WHO’S YOUR DADDY?!” (July 4, 2024)
“Please replace ‘ANTI-ISRAEL’ with ‘ANTI-GENOCIDE’. Thank You.” (July 4, 2024)
Hopefully ASG’s readers now recognize who our true master is, or at least those of us who weren’t previously aware (including myself).
Israel has abused our support so mightily that issuing Israeli citizens EU passports prior to handing their land back to Palestinians must be on the table - or at least we should threaten the Israeli government to get its act together (July 4, 2024).
Do not get fired up and do something stupid. My intent is not to get others in trouble from my writing. Like many Americans, I was blind to our Zionist brainwashing until very recently.
According to British historian Perry Anderson, it’s estimated half the population in Palestinian territories are refugees, and they’ve collectively suffered approximately US$300 billion in property losses due to Israeli confiscations (at 2008–2009 prices).
Israel is clearly the aggressor, is it not? The US is generally the belligerent in most instances as well (July 4, 2024).
[It’s odd Swiss bankers sidestepped WWII, isn’t it? While hoovering up gold Nazis confiscated from Jewish people during the Holocaust (speculation)? These bankers safely accrued large profits for themselves while “Rome” burned. They’ve done this time and again from the safety of conveniently neutral Switzerland. Does it matter their religion? Their religion is money and power. Mr. Putin has it all figured out.
“Sherlock Holmes” should begin his investigation of the Swiss by researching which bankers and politicians have bought armored vehicles over the past several years, as well as who has far more muscle than their station in life would currently suggest is necessary. Don’t mistakenly roll up wealthy Norwegians who’ve packed up and moved to Switzerland in recent years. We must find out who’s really financing these wars and bring them to justice. If I was anti-Semitic I would not care about returning stolen art to its rightful owners - I’m just struggling under the weight of a 350 page document at the moment.
Could Swiss bankers be the head of the snake? Have Nazis claimed to be Jews since WWII to keep Swiss authorities off their backs? Will allowing the World Economic Forum-& its dystopian vision for humanity’s future-to congregate in Davos be the final nail in their gilded coffins?
Switzerland is one of several countries where eager bankers run the parliament. These bankers don’t care how dirty the money is, so long as they have unfettered access to it. Any prosecutor who goes after the cartels, KGB, Nazis etc is apt to at the very least be fired (July 4, 2024).
Conflict, creditors and a car crash: How Ukraine clinched a wartime debt restructuring (“the Rothschild family has frequently been the subject of conspiracy theories, many of which have antisemitic origins” - Wikipedia). In other words, the Rothschilds will keep this war for profit going until there are no Ukrainians left to fight. To question bankers’ motives would be anti-Semitic: Reuters (July 4, 2024).
Could strife in the Middle East have been avoided if the British (Rothschilds?) hadn’t stolen land that was never theirs (the Palestinians) and then given it away? They must have realized the unrest it was bound to cause. Oh, but the fortune they knew they’d make leveraging the US military in a sandbox far, far away from the United Kingdom (July 4, 2024).
Ukraine is somewhat similar to Israel as the West knew it could leverage Ukraine to cause unrest and war for profit in the region by poking a stick in Putin’s eye. Of course, these bankers couldn’t care less if a bunch of Christians (or Muslims) are slaughtered - unlike Israelis. Why is that (July 4, 2024)?
The depraved lot I’m describing is who the US government will go running to if we wait until the last second to restructure our debt. We must force the UN (UK) officials masquerading as US Congressmen & women in Washington, DC to begin tackling this problem immediately so we the people don’t spend the rest of our lives beholden to a handful of our creditors.]
Our political operatives peculiar behavior has shown a spotlight on who really wears the pants in the United States. It’s certainly not we the people, nor is it our supposed representatives, like we may have taken for granted in previous generations. They’ve really outed themselves this time, haven’t they (July 4, 2024)?!
What is the synagogue of Satan in Revelation? I disagree with the author’s conclusion (and believe many Christians and Jews would disagree with the author’s conclusion as well). This otherwise well written article describes the antagonists in this manuscript. They’re a threat to mankind. This includes Christians, Jews, Muslims and anyone else who loves peace: Got Questions (July 4, 2024).
Though open minded concerning gay marriage and abortion, if forced to choose I’d cast my lot with Evangelicals now that I’ve begun to realize the evil we’re up against: Tucker Carlson.
I hit a snag five days ago and haven’t been able to update the rest of this manuscript to reflect my latest revelations regarding Neo-Zionism – due to ASG’s file size being too large.
Putin wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine if not for the provocation encouraged in the Rand report. Is Globalists’ perverse logic as follows: as long as Putin is attacking Volodymyr Zelenskyy (the Jewish PUPPET Globalists installed) - their deranged followers will champion Zionism to the ends of the earth - allowing these secular warmongers to funnel untold & unaccounted for billions, perhaps even trillions of arms into Ukraine (to weaken Russia whilst enriching themselves)?
This Zionist view of Slavs as dogs corresponds with their view of Palestinians and Christians in the Gaza strip as dogs. Ironically the Ukrainian government has utilized Azov’s NAZI brigade to exterminate Orthodox Christian lives. Globalists would have Gerd von Rundstedt march through Ukraine into Russia a second time if they could, such is their obsession with the former Soviet Union.
Globalists’ Nazi forefathers couldn’t conquer Russia on their first pass, perhaps their children and grandchildren can overrun Russia with the help of Western support on their second attempt? Putin said this in his Tucker Carlson interview. Unfortunately I’m just now putting 2 + 2 together. The UN (WEF) may well be descended from the Nazis lol.
Meanwhile these Zionist bankers are drooling and licking their chops for lucrative contracts to rebuild another country they have wantonly destroyed for profit. It is a gratuitous feedback loop isn’t it? Does anyone believe Globalist oligarchs give a crap about 250,000+ Ukrainians who’ve been marched to their deaths so they can continue to enrich themselves? Ukraine & Russia are 87.3% and 61% Christian. It’s why secular, demonic warmongers have slated each for extinction.
A few more thoughts on the conflict are as follows:
[A. Putin wants to rebuild the former Soviet Union beginning with Ukraine (the Western narrative).
B. NATO’s provocations (to weaken Russia, but mostly a proxy war for profit) left Putin with no other choice than to protect the integrity of Russia’s borders.
C. Putin is furthering the Globalist agenda (through war, population control, refugee crises and cheap labor).
D. Russia was destabilizing Ukraine by funding separatists in the Donbas to accomplish A or C.
E. Ukrainian nationalists are attempting to preserve a sovereign Ukraine, free from Moscow’s shadow (believe me, I’m very sympathetic to your plight, but I don’t believe our Rulers are. I believe they must have another agenda).
F. All of the above have elements of the truth.]
Reasoning “what covert actions has Putin taken” has forced me to reevaluate, but does not necessarily negate prior thoughts on the subject. The answer may be “F” all of the above.
This has most likely been a tit for tat over a twenty year period, with the Russians better obfuscating their actions. It’s unlikely Putin simply rolled over and allowed NATO to victimize Russia.
The Orange Revolution and the Yushchenko presidency. A Pro-Western candidate was poisoned, Ukraine’s SBU was blamed, and the Orange Revolution began 10 years prior to the Maidan Revolution. No way to know if this is true. It’s also quite likely there are Russian loyalists within Ukraine’s SBU: Ihor Stebelsky & Ivan Alekseyevich Yerofeyev.
If our rulers gave a damn about Ukrainian nationalists, those wanting a sovereign (Western) Ukraine dependent from Russia, I believe they would have been quick to negotiate peace. Tragically, Ukrainians find themselves caught in a vise between warring superpowers.
I don’t want Putin to win but neither do I believe in the UN (WEF)’s dystopian vision for humanity. I’d say I was a fan of anything - incl. a lesser evil like Putin disrupting Globalists like George Soros - if not for the loss of life in Ukraine. Globalists will kill a ton more innocents, but that’s beside the point.
It’s reprehensible our rulers didn’t negotiate while Putin was massing troops before his invasion. Now, we have over a million dead and still no idea what Putin’s agenda is. To annex part of Ukraine is a given. We will never know the outcome of negotiation since our rulers were determined to have war.
China should ally with Russia and also seek to form alliances with Hungary, Slovakia & other countries to protect themselves against Globalist Nazis seeking to steal our sovereignties and crush our cultures. The US government sold its soul to the UN (WEF) long ago, but not all of its people have, yet…
It’s not unlike when the allies CIA used terrorist organizations responsible for killing Christians in their attempt to topple Bashar al-Assad in Syria. We’re on to you and we are finished remaining silent. The Powers That Be clearly have no love for Christians, or Muslims.
The UN (UK) has used the CIA and Israel’s Mossad to overthrow half a dozen governments throughout the Middle East and also to start Civil Wars. Anyone not wanting to throw in with the UN (UK) Nazis has drawn “our” government’s ire. This behavior has precious little to do with bringing Democracy to the Middle East (July 4, 2024).
Putin is likely guilty of this behavior as well. Or at least guilty of training nelegali in “The Forest” to carry out false flag attacks in their home countries once they return. The little man is everywhere. We’re all along for the ride comrades (July 4, 2024).
I cannot believe we’re living this again, neither can he (Sting). However, with proper study it shouldn’t come as a surprise given Western leaders obsession with Russia & their many actions and billions taken to provoke its leader over a twenty year period.
If Congress and Mike Johnson love Ukraine and Israel so much (and hate America as their dearth of border funding clearly proves) they should move there shouldn’t they? Go on, git Congressman Mike. DIG IN ON THE FRONT LINES AND FIGHT MIKE. I’ll buy you a ticket!! Take your cronies with you, you worthless piece of shit.
This is the first thing Ron Paul would do if elected POTUS. It’s why we’ll never see someone like Paul win the “Democratic” or “Republican” nomination for President. Trump may be indebted to the tune of up to $1.3B. That’s more than I owe!!
I have begun to have a sinking feeling that Trump is simply controlled opposition. Claiming to take on the CIA and Deep State without having any intention of doing so - as it’s clever marketing. His refusal to examine mRNA “vaccines” is also very concerning (Soviet show trials notwithstanding).
After reading Trump’s comments regarding students’ Anti-Genocide protests, do any of us really believe Trump’s the guy to take on the Zionist Deep State (CIA)? Maybe a protest vote?! In any event, “Democrats” must not be allowed to win this fall. I feel impotent saying that. What we really must do is start over from scratch. If you are taking the time to wade through this, you probably agree with me.
Have you noticed how Conservatives “lose” every time? I MEAN EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME. Drop-boxes & absentee ballots are one of a litany of issues GOP officials have rolled over on: Dave Smith.
If Trump was going to fire 50,000 bureaucrats he wouldn’t have gotten the GOP nomination. J/6 also ruined an old friend’s life (for simply being there and praying my friend lost everything). If Trump hadn’t said “stolen” & “landslide” repeatedly maybe J/6 never happens? Trump couldn’t possibly have believed that after four years of slander. This time: yes, maybe it’s a landslide now that the “Democratic” Party’s intentions have become clearer. First and foremost, the Democratic Party isn’t really Democratic - it’s the opposite. And no, the “Democratic” Party is not saving our Democracy either.
It’s not really Obama or Biden, it is simply the Amerikan or UN (WEF) establishment on auto-pilot. There’s no one with any real power to slow them down. Not Trump, as he seems to go along with their dictates almost as frequently as Obama did - save for a hat tip or two to Conservatives. It really is a marionette reading prepared propaganda from a balcony as Jeffrey Tucker ascribed to the old Soviet Union.
Oh, how could I forget? Vote for Trump to secure the Southern border. As you can tell, I am no longer a Trump evangelical. It’s true there were fewer crossing our border with DJT in office. Hopefully that will continue being the norm should Trump be elected a second time. It’s something to hear Democrats from Kamala Harris on down to Colin Allred proclaiming a strong border comes first, two months before the election.
Trump’s VP will understand they must be a War Hawk to play DC’s deadly game of Russian Roulette. Where are the American people in all of this? We are completely irrelevant, that’s where. Let’s pray and / or keep our fingers crossed there’s a candidate in Trump’s VP hopper that’s a true anti-War diplomat. They would almost have to be a DC outsider wouldn’t they?
Tulsi Gabbard – The Ultimate Insurance Policy for Trump. Thanks, Tom. Sorry I’ve fallen behind on your writing: Tom Luongo.
Liberals: you mistakenly believe our government cares about these students (and the environment). It does not. The UN (WEF) government in Washington, DC is simply trying to spike inflation as high as possible while offering free shit to get your votes.
It’ll be something if DJT can “magically” win this November given the prevalence of Zuck-boxes, mail-in ballots and uncertifiable elections. It may have been treason for Congress to certify the 2020 election. Should Donald Trump win this fall I will have more questions than answers. Meaning the system is so vulnerable there’s no way to police it / prevent “Antifa” from ballot stuffing a second time, nor to properly certify the results. Our rulers must understand they’re finished if Trump isn’t re-elected, as any pretense of Democracy would be lost.
[It doesn’t change the fact Americans have got a huge problem in DC that isn’t going away any time soon. With or without Trump. Inbred degenerates just buy themselves time with another Trump presidency (speculation). Tick tock…^
Please verify that absentee ballots can’t be audited once they’re separated from their envelopes as is my understanding. If so, our last Presidential election was in fact an illegitimate election (and “our” Congress, both sides, is cool with that). Despite a preponderance of “irregularities” the Supreme Court wouldn’t hear the case. Tell me, is the Supreme Court on the government’s side, or the people’s (overturning R v. Wade before the midterms kept the Senate in “Liberal” hands as well)?
If Trump is re-elected Establishment elites will say “see, elections really are free and fair. We wouldn’t lie to you. America is still a Democracy” So it’s a win win for these scumbags. It’ll be an interesting November to be sure.
^Ignore me and turn out to vote for Trump in droves if he’s your guy. I hope Trump’s elected, and that he kicks ass. If Kamala wins I may spend the next four years living under a bridge. It’s just going to be really hard for one person to turn things around.]
I suppose there could always be a majority who want Trump out of the way, but a few others who want Trump in office. I really don’t know. We’ll have to wait and see come November.
I am not writing ASG to be dishonest, or to push a selfish agenda, so epiphanies like these are extremely frustrating. However, were most of our lives save for State media lives better under Trump? Yes, I believe so.*
To hear Tom Luongo tell it, Chairman Jerome Powell hiking rates to “5%” may be a sovereign shot across the bow directed at the Globalists. I really hope Tom’s correct in that a higher interest rate hinders Globalists’ plans. A partial gold peg like Putin has done wouldn’t be a bad idea either (July 4, 2024).
{Yes, it’s easier for Bill Gates to finance his sun dimming project if interest rates are low, but ensuing hyperinflation kills most Americans. Zero interest rate (ZIRP) and low interest rate policies are devastating to developing populations as well. Inbred degenerates (“elites”) want to get us on the government dole initially, but what happens when our rulers can no longer afford to feed us? Think Holocaust (July 4, 2024).}
This is a reasonable proposition as podcasts have become light years more popular than MSM and made it much easier to counter the narrative. Globalists are terrified of a free internet because they lose all control. It’s why we must fight to defend it…
What does “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss” mean in The Who song ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’?: Guy Howie (July 4, 2024).
Unfortunately, it would be naive to expect Trump to do otherwise. Trump prove me wrong, and don’t be just another captured UN (WEF) cuck in DC.]
*Shoot. State media lives must have been better too since all they care about is ratings and profits lol.
Is there any way to break up or decentralize “our” federal government like bitcoin (short of giving all of the power back to the states)? Everyone should eat their own cooking. It’s only fair that Liberals live in Liberal states and Conservatives live in Conservative states - don’t tread on me, right (July 4, 2024)?
In addition to illegal immigrants, Blue state refugees are displacing Texas natives like myself. Home prices doubling, or tripling over a 10-year period is one example of this phenomenon.
‘Greater Idaho’ measure passes in 13th Oregon county. The secession plan would shift Oregon's eastern border 200 miles west. Will the United Nations government residing in Washington, DC send in the National Guard, or UN Peacekeepers to prevent their secession? Fuck the United Nations and every American voter who stands in the way of taking back our country from these (predominantly) unelected tyrants: NewsNation.
For Conservative states to secede successfully they would have to do so following the permanent dissolution of the “US” Federal government. Otherwise, the “US” Federal government will see to it there’s a second Civil War. That’s a foregone conclusion.
Liberals must learn the hard way that their policies don’t work. Blue state refugees wouldn’t be allowed in Red states either. After a few months of suffering we would come to their rescue demonstrating common sense, sustainable policies that work.
I’m not sure how the fuck else to get the point across?! TEACH A MAN TO FISH AND HOPE FOR THE BEST…
Or is it as simple as moving Left Liberals - the FAR Left - & UN (WEF) clowns to a deserted island then it’s back to business as usual? It would sure as hell solve a few of our problems.
Money printing is coming to an end. It’s time to overthrow our government with the help of our government. Assuming there are a great many public servants, elected or otherwise, who would like a do-over. I’m sorry my solution is anticlimactic. It begins with abolishing the Federal Reserve. Most of us do not day-dream of growing up only to become someone else’s bitch (in this case the Global Banking Cartel’s bitch). U.S. Representatives wanting to conclude their careers on the right side of history will join us (July 4, 2024).
[Lee Fang confirms what my favorite military fiction writers have been covering for years. The United States may lack the industrial capacity to fight a hot war with “China” - in addition to its military being strung out all over the world. Fang explains why we lack that ability as well as why our Pentagon’s recommendations are frequently ignored.
Dems Vow to Save Blows Johnsons, Jill Stein Talks Campus Protests, PLUS Interview with Lee Fang: Glenn Greenwald.
“The US firmly stands with Israel and refuses to allow international bureaucrats to baselessly issue arrest warrants to Israeli leadership for false crimes,” said Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson in a statement. False crimes LOL. Sure Blows Johnsons, whatever you say. US House seeks to sanction ICC after warrant seeking arrest for Israel’s Netanyahu: Al Jazeera (July 4, 2024).
Does Mike Johnson have a sincere bone in his body? It sure hasn’t looked like it since being promoted to House Speaker. The Hague is also after three Hamas leaders, so it’s being even-handed and fair-minded (July 4, 2024).
Is Speaker Blows Johnsons a good man who’s been blackmailed recently, or is he a lifelong pathological liar like so many of his komrades in Washington, DC?
War is harsh. For example, if an elderly woman or child acting as a spotter puts a Ground Branch team in jeopardy… However, I am afraid actions the UN (WEF) is ordering Israel to take may go well beyond that.*
*I’m sure good men have died for failing to take that shot. I also believe our guys are expected to hesitate initially when clearing rooms for fear of killing a noncombatant. The other side not so much. I would imagine we lose a few great ones every year as a result of the latter policy, and that it never makes the news (PMCs especially).
If we told the UN (UK) to take a hike, and preserved America’s resources, no one would dare fuck with us. We’d have a big can of whoop ass at the ready at all times, versus being overextended as a result of the UN (UK) one-world - anti-Sovereign government - Globalist agenda (July 4, 2024).
If we told the UN (WEF) to take a hike, it would amount to telling our entire government and all of its cronies to take a hike.
Since November 2020 Americans have had a 100% UN (UK) government. Speaker Blows Johnsons’ recent actions have been the coup de grace underscoring this to all but the most bovine Americans. Every action Congress takes is to satisfy the United Kingdom’s globalist ambitions (July 4, 2024).
Erik Prince: NATO vs. Russia, the Secrets of Drone Warfare, and CIA Corruption. First FIVE minutes are so informative I wanted to slap on here for Sunday readers: Tucker Carlson.]
It could be that furthering Western-Born Replacement Theory, and short-term profits is all that matters to the GLOBAL Deep State? I do believe Chairman Xi is playing the long game though.
I’m hanging it up partly because there is only room for the likes of Donald Trump and Elon Musk.
🚨[It also isn’t wise to continue poking Leviathan. I still value my life somewhat, but Americans (and Europeans) badly need a comprehensive work to digest. Instead of the shorter articles working writers are forced to write almost daily. I don’t have the time to publish frequently, nor do I want to wind up on the wrong side of the pavement.
Everything I reference is publicly available. Hopefully this will keep me right-side up for the time being. Let nature run its course (as in this experience may give me a heart attack or stroke regardless).
If I manage to flip the script by publishing a newsletter friendly article once or twice a week, I hope a few more of you will consider paid subscriptions. For the moment, it’s a $70 upfront investment (for a full year) in an evolving manuscript, but one that can lead to greater understanding and weeks or months of careful study. This sets it apart from many others’ fantastic work.
It may also be an investment in a dozen articles over the next several months.* For now, I’m thrilled to have over 100 subscribers and hope you’ll continue to share this with your friends and families. Profit wasn’t my goal, but when you’re spending 40+ hours per week on something it’s critical you monetize it.
*Come to think of it, SECTION NINE had the exact opposite effect I hoped for. I lost several subscribers when Substack sent out the S9 email. That and readers have been more interested in this open manuscript, which may be a good thing! I welcome your feedback...
A friend asked me to submit a “plea” to exhibit at their gallery over the weekend. Working on my plea has been a welcome distraction. My artwork ranges from the frivolous to the serious.]
I unpublished my “SECTION NINE” & “We the People…” articles this am for ease of sharing. Now, we can simply refer someone to Ronin’s Revelations, and ASG will be the only entry displayed.
The fate of Western society rests on our shoulders. Should American democracy be toppled, the rest of the world will fall. What role, if any, will Musk and Trump play in our future? Or are the three of us (The Three Amigos) about to wind up on the wrong side of the grass?
Americans are not always the most like-able. Having said that, everyone who favors democracy (freedom) around the world should be pulling for us to rescue our country from tyranny. We the people have got to make the save, for all our sakes’.
When I’m enjoying other writers’ work, I always read the comments following their articles. I’ve found additional material on 9/11 in readers’ comments that checks out, but isn’t in this essay.
[Nineteen armed hijackers boarding four planes strongly suggests there was insider involvement. My grandfather couldn’t get through security ten years prior to the 9/11 attacks because of his steel orthotics!! I find any argument to the contrary FLIMSY (July 4, 2024).
Did all nineteen board the planes, or just a handful of them? Or did none of them board the planes? Yes, I am aware of this discrepancy. If there were none that would explain not setting off the metal detectors. Just a few government contractors who didn’t know what the hell they were getting into that day (MY SPECULATION).
Not applying critical reasoning to 9/11, even if one is ultimately proven incorrect, also proves we were as brainwashed back then as we were today with CoVid-19. Otherwise intelligent voters suspend their disbelief by refusing to examine facts at the behest of our “trustworthy” government. They do this repeatedly…
It’s something we’ve all been guilty of, and must change if we’re going to survive as a sovereign democracy.
Not studying history is another huge Achilles’ heel of ours. I never once thought to compare George Bush, Jr.’s behavior to his father’s until a few days ago. That was a huge oversight Ronin (July 4, 2024).
Why habitual government cover ups (JFK, 9/11, and now possibly CoVid-19)? It’s a reasonable question to ask.
Deep State bureaucrats are unable to carry out their agenda and its frequent cover ups to avoid accountability, without stoking their fair share of conspiracy theories. This is 100% their fault, not ours (July 4, 2024).
What’s it going to take for 300M Americans to finally hold these crooks accountable? They’re guilty of treason.
“In Major Shift, NIH Admits Funding Risky Virus Research in Wuhan”: Katherine Eban.
“It’s just another chapter in a sad tale of inadequate oversight, disregard for risk, & insensitivity to the importance of transparency,” said Stanford microbiologist Dr. David Relman.
Labeling critical reasoning as “conspiracy theory”, theories which are proven correct at an alarming rate, is no longer enough for the tyrants in power. They’re seeking to criminalize critical thought AND have the support of up to 51% of the electorate. IN THE US. Who wouldda thunk it? It’s almost as if no one has watched “The Minority Report”. Did everyone fall asleep in the theater?
We’re expected to no longer question the government’s narrative, and to willingly suspend our disbelief as if we’re watching a Hollywood movie (July 4, 2024).
UFOs, really? The Powers That Be (TPTB) have never been more desperate. Given the sheer magnitude of the universe I am a believer, by why all of the sudden while they’re in the process of wrongfully charging and attempting to imprison Donald J. Trump, an at times polarizing but beloved anti-Establishment figure?!
Where are Conservative representatives during this process? Or are they all Neo-Cons and RINOs these days. I’m talking about stopping this farce, complaining doesn’t cut it. The Amerikan Establishment hasn’t had a single shred of evidence against Trump for over seven years, and continues to falsify evidence.
If this is a Representative Democracy let Donald Trump run and lose a second time. If Liberals can’t be reached, 51% of the American electorate will continue to believe DJT is a despot, and he’ll lose… Absentee ballots and drop-boxes will all but ensure another Populist is never elected.
A “DESPOT” FOR FIRING CORRUPT DEEP STATE BUREAUCRATS. Crimes the Deep State (CIA) is guilty of are always projected onto their accuser. TPTB (everyone NOT named Trump, or a handful of Conservatives) then buries their accuser under a relentless barrage of false charges. EXACTLY as they are doing to former president Trump. Trump is the highest profile victim of Deep State (CIA) bureaucrats’ standard operating procedure (SOP). If you have not figured out by now who the real despots are…
It’s not a coincidence that Biden is guilty of all the crimes our government is falsely accusing Trump of committing.
For the life of me I can’t understand why predominately Liberal voters continue to go along with this charade. With the exception of Leftists who would enjoy being locked down and masked for years at a time, the rest of us will be harmed - including most of you. Liberals’ behavior is straight out of “Fahrenheit 451”.
[Matt Gaetz will be the next on the chopping block accused of false allegations (that his accusers are guilty of). The entire Amerikan establishment which includes Neo-Cons and RINOs is about to come crashing down on him, for attempting to hold the corrupt accountable.
The American electorate should rally around Matt Gaetz and his efforts, but they won’t because they’re easily misled…
Amerikan establishment figures visiting Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophilia island paradise received a get out of jail free card (ironically for having sex with a 17 year old girl), but now common sense Populist leader Matt Gaetz is being re-crucified over a leak from a dubious source.]
The Matt Gaetz Story Is WAY Darker Than We Thought. It’s just as I expected. Go with “projection” and you’ll be right 9 out of 10 times: Candace Owens (July 4, 2024).
The message is clear: if you’re a member of the Amerikan establishment you can lie profusely. On the other hand, if you’re a legitimate whistle-blower or a public figure attempting to hold the powerful accountable, our depraved rulers will sic everything they have at their disposal at you - the DOJ, FBI etc (July 4, 2024).
FBI, CIA etc: you must remove political animals from your organizations to regain Americans’ trust…
<Although not apples to apples, Alex Jones is a another high profile example. He said something repugnant (which he apologized for immediately), but our government has leveraged Sandy Hook parents to sue Jones for billions. As if Alex Jones carried out the shooting himself. Now, that we’ve correctly identified the majority of the USSA (UN) government as amoral as the ChiCom politburo, where does that leave the Sandy Hook parents who’ve been goaded into suing Jones (an innocent man)?!
I cannot imagine your losses, so I won’t attempt to put them into words, but suing an innocent man for billions? Alex Jones may sound like a crazed televangelist, but hey everyone’s got to eat. I’ve only watched Jones on one occasion, but most of what he said was true (the parts I was familiar with were true). Alex Jones and Trump are two high profile cases that prove criticizing the US government is risky business. Believe me, there have been DOZENS of whistleblowers, otherwise good people pointing out government abuses, who have been relentlessly hounded and possibly murdered for years. Democracy? I’m ready for the mask to come off so Americans can reform our government.>
The shit I’m describing is so far out of my comfort zone that I have to bring it to the table for discussion, with the hope of reaching millions. It would be pure fiction, but “Confessions or Memoir of a (Former) Deep State Operator” has a nice ring to it. Not operative because that term conjures up images of dweebs and weenies in my mind. Those who get a “diploma” from the agency on the taxpayer’s dime, then set to erase history, etc (July 4, 2024).
Young people are going through a similar time (post CoVid-19) as forty somethings endured twenty years ago (post 9/11), but are asking more questions!! Are the young more inquisitive than we were 20 years ago? MAN, I HOPE SO.
Our future depends on them being less naive than we were.
<CoVid-19 is clearly another manufactured crisis for Fascist profits (see new variant, boosters etc).
I’m surprised they’re hyping this right now (I thought they’d make this move before the midterms to justify absentee ballots and drop boxes).
Never saw Roe v. Wade to influence the election coming. Un-auditable mail-in ballots are here to stay irrespective of “Emergency Powers”.
Most Republicans are as corrupt as the Democrats, so they lack the will for truly free and fair elections (air-gapped voting machines etc).
None of them want a Deep State-hating John F. Kennedy wannabe as POTUS to hold them accountable for their sins by firing them.
We should give these assholes the finger this fall concerning another “temporary” cessation of our civil liberties. I know I will.
This is speculative, but most likely accurate. Critical reasoning is important. Let’s tell our technocrats to shove it, once and for all.>
Our leaders are using (creating?) these events to shape our society into something our founders would have never recognized. Something far worse than remaining under British rule.
The USA’s brief history has been one of struggle. First a fight for independence from England, followed by the emancipation of slaves and women’s suffrage, and now for… the criminalization of dissent. Ironically, this right to dissent made the previous two liberties possible.
I suspect many of us are beginning to feel like our settlers felt under British rule. The Amerikan empire has become a chip off the old block.
It’s almost as if the British government said to themselves “we can’t do this anymore, so we’re going to have America do it for us.”]
One silver lining of not having an editor is that I have been able to add some great material over the last several months. I’m sorry some sections are so weak, but it’s a very times-taking endeavor. I’ll be relieved when it’s all over.
I’m surprised Wiki hasn’t papered over the truth regarding historical events. A few of you may have noticed Wikipedia lies along partisan lines regarding recent history. For example, Wiki claims Cultural Marxism is a RIGHT-WING “conspiracy theory”.* In other words, there’s nothing to see here, move along.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Keep rolling with conspiracy theory, while sprinkling in new terminology like disinformation, misinformation, and Deep State (CIA) media’s latest… “malinformation”. Now everyone, Liberals especially, who uses these terms can pretend to be handlers or assets under the employ of “the company”. Because people who believe lies, make good spies. Well, not necessarily but it rhymes (July 4, 2024).
We’ll have to start over from scratch, after removing money and power from the political equation - so please take my occasional partisanship with a grain of salt (July 4, 2024).
It’s illogical to be married to the “my side are the good guys” ethos as there are very few good gals and guys in Washington, maybe only a handful on either side. The few good representatives on the Left have fallen in line behind an amoral Marxist “hostile to democracy” regime, whereas there remain a handful of Conservative reps speaking out - sincerely I believe, but it’s not many.
“I’m not questioning George W. Bush because he’s on MY team” says NO Conservative voter in 2023, OR SO I HOPE. No politician or ex-president is on OUR team. It’s them versus us - we the American people (July 4, 2024).
I wasn’t part of Bush’s decision-making process. Everything I have written is with twenty years hindsight. There’s always a remote possibility Bush was duped as the Oliver Stone film “W” suggested.
MY BULLSHIT DETECTOR IS ALREADY GOING BONKERS A FEW SECONDS INTO THIS FILM. After spending a few hours studying George Bush Sr. this movie just isn’t going to do it for me.
There’s also a section on the petrodollar’s role in these conflicts and links to two articles (in the Ukraine section below). I’ll study them to become more familiar with this topic as well!]
The “official” 9/11 narrative reeks to high heaven, and it makes me question Stone’s veracity as well. It looks as if the film was produced to convince John Q. Public that George W. Bush was conned.
Life would have been much harder for the Bushs had Stone’s “W” never been made. The American public overlooks the fact W is historical fiction. I will never look at Oliver Stone in the same light. Bush might have stood trial if not for this movie.
I DO NOT believe Bush was conned for one second. However, I’ve been wrong about many things in my life. I would view Stone’s “W” flick as propaganda to be on the safe side. However, OS was a brave young man and deserves some credit for that.
They have most likely done it once, and will do it again (heads on a swivel). All that was needed for endless war was to get the last remaining good man, John F. Kennedy, out of the way (see Operation Northwoods). Think the US has skeletons in its closet?
Neo-Cons are terrorists who hide behind an air of respectability, conning the American public to this very day. Neo-Cons now comprise the majority of both political parties, from the Right to the Left (July 4, 2024).
There’s much money to be made from war, and they’ve got a naive public who will support them until the ends of the earth. Or at least until Neo-Cons bankrupt our country, and/or get us nuked.]
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME OUR GOVERNMENT FOUGHT A LEGITIMATE WAR? Everything they do is so the 0.001% can profit at the public’s expense, with limited to no strategic benefit. Why didn’t we stop them 60 years ago - that they are monsters is of little doubt (July 4, 2024)?
Limited to no strategic benefit if in fact America was a sovereign country. This is all being done to install UN (WEF) puppets around the world to bring everyone under a United Nation’s one-world government. In many instances, democratically-elected Nationalist leaders have been eliminated with prejudice (July 4, 2024).
If Vietnam War protesters had gone to DC and spit on LBJ and Congress, rather than cowardly spitting on our troops, would it have made a difference? I still can’t believe a few protesters spit on our troops - most of whom had been conscripted to fight & had also lost friends.
To be perfectly clear: the USSA (UN) Liberal Interventionist government was getting war in Afghanistan and Iraq no matter which impotent figurehead was installed at the time.
W’s father was a former CIA director for Christ’s sake!! How could we have let these creeps govern us? I voted for Bush twice as a young man. As if voting for Gore would have made a difference…
George H.W. Bush: War Criminal, CIA Spy, Oil Tycoon, Embodiment of US Elite (if you ignore narrator’s bizarre linkage of the Bush family with Donald Trump, you have an informative 20 minute video into the type of individual who’s running our country): The Real News Network.
George H.W. Bush, American War Criminal. W clearly learned to lie from his father. Go ahead American Exceptionalists, laugh at me for pointing this out. Father and son are guilty of the same war crimes, but will be lionized in death by the Amerikan estab: The Intercept (July 4, 2024).
As if voting for Gore would have made a difference. Maybe it would have?!?! I was naive to hope Desert Storm had been at least somewhat above board, or that the ruling Elites in power back then just might have cared about facts. George H.W. Bush flatly stated he couldn’t care less about facts. It’s of little wonder the press no longer cares about facts 30 years later.
Americans’ TRUSTING mindset IS part of what’s behind NOT examining the 9/11 attacks. It’s also an open wound for many of us, as our brothers and sisters died in Afghanistan, Iraq and their subsequent wars (July 4, 2024).
Americans are given Deep State (CIA)’s Democratic and Republican nominees for president every four years, with the hopeful exception of Donald Trump. It should come as no surprise that we keep voting for Deep State operatives every four years, we’re given no other choice.
It is far-fetched to believe Trump managed to break through the phalanx of Deep State offerings. However, I hope that’s really the case, and that others like him will continue to break through the Amerikan establishment’s crumbling facade.
Sad to say, I’m leaning towards political theater simply based on the fact that legit reformers like Ron Paul are never allowed anywhere near the presidency. JFK may prove to be the last. Trump is most likely full of shit.
It can’t be forgotten that DJT, CoVid-19 and CIA programming have convinced Liberal voters we need further free speech controls. Further limits would amount to criminalizing dissent, all truths inconvenient to those in permanent power. Was this always part of our rulers’ plan?
Did Ross Perot run to hurt George Bush Sr.’s chances (and to spare us another four years of raging psychopathy)?* Will RFK, Jr. hurt the “Democratic” contender or the “Republican” contender (will the “Republican” candidate be Neo-Con, Republican Populist or RINO)? Do all Liberal voters hate RFK, Jr., or is that simply more MSM hyperbole? Though I avoid governmedia (MSM), I have this image of Liberal voters foaming at their mouths at any mention of Bobby Kennedy, Jr.
Are American presidents swearing an oath to serve the United Nations BANKERS CLAIMING TO BE ZIONISTS, rather than we the people behind our backs? Our government left any pretense of being an American government behind, and became the United Nations (UK) the moment Biden took office (July 4, 2024).
I’m aware of the fact a very Liberal Dr. Naomi Wolf was savagely attacked for having legitimate concerns about CoVid-19 mRNA “vaccines”, but how much of that hatred and vitriol spills over to the average Liberal voter? Do all Liberal voters hate her and RFK, Jr.’s guts, or is it more like 10%?
*If my math is correct, I vaguely recall being deeply disappointed in Perot at the time (despite being ineligible to vote by a scant six weeks). I’ve heard Ross was a stickler, but not above introducing himself to his employees in the EDS cafeteria (and perhaps joining them for lunch). Could capsizing George Bush Sr., for the good of our people and the Middle East, been Perot’s true objective? Maybe I’ll bump into Margot & ask her one day.
Any family collectively responsible for the deaths of 5-10 million innocents in the Middle East to further its own selfish ambitions - through its unnecessary wars and sanctions - who can sleep at night is a raging demon (psychopath) & war criminal. They deserve no one’s deference - I’m referring to Bush Jr. and Sr.
Say what you will about Clinton, but at least he didn’t start two wars based on dubious pretexts in the Gulf. “A Surplus, If We Can Keep It - How The Federal Budget Surplus Happened”: Allen Schick.
The Bushs were nothing if not systematic when it came to their combined genocide of 5-10M innocent Muslims (and Christians). The same cannot be said with Brandon and Company at the helm. At least several hundred interpreters & their families, meaning thousands, were slaughtered as a result of Brandon’s hasty pull out from Afghanistan.
Trump handled Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi exactly as Clinton should have handled Osama bin Laden following the USS Cole, and exactly as Bush Jr. should have handled UBL if Osama bin Laden was in fact the mastermind behind 9/11. I’m disappointed in myself for playing a part in perpetuating two decades of destruction in the Middle East - by voting for Junior twice - and for not having the perspicuity to understand what Bush Jr. and his cronies were up to at the time. John Q. Public, including myself, is always a day late and a dollar short (July 4, 2024).
As for the rest of us, we mistakenly placed our faith in our government and its leaders. There’s nothing logical about carrying out false flag attacks against one’s own country to the average American voter. My 26 year old brain could not comprehend this in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.
It’s almost as if our leaders said “let’s spare bin Laden so we can blame him for something else later”.
President Trump and His Team Deserve the Nobel Prize for Peace in the Middle East | Newsweek Op-Ed: Eric Greitens. I feel - as I type this early on January 7, 2024 - 99.9% of Americans (including 99.9% of Liberal voters) - would be LIGHT YEARS better off if Trump had declared himself Supreme Leader of the United States and flatly refused to leave office. That right there may have been the real purpose of vaccine mandates in the armed forces.* Remove service members who might be reluctant to depose Trump (speculation but very probably accurate).
It would be cool if the Nobel committee became captured by COMMON SENSICAL political views.
Trump should have demanded an in-person only revote with auditable election results (now that the in-auditable elections genie has been let out of the bottle)... It’s criminal behavior to certify an election that can’t be audited. He’s obviously not a tyrant as the Amerikan establishment has been screaming for the last seven years.
*Service members who are colorblind as well as uncomfortable chemically castrating 10-year old boys without their parents’ consent will be weeded out of the military. I believe that’s the Amerikan establishment’s goal. Perhaps Marxists should conscript Leftist voters who support them? Their message to Liberal voters is: if you support gay marriage, you also support slicing off a preteen girl’s breasts without parental consent. The Establishment is lumping the long overdue (IMO) in with the evil. Or lumping anti-Racism in with a condemnation of whites - teaching 10 year old girls they’re oppressors etc. Which is also a form of Racism lol. It’s all designed to destroy our cultural identity and is right out of the ChiCom playbook. Liberals: this is what you’re unintentionally endorsing. The deliberate destruction of our country with no checks and balances.
A few Blue states endorse removing parents from the decision-making process from ages 8-12. What did Johnny learn at school today honey? Americans are being inculcated to believe only Rightwing extremists oppose these evil practices, question authority etc. Fox News also labels anyone opposed to its many ongoing wars as “agents of the Kremlin” if I’m not mistaken. You really do yourselves and our freedom a great disservice by not following REAL journalists like Greenwald on Rumble. Legit journalists have an absolute field day belittling the jokers most Americans receive their programming from.
America has no consistency or follow through on foreign policy with our current system, other than a resumption of perpetual war-footing with O’Biden and Nuland back in power.* No, I’m not suggesting a Dictatorship but this is an Achilles’ heel which greatly increases our vulnerability to adversaries.
*Unfortunately, those who want war in government aren’t limited to two people. Every single one of them wants wants war. See a problem here?
Good news: I’ve found full-time work for the moment. Bad news: I have as much free time as most readers. N O N E.
Now that the Trumpster is gone, and we the American people are less than a year from the November presidential election, where has CoVid gone? Where have lock-downs and masks gone now that Trump has been removed from office? If Biden was forced to lock-down and mask again, what would “Democrats” chances be in the fall? All of the sudden it’s safe to leave your house, unless you’re Jewish? How convenient. Come on - THINK - our freedom depends on it…
I’ve made a few new friends at work who are healing my thought process. You think to yourself I value this person despite not seeing eye to eye on several issues. One thing we have in common is wanting what’s best for our country and our families. I haven’t met a single Liberal voter who wants to live in an American rendition of the Chinese surveillance state. Our next step is coalescing to prevent this from happening.
One believes our government’s 9/11 narrative (I don’t have all the answers): mum’s the word. Another is proud of their military service (he should be): tread carefully. One is adamantly pro-life: I respect his feelings (I wish we lived in a perfect world where no one was raped, all fetuses were healthy etc). Do children who were almost aborted go on to move mountains? Absolutely.
🌟[There’s no question things are more complicated than we realize, but I’d like to see politicians make an effort to do right by the people. That’s clearly gone out the window in recent years, as our government no longer pretends to be working for us.
Regardless of your opinion on Ukraine, representatives not asking constituents (us) how we felt about sending $112B+ of OUR tax dollars overseas is a great example.
There’s not even a half-assed attempt to cover up the fact defense contractors AND pharma companies are the tail that wags the dog. Global banking elites and ChiCom Treasury Bill holders are an even larger tail that wags our government.
We may also be paying interest on T-Bills the ChiCom politburo holds with our tax dollars. non-Google this to be sure.
300M Americans AND 8B global citizens are just along for the ride. I would like to change that. Wouldn’t you?]
“We have a much bigger objective. We've got to look at the long run here. This is an example - the situation between the United Nations and Iraq - where the United Nations is deliberately intruding into the sovereignty of a sovereign nation.... Now this is a marvelous precedent (to be used in) all countries of the world....” Stansfield Turner (July 4, 2024)
This may be taken out of context, but it really does encapsulate the USSA (UN) government’s Globo-Cap viewpoint. Turner may well have been a good man who tried to clean house at the CIA. It’s an interesting topic for those… Interested?
I have truly amazing friends who began in my alma mater’s ROTC program, and went on to serve in the Middle East, so this has been difficult to write about.
Should a few of you harbor regrets, I am always reminded of that scene in “Good Will Hunting” when Robin Williams character keeps saying “it’s not your fault” to Will in his counseling office. Hopefully none of you have regrets, so much of this is out of our hands, unless we can change that.
“A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good just because it's accepted by a majority."
- Booker T. Washington
The other 9/11: George H.W. Bush's 1990 New World Order speech. Out of these troubled times, a new world order can emerge: George H.W. Bush.
The Bin Ladens and the Bushs: On 9/11 George Herbert Walker Bush Meets Osama’s Brother Shafiq bin Laden. Commemorating 9/11: Prof Michel Chossudovsky.
Bush Sr. was generally more articulate than Jr. If UBL’s brother was estranged from Osama - and perhaps UBL himself wasn’t involved in the planning of 9/11 - …
It would be interesting to see how Blackrock’s influence today compares to Carlyle’s 20 years ago. Blackrock sounds as if they’ve taken over the government at times (July 4, 2024).
Blackrock is run by Larry Fink of - who cares if proles hate ESG, ram it down their throats anyway - fame (July 4, 2024).
I haven’t chauffeured in almost 5 years, so I haven’t been able to listen to Carlyle’s founder David Rubenstein whilst driving. I enjoyed hearing David’s perspective.
It’s important we try to keep a level head when examining these topics, as not all of the players are evil. Take it from me, being a starving artist doesn’t pay the bills!
If you’re Henry Kissinger what do you do? Stay in government, or sell hot dogs on the corner lol. I’m clearly a “sell hot dogs on the corner” type, as are many of you reading this…
Everything above this line is up to date as of July 4, 2024. I’ve been pretty much coming home and dropping, so it’s been hard to make very much progress in any given sitting. I need to re-tool the remainder to reflect ChiComs playing a much smaller role in our destruction than I initially realized. One downside of Epoch Times is they leave out the most powerful group.
And re-tool Trump as well. Let’s face it, he’s not going to do very much if elected. An improvement over Chairman Joe? Well, I sure as hell hope so!! But taking on the Deep State (CIA), and firing 50k bureaucrats? Sure Trump, whatever you say.
The Deep State (CIA) and UN (UK) are two sides of the same coin more or less, not unlike our political parties. It’s indisputable that the Deep State does the Nazi bankers’ (posing as Zionists) bidding and has for over one-hundred years. Unfortunately research bears this out (July 4, 2024).
Of course I don’t believe every member of this banking dynasty is evil, but this family appears to be at the root of every conflict since at least 1913. They have successfully linked themselves to Judaism by declaring themselves Zionist, and are above reproach as a result. I sincerely doubt they give a damn about God or Jews. Blood and money is their God (July 4, 2024).
We have a fair idea who many of YOU are, but also certainty our leaders will take no actions against YOU. Vladimir: how is your list of targets coming along? God speed. No one else will address this threat. See, the world needs a few “bad guys” as well, if no one “nice and above board” is up to the task.
The UN (WEF) may very well represent the last vestiges of the Nazis. At least to those of us capable of researching and understanding the future they espouse for humanity. To those of you incapable of critical thinking: well, you are a BIG part of the problem (July 4, 2024).
No, I don’t think Putin is a good man. Nor do I agree with his decision to invade Ukraine. The US will always antagonize Putin. Why kill your cousins next door? Putin’s actions have simply pushed more countries into NATO’s arms & fed the Globalist war agenda (inflation, refugee crises and cheap labor).
UN Peacekeepers deliver aid to countries NATO (WE) have just blown up. So what?! Why are we invading Sovereign nations in the first place ? These are WAR CRIMES. This makes our rulers WAR CRIMINALS.
If I was religious, I’d say (Zionist) Globalists are in bed with the Devil. Consider the many celebrities who inexplicably endorse them-virtue signaling occult symbols in music videos and whilst they’re on stage. (Zionist) Globalists hate religion and the values that come with it. This is shaping up to be an epic battle of good versus evil (July 4, 2024).
“The Tall Israeli Who Runs The Rap Industry”. I want you to hear from the rappers themselves first: RedPillAnons (July 4, 2024).
“Diddy & the Hip Hop Cabal—Sodomy, Satan & Selling Souls EXPOSED”: Man In America (July 4, 2024).
If one divorces Zionism from Judaism, Zionists are terrorists pure & simple. As are Globalists. While Globalists are busy invading sovereign nations, overthrowing their elected leaders and bankrolling over 75 years of genocide in Israel, they’re also busy terrorizing civilized societies with Marxist causes. All this group does is tear down; they’re incapable of building anything of lasting value (July 4,2024).
“Idols or SLAVES? Hollywood Evil UNMASKED | Hip Hop Cabal Part 2”: Man In America (July 4, 2024).
Justin Bieber - “Pedophiles Run The ‘Evil’ Music Industry”: David Robinson.
Right now “authorities” are doing everything possible that’s non-invasive to track us. My cell has been under my mattress for almost a week (due to burnout), I’m down to cash, and also have an older vehicle (I have inadvertently been off the grid for almost an entire week). To say I am not looking forward to re-activating my phone tomorrow to pay bills etc is an understatement!!!!
These updates may take weeks, or heaven forbid months. I’m open to someone editing and organizing this manuscript for me. It might even make it easier for me to navigate while I re-write certain sections (July 4, 2024).
Major foreign holders of United States treasury securities as of January 2024 (in billions of U.S. dollars): Statista.
We can quibble over which UN (WEF) vassal state has the highest concentration of Nazi descendants: United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Canada, Ireland, Cayman Islands, Belgium, Switzerland or France.*
However, I am certain our leaders answer to the UN (WEF), whomever they may be, and not to the American people.
*Even if there were a disproportionate share of Nazis in Switzerland (and in the US) during and following WWII, they have had several generations or more, to return to the UK as well as to disperse throughout the world.
Let’s refer to the “dissolution” of the UN (WEF), and their Satanic ways, as Operation: CELTIC HORROR!!! Imagine how many descendants of Celts are Tier One Operators now, fed up with Your bullshite: Pantera.
The “US”, and most likely Israel as well, are pawns of the UN (UK). This is the most healthy, and most likely correct viewpoint. Let’s leave the average Israeli citizen out of this, and focus our collective wrath on our leaders for selling us out to the British empire. More likely than not this will yield all of us the best outcome (July 4, 2024).
I believe we are mistaken when we assume Israel is calling the shots in the US. Israel is simply closer to the action should the UN (UK) call for regime change in the ME, or if Nazi bankers posing as Zionists call for more war. There’s a reason the Mossad (& perhaps MI-6) is very good. They’ve had a lot of practice.
Was Zionism founded by “Christian” warmongers to spearhead UN (UK) one-world (anti-sovereign) government efforts to install Globalist puppets in the Middle East? These people have proven time and again they don’t care about Orthodox Jews (July 4, 2024).
Is the only reason for Israel’s existence so that we, the UNITED NATIONS, will have an ally in the ME to help us carry out illegal regime change ops (and genocide)?
When discussing Zionism let’s divorce it from Judaism once and for all, as today’s Zionists don’t give a damn about Jewish people. The Establishment could no longer slam us as being anti-Semitic when we question the Israeli government’s unlawful actions - most of us aren’t remotely anti-Semitic (July 4, 2024).
Does the Mossad (or their handlers) threaten our elected officials with kompromat or outright assassination? Would that explain Blows Johnsons & Co’s timidity?
“The statements made by Ben-Menashe are so far unsubstantiated, but if proven true they would provide significant evidence of Israel being involved in the blackmail of senior and prominent politicians and figures in the US” (July 4, 2024).
Jeffrey Epstein blackmailed politicians for Israel’s Mossad, new book claims. Israel - friend and ally? I wouldn’t rule out Moloch and child sacrifice: MEMO.
Our rulers may have more to cover up than most Americans realize.* Sex trafficking, possible animal and/or child sacrifice etc. And recorded to boot by our close “friends and allies” at the Mossad (and perhaps MI-6). Think about all of the unaccompanied minors disappearing as a result of our rulers’ Open Borders policy. It’s quite convenient (July 4, 2024).
*Ex-Abercrombie CEO charged with running sex trafficking ring. It seems someone is doing their job. THANK YOU: Rianna Croxford.
The question is will we dissolve the UN (WEF) before they get WWIII, currency defaults & CBDC’s? So we’re juggling WWIII and/or another “pandemic” coming down the pike. The UN/WEF/WHO and their rulers will stop at nothing to get what they want: absolute power (July 4, 2024).
It’s a gimme after “this” that the WHO, and ChiCom influence on public health policy must be dissolved along with the UN (WEF) immediately. There is NO WAY to reform these international governing RULING bodies.
As soon as you understand the gravity of what’s facing us, the preposterousness of waiting for elections to fix things becomes obvious.
“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves" - Lao Tzu.
Can you imagine handing the “US” government over to a management consulting firm for restructuring and layoffs?!
If my dream becomes a reality, let me apologize in advance to the many good people who would be laid off. I can’t think of any other way?
VE VILL CHEEP YOU, UND YOU VILL LUFF EET - Klaus Schwab (Founder & Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) - World Economic Forum).
Anyone else, besides me, ready to relegate these assholes to the dustbin of history? Obviously I still love our country and its people or I wouldn’t be working on this…
In lieu of a synopsis I thought a few of you might enjoy this July 4, 2024 “Freedom” edition. I’ve attempted to separate the wheat from the chaff in a way that’s easy to understand.
Is the US a vassal state of the United Nations, its founder and most powerful member, or does the United States fall somewhere in between due to our huge debt load? Does it matter? In the end, it is UN (WEF) and Zionist policy being rammed down Americans’ throats.*
If our (Zionist) Globalist rulers were Democratic, or at the very least sane and reasonable, perhaps I’d not have written America’s Shadow Government (ASG).
*If you grasp this concept and are interested, you might find enjoyable sections throughout this document (and be able to navigate mine fields - confusing portions). At the risk of beating the same poor, dead horse I just don’t have much time to work on this.
There are other “influence” operations ongoing which take time. Influence in quotes because all those involved believe we’re sharing the truth. If we could trust our government none of this would be necessary.
We may make mistakes from time to time, but if our mistakes prevent WW3 I’d say they’re worth it (unfortunately, our government labels those attempting to prevent war as terrorists).
I also made some additions and subtractions to Dec 5th entries this afternoon which hopefully will keep readers engaged (December 5, 2024).
Iran's Missile Retaliation Against Israel: What Does It Mean For The United States and The Region? Oh my God, FUCK THESE PEOPLE - see above photo. These people SHOULD NOT be setting US foreign policy (July 4, 2024): Glenn Greenwald.
Can you imagine if there were dozens of Iranian nationals with dual passports in our government? You’ve seen the results of Israelis determining our Middle East agenda. These bloodthirsty psychos clearly helped orchestrate 9/11 to further UK? objectives in the Middle East. One must assume there was a lot of commonality between Israel’s aims and the objectives at the highest levels of the US government, DOD, State Department, and British Empire (July 4, 2024).*
It also sounds like we must remove Anglophiles like the late, dearly departed Henry Kissinger from our government in addition to the many dual Israeli / US passport holders, doesn’t it? I suspect there wouldn’t be many left in DC (July 4, 2024).
Why is AIPAC - formerly known as the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs - the most feared lobby in the United States? “AIPAC is growing desperate” Rami G. Khouri (July 4, 2024).
After learning more about the 9/11 attacks I’m all for disbanding AIPAC along with the CIA, Israeli Mossad and the British MI-6. To say these captured entities meddle in American politics…
On the 23rd anniversary of the attacks, let’s offer our condolences to victims’ families but also question our government’s false narrative-demanding the 9/11 Commission’s findings be released, health costs be reimbursed etc (July 4, 2024).
I suspect the number of Americans questioning the Israeli government’s actions - and the US’ funding of Israel’s genocide - has doubled (or tripled) since October 7, 2023…
It’s in the majority of our best interests to remove the British Empire, WEF, WHO, AIPAC, CIA, MI-6 and MOSSAD from our collective chessboards.
Nazi bankers posing as Zionists may be the most powerful group of all. The influence they exert over American politics and apparently entertainment is mind-blowing. Just call yourself a Zionist and NO ONE will question your actions (July 4, 2024).
Putin referring to the Rothschilds, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and servants like Soros (the Stakeholder class) as Nazis is the most apt use of the term Nazi I have heard in ages. It’s difficult to have a problem with Putin siccing the KGB on them. If you do, you must not understand what they’re up to. For the Stakeholder class to succeed, they must destroy America first (July 4, 2024).
P Diddy (could be similar honeytrap operation to Epstein), 9/11, Epstein, USS Liberty, possibly JFK, & Lord knows what else. If Americans realized this they’d want Israel to stand on its own two feet without financial support from the US government.
Nazi bankers posing as Zionists remind me of the Rolling Stones song “Sympathy for the Devil”. Globalists are the invisible thread running through so much of modern American history - beginning with the formation of Israel and the assassination of JFK (perhaps much earlier if one takes the Rothschilds into account) to present day (July 4, 2024).
The Rothschild family, the well-known war profiteering cabal, were early proponents of Zionism. None of this is a coincidence, neither is it a coincidence there are so many Zionists in the US government (hiding behind the smokescreen of Judaism as always). One must never question them as they plunder the world.
This Globalist Agenda reminds me of the Rolling Stones song “Sympathy for the Devil” and also Tom Cruise’s character Lestat in “Interview With The Vampire”. Zionism is a pet cause of the Rothschilds that’s run away with the US government and its captured politicians. That you cannot utter the name “Rothschild” without being labeled an anti-Semite is by design (July 4, 2024).
Sympathy for the Devil could’ve been written about the more nefarious among the Rothschild dynasty, couldn’t it? I suppose one could argue that the US’ (forgotten survivors of Helene) and citizens of Israel are victims of these bankers. One could certainly argue Iraq especially was an innocent victim of financiers’ tried and true bloodlust for profit scheme, and now Ukraine as well.
The Rothschild family and their legacy remain a dominant player behind dozens of banking subsidiaries to this day. They’re faithfully served by dozens of like-minded billionaires, as well as the various cut-outs - councils, foundations, and thinktanks they’ve created (July 4, 2024).
Our country is pretty much run for Nazi bankers claiming to be Zionist, defense & pharma companies, and corrupt politicians receiving kickbacks from these selfish interests.
You feel me John Kerry? I’m describing the Stakeholder class you so dutifully serve, and have sucked up to your entire life. They are unmanageable, and very probably psychopathic. You should be grateful for what you have, and not covet what another has (take for instance Americans’ Free Speech). You’ve clearly toppled over the edge komrade (July 4, 2024).
“Devotion to the truth is the hallmark of morality; there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man (or woman) who assumes the responsibility of thinking”-Ayn Rand.
“Trump’s Plan to Stop WWIII, CIA Coups, and Warning of the Next Financial Crisis”. Professor Sachs with more on America’s ANTI-diplomats: Jeffrey Sachs.
We must support Israel OUR TROOPS at all costs when the shit hits the fan. We can’t afford to have morale at all-time lows if, when our government succeeds at provoking WW3 (July 4, 2024).
We must become a UNIPEOPLE in order to reform and/or replace our government whilst keeping the machinery (military, social services) humming along so we don’t become vulnerable to foreign invasion/occupation. Meaning restore our government to an earlier time when money wasn’t the be all end all, if not banish contributions from selfish interests altogether.
What’s to prevent Putin from sabotaging parts of the US if Zelenskyy is allowed to strike deep within Russian territory? Or to keep us from blaming Putin (or Iran) if “Mossad” carries out a(nother) false flag attack on American soil? If I was Iran I’d be quaking in my boots after what our dual passport holders pulled off on 9/11 (July 4, 2024).
Most civilians do not understand how delicate the balance is between war and peace, how often false flag attacks are used as catalysts for war, or that we have a Rothschild (Israel) owned cabal operating in DC. It’s equal parts alarming and disgusting (July 4, 2024).
It has long been suspected the Israeli government carries out attacks against its own people, blames Palestinians, then uses that as an excuse to justify its ethnic cleansing efforts in Gaza and the West Bank (July 4, 2024).
Has the U.S. begun using federal agents to carry out “terrorist” attacks on American soil to justify expanding its security state? It sure looks like it. Witness 9/11, the OKC bombing as well as the ‘93 WTC bombing (July 4, 2024).
This must be heartbreaking to the majority of “feds” who signed up hoping to serve our country for what we believed was the greater good. You’ve got a very nasty, small group TUMOR you need to cut out beginning at the top.
“The Twilight of the Shadow Government - Transparency and Accountability” with former CIA officer Kevin Shipp. This video definitively links Israel’s Mossad to 9/11. Hilariously, I’d argue the CIA will always need to keep a few things from the public: Candace Owens (July 4, 2024).
“Can the UN Exploit an Election Crisis to SEIZE CONTROL of the USA?” with Alex Newman. Briefly delves into the connection between David Rockefeller (and the UN) with the Chinese Communist Party. This serves as another window into the oligarchs plotting to seize control of the world while we watch sportsball: Man In America (July 4, 2024).
A list of 100 names would never do it. Big business and government are joined at the hip, and both are deeply corrupt (July 4, 2024).
A large group of us coalescing, marching on DC, and demanding resignations might be the only thing that could do it (July 4, 2024).
Their plan has probably always included exterminating the majority of us, so they can possess all the earth’s resources. Nobody, including the CIA or Mossad, should have a problem with me (July 4, 2024).
Meanwhile the British empire must think to itself “if only we could get the US and Israel to turn on each other after conquering the Middle East, it would leave us with all the spoils” - speculation (July 4, 2024).
At the very top: Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, and Bush Sr have always known exactly who and what they were supporting. Larry Fink and Blackrock as well. Ronald Reagan may have been the last president who gave a shit about the American people. Trump is the only one who might not be in the New World Order / Wreck America cabal since 1988 (July 4, 2024).
We have a Rothschild (Israeli) captured cabal in DC who serves the UN (WEF) rather than we the people, and a Trump presidency has bought them four more years. That’s the bottom line. Hopefully Trump will surprise us skeptics. I hope his rhetoric becomes reality (July 4, 2024).
On why Brits taught the United States and Israel everything we know about color revolutions and false flag attacks (and also on how the British invented Globalism [Communism] and blamed it on the Jews): The Hidden Hand Exposed: Mel K (July 4, 2024).
I watched the first few minutes last night within several days of having come to the same conclusion myself. Most links are provided for the reader’s benefit (July 4, 2024).
I’m referring to the United Kingdom version of the Deep State in this manuscript, not to the average government official or UK citizens at large. We each have our fair share of “Dr. No”s and skeletons in the closet, don’t we comrades (July 4, 2024)?
After all these years, the British empire is still milking us dry. British imperialism and INGSOC remain in full control whilst leveraging the Israeli and US militaries. The British Deep State is the parasite, not Israel (July 4, 2024).
If the British empire wants their cucks in Congress to fund the Israeli military to kill every man, woman and child in Gaza they’ll do it. It’s time we permanently sever our reliance on the British Deep State - preferably through financial means (July 4, 2024).
“Syria: will it prove to be the empire's final quagmire? The West's long descent from the 1993 Wolfowitz Doctrine, one Pyrrhic victory after another”: Alex K.
Is Bashar al-Assad about to get Gaddafied? Meet the new empire, same as the old empire (July 4, 2024).
“Personally, I think we need a vaccine for gullibility, since none of the above would have been possible without the help and denial of the gullible masses” - Izraul Hidashi.
The “professional” class must grow a spine and reject the “populist movements are Fascist, and their leaders are Hitler” rhetoric of Globalists - and also force Globalist technocrats across Europe to respect election results by honouring the democratic process rather than rejecting it (July 4, 2024).
Thus far punishment for truth telling has been limited to having one’s reputation destroyed, lawfare and jail-time for “hate” speech (in reality, any speech contradicting the Globalist narrative). In the future, questioning our governments may result in executions as has been common with many “Socialist” regimes throughout history. Any questions?
“Next week start the days of thunder. Alliance between Russia and the USA saved the union from the British Empire. Note how Lincoln is portrayed as a troglodyte in London”. I’m not sure if this will apply to present day, but fantastic observations nonetheless. In the 1st edition many patriots lost everything fighting the British: Alex K (July 4, 2024).
This has been tricky, but I believe I’m coming as close to solving this “puzzle” as one could possibly hope to come. There will be lots of editing ahead should this circulate again in the future (July 4, 2024)...
Come to think of it, I’ll stop adding additional material and links. That way, I can use my time to clean this manuscript up for posterity’s sake. God willing, this will pop up on 9/11 internet searches for years to come.
Paid subscriptions are cancelled as of Dec 15, 2024 (I had 4 paying subscribers out of 600+). Between cancellations, $18 arbitration fees and possible payment fraud, I have concluded it’s too much of a hassle. Want to help out anyway? Try my Venmo:
🚨”Our” government answers to Globalists (as well as to the Chinese Communist Party and multinational corporate interests). Our ruling class is pushing to replace representative democracy (our voices) with a technocratic oligopoly consisting of… themselves.
It’s a system in which we the American people would PERMANENTLY lose our voices. If Amerikan Marxists succeed at overthrowing our government, we’ll lose everything. There will be no benevolent rulers.
When I began writing this essay, I never intended to write so much about the CCP. As I wrap up my three year journey, it’s obvious to me that Chinese money is at the root of so much of what plagues our country.
The Tian'anmen Square protests of 1989 took place forty years after the Chinese Cultural Revolution of 1949.
Chinese students realized their wannabe “Bolshevik” grandparents’ mistake AND demanded democracy, free speech, and a free press in China.
History is repeating itself, but in the US this time. I am sure Chinese-Americans are appalled by what they see, but in their humility remain largely silent.
Naturalized Americans who’ve emigrated from Communist regimes must break their silence. Americans who cherish our freedom and democracy would be forever grateful if you did.
Americans will never experience Chinese upward mobility as most of our spending is on war and now pharmaceuticals, or at least defense contractors and big pharma are the tail that wags the dog.
There’s no upside to allowing “rulers” to turn our country into a Communist police state. We must awaken our youths and the wayward, and set them on the right path before it’s too late.
None of us should have to stand alone as Tank Man once did in Tian'anmen Square that fateful afternoon so long ago 😓
🚨In addition to multinational corporate “ESG” rule, our government created the UN and WHO. Our government can now work hand in hand with Xi Jinping (sino-Hitler), and his CCP with Americans being none the wiser.
There would be no human rights other than what corporations and the UN/WHO agree to, nor any way to address abuses of power. That they will abuse their power should be a foregone conclusion as there will no longer be a system of checks and balances. OUR VOICES WOULD BE FOREVER SILENCED:
“Conspiracy Theories Aside, There’s Something Fishy About ‘The Great Reset’. It represents a full corporate takeover of governance”: Ivan Wecke.
“How the United Nations is quietly being turned into a public-private partnership”: Harris Gleckman
Public-private partnership meaning we give them our money (through our tax dollars) and they profit. I’m getting really sick of these forced “something for nothing” profit-making schemes of the global ruling oligarchy.
The USSA (UN) government is a PRIME example of public-private “partnership”. Our non-representatives grow rich by using taxpayer dollars to fund wars while accepting limitless money from defense contractors and bankrupting the public. Been going on for generations with no end in sight…
*2)Our government manages info and our economy in the exact same fashion as the Chinese Communist Party manages theirs. Our children are growing up in a United States that’s becoming disturbingly reminiscent of China.
Albeit, our government is also ramping up inflation to increase our dependence on government handouts, to keep us in line (something I’m not aware the CCP being guilty of).
Chinese Communists patiently bide their time, while bribing their adversaries and leveraging Cultural Genocide to great effect. According to Wikipedia, I’m anti-Semitic for calling out the ChiComs as well as the American institutions who’ve been corrupted by them lol.
I would love to hear the USSA (UN) government, the one who controls American MSM, to explain to me just exactly how criticizing Cultural Genocide in the former US relates to anti-Semitism. Where are we, Animal Farm - have we morphed into farm animals?
Not only are ChiComs killing millions of their own people in cold blood, with the help of ruling elites (including our representatives and their CIA captured media), ChiComs are also laying waste to the United States.
38M innocents have been killed since the Chinese Communist Party came to power, that’s more than double the 17M who were killed by the Nazis.
I DO NOT appreciate our corrupt leaders holding the ChiComs up as a regime to emulate amongst themselves, do you? I FIND IT HORRIFYING.
Deep State bureaucrats are modeling the UN (USSA) after the ChiCom surveillance state, just as many dictatorial strongmen have done throughout Latin America (while rattling their sabers for the American public).
[I’m not a ChiCom sympathizer as Charlie Munger and so many appear to be these days. I’m simply making an observation.
Berkshire Hathaway’s Munger was alright with the CCP’s silencing of Jack Ma (Alibaba). He also made no mention of the ChiCom’s use of social credit scores, surveillance, or of its mass genocide of Chinese Muslims.
American voters are going to wake up one morning in the not too distant future with multinational corporate governance, sans representative democracy (OUR voices), and with a surveillance and social credit scoring system rivaling that of the Chinese police state. THIS will be our “New World Order”.
🚨The VAST majority of American citizens take their personal freedoms and voices for granted, assuming these liberties will just magically go on forever. This is a HUGE part of the problem. People have fought AND died for these freedoms, the very same freedoms The Deep (Bureaucratic) State has stolen from us. American voters are very complacent.
By some measures Chinese have greater upward mobility than Americans, but it’s unlikely Americans would benefit given our permanent state of war (AND a litany of other shady practices that have become ingrained in our ruling class). It’s always been about our rulers’ money and power, NEVER we the people. Don’t lose sight of that…
Our government (Deep State)’s handling of CoVid was a shining example, as well as the current “Biden” administration (Deep State)’s ability to roll its “special powers” through our midterm elections. The Deep Bureaucratic State’s unconstitutional and treasonous “Emergency” Powers Act of 1976 made it all possible.
Things may appear normal, but they are not normal. Our government (Deep State) has awarded itself the power to lock down American society at will. It can now shut down our country much as sino-Hitler Xi Jinping shut down China on numerous occasions. The USSA (UN) Deep State has built an invisible cage around us.
Yes, that’s right. Our representatives have LEGALIZED treason by codifying it into law. Can you imagine how bad things will get if Biden’s allowed to sign the WHO’s “Pandemic” Treaty, giving the ChiComs even more power over our lives through the use of social credit? The good news is there’s plenty of evidence to convict them of treason.
🚨It’s EXACTLY the same as Bush signing The “Patriot” Act immediately following the 9/11 attacks. It’s from the EXACT same “How to Screw Over the American People” playbook.
I dumbly thought “I have nothing to hide” at the time. Young voters are cool with the WHO “Pandemic” Treaty believing that it will keep us safe without knowing a damn thing about it. No different than I was at their age when it came to The “Patriot” Act.
Elitists CoVid “plot” was brilliant other than it mirrored 9/11 too closely (its undoing). I firmly believe US, European and ChiCom interests were involved. Plot in quotes because we can’t say with 100% accuracy, but the Event 201 exercise can almost be viewed as hard evidence. Global “ruling” elites hubris is without limits. Those who’ve followed the Co-Vid pandemic closely will agree with me, whereas those who are incapable of questioning government narratives...
Don’t bother getting into an argument with someone who’s been programmed. Simply refer them to my writing, or someone else’s.
Euphemisms such as The “Patriot” Act, The “Freedom” Act, The “Democratic” Party, and The “Republican” Party. Give me a break. The USSA (UN) is a Totalitarian police state. This will become painfully evident in the coming years. Our federal government has been a lie for longer than we’ve been alive. I am ready to call them on it, are you?
🌟[I’ll be editing to simplify my writing regarding The Deep (Administrative) State & Donald Trump over the next several days. It’s important for the reader to understand my confusion over DJT, so you understand you’re not alone. Spoiler Alert: I’ve come to the conclusion Trump is one of a very small group of patriots speaking out against the Deep Bureaucratic State, and NOT a villain like the Soviets’ Vladimir Putin (Putin is clearly an evil little man).*
As I edit for clarification, I find myself wondering why Trump has a hard-on for The Deep State. Did Trump lose a loved one in the Middle East, or in the 9/11 attacks (on his hometown)? Is it his respect and admiration for JFK?
[Trump is a public figure so he likely won’t discuss Event 201, or popular 9/11 theories with the American people. He can however keep pressing for the Warren Commission (JFK) files, AND begin pressing for the 9/11 Commission’s findings as well.
I want George W. Bush and company to stand trial immediately. Rummy laughing in front of Pat Tillman’s family was a bridge too far for me. These “traitors” must stand trial. Traitors in quotes, but I suspect a legitimate judge would find them guilty.]
Speaking of clarification, Ronin isn’t the only one who could benefit from greater clarification. Just why exactly is Donald Trump a man possessed when it comes to cleaning house (taking out the DC trash)?
Isn’t it ironic Trump is the closest to JFK we’ve had in a long time but Deep State (CIA) media has conned Liberal voters into hating him?
As it stands, many have been conned into voting for The Deep (Bureaucratic) State, rather than for a man who wants to kick them to the curb.
DJT was trying to remove and replace Deep State bureaucrats, not fire them so he could become ruler of the “not so” free world (this is a commonly misunderstood issue).
In other words, HE WAS FIRING BAD PEOPLE. It shouldn’t be surprising the very same corrupt bureaucrats are going bonkers.
Deep State bureaucrats won’t quiet down until Trump is gone and the Communist United Nations and WHO have a firm grip on power. Yes, the very same UN (USSA) who won’t prosecute the People’s Republic of China for its egregious human rights violations.
What’s it going to take for the American electorate to see the writing on the wall?!
Unfortunately, the only way to fight Deep State (Marxist) evil is by voting for Trump, and the few Conservatives who oppose it. It’s also critically important we deprogram our electorate. No, both sides don’t get to be right. The real world doesn’t work that way.
I don’t have a long term pro-Republican bias. The ruling class must resign or be fired, and corporate money must also be removed to restore democracy. If Trump is elected, but shape shifts into Mussolini it’s not something I could have predicted.
*In the spirit of disclosure (and also a hat tip to the arts community) Beeple’s dead & bloated Trump in the park and also the numerous murals of Putin and Trump-Hitler mugging down in public were pretty damn funny!! That said, I’d like to see what you come up with after reading and understanding my writing. It just might resemble Ben Garrison’s work bwa ha ha…]
[Russiagate was essentially two-thirds or more (when you consider the dissemination of this propaganda) of the American establishment fabricating blatant lies. I continue to meet Liberal voters who doggedly cling to this farce.
Taking voters into account, that’s over 80 million Americans parroting a blatant lie for seven years. It would be akin to Conservative voters labeling Barack Obama a Muslim extremist (WITHOUT A SHRED OF EVIDENCE) throughout his presidency. Alright, maybe a few Conservatives did.
Does anyone else have a problem with this? Everyone’s answer should be “yes” regardless of party affiliation. I find this wanton lying and manipulation of the American electorate frightening.]
“In Support of Those Who Changed Their Minds”: Roger Simon.
“At the Speaker's request, I’m withdrawing consideration of the FISA Act. The two-thirds of the House GOP that voted for this bill in March have indicated they’re going to vote against it now at the request of POTUS. I believe this to be against the security interest of the U.S” - Steny Hoyer.*
I will dig into this to see what came from Trump protecting American people’s civil liberties, and to see whether changes have been made since. Trump should have a third party source verify his actions as most critics won’t trust his website. On 2nd thought, why would his detractors when they can just make stuff up and publish it anyway, win Pulitzers for falsified pseudo-journalism etc?
*[Clearly the path of least resistance for Obama was to allow the US surveillance state (security-services) to grow exponentially. I’d love to ask Barrack one day if this was his preference, or if he felt he had no choice…
Though a charming man, this Deep Security State was expanded mightily during Obama’s eight years in office, and has spawned a Censorship Industrial Complex rivalling the People’s “Republic” of China.
Obama may have been brought in to maintain Liberal support for the violation of sovereignty / international law that was the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, as the Deep State feared John McCain would lose that support. Liberal support for foreign wars hasn’t let up since…
{Was Barrack Obama a freshman senator who ran to push his Democratic Socialist agenda beginning with nationalized Healthcare, or was Obama simply a young man brought in because the Amerikan Establishment viewed him as an empty vessel who would do what he was told to advance their anti-American agenda without question?}
The American people so dearly need someone like DJT to upset the apple cart. I’d imagine based on our security-services actions that our country is as vulnerable to foreign threats as ever.
I can just envision an Air Marshal having difficulty focusing on his job as deranged flight attendants remove a passenger for peacefully wearing a Trump MAGA cap or shirt in the run up to the 2024 election.
Meanwhile a gaggle of men chanting “Turka Turka” while waving AK-47s over their heads board the plane. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Where was Team America: World Police to blow up the airport while trying to save them?!*
Where were Liberal voices crying out against these injustices (political persecutions) carried out against innocent Americans. I never would have dreamed that Bolsheviks and Chekas would be running wild in our country.
*There will be consequences for distributing military surplus to our law enforcement agencies (LEAs) around the country. As far as the poor Muslims go, they just want to be left alone. Really, that’s all anyone’s asking for.
Imagine LEAs coming for your father, for possessing an unopened copy of Ronin’s manuscript in his inbox, and accidentally blowing up your house or entire city block because they don’t use military hardware on a daily basis (depraved “ruling” oligarchs would laugh their asses off).
There’s no dissent from the Liberal party or their voters regarding these atrocities (all forms of government-sanctioned Anarcho-Tyranny), all I hear is your silence.
Conservatives: these amoral cowards WILL NOT speak up if we get marched off for Marxist programming, or to the Gulag. My question is a fair one. If I’m wrong Dem party and voters, prove me wrong!!
The Establishment is harnessing you to carry out acts of Anarcho-Tyranny, this ought to be enough to open your eyes. If SHIT goes sideways and you do nothing, you are no better than Germans letting Jews get loaded up on cattle cars.*
Strikethrough for now, but I’m ready to see the Left and Right rise up nonviolently against these violations of our civil liberties ASAFP. There’s no question things are worse with Bidet & Company in office…
I’m sorry if this sounds harsh, but this is the direction our country is moving in. This may happen much sooner than we realize. Perhaps in one to five years. It happens in every Totalitarian country.
*One ray of sunshine is there are far more ARMED lovers of democracy (our voices) in the US, than there were armed Jewish people in Nazi Germany (this is one reason why we have the right to bear arms).]
“Patriot Act surveillance powers left un-renewed after Trump threatens veto”: Nicholas Fearn.
Say what you will about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), but at least the ChiComs don’t start one war after another like our defense contractor owned government does.*
Somehow ChiComs manage to keep their military afloat, but they’re probably indebted up to their eyeballs as well.
The upside is our military has A LOT of experience, the downside is it’s apt to be spread thin throughout the world and to also be running low on ammunition, etc should the Chinese strike.
Translation: VERY EASILY BLED DRY. Ahem, Ukraine?
“You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass" - Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto (WWII).
I’d love to live in a world with no guns. I really would, but as long as criminals have guns... As I’m apt to shoot my nuts off for lack of training, I don’t presently carry. No wannabe GI Joe here.
Regardless, it goes without saying limiting us to single shot muskets, or disarming us altogether, would make life a lot easier for an invading and / or occupying force.
Our military might need wannabe GI Joes and Rambos to pick up the slack one day. Let’s hope not (but not take it for granted that we’ll never be overrun either)…
“The most amazing part of this story is the lack of push-back by Liberals, who used to be the primary critics of the security state. Central to left Liberal politics was the view that these agencies are nefarious…
A fully closed information system is the hallmark of totalitarianism. If you can control how people think AND prevent them from hearing dissent, you can control all of their actions because their actions are” determined by their thoughts (by the state)* - Glenn Greenwald.
“Ex-Spies Run Censorship Operations for Tech Giants”: Glenn Greenwald.
Liberal voters suddenly trusting the CIA, FBI and NSA to be ‘arbiters of truth’ proves everything is upside down, doesn’t it? Liberals: the CIA is trained to lie and deceive. They’re the ones who tell your favorite broadcaster, newspaper or pundit what to say or write. And then reward their deception (lying to the public) with Pulitzers, and big-time promotions.
“As long as CIA propaganda shields us from dangerous vaccine ‘conspiracy theories, disinformation, misinformation’ AND Donald Trump” they exclaim with great relief. In exchange for letting former CIA, FBI and NSA apparatchiks control the media we are learning SPOOK “buzzwords”.
*I paraphrased the part not in quotes then added “by the state” which I’m sure Gren Gleenwald would agree with.
🚨Politicians, on both sides of the aisle, are modeling the United States of America after the Chinese police state. “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” they smugly proclaim amongst themselves.
Chinese Communist Party human rights atrocities far exceeded those of Russia in recent years ex-Ukraine, but American media won’t disclose that inconvenient (to those in power) fact.
Through the UN/WEF and the WHO, our treasonous government is better able to collaborate with the Chinese Communist Party out in the open.*
🚨Semantics aside, whenever you hear UN / WEF or WHO think the United States and China (rather than European Union). Our government uses these “shell entities” to obfuscate/cover up behavior they would never get away with stateside.
Our corporate media is loathe to bite the Marxist Communist hand that feeds it, so most Westerners are blissfully unaware of the MASS MURDER that’s occurring in China and Tibet.
Mainstream STATE Media (MSM) publicly claims to be the “Liberal” press, yet won’t utter a single harsh word when it comes to ChiCom human rights abuses. What does this tell you about Establishment press-titutes? It tells you the Amerikan establishmt. enjoys ChiCom money, and couldn’t care less about the PRC’s internal “issues”. Why you may ask yourselves, when our military aggressively violates the sovereignty of so many other nations?
Have you ever asked yourself why the not so Liberal establishment press venomously slanders the Epoch Times on such a regular basis? Our “Liberal” press clearly is not remotely Liberal.
🚨Epoch Times is David (freedom and democracy), and government media is Goliath (the boot stomping on your face telling you what to believe). The American people are witnessing an epic battle of good versus evil unfolding before their very eyes, but are COMPLETELY unaware of it. The good guys are losing badly.
[They’ve been banished to the fringes of political discourse by corrupt “ruling” elites seeking to mold our society into one very similar to the ChiCom’s surveillance state. Many banana republics have already done this.
Liberal voters seemingly offer up their wrists to be shackled. What Liberals hope to gain from their fealty (obsequiousness) I cannot fathom. I don’t want to pay the price for their confusion either.]
If Donald Trump and Alex Jones were loons why would Deep State bureaucrats waste so much time and US taxpayer dollars to destroy them? This is gross misuse of our tax funds and should be criminalized.
Richard Gere nearly had his acting career cancelled IN THE EARLY 90s for speaking out against Chinese atrocities in Tibet, so this is nothing new.
The Amerikan (anti-American) establishment is complicit in these crimes for covering them up, then for punishing those of us who speak out against the ChiComs. I wonder why?
[The Hunting Party (2007) is my favorite Richard Gere movie, but prepare to have your heart broken.]
American voters are endorsing our government’s close relationship with China’s tyrannical police state, by saying nothing. Let’s stop sweeping this under the rug.
Our government is molding the United States into a police state very similar to that of the ChiComs. Our censorship and surveillance has become nearly identical to China’s.
🚨[The United Nations and World Health Organization are Amerikan creations which are deferential to, and collaborating closely with, the Chinese Communist Party.
The UN & WHO aren’t European institutions. Look where the United Nation’s HQ (headquarters) is! These are Amerikan-controlled organizations that are hostile to our democracy.]
Envision the worst of China and America combined. Destroying cultures throughout the world through Cultural Marxism (in addition to blowing up their infrastructures). We’d become the “Great Satan” on steroids. And Muslims thought the American pop culture of the ‘90s and 2000s was bad. Those were the good old days homies.
To the Amerikan establishment: STOP hoovering up ChiCom blood money. This should be illegal. The biggest mistake you ever made was letting the CCP into our lives.
“MintPress has found that Facebook has recruited dozens of individuals from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), as well as many more from other agencies like the FBI and Department of Defense (DoD). These hires are primarily in highly politically sensitive sectors such as trust, security and content moderation, to the point where some might feel it becomes difficult to see where the U.S. national security state ends and Facebook begins.
In previous investigations, this author has detailed how TikTok is flooded with NATO officials, how former FBI agents abound at Twitter, and how Reddit is led by a former war planner for the NATO think tank, the Atlantic Council. But the sheer scale of infiltration of Facebook blows these away. Facebook, in short, is utterly swarming with spooks” - Alan MacLeod.
“Meet The Ex-CIA Agents Deciding Facebook’s Content Policy”: Alan MacLeod
To CIA, FBI and NSA apparatchiks involved with this hot mess: you’re not serving we the people, you’re serving interests hostile to our democracy (then rationalizing it should you have a conscience).
You’re a threat to our national security and to our tax dollars as you toil away at your unnecessary jobs (former “CIA” dweebs trained on the taxpayer dime).
You are not keeping us safe, nor doing anything useful, while you’re collecting your Big Tech paycheck. You might as well serve the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), or some other malicious entity. You’re a disgrace to your country.
You cannot seem to figure out that you’re being leveraged by a joint ChiCom / UN Globo-Cap PSYOP whose nefarious aim is to wipe out all but the 0.001%. That’s a big problem dumb dumbs.
🌟[I would argue that there’s no “domestic terrorism” threat other than the one our Globo-Cap government may create by no longer providing adequate representation to its people (in addition to antagonizing us at every turn). OUR representatives were never meant to represent “We the Corporations” (of the corps, by the corps, for the corps).
There’s no point in having Civil War as our US/UN hybrid government would call in UN, NATO (and heaven forbid ChiCom PLA) to assist military and law enforcement agencies in snuffing out any would be insurrection. Sorry wannabe Confederates.*
*<Surely not every Liberal voter wants to forfeit their independence & voice (however small) to Corporate overlords. Forty hours per week punching a clock should be more than enough. It always has been for me.>❗️😂
I’m just not sure what the point of all of “this” is. Ordinarily job creation would be a good thing, but not these types of jobs nor this type of industry. It says A LOT about the sorry state of the US federal government, and its officials.]
🚨“Bill Clinton’s” decision to open our economy to the ChiComs, will result in the death of our nation. America might have had the best of intentions, but the Chinese Communist Party is amoral (you can count on them to stick a knife in your back).
The ChiComs are twisting that knife very slowly in Americans’ backs as I type this. They’re very clever, and patient.
It isn’t the Red Dawn scenario so many of us envisioned, the one where Communist bad guys drop from the sky, but it’s every bit as LETHAL nonetheless.
This ChiCom coup has been a bloodless Red Dawn. It’s an unpleasant realization to say the least.
🚨Money, and incurious voters, are why the Chinese Communist Party’s human rights violations aren’t a Liberal cause. Why do Liberals wait for CIA media to tell them what to believe?
*The UN and WHO receive most of their funding from US taxpayers as well. Talk about being bleeped in the bleep.
🚨The New World Order (United Nations) is not simply a shadowy overseas cabal (as many UN proponents happen to be right here in the United States). Could that be why the United Nations’ headquarters is in NYC?
I also view Chinese Communist Party money as having a controlling interest in the American establishment (Hollywood and the NBA are but two examples).
Xi Jinping and the Chinese politburo are probably living it up off of their NBA, and Hollywood investments right now.
We should boycott their ballgames, and movies in the short run. I hate to punish the players, or the actors, but something must be done (they’ve been very kind to me over the years).
Many actors and players agree with me, but aren’t comfortable speaking truth to power. For what it’s worth, I’m taking a risk by writing this.
Should I meet an unfortunate end, this manuscript might go viral (at least among TRUTH-SEEKERS who are willing to sift through it).
🚨Over the last several years, I’ve learned that every MSM source or “authority” we Americans trust is bought and paid for in our country.
🌟Amerikan (USSA) establishment is controlled by Globalists (as well as the ChiComs and multinational corporate interests). You cannot trust a word they say. It’s carefully curated crap.
🚨Organizations like the United Nations and the WHO (ChiComs) own a controlling stake in our country including academia, universities AND our children’s minds. It sounds like homeschooling is the best option.
These shadow interests have an outsized influence many Americans aren’t aware of. That’s uhhh, kind of an issue…
Our corrupt USSA government sure isn’t going to do anything. I made a large Dell purchase instead of Apple last fall. I, like most of us, could be doing a lot more.
There may be a few good people (patriots) on the inside, but not nearly enough. You have to hide your love for our country to get ahead these days.
[Don’t let anyone tell you distrusting the Chinese Communist Party is racist. IT IS NOT, it’s smart.
It’s also not racist to question whether it’s a good idea to allow Chinese entities to purchase large tracts of land adjacent to US military installations, IT’S COMMON SENSE!!
Ignore politicians’ MOCK indignation. Investment in just about everything else under the sun is fine.
We must bend over backwards to ensure that all Asian-Americans feel welcomed and appreciated,
except for the Chinese Communist Party and Amerikan politicians who accept bribes from them or allow themselves to be blackmailed (they should be removed from office immediately).
Why not let Xi Jinping or Pol Pot share the Oval office with Biden? It’s racist not to let them. Please, do not come within a 10 mile radius of me if you are this stupid.]
🚨President Biden is just a figurehead. The tyranny we’re witnessing is what the vast majority of our government wants.
Our leaders benefit mightily from this subterfuge, as Einstein couldn’t have a quick conversation on the subject.
I’m writing this essay, but wouldn’t know where to begin. It’s definitely a “just read this” situation, or at least it still is for me!!
“This Is How Propaganda Works: A Look Inside A Soviet Childhood” Katya Soldak. The largest take away for me so far has been that none of this could ever happen in America, and is regarded as largely irrelevant by Liberal voters & possibly by a few Conservative voters as well.
There’s oftentimes a whitewashing of history that accompanies Communist regimes. For example, many Chinese may not be aware of ethnic cleansing being carried out against the Uyghur people. Just as many Americans don’t realize up to two million innocent Muslims have perished as a result of our military blowing up infrastructure throughout the Middle East.*
This was all done in the name of “democracy” no less. It had nothing to do with a profit-making scheme cooked up by bankers, defense contractors, and bureaucrats (sarc). There’s a reason why propaganda labeling America as “The Great Satan” has been effective.
*If my brain is indicative of most Americans, the number historically etched in my mind is 10,000 ‘murcan troops. According to Susan Lindauer, 500k to 1M Iraqi kids had already perished as a result of sanctions prior to the second Gulf War.
Susan and the Iraqis were working feverishly to have these sanctions removed before the 9/11 attacks (which Iraq was not responsible for). I feel terrible for unquestionably supporting these wars at the time. As a young man, I had no idea how deceitful our government is.
On the bright side, young people - both Liberals & Conservatives - are questioning the narrative, and are researching more than my generation. They’re not as trusting thank goodness. MSM’s negative portrayal of today’s young people is most likely inaccurate. Hat tip kiddos, thank you.
🚨”Capitalist vs. Communist Theory on Speech & Press Freedoms.” One could be forgiven for erroneously concluding Stanford researchers were describing the US: Communism & Computer Ethics.
Marxist policies are coming from the top down, as OUR representatives carry out their own version of the Chinese Cultural Revolution of 1949 (while labeling those of us who believe in the US Constitution & Bill of Rights as domestic terrorists on a daily basis).*
🚨If the USSA continues repeating that baseless accusation, they know up to half of the American electorate will believe it. Not all Democratic voters are fools, and some Republican voters are, so it’s very hard to pin down the exact number of brainwashed civilians at any given point in time.
[“Our Constitution was made only for a MORAL and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other” - John Quincy Adams.
Emphasis on “moral” because you don’t have to be religious to be a good human being (one who understands right from wrong).
Adams recognized the importance of our character, and also that our constitution wouldn’t be safe in the hands of amoral politicians (or a God-hating people’s).
John Q. Adams was a Deist who wasn’t religious, but he was a fervent believer in freedom of religion nonetheless.
In other words, Adams stood in stark contrast to Chinese Communists who regularly kill people of faith (and for a litany of other “reasons”).*
Our government and media will NEVER address the ongoing Genocide in China, unless we the American people FINALLY force them to.
*For many of us, all we have is God and country. We are PRECISELY the type of Americans the newfangled USSA (and Hitlery) wants to ELIMINATE.]
🌟[Most DC bureaucrats are as amoral as the Chinese politburo. “Our government will never be as violent as the ChiComs” the naive assure us. If 51% of our electorate continues to vote for the criminalization of dissent, and also gives komrade Bidet the green light to forfeit America’s sovereignty to the UN and WHO (Xi Jinping), we’ll discover otherwise.
Liberal voters: “wanna bet”. You cannot possibly want everyone who believes in free speech to be re-programmed, sent to the Gulag, executed by firing squad or to drown whilst fleeing the country. This is Totalitarianism (you are unintentionally endorsing). Things will get bad if this is allowed to continue. Mark my words.
The only way to fight it is Trump or someone like him, and by holding your nose and voting Conservative. This is only a very short term solution, but it’s a start. The entire system must be overhauled democratically in the medium to long term.
America is in the process of transitioning from the United States (US) to the United Nations (USSA). Put another way…
America is transitioning from a faltering representative democracy that is 90% Fascist but one in which we the people have a small but diminishing voice, to balls to the wall corporate control couched as Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) with health policy dictated by Chinese Communists.
I don’t believe this new system would be an improvement, do you? It shouldn’t take a brainiac like Einstein to realize that giving the UN (USSA) and corporations absolute power over us is unwise. Deep State (CIA) MSM media is steering viewers to support this agenda through pumping ESG and the WHO “Pandemic” treaty, without viewers realizing it.
YOU CAN SEE IT RIGHT THERE THAT THEY ARE ALL IN CAHOOTS WITH ONE ANOTHER (with the hopeful exceptions of Donald Trump and a handful of Conservative voices).
I may never complete this manuscript, so I’ll continue to clarify and push relevant content forward while striking through outdated material as best I can.]
🚨I am not blaming one group of voters. However, Americans are too trusting (place way too much faith in our leaders). This makes change impossible. Most of our federal government (both parties) wants to END our democratic self-governance, whether we like it or not.
The Amerikan establishment makes EVERYTHING about race and sex to divide us, so I had no choice other than to write this section (I’m not claiming to know more about being a minority than minorities themselves).* I can assure you those in power couldn’t care less about your sex or race. You’re a fool if you believe they care about any of us.
*It’s just a circus to keep us from noticing what the truly powerful are really doing to us (early am April 13, 2024 before another 12-hour workday). Consider subscribing to help get me out of debt if you enjoy this manuscript. I may take a few days “off” to see if I can cut some fat from a few sections to make this more readable…
*3)I want our children and young adults being taught EVERYTHING about our country’s history. The good, the bad and the ugly.
All Americans should know about the second Red Scare, Japanese internment camps during WWII and slavery. We cannot afford to continue repeating the same mistakes.
If rulers are erasing our past, they must be hoping to get away with similar atrocities in the future. Who will ring the alarm if we don’t know our history?
What’s transpiring is straight out of “1984”, but many Americans continue to willingly suspend their disbelief.
I have wanted the forgotten history of women and blacks included in history books for over thirty years. So it isn’t just “His Story”, as Flavor Flav of Public Enemy fame once lamented.
Have you ever thought to yourself: “why didn’t we learn about HER in class”? I for one have had this thought time and again since graduation. Book burning isn’t the answer, but revising existing books and writing new ones is.
Coaxing Conservative voters into burning Critical Race and Gender theory books only gives Leftists like Nancy Pelosi more power (ammo for her incessant finger pointing).
There may be pretenders claiming to be trans to go home with Lesbian couples, get ahead in the arts etc. You name it, so this guy isn’t ready to make the trans leap yet although…* 🤔💭
🚨*[Gender Theory is one of MANY government/corporate media contrived “wedge” issues our representatives are deploying to drive us bonkers, and to pit us against one another. Quite successfully I might add!!
It’s also been a terrific opportunity for assholes pushing critical race and gender theories. They reap riches and transfer power to themselves while fomenting civil unrest (they’re worthless individuals).
Yes, these people are assholes. They’re getting rich from burning down our culture while throwing us under the bus. How can we ever come together with influencers constantly attempting to divide and isolate us? We’ll be the ones left to pick up the pieces, but they’ll always be rich. Come to think of it, they’re a lot like gangsta rap stars (they should all be ashamed of themselves). Those in MSM governmedia who promoted it should be the most ashamed, but as we know all too well this type of individual feels no shame. Hopefully these rappers have become a force for good in their communities…
I support everyone, but I recognize identity-based Marxism when I see it. It shouldn’t be allowed in schools. Marxism’s sole purpose is to foment civil unrest in our society by sowing confusion & division. As far as I can remember, inclusivity was taught long before these cankerous appendages came along. Deep State (CIA) media and Marxist influencers are trying to start a culture war. Pure and simple. Don’t take the bait (that goes for old white people watching Fox News too).
You’re unwittingly participating in a “Color Revolution” regime change to overthrow our democracy (silence our voices) if you support this agenda.
Can anyone over a certain age recall being taught to be racist or homophobic by their teachers in elementary school? I can’t.
I WOULD NOT want a teenage boy in the same locker room as my sixteen year old daughter. Nor would I want a teenage boy who identifies as a girl, in the same locker room as my daughter.
Most gay men understand where I’m coming from, as do most gay couples raising daughters. I can’t imagine the average gay man insisting on using the girls locker room. Gay men are not the enemy.
[Maybe an “Ally McBeal” bathroom for adults at some firms, but always with a private option for the bashful among us. Although, I’d love to see men’s reactions if I saddled up to a urinal wearing a tutu.]
Neither are the few Americans who are biologically intersex. I can assure you, they are not the ones spearheading this movement. Unfortunately, they’ve just become another pawn on our Court Jesters’ political chessboard.
🚨Gender Theory DID NOT originate in the gay community. The Deep State (CIA) has weaponized the Gay Pride movement, as well as polluting BLM with their Antifa thugs. Though the latter may have always been Soros’ intention.
I dislike ALL blacks AND gays for their involvement with BLM and Pride, or at least our crappy government wants me to (I DON’T). Older conservatives feel like they are being hounded by “minorities”, but that could NOT be further from the truth. IT’S A LIE.
Our government is so good at this, “they” are taking Americans who’ve never had a homophobic or racist bone in their bodies, and turning them against blacks and gays as we speak.
<“Black and trans is the same thing” says no straight black man. I support trans and blacks, BUT their close association in the ARTS never ceases to crack me up.
“But Ronin. Hasn’t anyone told you all trans people are black, and all black people are trans?”
“Why can’t they just say white and trans, Asian and trans, or Latin and trans? Why they always have to say black and trans?” wonders the black community at large.
It’s cultural genocide being promoted from the top down by government (CIA) media rather than by the LBTGQ community itself, so it doesn’t have to make sense. IT WAS NEVER INTENDED TO MAKE SENSE. I’m stopping at LBTGQ. The Establishment media can go f*ck itself. Homie don’t play that.
To my gay friends: you receive belated respect and love from most of us, and now this: our government taking a dump on that love and respect by attempting to alienate your Conservative friends. Hopefully, it’s not working. Life is too short for our politicians’ shenanigans. Blame government bureaucrats and you will be right at least 90% of the time.
Critical Race and Gender theories are creating far more problems than they’re solving. This should be abundantly clear to everyone, even to those on the far Left who watch news propaganda. Our protests simply give government media more fodder to “report” on. They’re another example of walking into a trap they’ve laid for us. Could be a BLM protest that turns violent, or DJT supporters being goaded into removing a barrier by an obvious federal agent. If I understand correctly, BLM burned down the church next to the Capitol with our federal government’s blessing. Food for thought...
[Most Conservative viewers will believe blacks burned down the church, or if they’re really confused that it was the work of intersex bomb-making enthusiasts. Folks, this is all being done on purpose, by our government, to sow chaos so they can consolidate their grip on power (when it was probably government-sponsored Antifa goons).
Yes, the same fucktards chasing after Rand Paul and his wife. So Senator Paul wants government transparency, so what? Do Liberal voters support Antifa harassing Rand Paul’s family because you oppose our transparency efforts? It is past time for you to admit Antifa’s behavior is domestic terrorism!!]
“I couldn’t go to a “Make America Great Again” rally PRE-J/6 without fear of being doxed and losing my job” says Jane Patriot, a mother of three who supports our right to dissent, women’s suffrage, etc. WHAT DOES THIS SAY ABOUT THE STATE OF OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT & THE MAJORITY OF ITS VOTERS?
It didn’t occur to me until recently that some of those doxing innocent Americans, like Jane’s friend, may be government operatives (apparatchiks).
You’re unwittingly participating in a “Color Revolution” regime change to overthrow our democracy (silence our voices) if you support this agenda.
On a MORE serious note: the average 18 year old Latino has sacrificed more than I have (based on the color of his skin, and nothing else)? That’s absurd.
I say this with my “50” year old Caucasian and Asian artist friends in mind who have been passed over by galleries pushing young minorities, because blacks are who’s HOT (selling). I’m not referring to myself, as I’ve had some big gaps in my career and frankly may not be that talented - I’ve no way of knowing absent feedback - I’m living in an absolute vacuum at the moment.
Asians are quite bright and thus don’t merit scholarships, grants or support from the Arts community. Only other minority groups are deserving, never Asians (sarc).
I still respect kind-hearted souls helping “minorities”. It’s the RIGHT thing to do, but consider my last remark. Of course I support my black artist friends as well!!
That said, of course I support all of your disparate causes because all Latinos are gangbangers (and trans is the SAME as Latino). Trans gangbangers?!
Is that right? Did I finally get it right? It’s a schizophrenic “word salad” to anyone with a dearth of time to memorize government propaganda. That’s all this is.
The last sentence was quoted from Harvard’s “Woke SAT Questions That Backfired”. It’s a critical edition to Harvard’s existing books on how to get American taxpayers to pay off your student loan debt, and also a how to guide encouraging Harvard students to utilize food stamps entitled “How to Graft Like Karl Marx”.
These (Karl) Marxist professors are so not someone I’d want teaching my daughter ethics. Liberals, they’re teaching young minds to graft off the system like Joe Bribe ’em. My God, why would anyone want to hire a spoiled, indoctrinated child who doesn’t understand the world around them (if I applied for work at a hedge fund, I would compete against, and lose to these know-nothing children, based simply on their Harvard degree*). And this is who’s running (ruining) our society. Golly gee, I wonder what could possibly go wrong?
*I’d imagine they are predominantly hiring quants these days. Unless you need these dweebs to pump propaganda, or run the country, there doesn’t seem to be much use for them. I’m sure a few are smart enough to realize Marxism is BS, but are leveraging it for personal gain. For promotions, or promotions resulting from accusing a coworker of not being woke enough (and getting them fired). Disgraceful behavior. And now for the other side of the coin…
{Hopefully the majority of Harvard students are comprised of young people like Amari and Kojo, rather than how they’re portrayed by Rightwing media. MSM describes all of us from the Right to the Left in as harsh, and polarizing (unforgiving) a light as possible to keep us at each other’s throats.
If not for this, we might realize how much Conservative and Liberal voters have in common. This is why government MSM is constantly pitting us against one another - it’s never for the good of our country, it’s for the good of bureaucrats. Americans should ignore government MSM “news” whether it comes from CNN or Fox News. I continue to fall for our crooked bureaucrats’ tactics, but less often and for shorter durations (I’m still learning as well)…
Both-wings MSM describing pro-Palestinian student protesters as supporting Hamas’ violence is a case in point. I cannot imagine very many of them do. Yes, a few loonies might but not the majority of students. If not for the loss of innocent lives on both sides, I’d say praise Jesus this came along to unite us on the importance of Free Speech and our right to dissent.}
Doxing 18-22 year old college students is EVIL behavior. Frankly, so is doxing anyone. If pro-Palestinian Leftists are building a bomb, or a Rightwing “domestic terrorist” is planning some sort of attack, then report them to the police. Leave the rest of us alone when we non-violently express our beliefs. We will be wrong occasionally, some of us more than others, but adults like Bill Ackman doxing university students is reprehensible behavior of the highest order.
{Israel may be MORE likely to lose US support as a result of Ackman’s actions. All of this coming at a time when Americans are waking up to the fact our government is full of shit. Ours is the most powerful, unhinged government, in the world.
However, this must be carefully considered. The Palestinian government may give the Israelis no quarter if the USSA (UN) backs down. Pro-Palestine and pro-Israel Americans should keep this in mind. Israel could be wiped off the map entirely.
Its government clearly deserves to be, not unlike the US government, but the average Israeli citizen does not deserve to be. I appear to contradict myself in a later passage when I hold American voters to a higher standard (I’m not Israeli and thus can’t speak for Israelis)…}
New York governor Kathy Hochul gave sweeping powers to the authorities citing an “incident” at Grand Central Station a few weeks ago. That is all she said to the public: an “incident”. No further explanation was given. It turns out this “incident” was Jewish Voice for Peace calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Americans no longer have a voice online, or in person. We have been silenced. The Establishment is also chomping at the bit to sign the WHO’s “Pandemic” treaty, which would end our sovereignty (and could possibly be used to place Americans on the same social credit system deployed by the Chinese Communist Party):
Americans have a Globo-Capitalist government hellbent on sowing as much chaos worldwide as possible, NOT one intent on policing the world.* Our government IS NOT the world police. Its actions are designed to create refugee crises around the world, and to inflate our wealth away. Open Borders (Western-Born Replacement Theory) in the United States and Europe are icing on the cake. Most politicians aren’t bright enough to realize they’re being used as a tool to carry out this UN Globo-Cap agenda (ruling elites desire to sign the WHO “Pandemic” Treaty is proof of this symbiosis - they must not be allowed to sign it / relinquish our sovereignty).
I’m going to steer clear of future conflicts - God knows how many UN (USSA) Globo-Cap operations will be ongoing by Amerika’s next general election - because I don’t want this manuscript to morph into an ongoing blog. The Israel - Hamas conflict was un-pass-up-able due to its Free Speech (1A) implications. And yes, I do appreciate the courage of these “kids” to challenge Establishment orthodoxy. Whether they’re proven ultimately to be right or wrong isn’t important. They shouldn’t be doxed for exercising their First Amendment rights, any more than Conservatives should be.
*Globo-Capitalist for them, and Globo-Communist for us (we the people). Hopefully this important clarification / distinction makes sense. It’s been implied since the get go. What is their long term plan when proles run out of money to buy their products?
DOWN IS UP. UP IS DOWN. I AM AS confused as anyone, but supportive of your communities (and wish you well). I MEAN THAT. Don’t judge.
It’s important for you to put yourselves in our shoes as well. I hope at least a few old school “gays” found this funny. I probably WOULD be dead if I did not have a sense of humor.
It’s absolutely mind-boggling when you meet a man IN PASSING who gives you an exotic feminine name you have NEVER heard of THEN claims to be a woman. All I’m saying.
In all seriousness, our lying government is making this shit up to distract AND divide us. It’s working…>
<On a micro level, you may feel empowered. “Bow down to me, and call me by my proper pronoun. No, today’s pronoun is different than yesterday’s”. However, on a macro level CRT and Gender theory are wrecking relations.
I FIND MYSELF CONSTANTLY HAVING TO EXPLAIN: “NO, IT IS NOT MOST GAYS AND BLACKS”. Hopefully, a few more of you are “inexplicably” voting Right than I realize - as is, claims of a DJT landslide victory are difficult to believe. If so, maybe Trump really did win the election?!?!
It should be clear to my friends and family on the Left, Arts community etc. that I still have my doubts. I will never regain faith in the Amerikan establishment after the last seven years, in some instances even doubting the few good guys and gals we have left in DC. We desperately need a government “for the people” ASAFP. The problems I’m covering in this manuscript will never be solved by the current crop of phony reps we have in Washington. You, and I, both know this deep down. Our days of fighting each other must draw to a close.
Inexplicably in quotes because “gays” who have faith in our representative Democracy above all else are led to believe they are voting against their interests every 2-4 years if they vote for Republicans (who favor the “right to dissent”). Under our current system politicians on both sides of the aisle WILL NOT allow gay marriage and abortion to be resolved. They’ll use each as political footballs until the end of time unless we form a coalition to demand their resignations.
Look I’m tired of fighting. I’ll ferret out unnecessarily antagonistic writing. Hopefully there’s very little, or at the very least readers can appreciate my righteous indignation. However, I’m hard-pressed to soften the “Beto O’Rourke” section as I’m unsure of any other way to get the point across. I could never run for office on positions I knew would destroy my hometown and state, and thus have little sympathy for him. Now for a preview…
Barrera explained that the perception that “elite, educated Democrats” were weak on border security and anti–law enforcement bred fear in local residents. “A lot of people heard ‘defund the police’ and they said, ‘Well, we live in a corridor where there’s cartel wars,’ ” he said. How Cartel Violence Has Reshaped Tejano Identity in South Texas: Jack Herrera.
Our government is giving a blood transfusion to a patient while slitting his wrists. Big government is funding DEA agents who are doing a remarkable job* - while opening flood gates, and cutting concertina wire. If marijuana was legalized in the continental US, it still wouldn’t have prevented the CJNG from setting up a meth lab in the Puget Sound. This grave “all of the king’s horses, all of the king’s men” problem can only be tackled by a unified front. It is on par with putting down ubiquitous social media so we can sidestep various forms of propaganda. Americans can no longer differentiate between fact or fiction.
*Now for the flip side: incarcerating drug lords interrupts whatever peace may have transpired in the short run, with violent turf wars beginning anew.
I’m so sick of government MSM referring to COMMON SENSE as RIGHT-WING. Gimme a break.
There’s little reason to vote for predominantly bogus social & environmental causes when Americans’ Right to Dissent and Representative Democracy are at stake. DO NOT let phony politicians promising to take your best interests to heart continue to fool you at the rest of our Republic’s expense.
Worst case scenario, it’s a vocal minority who’ve been conned by Deep State (CIA) media. Given that our government owns the media, it has far-reaching ramifications, whereas our voice is drowned out by the Kardashians or some other such nonsense.>
You’re unwittingly participating in a “Color Revolution” regime change to overthrow our democracy (silence our voices) if you support this agenda.
Americans can still fight for equality and freedom without enriching evil people. Evil people including those already in power, as well as “authors” who profit from selling Marxist materials to schoolchildren. Marxist materials that lead to civil unrest and riots. Civil unrest and riots strengthen those in permanent power, while harming the rest of us. Marxist profiteers like Attorney General Merrick Garland’s son in law. No wonder the DOJ and FBI are going after Conservative parents.
Inclusivity, reading, writing and arithmetic should be more than adequate. Dad even said the Navy had three hard and fast principles to ensure sailors got along with each other. Very important when you’re trapped on a ship, or in a submarine with people from diverse backgrounds. They managed just fine without identity-based Cultural Genocide. Prior to this hot mess Dad favored mandatory service not unlike the Swiss (TO FOSTER UNITY).
However, given self-inflicted cultural “wars”, mandatory vaccinations, and the fact our government (Victoria “War Crimes” Nuland) could figure out a way to start a war with Ghandi. This is why Bictoria is paid so much money, she is NOT a diplomat (hopefully our adversaries realize this by now). Victoria is a FRAUD…
One could make a strong argument America’s Tier One operators function in more cohesive units than less diverse outfits like “Russia’s”. Your teammates always have your back. Skin color is irrelevant (black, white, Latino, Native American or Asian-American)… WHATEVER. Who fucking cares?! Pre-Marxist CRT & Gender theory these men managed just fine!!!!
Marxist theory has been introduced into our military to weed out true Americans who believe in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
At one point or another, we’ve all fallen victim to our government’s PSYOPS, myself included. They’re deploying them on we the people rather than “China”. That’s what all “this” is. Ours is a very difficult government to be proud of, let me tell you.]
🚨While American voters are debating the merits of transsexual bathrooms, the USSA (UN) shadow government is slowly tightening the noose around our necks.
The “Liberal” media should just BITE the bullet and call themselves the Anti-Liberal press, don’t you think? The term press-titute gives them too much credit, as I haven’t met any prostitutes involved with deceiving the entire nation or world.
🌟Manchurian Candidates, politicians who are owned by Globalists (as well as by the Chinese Communist Party and multinational interests), make up two thirds or more of the US government. There are too many of them to count, and too few patriots.
Our institutions, including our representatives, have taken BILLIONS from the PRC (People’s “Republic” of China). It’s exasperating that our best investigative journalists rarely discuss this or Amerika’s Globalist underpinnings.
🚨Our government is leveraging cultural genocide against its own people. It’s one of many “revolutionary” techniques the USSA government has learned from the Chinese Communists. We must be smart enough to realize what they’re doing to us.
Have fun getting to the bottom of what’s really going on behind closed doors in the USSA. It’s super-critical you roll with Ronin, and use some of these keywords as a jumping off point for your own research. Otherwise, you will know nothing.
🌟[Another way to look at this is, Deep State (CIA) media has created a bubble for Liberal voters to live in. The trouble is, most of this manufactured “reality” is false, hard truths inconvenient to the Establishment are frequently debunked as lies, etc.
Conservative voters have a right to be angry at the Amerikan (UN) establishment’s habitual lying, and also at Liberal voters who seemingly lap up every word of it.
However, those of us who demand democracy become part of the problem when our frustration becomes a strong dislike and inability to reach our Liberal friends.
Oligarchs have succeeded yet again at pitting us against one another, so we’re unable to hold them accountable.
I’m an old skool Liberal in the sense I believe no one has the right to silence me, any more than someone has the right to insist that a gay couple can’t marry. Make sense? Live and let live. Not the “do as I say, OR ELSE” afflicting the “Democratic” party in Washington, DC. Sadly, it afflicts the majority of our government and the American establishment at large (it’s not limited to Democratic politicians unfortunately).
Concessions have to be made to save our amazing country. Even the most irascible among us would find saving our country to be the most gratifying experience of our lives (think Ebenezer Scrooge).
Simply substitute America’s Civil War for Christmas and imagine the Ghost of Civil War Past, the Ghost of Civil War Present, AND the Ghost of Civil War Yet to Come each pay you a visit (dead bodies everywhere on American soil). For some reason our elites appear to want Civil War?
Can you imagine how many of today’s issues would resolve themselves if we had this mindset? Deep down most of us do! Unfortunately, the Deep State (CIA) bureaucrats raison d’etre is to confuse and divide us, so we can never hold them accountable. Let’s short circuit their process.]
“Minorities”: I hope I’m giving you a voice. Many of you agree with what I’m saying, but are afraid to speak truth to power in public (for fear of disagreeing with the Left-wing mafia).
I’d prefer to be remembered as a civil rights activist, rather than as a WHITE civil rights activist. As a “white” I am loathe to pursue certain subjects for fear of being labeled as “woke”.
The not so “Liberal” press recently accused a black man of being racist for embracing MLK, Jr.’s thoughts on colorblindness (this is MY paraphrasing). “Why Is TED Scared of Color Blindness?” Coleman Hughes.
Many in the Amerikan establishment don’t believe in this Marxist nonsense either, but their flock which includes many of our Liberal friends and family, sure does. We can’t let these Marxist frauds influence our society any longer.
The ACLU represented the KKK “10” years ago. It was aware the censorship regime might be turned against the ACLU at some point in the future, and acted accordingly. With Trump and CoVid-19, common sense has been completely disregarded❗️
Founded in 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for Black Americans. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and Black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal—the reestablishment of white supremacy—fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s: History.
The ACLU, ADL etc. have all pivoted Leftwing Totalitarian to support the Amerikan establishment’s Marxist agenda. This USSA (UN) government is leveraging Marxism and young Bolsheviks to overthrow our democracy.
At the very least, you can see that the Republican party was once honorable, whereas the “Democratic” party has only cared about its own power by any means necessary. They’re the “revolutionaries”, remember? I say “fuck them”.
I don’t want to be accused of currying favor with the Liberal Arts establishment, or of trying to offend them, I’m just explaining things as best I know how to (September 22, 2023). Red Scare: Cold War, McCarthyism and Facts: History.
To reiterate: the root causes themselves remain the same. You can easily stand against racism without endorsing CRT etc (or yammering on about race incessantly). Also ask yourselves: why is “Bill Gates’” carbon footprint so large? That’s strange, isn’t it? In general, I shouldn’t turn anyone’s worldview upside down on most issues.
This isn’t intended as an “I’m right, you’re wrong” piece to hurt anyone’s feelings, nor as more “Republicans are riding to rescue” BS. Sadly, I am afraid as the Neo-Con and RINO ranks have swollen, the number of conservative Populists has dwindled. We are in for a rough ride my friends.
Saint Obama the Anointed one shall cast the rising tides back into the sea from his oceanside estates in Martha’s Vineyard and Oahu. Barrack says entire cities will be underwater, so he’s on the frontlines to protect us. Godspeed Mr. President: James Gordon.
Today’s purveyors of Identity politics and Globalism who masquerade as Civil Rights leaders have nothing in common with the heroes of this music video. Let’s shut these Neo-Liberal frauds down for good. A “penny” for Chuck D, Malcolm X and MLK, Jr.’s thoughts as well as 60s black Civil Rights leaders. These brave people were fighting for equality, not division: Public Enemy.
Our government’s top-down identity-based Marxist approach is designed to throw a wrench into / wreck 60 years of progress so that American voters hate each other and will never be able to hold them accountable. The Chinese Communist Party CCP has taught them everything they know (Chinese Cultural Revolution of 1949, surveillance, and the coming social credit scoring system).
I am down with brother Malcolm, and the Black Panthers, but what we are currently witnessing is a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing (though Woke may appear very similar on a surface level, IT IS NOT). Research.
The Chinese politburo must exercise total control through technology to manage its 1.425B citizens, as will the Global 0.001% or fewer. Meanwhile most global citizens, including Americans, are standing around chewing their cud. It’s why world leaders view us as cattle or sheep.
Identity Crisis (Official Music Video): Jarina De Marco.
{Jarina De Marco Addresses “Identity Crisis” Backlash and the Importance of Allyship: Hip Latina. Telenovela actors who always look like me, soccer great Diego Maradona referring to himself as a “black boy”, and also discrimination in Brazil - a melting pot on par with the Iberian Peninsula - have caught my eye.
White girls can be so boring, but this seems to fall by the wayside in the mad dash to be lighter (so that one’s children have better economic opportunity etc) OR because they find us exotic - as some of us do them.. I don’t fault anyone, but it makes me so sad as every race of people is amazing. It should not be this way, but it seems to be… Marry who you love the most whenever possible.
Jarina is right, Colorism - & Homophobia - are world wide phenomena (and much worse in many countries not named America). Her videos are mesmerizing and un-put-down-able. I cannot believe the crap that came out of a few Mexicans’ mouths during my summer in Puebla. Shit NO American would say.*
How much of this is simply clever marketing by companies who sell hair straightening and make up products?! Ladies will be more familiar with this line of reasoning than I am. I recall an opposing team in high school laughing at my heavily moussed, but not very well contained wavy hair back in the day. Orville Redenbacher, Jr.
*I’d wager a bet Alice Longyu Gao and her fans would be puddy in my hands once I got through with them, but I totally get the rebellion. If everyone expected me to be pretty and perfect all the time I’d go mad. However, I would pump the brakes at tons of tatts ladies. Unless you’re headed to a war you’re not liable to return alive from (I agree with my pops on this one): Legend.
Yes, I hope Gao will outgrow her hetero-bashing. It’s essentially reverse homophobia just as CRT (& DEI?) can be weaponized against young white children. I understand having a niche, but come on you wouldn’t be here if not for your mother (I don’t pick on gay people). Ur bass and rebellion are the bomb so I promise you’ll do fine.
As Americans are more enlightened than many countries, why does governmedia insist things are the worst they’ve ever been?
One could argue racism has been largely eliminated over the last several generations, with the exception of pockets of un-enlightened dullards. It is up to “minorities” to focus on the majority of us who are enlightened, or on the minority of our brothers and sisters who aren’t. Shouldn’t we pity their ignorance, rather than pay attention to divisive mainscream media?
The only eyes like mine I’ve seen reside in the Czech Republic, but that strand of Tuareg (Berber) DNA has chosen to present in my wavy hair. We’re all from Africa originally, and everyone with an education realizes it.
Ignore insidious govern-media. Let your personal experiences guide you. I bet your experiences are mostly positive. Do I get preferential treatment when I dress up like a businessman? Yes. How much of that has to do with dressing professionally versus ethnicity? I have no idea. Once in a blue moon, depending on the setting, someone looks down on me when I’m wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Women pay less attention to me as well, but when I’m wearing a suit a few get whiplash. I haven’t slammed into a telephone pole yet admiring them. All’s fair in love and war (catch me if you can).
Looking sharp is a fantastic equalizer for all of us, white or Latino, rich or poor, as your appearance is the first thing people notice about you. During Spring Break in Destin I combed my hair back, and let it dry naturally. It is amazing how Cuban it looked. That may be the best it ever looked - circa 1992.}
My new soul sister. Far-Left Liberal voters hate Kyrsten Sistema now, but this article is well worth everyone’s time. I never would have guessed I had so much in common with her. This is exactly the sort of action I’m calling for.
Government transparency is critical to PREVENT aktivities like J/6*, Event 201, and the 9/11 attacks from being carried out. Loosing faith and trust in our government is our greatest catalyst for reform. I’m the darker side of Sistema.
In trying to unite Liberals and Conservatives, Sistema may wind up beloved, or hated by both sides. “From Radical Activist to Senate Obstructionist - The Metamorphosis of Kyrsten Sinema”: Tim Murphy
*There’s no doubt in my mind J/6 was fomented by Establishment insiders to harm Donald Trump and Conservative protesters reputations, and also to charge Trump with “seditious conspiracy”.
From Pelosi not honoring Trump’s request to have more National Guard present, to the Capitol’s doors being opened. Someone on the inside wanted this to happen, DJT never called for an insurrection. That’s a lie.
The weakness in Kyrsten’s approach is that corrupt bureaucrats might still remain in power for generations. If we make them uncomfortable, politicians may try harder to pretend to serve we the people. Unfortunately, their behavior would still be pretend or make-believe…
Is it lost on Liberal voters that Feebs have done this repeatedly to break up Liberal protests over the years? There is that pesky “willing suspension of disbelief” I will continue to bring up throughout this manuscript.
“Ronin, who will win the ‘Democratic’ nomination for president: Biden, Harris, or David Koresh?” Koresh.
[“No, you’re brainwashed (for insisting on free speech and the right to dissent)” Liberal politicians and their voters cry out to Conservatives.
There must be some form of mass psychosis afflicting over half of our country. We wouldn’t have women’s suffrage, the emancipation of slaves, or independence from England without our right to dissent (or revolt LOL, but that’s not what I’m calling for).
How could anyone calling themselves an American be in favor of silencing our voice permanently? Oh, that’s right.
Many have also been brainwashed into being ashamed of being Americans. If I may: maybe Deep State (CIA) media, the same ruling elites fomenting civil unrest, do not have good intentions for we the people?! They never have, and it’s becoming worse.
“Russian troll!!!!”* Okay, I guess reason didn’t work. It’s like having a discussion with Chucky, or the bride of Chucky.
The CIA is successfully carrying out PSYOPS against the American people, rather than against citizens of adversarial nations, for reasons I’m trying to understand in this manuscript.
*It finally dawned on slow Ronin this afternoon that the ones screaming Russian troll aren’t my Liberal friends at the galleries (for the most part lol). Someone saying that to your face while you’re trying to have a reasonable discussion… Has that ever happened to anyone?! It’s probably limited to CIA spooks or bots online. Take it with a grain of salt Conservative friends.]
At least half a million INNOCENT people have been killed in the post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, a new study by Brown University researchers finds: Murtaza Hussain.
Over the last several generations the USSA (UN) government appears to have become the largest, most well-funded state sponsor of terrorism in the world.
Who better than a Secretary of Defense whose past employers include Raytheon and the Army, when your country wants permanent war?
[This isn’t criticism of former CENTCOM commander Lloyd Austin, but rather of the US government’s broken system.
It’s a double dealing system where politicians are encouraged to front run the stock market by holding stock options on defense contractors and pharma companies prior to initiating wars and releasing pandemics.*
SecDef Austin divested his Raytheon holdings before assuming his position. His action was largely symbolic, but still appreciated.
*The film “I Know What You Did Last Summer” comes to mind. I’m tiring of the “I’m 99.9% certain but do your own research” caveat. After several years of exhaustive research most of you would feel the same way.
Has anyone reviewed options activity PRE-CoVid?! I don’t believe the majority of our government was behind CoVid, any more than they were behind the 9/11 attacks, but it might offer some clues.]
🚨As if that isn’t enough, our tyrannical government has also begun to persecute its own political dissidents (a la China and Russia).
This is an absolute disgrace for a country which claims to promote “democracy”. We Americans should aspire to change this immediately. Democracy meaning bankers, defense contractors, corrupt bureaucrats & for Liberal Internationalism (The Clinton Foundation) above all else.
The previous article from The Intercept doesn’t even take Syria (and Yemen) into account FFS.
As per my deleted work: roughly 3,000 died from 9/11 itself, 20,000 troops have died (including PMCs), and roughly one to two million innocents have died from bombed out/destroyed infrastructure.* There have also been countless injuries, and troops & civilians alike suffering from PTSD and other health issues.
Meanwhile, the psychopaths (demons) who profited from neverending war in the Middle East continue to lead the good life and will never have to answer for their crimes against humanity. To our friends in the Middle East, WE CARE, but no longer have a handle on our runaway government if we ever did.
There’s a tremendous difference between going after Osama bin Laden as payback for bombing the USS COLE in the Gulf of Aden, vs laying entire countries to waste as I’ve described above. However, America will still have to engage in targeted killing when a foreign government is unable to locate and hand over a known terrorist.
NO ONE can say for sure what the state of terrorism would be if the United States hadn’t occupied the Middle East for over 20 years. I suspect there would be far less today, if we hadn’t. ISIS filling every single power vacuum we created comes to mind. I agree with UBL that we are responsible as we keep voting in favor of war.
<Shouldn’t oil and gas companies pay their employees to guard their oil fields rather than US troops (our tax dollars)? That would mean less profit for executives, investors and politicians. It seems like a house of cards, doesn’t it (when will it come crashing down)?
This practice should be ILLEGAL. I realize this is arguable because oil is of strategic value but…
Our finest young men AND women are protecting these assholes for PENNIES in return (that goes for our secret service as well). Everyone is in service for the likes of George W. Bush and “energy” companies, not we the people’s. The very same selfish interests Silent Cal Coolidge warned Americans about over 100 years ago. We dearly need someone like Coolidge to tell the likes of Bush and his cronies to “take a hike”.
I sure as hell wouldn’t want my daughter risking her life to protect a “man” like Joe Biden.>
It will be quite entertaining to follow the Taliban’s progress in removing ISIS from Afghanistan…
*One finds time and again that many terrorists have legitimate grievances. However, the manner in which they address them is morally reprehensible. Take for example, killing innocents by blowing up… infrastructure?!
“The Corruption of Science by Politics”: Jeffrey Tucker.
⬆️Includes brief commentary on our relationship with Russia over the last century. Friends. Foes. Rinse. Repeat. Whichever narrative best supports the Deep State (CIA) at the time.
[Not only is a Left vote in the United States a vote against Democracy, it’s also a vote for overthrowing democracies around the world.
Bictoria “creates wars out of thin air” Nuland overthrew Pakistan’s democratically elected PM Imran Khan for his desire to remain neutral in Ukraine. Khan views the United States AND Russia as allies. For his trouble, Imran Khan is imprisoned and disallowed from running for public office. Exactly as Deep State (CIA) bureaucrats having been trying to do to Trump for the last SEVEN years. Yes, this is happening. It’s taken months to sink in.
At least there remains some dissent in the Republican ranks when it comes to war & overthrowing democracies around the world. There’s clearly NONE on the Left. How ’bout them apples?!]
Could it be possible Putin is willingly playing the role of villain in Ukraine to satisfy Globalists (who ALWAYS want war)?* The term Globalist can also be used to describe entrenched power in Europe and other parts of the world: CEOs, defense contractors, global banking elites, big pharma companies, and un-elected political appointees like Merrick Garland. In other words, unimpeachable technocrats.
Globo-Cap interests want to create refugee crises, Open Borders (Western-Born Replacement Theory), and higher inflation to destabilize Western society and also to make the public more dependent on government handouts (whilst straining the system as much as possible). Citizens are far less likely to mount resistance against corrupt bureaucrats as a result. War (Liberal Interventionism) and other “senseless” policy-making decisions are quite purposeful. Every action these Elites take is to further enrich themselves at our expense, until we have nothing left.
*Putin may have no other choice. Who wields power so great even Putin must back down? I suppose Globalist doctrine represents a fourth dimension most laypeople never consider and few journalists cover. To me it’s common knowledge that the majority of our bureaucrats are obsessed with Liberal Internationalism (aka Globo-Capitalism) - or are being manipulated by those who are. It’s why they created the United Nations after all, to usurp our sovereignty. Every single decision they make should be viewed through this rubric.
We are in a proxy war with Slavic Christians to weaken Russia. To WEAKEN Russia. This will make it so much easier for the soulless Chinese Communists, the ones who harvest organs from LIVING prisoners of conscious, to conquer Russia and Ukraine for their resources or…
**[For example, Putin if you (Russia) invade Ukraine we’ll give you this and this. None of them: Putin, the TV actor Zelensky, or the UN (USSA) gives a goddamn about 500k dead Ukrainians and Russians. The videos of Ukrainian deserters being cornered and rounded up like stray dogs are absolutely heartbreaking.
[Putin’s clearly given up for obvious reasons or… he’s also in bed with the Globalists (my initial theory two years ago). His actions are simply pushing more countries into NATO’s arms. Bad for Russia, but great for the Globalist agenda.]
Russians killing Ukrainians reminds me of the American Civil War. Slavery was an abomination in the eyes of the Lord, but otherwise the two are disturbingly similar. We are cannon fodder to global “ruling” oligarchs. Always have been, always will be, unless we change that.]
I’m sorry if this is confusing; I’m in the process of ironing things out. I view Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in one of two ways. The narrative among those of us who study geopolitics for a living is that NATO has done everything in its power to antagonize the Soviet Union. WE HAVE AMPLE PROOF of this. If this is a false narrative, it’s possible Putin might be in bed with the Globalists.*
*Everyone seems to be on board with Global-Capitalism: the EU, the USSA (UN), and perhaps even the ChiComs. Look no further than the World Health Organization for proof of the Globo-Cap symbiosis that exists between the USSA (UN) & the ChiComs. I’m leaning toward a Globo-Cap takeover of Russia and possibly China, unless China surprises us all by conquering a weakened Russia. A sovereign US government would not risk the ChiComs getting their hands on Russia’s natural resources.
As I hash this out for your benefit, I find myself leaning toward #1. Nothing is iron clad with the Chinese Communists. As a result of Putin’s actions, I am concerned Russia is going to be the dirty diaper as ChiComs or the UN (USSA) hoover up its resources. Do you get what I’m saying? Our government shouldn’t want to risk the ChiComs getting ahold of Russia’s natural resources. The US government appears suicidal - and that is not even taking into account Putin unleashing a nuke on DC - please do.
When up to 49% of the electorate feel as I do, the system is clearly broken and in need of replacement (or a return to an earlier time when there was no money in politics).
[There may be isolated or one off events, but I suspect they comprise the minority of major actions taken by developed nations. Maybe this is one of those one of events, & Putin is trying to throw off the yoke of NATO aggression? I personally would have sat on my hands, but I’m not Vladimir Putin.
The severity of the UN (WEF) threat is evident by the fact they own a controlling stake in the American establishment & its Institutions. The UN (WEF) steered dumb USSA bureaucrats into believing proxy war with Russia would benefit us strategically (when it really benefits the UN (WEF) agenda the most). The UN (WEF) is the gravest threat the American people have ever faced. Our bureaucrats have never been the sharpest tools in the shed - we have them to thank for all that ails our Republic - that and our apathy.
I’m blaming the destruction of our country 66.6% on the United Nations and 33.3% on the ChiComs. That is leaving out other actors I have mentioned in this manuscript for simplicity’s sake. It’s a headache for sure.
I’ve had a devil of a time with this. Hope my thoughts finally make sense. I’m not pro-Russia, HOWEVER does siding with amoral, godless ChiComs who murder Muslims (as well as harvest organs from those who speak out against their tyranny) over people who may have similar beliefs as ours - Orthodox Christians - make sense? Should we harass Putin at every turn, and refuse to negotiate? Hmm… Are we living in the US, or in the USSA (UN)?
Our government also murders innocent Muslims. It’s beginning to feel as if the same dark force governing China, now governs the US. Morality has fallen by the wayside / has become irrelevant. Only profit for elites / ruling oligarchs matters.
I concur. It appears as if the UN (USSA) Globo-Capitalist mission is to destroy a sovereign, Christian country not unlike ours - Russia - and to pilfer her resources. I might be wrong but I’ve got non-captured geopolitical analyst consensus on my side: it sure seems like this began with NATO (USSA) provoking another sovereign country doesn’t it?!
Russia is a major impediment to the United Nations (WEF’s) Globo-Cap agenda (and so are Americans who insist our Constitution and Bill of Rights be honored).
Globo-Cap appears to be targeting a sovereign, Christian country not unlike ours for extinction (by leveraging Nazi extremists to do so). Good men fleeing conscription are sent to front lines for a quick death looking for safe routes thru Russian minefields. If you are Amerikan, and pro Globo-Cap, by all means enlist in Ukrainian militia or in Azov’s Battalion. Prove your mettle once and for all. Slava Ukraini (we must negotiate an end to this open-ended conflict while Ukraine has a few heroes left).
EXAMINING MY USE OF MARXISM, COMMUNISM AND CAPITALISM THIS EVENING HAS BEEN VERY CHALLENGING, but you should get the drift by now. It’s Globo-Cap for our rulers, but Globo-Com for us. Globo-Com and Globo-Cap can almost be used interchangeably as our rulers are trying to enslave us. If you’re like me you associate NOT having inalienable rights with Communism, not with Capitalism. With the extinction of so many Mom & Pop ventures during the pandemic, Capitalism is now concentrated in fewer hands.
While the SBA hands out millions in small business loans every year. This is another subject that attests to my “resuscitating a patient whilst slitting her wrists analogy”. As long as trillions of printed dollars are flying out the window. You see instances of this over and over…
Putin has recently classified purveyors of Globo-Com (Marxist) filth who favor the wonton destruction of sovereign democracies like Russia’s (and the US’) as enemy combatants. Putin could form Neo-Grom and Neo-Zenyth SVR units to infiltrate the Swiss Guard at Davos. I may have gotten ahead of myself when I began lumping Putin into their Globo-Cap cabal. Let’s hope he wrecks their Globo-Com orgy instead.
Putin should ally himself with countries like “Hungary” that a few of us in the West recognize as fellow sovereign democracies - as friends - rather than baddies like China and “Iran” going forward (this would be much better for PR). As bright as the man is, there’s much Putin could do better. Like not invading his cousins next door for starters - a possible trap laid by the West (the Russian threat is minimal compared to ChiComs). We shall see…
Hungary is another example of a Sovereign nation Globo-Communists are attacking (any Hungarian with a shred of common sense despises George Soros). The EU has also gone after Poland, which is odd, because the Polish are busy helping Ukrainian refugees?! Long story short, any country that protects its sovereignty is under Globo-Com pressure at the moment (including Conservatives in our country).
I’m obviously not an agent of the Kremlin or I wouldn’t have mentioned the possible Davos threat publicly. I’m just another human trying to figure out how to hold things together nonviolently, whilst our leaders on the other hand appear to be attempting to blow up Western society as we know it. Putin is a smart little devil: there’s no way to know if his remarks about Globo-Com are sincere (or simply a ruse to turn the West - America - against sending more aid to Ukraine).
Globo-Capitalism needs puppets like _______ (Biden, Merkel, and Zelensky), not strong sovereign leaders like Putin & Orban. Zelensky to his credit tried to prevent war initially, before being coerced by Western powers to let it proceed. We’ve seen what happens to those opposing Globo-Capitalism, or even to those who seek to remain neutral as was Imran Khan’s wish (Nuland leaned on Pakistan’s ISI to lock Kahn up). Some diplomats, the US’ leaders.
[The only way to save Ukrainian lives is to stop sending aid and to negotiate an end the war, rather than sacrificing what’s left of Ukraine and its young men to weaken Russia. Slovakia was recently accused of being “the most pro-Russian EU country” when its PM withheld aid to Ukraine.
All Globo-Cap has is slander for those who don’t support its endless wars, from labeling those who questioned invading Iraq under false pretenses as “terrorists” to calling journalists who covered NATO’s provocations of Russia over a thirty year period as “agents of the Kremlin”.
If not for the egregious loss of innocent lives resulting from Globo-Cap (NATO’s) many unnecessary wars carried out in the name of “freedom and democracy”, which is a bald-faced lie, their behavior would be very childish. I’m also ready to see our military stand down and answer to the people. The only way our military can have integrity is if its government has integrity (our government has next to no integrity at the moment).
Rand Report Prescribed US Provocations Against Russia and Predicted Russia Might Retaliate In Ukraine: Rick Sterling.]
How would it feel to walk out your door everyday only to be surrounded by brainwashed civilians? Even a significant majority of Conservatives aren’t in the least bit literate when it comes to this war. I take it for granted by now that Liberal voters don’t know anything unless something’s changed. Everyone could benefit from watching Greenwald’s “System Update” on Rumble (before it and Substack are cancelled by Establishment elites). It should also be like rolling off a log to non-Google NATO (US) aggression dating back to the “CIA-sponsored” Maidan Color Revolution. CIA in quotes because they use foreign proxies. I met a young Syrian man who said US military intelligence had his father drop off bombs in cafes to stoke Syria’s civil war (to remove Assad). For the record, I was one of the programmed following the 9/11 attacks. I hadn’t the foggiest notion our govt. was as corrupt as it is, and neither do many of our fellow countrymen & women. We’re living under a regime that considers anyone who QUESTIONS another foreign war an enemy of the state or traitor. This must change. Sooner or later we will get nuked, deservedly so IMO. I’m so sick of mincing words.
I’m not sure what - arrangement - led this young man’s father to carry out “false flag” attacks against his people in the name of regime change. Bashar al-Assad said he was responsible for injustices in the past, but also claimed to have no knowledge of who released the Sarin gas used to justify his state-sponsored overthrow. Assad claimed he would have taken responsibility for releasing the gas, had he been the guilty party. So as you can see, it’s just one false flag attack after another in the name of regime change. Our government will not let anyone live in peace.
I’d need a photographic memory to recall each of the times Putin has tried to keep the peace through negotiation over the past 20-30 years. He certainly seems far less unhinged than NATO (US). Our government assumed an antagonistic role long ago - generations ago. USSA (UN) leaders want one thing… Endless W A R.
Many Americans may soon find themselves homeless, if our government doesn’t manage to get us nuked first. Neither is a good outcome. The only solution is for the silent majority of voters to coalesce and get these tyrants’ resignations before it’s too late.
If the Globo-Cap captured USSA (UN) government gave a shit about Ukraine it wouldn’t have provoked this proxy war to weaken Russia - if whatever news you consume hasn’t covered this, it isn’t real news.]
War is a Ponzi scheme where warmongering Elites squander taxpayer dollars whilst growing enormously wealthy from their Defense Contractor cronies. Exactly as when Bush was in power. The more things change, the more things stay the same.
If voices like ours are allowed to grow louder, Elites won’t be able to drum up support for endless regime change operations in distant, faraway lands. Oftentimes, victims of Deep State (CIA) Color Revolutions are Democratically Elected world leaders recently supported by the US. Our leaders, Bush Jr and Sr are the best examples, simply must concoct a story, then have their presstitutes disseminate it. If you have a problem with their lies, you’re accused of being a terrorist - once again, without a shred of evidence.
Theirs would be nonsensical behavior if not for profit. From a strategic standpoint, they appear to be “inadvertently” aiding the ChiComs by pushing Cuba into China’s arms etc. We could very easily have a Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0 on our hands.
USSA (UN) sanctions are why Venezuelans and Cubans have fled to the US in droves. We’ve absolutely gutted their countries. As a result of this ChiComs have been able to form a close working relationship with both countries.
The ChiComs most likely have materiel, troops and possibly long range weapons in each country. This does not bode well for the US’ future. For now, Cultural Marxism and $$$ seem to be doing the trick without resorting to violence. WAKE UP…
A master tactician would thwart China by helping protect Russia’s sovereignty and resources, China is resource poor, and would further kneecap ChiComs by repairing relationships with Cuba and Venezuela, thus limiting their influence in the Western hemisphere.*
Russia’s resources would give China the power to overrun Taiwan as well as India and SE Asia. Are contractors’ given sweetheart deals so they rebuild war torn countries rather than our own? Surely they could be put to good use without provoking one war after another all over the world (I include this because US banks are already lining up at the trough to rebuild Ukraine). War is big business for ruling Elites.
*A healthy DOD and CIA would agree with my analysis, but the American people have neither.
“As we build an international capacity to keep peace, let us join in dismantling the national capacity to wage war” John F. Kennedy. Can everyone see why the Military Industrial Complex, and our corrupt representatives, had a problem with Kennedy?
There’s a blurb buried in this video which suggests JFK was also killed for challenging the CIA’s anti-Russia Cold War ethos. JFK made the mistake of wanting to have peace with the Soviet Union: David Talbot.
I said this in my “Let’s Get Vaccinated” essay two years ago. CV is similar to all wars planned for profit.
Everyone near CoVid-19 should have been investigated. That they haven’t been, and won’t be…
That people could die from CV vaccine side effects, could be likened to the many deaths that resulted from the destruction of critical infrastructure in the ME.
There’s not so much as a quasi-investigation into CoVid-19 for our government to cover up. They’ve learned their lesson from the 9/11 and Warren Commissions.
DC’s bureaucrats carry out one despicable act after another whilst conning the public into trusting them, and convincing them that questioning elitists’ actions is “seditious conspiracy”.
Anyone see a problem here? Corrupt Deep State bureaucrats have tricked Americans into believing that it’s impossible to hold them accountable. How can voters tolerate this in our democracy?!
Let’s ignore them and begin using our critical reasoning skills. We’ll never bat 1.000, but it’s long overdue. That’s all I ask.
[Vaccine injuries may be grossly under-reported because one group of voters fears being ostracized by their tribe. One must always bear in mind government-controlled media speaks almost entirely in doublespeak.
If MSM says “over-reported” you can bet your ass injury claims are under-reported. I can’t imagine being a mouth-breather raptly gobbling up their doublespeak.
You must ignore everyone and non-Google your own research. “Rightwing” media is closer to the truth in Amerika (ex-Ukraine and all wars), but also stirs up its fair share of conflict.
Representatives from both parties are crack whores when it comes to their defense contractor and big pharma sugar daddies. They can’t get enough.]
Recent feedback from Liberal relatives, and physicians, suggests that vaccinated Americans fared far better during the pandemic (but I’ll never agree with how our government handled it).
Another said Ivermectin should have been encouraged and endorsed by the federal government while waiting on Big Pharma “vaccines”. She also said today’s CoVid is less virulent, and to skip vaccination.
I’ll continue to gather information on this topic as people have calmed down enough to discuss it amicably. I never was anti-vaccine, but I felt strongly that it should be a personal decision rather than a “mandated” one.
4)I’m worried we’re being primed for a major event. For example, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is gunned down by MAGA conservatives, or so we’re told (in reality it’s a “CIA” false flag attack). CIA and Mossad are the two most egregious offenders. Constantly trying to destabilize countries, including our own.
Antifa (Cheka) burns down minority-owned businesses around the country, martial law is declared, and law-abiding citizens’ guns are confiscated. Then conservatives who believe in the Constitution and a free country would most likely be rounded up and placed in detention camps (the FEMA camps?).
<This may happen over the next five years if “Democrats” remain in power (President and Senate) AND somehow manage to wrest control of Americans’ firearms. It’s why the anti-gun agenda is crucial to ruling elites (Neo-Liberals AND Neo-Conservatives like Liz Cheney). Cheney is an absolute tyrant like her father.
Swamp creatures are hellbent on making all guns illegal. Not shot guns or revolvers, but everything else. It has nothing to do with Americans’ safety and everything to do with Totalitarianism (silencing our voices once and for all). The Supreme Court has made one Conservative ruling after another to force the socially Liberal among us to vote Democrat forever more (or at least it sure seems this way).
NO ONE in power gives a shit about minority rights, but they leverage their pseudo-concern to great effect.
We must come together to fight them and should demand their peaceful resignation from power before it’s too late.>
I would expect Chekas (Antifa) to resurface if a Conservative president is elected in Nov 2024. We might as well brace ourselves now. Isn’t it crazy one of our political parties* is leveraging Antifa (Chekas) to loot and burn down small businesses? That leaves a year, for those of us who need to brush up on our firearms training.
If we knock a few Cheka (Antifa) goons out of commission in the early innings, maybe they’ll reconsider domestic terrorism as a lifestyle choice. The REAL problem are the Beltway goons encouraging Antifa’s behavior, not the USEFUL IDIOTS firebombing minority businesses (who unwittingly further oligarchs’ Fascist aims in the process).
*The political establishment, aka Deep State bureaucrats, has given Antifa carte blanche to wreak havoc on our country (all that’s missing is bestowing them with badges to give Amerikan Chekas an air of legitimacy). It may simply be a role the Democratic party is playing, but one that Neo-Cons and RINOs quietly support.
One Fascist goal may be the elimination of small businesses, so large corporations such as Amazon and Walmart control the market. This would make it easier for the newfangled USSA to centrally manage our economy. Antifa (Chekas): you’re helping the bad guys. Ask yourselves why Establishment elites, the ones growing rich from defense contractors and big pharma companies while bankrupting our country, are throwing their weight behind you?
[The few sincere Antifa have been duped into carrying out atrocities on behalf of the very same rulers (FASCISTS) they claim to be fighting. I would feel sorry for them, if they hadn’t destroyed so many innocent, non-Fascist Americans’ lives.
ANTIFA: don’t march or keep it peaceful. However, you can’t control what the bad apples do. You might find yourself guilty by association, if someone you’re standing next to throws a Molotov cocktail through the wrong window.
Some very evil people are conning you into carrying out Anarcho-Tyranny against innocent Americans to help further their goal of multinational corporate rule sans human rights concerns (our voices). They’ll reach this goal a lot sooner if they can convince you to continue to burn and loot (destabilize) our society.
There are some very deranged, f*cked up people in these mobs friends. A few could be feebs, and others might be foreign agents trying to destabilize our country (CHINESE, Israelis, Russians etc). It’s a long list…
Believe me, the Israeli Mossad will do whatever the UN (USSA) asks them to do. No questions asked.
BLM: you can’t control the fact that “hostile to democracy” interests (our thoroughly undemocratic government) will continue to send Antifa (Chekas) to crash your mostly peaceful protests. Proceed with caution.
None of this helps race relations, as there will always be rightwing media who tar and feather blacks when Antifa materializes to wreak havoc, but who am I to tell you what to do? Just be careful!!!!
Our sick rulers crave a world where we the people, including YOU, would no longer have any voice at all (a small say is better than no say any day).
Worst case scenario, our rulers may carry out the mass extermination of prisoners of conscience (for religious AND political “reasons”). I cannot imagine Antifa, BLM or any sane American wanting to be a part of something like this, can you?
“To have once been a criminal is no disgrace. To remain a criminal is the disgrace” - Malcolm X. I shared this with Antifa in mind. You may not be locked into a life of burning, looting, stuffing ballots, and threatening Conservative politicians. There might be a way out…
As an aside, it’s clear Antifa (Chekas) have been told to target the few Republican voices of dissent, never a Neo-Con or RINO. Someone should ask Antifa or their “handlers” who’s giving them names like “Rand Paul”.
You heard me, I believe someone or some group of people inside our government is telling Chekas (Antifa) who to target. Most of both parties are thoroughly corrupted and should be viewed as a united “ruling” party, save for a few kind and decent reps.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has taught our newfangled USSA government everything it knows!!
This reminds me of the proliferation of gangsta crap, rap encouraging young black men to kill one another and police officers, on the heels of the CIA supposedly selling cocaine in black neighborhoods to finance the Iran Contras. We the people could never move the needle like that.
I suspect they may have dropped off crates of guns and ammo as well, but that’s a claim bearing further research.
Do I believe our government and media (The Deep State) were behind gangsta rap’s popularity? Absolutely. If I had a clue as a young teen, I wouldn’t have listened to it. A few of gangsta rap’s stars are icons to this day. We’re all being used to varying degrees.
I listened to very little, but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t scooped up a few tapes back in the day. The bulk I listened to was very positive AND/OR centered on the music (jazz, turntables, etc).
<This screwed up history is something to be AWARE of whenever you walk into a black-owned establishment that says “No Firearms”. As far as my earlier comment, there WILL be people gunning for Antifa regardless of what I write (they should be aware of that).
Otherwise kind AND decent people are FED UP with their wonton destruction and looting. Never brandish a weapon in a threatening way without planning to be shot (that goes for either side). The evil people we have in power LOVE watching the show.
They get their rocks off peons hurting other peons, and are the worst our society has to offer. More lowly than Antifa. Let’s give them NOTHING if the “Left” starts calling for riots again. Stay home. Alright, I’ll step off my soapbox.
Our federal government has been f*cked up for longer than anyone reading this has been alive. I’m sorry for continually dropping the F-BOMB, but it’s apt.>
When I asked a 10 year old black boy who his favorite ballplayer was, he sheepishly responded “Lebron” after a moment’s hesitation (I’m white). I’ll discuss the Lebron James’ fracas, and how I fell for it later in this manuscript. Reasons not to trust our government continue to pile up.]
🚨Bolsheviks: replacing our unique form of democratic self-governance with ESG (Corporate), and WHO (ChiCom) rule, would silence we the American people’s voice FOREVER. It’s not a good plan.
The US government may BLOW at times, but the alternative is EXPONENTIALLY worse.
It will take a SIGNIFICANT minority of Liberals to accomplish this. I am already writing off the majority of the far-Left as permanently brainwashed, but I REALLY hope you will come along for the ride too friends🤞
Our treasonous government might call in the UN Peacekeepers and ChiCom People’s Liberation Army to help disarm us, while ordering Neo-Liberal voters to side with the INVADERS (many would, betraying family and friends in the process), and Civil War 2.0 would ensue.* Or Russian and North Korean paratroopers could just fall from the sky.
A few brave Liberal souls may volunteer as human shields (Ronin may be on this list, if he doesn’t hurry up and brush up on his skills).
🌟[The United Nations is a Communist warmongering international ruling body the US government has created (pull up the UN’s wikipedia page). Everything the United Nations engages in appears to be in gross violation of its charter, not unlike the United States government and OUR representatives.
The UN (USSA) should have prosecuted the People’s “Republic” of China for human rights violations a million times over, but our leaders have done nothing. That tells us everything we must know about the United States & it’s Globo-Com United Nations (WEF) offshoot.
Were our dishonest bureaucrats to punish the ChiComs, I’d be demanding the USSA to prosecute itself if I was General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping. Like it or not, it would be a fair point for ChiCom Xi to make (although it’s not as if our government has concerned itself with hypocrisy for a great many years).
Politicians are comfortable risking our lives by allowing unconstitutional gun free zones. More mass shootings increase the likelihood of passing gun control laws. This has everything to do with increasing their power over us, and NOTHING to do with our safety. We should sue them into oblivion.
Why more Americans can’t perform basic research on this subject is baffling to me?! Getting worked into a lather by Deep State (CIA) media propaganda doesn’t qualify as knowledge or understanding in my book.
As it stands, the easiest way to get your 15 minutes of fame in America is to conduct mass shootings. The illegitimate USSA government and CIA news apparatchiks will reward your efforts.
I’m afraid our politicians will pull out all the stops to disarm Americans out of desperation. It’s important we understand martial law does NOT overturn our constitutional right to bear arms. Sorry, crooks.
You may not be wild about millions of Americans running around with guns, I’m not thrilled about it either, but the situation is far more complicated than the one-sided version portrayed by corrupt USSA government officials and their maelstrom media (MSM) puppets.
If I was raising a family, I’d want to be aware of every possibility no matter how remote.
You will rarely hear about Personal Defense Weapons (PDWs) being wielded to save churchgoers. God-hating politicians would probably throw the book at their savior (Jesus too, if they could get their hands on him).
Narcissistic (psychopathic) politicians must be the ONLY deities we worship. Most are no better than the AMORAL ChiCom politburo. They are godless, amoral politicians who want absolute control. We must make politics unattractive to these psychopaths.
Women’s PDWs can also be used as a rape deterrent, but you will NEVER hear about it from the ruling elitists who control our corporate media.
You will NEVER hear about mass shootings prevented through the use of Personal Defense Weapons from Deep State Ministry of Truth (corporate media). Politicians have a one-track mind.
“If we get their guns, we’ve got ALL the power”. That’s all politicians care about. They couldn’t care less about our safety. The proof is in the pudding.**
I would enjoy hearing a non-Partisan panel debate our Second Amendment rights at length. Unfortunately, such a panel may not exist. Don’t take anything our politicians say at face value.
These are my thoughts after reading a dozen anti-gun screeds in yesterday’s Dallas Morning News, this morning. I also find it exasperating to listen to the opinions of readers whose sole source of information is Mainstream STATE media (MSM). Gun rights comprise maybe one percent of this essay friends. Don’t bail on me yet!!
I have yet to meet anyone who’s truly knowledgeable, who favors greater gun control (and giving more power to our federal government). I’ve just about concluded no such person exists. Look at what happens to unarmed Mexican citizens. One would think the established carteles would also prefer gun rights to keep the peace.
I’m hard-pressed to soften this section as I’m unsure of any other way to get the point across. I could never run for office on positions I knew would destroy my hometown and state, and thus have no sympathy for Beto O’Rourke. The fact he keeps losing by fairly wide margins suggests there are many in the Liberal ranks who feel the same as I do. Thank God.
We should send Beto O’Rourke to Nuevo Laredo to report on this subject (violencia inflicted on defenseless sheep). I can’t imagine first generation Mexican-Americans who value their lives voting for O’Rourke. Veto Beto if you don’t want Laredo turned into a war zone.
“Violence would never happen in Texas, you’re exaggerating” Liberal politicians and their voters chide. Yeah, right. Many voters appear to lack common sense. It’s a brutal world. I’d hate to see dead Beto voters’ dismembered bodies hog-tied from overpasses in our border towns (sincerely).*
The border is closed and there has been no reporting in Nuevo Laredo for well over 10 years. Cartels were ferreting out anonymous reporters, brutally murdering them, then stringing up their dismembered corpses from highway overpasses for all to see. Is this what Beto and his anti-2A sheeple want to occur with greater frequency in our Texas border towns?
Removing one’s rose-colored lens, and educating oneself in the realities of the world, should be a requirement of voting. A Left vote may well cause this gruesome practice to occur more often on our side of the border.
["We are very, very close to driving down the freeway and seeing bodies hanging from the overpasses. That is what's coming" - Rex Parris.
“In addition, left-wing "Defund the Police" movement has emboldened drug cartels and like offenders, because they are not threatened by dismantled law enforcement with limited resources and a reduced workforce”.
Mexican drug cartels' operations in southern California exposed in Jorge Ventura's new documentary with Daily Caller: Mia Cathell.
When upstarts move into California, established cartels will try to eradicate them, and voila you have a hot “shooting” war in southern Cali or Texas. TEXANS: these policies are absolutely devastating, but these stupid motherf*ckers will not stop inadvertently voting in favor of them.]
If you endorse child trafficking, by all means support Liberal politicians who are proponents of Open Borders. “The Northeast Cartel and Criminal Hegemony in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico”: Parker Asmann.
See for yourself. I promise you, you will never vote for another Liberal. Beto O’Rourke must have rocks for brains. Immigration must be done legally to protect children and their families (a strong border is a must). Maybe our asylum seekers can be processed more quickly?
If you are looking for a backasswards group of politicians to endorse, look no further than Neo-Liberals. Seemingly everything they propose guarantees the annihilation of civil society. If they get their armageddon it will be fantastic for these tyrants, and a nightmare for the rest of us (yes, us includes Liberal voters as well).
Does Beto O’Rourke believe narcos will hand him their machine guns when they cross the border into El Paso? He should know goddamn well that more gun restrictions on law-abiding Texans is bound to turn his hometown into a lopsided war zone, just like Mexico. Does he even care?
Beto O’Rourke cares more for his own political aspirations, than he does for his fellow Texans. Beto supporters have not the foggiest how devasting a Liberal governor would be to our state. Narcos - carteles - have taken over a few So Cal towns, pushing out the locals, and hikers are disappearing outside of Sacramento (it’s suspected hikers may be stumbling onto illegal drug crops).
Beto voters don’t realize this could happen in Texas. Oh, but it can and will. By all means, vote Gavin Newsom for president, & Beto O’Rourke for Texas governor and watch border states...
Border Patrol also informed me that hikers are disappearing outside of Nogales, Arizona as well - Katie Hobbs is another Liberal border state governor. You and your family don’t hike outside of Sacramento or Nogales, so you don’t care? Oh, brother… Maybe this is closer to home?: “‘That level of violence is terrifying' - Mexican cartel targets tranquil Puget Sound city”: Beth Warren.
A Beto vote will turn Laredo into Nuevo Laredo, and El Paso into Ciudad Juarez. It’s already happening, but would rapidly accelerate under El Candidato Beto O’Rourke.
A school shooting allowed to continue for seventy-four minutes, and eight seconds, isn’t ample justification for rendering all Texans defenseless. Is this yet another example of USSA (UN)-sanctioned Anarcho-Tyranny?! I would assume a few parents with military training tried, but were prohibited from entering the Uvalde school by well-meaning police (with orders to just stand there).
Would Uvalde police have shot these parents on sight, if they had entered the school? If everyday heroes are arrested or killed then Americans have got Anarcho-Tyranny in spades. I believe we do, but I hope it will never reach the extremes Mexican people are forced to endure.
Hitlery and her fellow swamp creatures are safe in DC, so their thoughts on the subject should be completely irrelevant to voters. It’s such a mistake to let these insulated bureaucrats continue to wreck our country.
Beto is a POS (speaking from a political standpoint) who runs on a Socialism & Gun-Control platform. If we have enough Californian refugees that Beto is elected, Texas border towns will become lawless regions.
A young, successful Rwandan-Texan I met spent most of his youth in Kenyan refugee camps. He’s worried the mass migration of Liberals from failed Socialist regimes like California’s will ruin our state, and would support border checkpoints and quotas for Blue state refugees. THESE WERE HIS WORDS, NOT MINE. Do not let Liberals BS you into believing most are coming from the OC, they’re not.
On second thought, Beto O’Rourke is not a good guy. He knows his pro-Socialism and Anti-Gun positions will get him into office eventually, and that women voters find him tall, attractive and well-spoken. He’ll get in, and all hell will break loose. Beto doesn’t give a shit if El Pasoans are slaughtered like pigs.
I’m ready to force O’Rourke’s kind out of politics, by removing the twin incentives of money and power from the equation (as our founders intended). Beto’s in it to win it for himself, and could not care less if El Pasoans are killed as a result of his reckless policies. Liberals: I do realize most of you are well-meaning, but good Lord. CVS has smelling salts (send me the bill)…
If you care about our country, and other Americans, cast a vote for common sense Populists instead. It’s a start.
Californians, if you want to come to Texas fine, but stop voting in favor of dangerous policies like Open Borders accompanied by further gun restrictions and/or additional gun-free zones. Ruin Texas, then move on to Florida and wreck it. Don’t double down in denial at our expense. Colonize Mars, or move to the EU at the very least.
{Or heaven forbid, educate yourselves on how to best keep Texans safe. HINT: it’s not through a wide open border, and gun-control for law-abiding citizens (not a single one of you should be offended by the fact I love my state, and am willing to speak out in defense of it).
If you prefer Open Borders & Gun Control there’s a state with YOUR NAME on it, it’s called California. Yes, the Blue state you just fled. Can you understand why continuing to vote Left seems so non-sensical to native Texans - and also to a handful of Cali refugees?
It really is the American electorate versus them. From proponents of gay marriage to pro-life Evangelicals. Globo-Cap doesn’t care about any of us, or our beliefs. It only cares about usurping our money and power.
New friends on the Left have tried to help me with representation, and publishing (to no avail thus far). Deep down there are precious few I don’t care for. Maybe only those in permanent power, and the ChiCom politburo?}
"We're a very short amount of time away from having heads in the square like they do down in Mexico," Kendall said. Washington, D.C., does not want to solve the problem as usual. “Marijuana wars: Violent Mexican drug cartels turn Northern California into The Wild West”: Beth Warren (USA Today).
Cartels with military grade equipment would dominate the landscape, as is the case in vast swaths of Mexico. I bet Beto O’Rourke is full of worthless assurances (SHIT) about how this could never happen in Texas. Liberal voters would believe every word.
“It will never happen in Texas blah, blah, blah…” Beto and his sheep drone on. This is harsh, but life is harsh for many. This topic is too important to sugar coat any longer.
You say “quotas” are inhumane. I say: let’s route Blue state refugees through Ciudad Juarez, and Nuevo Laredo. Those who are not kidnapped, killed, or trafficked by the Northeast Cartel will gain admittance into our Red state haven. Those granted citizenship who vote against our right to dissent, or our gun rights, will be found guilty of treason & deported to California.
WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE SPELLED OUT? Will common sense finally kick in, and render my journalistic efforts a greater waste of time than they already are?! God, I hope so.
Joanne was going to help Ronin with art sales, but tragically was executed by firing squad after voting for Beto O’Rourke in the last election (along with his editor and publisher). For obvious reasons, I’ve softened my choice of words 😂
I am risking my inconsequential life by writing this, but Mexicans are good people (perhaps even within the drug cartels). Hell, it’s possible I’ve supported cartel-owned restaurants without realizing it.
Does anyone else find it concerning that no one in the arts, publishing or in Washington DC has traditional American values? That the vast majority are in favor of free speech controls and gun-control. If Americans had no civil liberties or self-determination whatsoever these folks would be just fine with it…
I can’t imagine any Mexican enjoying the slaughtering of innocent sheep. It’s bad for all of us, including Mexico as a whole (the tourism trade). I’ll have to keep my fingers crossed the Sinaloa cartel allows me to root around for my uncles’ graves in the NTD future. I want to have a few of my ashes scattered in Mazatlán, but not any time soon.
One would hope being a staunch opponent of Globo-Com would put me in the cartel’s good graces. Obviously, if Globo-Communism prevails and people can’t afford groceries, they won’t be buying much cocaine. Supposedly, the Sinaloa cartel is restructuring their business away from the Fentanyl trade. Now, if we could only get them to stay on their side of the border (as our Federal government has no desire to defend its Southern border). Dare to dream…
The only fair trade I can think of is recalling all US agents in Mexico back to Texas. I’m afraid they’re doing more harm than good (if it’s true that killing or jailing drug lords leads to violent upheavals). This is how Ronin feels about US foreign policy in general. Does any lasting good ever come from our actions in foreign countries?
Our Federal government was never intended to become a Globo-Com behemoth that thwarts the Texas governor’s every move. It’s metastasizing like a malignant tumor on our Republic, with zero accountability or transparency. It’s why government officials, the apparatchik majority, are hellbent on silencing us.
I can also see this playing out with AI. AI is another damn good reason to get ahold of our government.
Young people are forced into service for the carteles. I suppose if someone higher up in their food chain has a conscience, there’s always rationalization. Many are killing themselves with legalized drugs: alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, sugar etc. It’s sad, but true. I’ve even seen sugar ruin lives. I’d almost rather see drug profits go to “bad” hombres than to our government. The Beltway’s bureaucrats are no better, perhaps even worse.
It will be interesting to follow developments on the drug front. As Fentanyl has high profit margins - it’s cheap to produce - ceasing to participate in the Fentanyl trade may weaken the Sinaloa. I for one hope its leaders are sincere, and that Sinaloa finds work-arounds (preferably legal ones such as tequila bars). It must be all of us hellbent on straightening out our governments, not killing our fellow citizens obviamente. No one will be left to buy products, legal or otherwise.
Cartels must realize young affluent in upscale parts of Mexico & Texas have switched from Bourbon and Scotch, to tequila. Our friends in Scotland have their work cut out for them…
Another term of unchecked “Democratic” rule, and the UN (USSA) establishment will start getting physical with dissenters such as myself. Maybe not twisting in the breeze from an overpass physical, but the results won’t be pretty.
Maybe a joint CJNG / Sinaloa tequila venture?! I know the kids and grandkids are sick of this bullshit. “Ronin” would also like to visit without having his head blown off. We can do this…
Lovers of our democracy are down to a dwindling no. of Conservatives at this point. Most of whom are harassed on a daily basis: Antifa (Chekas), numerous death threats etc. Ask yourself, …
Americans would do well to view Deep State bureaucrats in the same light they view drug kingpins such as “El Chapo”. Then, and only then, will we get down to true reform in DC.
Cartels are the devil we know, but most Americans can’t seem to figure out how evil our government and corporate media are. All they do is tear down for the most part.
[Americans haven’t been rescued by the Amerikan establishment (Deep State) as the CIA media has proclaimed. The vast majority of power in our country forced a man who attempted to hold these crooks accountable out of office.
How could Liberal voters support Deep State efforts to model our country after the ChiCom surveillance state?! Women’s right to vote, and the emancipation of slaves wouldn’t have been possible without we the people’s right to dissent. Criminalizing dissent will only benefit the selfish (EVIL) interests already in power.
I wish Donald Trump had never run for the sake of his family (one man can’t turn this ship around). DJT is a good man at this point in his life, who’s trying to do right by us before his final curtain call. I discovered a video of Trump’s inaugural parade a friend sent me. Everyone looked so happy back then.
I am not convinced Trump isn’t an actor, but with so little to hang our hats on I keep circling back to the fact that I hope DJT’s for real. There’s no doubt that Nikki Haley, Gavin Newsom etc are shit.]
Some surfers “surfing safari” ended when a Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) turned them into ash a few hours outside of Mazatlán.* IGNORE EVERYONE WHO SAYS THIS CAN’T HAPPEN IN THE US. Our cartel friends are already here, but our gun rights encourage civility. Most people want to coexist peacefully, with the exception of ruling oligarchs (whose raison d’etre is to foment civil unrest or anarchy, as will be the case if Beto O’Rourke is elected).
*I’m afraid theirs was an unfamiliar van on a highway at night deep in Sinaloa country. The cartel realizes locals and most tourists avoid this highway like the plague at night. They may have lit them up believing another cartel was trespassing on their land. Tell me I am getting through to those of you who champion Open Borders & Gun-Control (or outright confiscation)?
Marxists who comprise the Amerikan establishment have duped Liberal voters into supporting subversive Globo-Com policies which will destroy our country and our lives. Their Open Border & Gun-Control policies are intended to destabilize us, while ESG and the WHO “Plandemic” Treaty will steal our voices. It’s a double whammy.
It’s part of our UN (USSA) government’s plan. Keep doing your research. You’ll see, I promise. Our “rulers” have become increasingly arrogant, so more is plain to see than in previous generations.
I doubt Beto O’Rourke is savvy enough to be a Globalist scumbag. He may just be a drip who lacks common sense (though we dumbly thought this of Bush, and you can see the damage he wrought). I’m ready for Beto supporters to wake up and smell the coffee. Many of you are quite bright, political dogma notwithstanding.
Swamp creatures favor Globalist ideologies because they transfer increasing amounts of money and influence to them (that’s all they care about). Unfortunately, the results of Globo-Com policies have devastating consequences for everyone else.
World leaders must be Globalists, or they’ll be ridden out of town like Trump. Local, State, & National MSM will not report on what’s happening in border towns because it conflicts with their Globo-Com agenda (they only cover government-enabled mass shootings to con you into supporting their anti-gun crusade).
“Germany: Migrant Rape Crisis Still Sowing Terror and Destruction”. Women and children sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. Chancellor Angela Merkel would not allow German media to cover this story: Soeren Kern.
Soft-on-crime is another hallmark of Liberal politicians and Globalists. Not only are citizens in Liberal cities largely defenseless, Blue city District Attorneys don’t want to prosecute criminals and release them with a slap on the wrist.
Globalist establishment media will have you believe Hungary’s Viktor Orbán is a Nazi for sidestepping this mess. During my time in Mexico, I felt like the man on the street had a much better grasp of reality than my friends in “Elite” circles. Wannabe Elitists are trapped in a feedback loop of untruths. This aspirational Elite vs Populist divide is a global phenomenon.
When the man on the street selling tacos has more common sense than you do…
Aspirational Elite voters won’t get to share in this wealth and prosperity (the fact you have to vote lol). You are being tricked into selling Civil Liberties down the river, and will get nothing in return. This goes for wannabe Elites everywhere who continue to champion causes which only help oligarchs in power (and corrupt pretenders seeking to join their ranks).
Aspirational Elites who assume they’re the brightest society has to offer, almost without exception, are the most upside down society has to offer.
Only global “ruling” elites already in power should sneer at Populists such as myself.
Our “rulers” do not give two shits about Texans’ safety, or Americans’ safety for that matter. Criminalization of dissent and gun ownership. Hmm?!?! Live & let live, but use your brains, that’s all I ask my friends. Heed this message, and pass it on, for everyone’s sake.
Liberals support subversive Globalist ideologies without understanding what Globalist doctrine is in the first place. Most Conservatives aren’t familiar with this Globo-Com agenda either, but possess the faculties to recognize harmful policies when they see them.
That most of us remain armed is a huge thorn in our rapacious elites’ side (they won’t silence us without a fight).
I’ve friends who worry “rulers” might get desperate and poison our water and/or food supplies. Whatever it takes to bring dissidents to heel, as our rulers aren’t in the least bit moral. They burned the South to the ground, and atomized Japan when it may not have been necessary, remember? They are monsters.
There’s no shortage of reasons why an immediate overhaul of Washington, DC is needed.
The sooner, the better. Only a fool would circle the wagons, and back these oligarchs.
When I refer to “elites” I’m referring to Coastal Elites who seemingly control every American institution. I’m not referring to wealthy Conservatives. There’s less hubris afflicting wealthy Conservatives. This may be the result of religion.
Friends in the Arts: you’ve been so kind to me, so this recent addition on Beto pains me (I know y’all love him, and maybe he’s a great guy for all I know), but how could I possibly leave O’Rourke out of the conversation (other than to cover my ass)? I wish more people would speak out, but that’s like waiting for Godot. No one takes a stand anymore, unless it’s been pre-approved by the UN (USSA) government.
So the Arts gets a temporary boost from our Californian cousins, while you champion Beto or whomever (while not representing voices like mine), and then what?! Cartels are battling it out on Dallas streets in 5-10 years time lol. Liberals burning to the ground alongside Conservatives would be a pyrrhic victory at best.
Oh, there’s nothing in the least bit courageous or subversive about championing the Amerikan establishment’s Marxist causes (which are intended to destroy our shared cultural identity and love of country). You have become the Establishment you thought you were fighting. Counter-revolutionaries are the brave ones.
You’re simply following orders without comprehending the underlying meaning of those orders.
Everyone: think about how much we enjoyed coordinated lockdowns during the CoVid-19 pandemic. That was the global one-world government paying no heed to our countries and laws. The Amerikan establishment is whole hog down with UN (WHO) governance RULE & derides those of us who respect our Constitution, Bill of Rights and rule of law.
It makes more sense for the vast majority of Americans to stand in defiance to this Establishment.
My “brown” brothers & sisters expect me to speak up. It would be so much better if they did not. I hope Mexicans on both sides of the law can come together (as well as Conservatives and Liberals), while dangerous Open Borders & Anti-Gun policies, and the bureaucrats who champion them, are put out to pasture for good.
I don’t enjoy the thought of my dismembered corpse dangling from an overpass, but I hope it serves to humanize all those who have perished as a result of being defenseless. I thoroughly enjoyed Benicio del Toro in “Sicario”, and I highly recommend watching it. We have had it really easy in America, but Globo-Com puppets (Soros-purchased DAs) are in the process of ending that…
I do not want more violence to spill into Texas and harm more friends and family. It may not be reality in your safe Dallas neighborhoods, but it could be. A vote for Beto 0’Rourke is a betrayal. I hope most of you don’t take this personally, and will educate yourselves, for everyone’s sake (I embrace gay marriage, and also a loosening of Texas abortion laws).
A victory for Beto 0’Rourke would be a victory for White Nationalists everywhere, as it would result in a genocide of Latinos in our Texas border towns. More Latinos will die if you vote for O’Rourke, or Gavin Newsom. IT IS A BETRAYAL.
“This is a national security and an economic security threat. On national security, we’ve seen individuals on the terrorist watch list be apprehended. We certainly see fentanyl and other drugs coming across the border. On economic security, you even have the mayor of New York saying that it’s destroying his city,” House Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner: SURGE AT THE BORDER.
It may also be devasting to lower income Americans should they have to compete with millions of “illegal” immigrants who are here for employment (in addition to inflation). Illegally in quotes because anything goes with our current administration. Low income Americans who want to work might be forced onto welfare.
Border states are an absolute game set match (or case in point) against the primarily Globalist bureaucrats who make up DC.* These ruling elites are leveraging Marxism (and naïve voters) to usher in their Globalist agenda. They will ruin our lives if we let them. At the very least, vote for the few who oppose them. Hint: NO ONE ON THE LEFT. These critical issues are far more important than gender pronouns.
“Israel Festival-Goers 'Defenseless' After Gun Ban”: Katherine Fung. I had no idea Israel has a 2A, but also suffers from gun-free zones. You can imagine how different the outcome would have been if only 2% of the ravers had been armed (most if not all have served with the Israel Defence Forces). Am I reaching any of you who reflexively vote for these devasting policies every two to four years?
2% seems very low to me, as does 30% gun ownership in the states, but Newsweek’s Fung appears to be otherwise unbiased. Thank you Katherine if that’s the case. Pls more good reporting from Left-Wing outlets…
They are a joke, and what you get (a selfish interests controlled government) when the vast majority of us tune out politics.
I’m afraid to turn on the television, or to pick up a paper. That’s my rationale behind relying upon a group of curated journalists whom I trust. They are not always correct but are upfront about that fact, as I try to be as well…
Liberals: explain how tons of Fentanyl streaming across our border is good for society: for our young people, for our unemployed and homeless. You can’t. You’re response is always “Conservatives are exaggerating or lying”. All this coming at a time while Bill Gates and Co. are buying up millions of acres of productive land, and putting farmers, ranchers etc. out of work. They’ve turned 15% of our land into unproductive property, are aiming for 50% by 2050. What the hell are these people supposed to do for a living, where will our food come from… These aren’t the actions of benevolent “rulers”.
Ted Cruz and company might help us force their resignations, and build our citizen’s government. We the people are well within our rights to ask for their resignations as representatives answer to the people. However, we may need a few like Manchin and Sistema to help us usher in the positive change we deserve. This can be accomplished if Liberal and Conservative voters are no longer at each other’s throats. 66.6% to 90% of Establishment government and legacy media are… EVIL.
WE’VE GOT THE GOVERNMENT WE DESERVE. We must take ownership of our representatives, rather than the other way around (as it is now).
*Lovers of freedom and democracy have a duty to share journalism, as our government doesn’t want its nefarious, self-serving agenda to be understood by the public. They’re determined to keep us as stupid, and ill-informed as possible.
“Between Borders: American Migrant Crisis”. If I’m ever in the position to donate to charity again, I’ll be researching this topic and these shelters thoroughly. NO ONE in DC whom you are voting for gives a damn about these young people by the way. Just so that’s crystal clear, Liberal voters: Brent Renaud (SMU).
In other words, do you think Hilary Rodham Clinton cares about a sixteen year old Honduran man fleeing Honduras, or do you believe HRC cares more for her and her husband’s Globalist political agenda? This Globalist ideology has made the Clintons and scum like them very, very rich while gutting our country.
Unfortunately, America only has the resources to help a handful of these immigrants each month. This USSA (UN) government is more interested with financing endless war on a credit card than it is with caring for its own citizens as it stands, so I find it ironic when those in permanent power claim to give a damn about Central American immigrants (when they don’t give a damn about their own people).
[The Atlantic, New York Times & Company assiduously left out that Brent got his undergraduate degree at SMU. Coastal Elites absolutely despise middle America, which comprises 90% of our country. They are as condescending as ever.
Of course, I’m not referring to everyone in “Manhattan”, only the wannabe elites who regard themselves as morally superior to the rest of us (that’s a different type of moral hazard altogether).
However, I’m all for Coastal Elites shattering stereotypes and embracing the common man and woman for the Liberty of our country. All groups are described in as extreme a light as possible by our government media to encourage civil unrest.]
NATO (US) isn’t at war with Russia because they care about Ukrainians. In addition to being lucrative for those in permanent power, war is also intended to destabilize the West by creating inflation and refugee crises. Open Borders are critical for this agenda to work.
A strong border is one pillar to stymie Coastal Elites hellbent on creating chaos, so they can institute Martial law and Totalitarianism in the USSA (UN). Soft on crime policies such as releasing migrant rapists the following morning like Angela Merkel was fond of (but not allowing the media to cover her self-inflicted crisis), is another method being used to destabilize Western society by those in permanent power.
Coastal Elites and their captured MSM pundits spew endless psychobabble as to why torching Ukraine (“the breadbasket of Europe”) for an indeterminable amount of time, and killing all of their young men somehow weakens China in the process. Amerikan politicians and institutions have taken so much money from the ChiComs, they don’t know up from down.
You’ll find time and again, the solutions those in power offer might work for 300M, but never for 8B. Dimming the sun (could cause an ice age), mandatory experimental vaccines (no long term studies), buying up farmland so it can’t be used to grow food (replacing work and food with Fentanyl, so the unemployed have something to do - kill themselves), and lastly costly and ineffective wind and solar to power society into permanent decline.
The latter has already resulted in many freezing to death in Europe. It sounds like we’re leaving the Age of Enlightenment for the Middle Ages doesn’t it comrades?
If you support Open Borders I would love to see you entertain the thought of voting for common sense Populists, rather than for dozens of government-contrived Marxist pseudo-causes that our government and its bureaucrats couldn’t care less about, BUT also entertain the thought of supporting the shelters Brent shared with us for starters (longer term we need to solve the root causes).*
*Open Borders is really just Western-Born Replacement Theory. Displace American and European people, of every race, with Cheap Labor from developing nations. I’ve debunked the “White” in Replacement Theory, and I’ll examine its impact on voting another day.
These are my words, but I can appreciate Brent and M.I.A.’s thoughts on the subject. I’d like to start at the root of the problem, and then go from there. I believe that would solve 90% of the crisis. Supposedly, the crooks I’m writing about have stopped sending fertilizer to the “third world” which has cost us a few million more lives. Clearly, there is something wrong with those governing us.
Voting for responsible stewards who seek to lower inflation would give a boost to countries like Haiti (Haiti is another country under Globo-Com sanctions). It’s also time to remove USSA (UN) sanctions from countries such as Cuba and Venezuela. Most of us never pause to think about the number of refugee crises our government creates through it use of sanctions (supposedly up to a million Iraqi children died as a direct result of Globo-Cap USSA [UN] sanctions prior to the second Gulf War).
China could use either to stage its materiel and troops. Once again our government is doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing. However, I no longer find their behavior perplexing. It’s become commonplace.
If you cared about social causes you would take the initiative by volunteering your time and/or donating your income. Voting for “Democrats” and expecting them to accomplish anything is just plain lazy (and naive).
This has been done very deliberately by those in permanent power for generations, while we the people have been asleep or on autopilot. Our government’s policies of endless war and sanctions jeopardize all of us.
FBI Issues Major Terrorism Warning: Facts Matter. Were the 151 illegal immigrants on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist arrested during fiscal year 2022 given court dates and released into our country, or were they incarcerated? It’s been as easy as falling off a log to set up terrorist cells in our country since komrade Joe took office.
**[However, the USSA’s is a multi-faceted agenda when one considers the media’s dissemination of propaganda, while Big Tech censors Americans’ right to dissent at the USSA government’s behest (to get around our First Amendment rights).
The Amerikan government used the same end around (corporations) to carry out its unconstitutional CoVid vaccine mandates. This is textbook FASCISM. Free speech: bad. Guns: bad. Compliant society: good. Easily manipulated society: good. Fearful society: good. Mad money for crooked politicians, pharmaceutical companies, and billionaire investors like Bill Gates: EXCELLENT.
Does anyone else find it odd that our government has allowed Bill Gates’ Microsoft Windows to have a monopoly since 1985 (or a duopoly when one takes Apple into consideration)? I assume a key part of this arrangement boils down to letting “our” government spy on us. It’s just ridiculous, isn’t it? No one disputes Gates’ brilliance, and possible ruthlessness, but he wouldn’t be worth over $100B if Gates didn’t have a close relationship with the USSA (UN) government.
[I just noticed how hard it is to delete 1,000 emails from Gmail on my Apple iPhone a few days ago (one of my current pet projects). Hopefully, there’s a simple answer and it is my lack of tech savvy. Could it also be the DHS, NSA etc. are forcing us to store data on our own devices which could be incriminating, or forcing us to store data on our own devices so they’re better able to bundle our data and sell it to advertisers without the burden of having to store said data on Apple, Google etc. servers?]
It’s obvious to those of us who have close friends who grew up in the Soviet Union, or other Communist countries, who have shared their experiences with us (it helps to be older, as most youths won’t know anyone barring their grandparents). If USSR-type behavior coming from “ruling” oligarchs was desirable, they wouldn’t have come to the United States to escape it.
According to Glenn Greenwald, our media has also begun to help the FBI track down their journalists’ sources, RATHER than protecting them as has traditionally been the case. There is very little freedom left in Amerika these days comrades. Watch your backs.]
It just dawned on me this morning, April 22, the fact concealed-carry permits are no longer required in Texas makes me a little nervous. At the time of Abbott’s decision, I IMAGINED Texas engaged in a tit for tat battle with Kommiefornia.
“Governor Newsom is banning high capacity magazines in California (or something else, I can’t remember), so in Texas we’ll allow permitless concealed carry. Take that KA-POW (cue Batman special effects)!!” says our Governor.
Not that I don’t appreciate the effort, I do (as it’s been one infringement on our right to bear arms after another). I just worry it may increase the number of UNTRAINED persons carrying in public, but I hope my concerns are unfounded.
Reading about a young, black Honors student being shot by a fearful elderly man after ringing the wrong doorbell made me want to gouge my eyes out. However, Corporate media is responsible for his fear. Minorities must sue the government media, not gun manufacturers.
The odds of this happening to a young, white Honors student are very slim. It’s also possible that Botham Jean (Dallas, TX) might be alive today were it not for our media constantly hyping fear of young black men. Our government stirring up civil unrest, Fox News corporate media reporting on it, and on and on. Yes, Fox News is corporate media (see the firing of Tucker Carlson).
I DON’T WATCH A GOD DAMN BIT OF IT. If you are willing to learn some basic terminology, you should have plenty of ammo to conduct your own boolean searches, sans Ronin, Fox News or any other source.
By the way, why are pharma companies getting a free pass? They should be sued along with our government (for its creation of unconstitutional gun-free zones), this is where most shootings occur. The shooters are often on antidepressants.
Come to think of it, I wouldn’t watch Fox News at all. While some of it may be true, you’ll be roped into their other propaganda efforts. I’ve caught bits and pieces of Fox News on podcasts, and I’m not impressed.
Antidepressants have been PROVEN to cause psychosis in otherwise reasonably healthy individuals.
I wrote about this at length in one of my deleted works. Representatives resort to censoring us through Big Tech, because they can’t win an argument based on logic alone. They should just come out and admit “we’re tyrants who want ABSOLUTE control over you”.
Samuel L. Jackson suggested MSM cease covering mass shootings many years ago. U cannot go out in a blaze of glory if the media doesn’t pay you any mind. MSM insists on giving mass murderers the spotlight by claiming it’s “news”, then spins (distorts) EVERYTHING else.
A legit discussion on gun rights should weigh every known variable INCLUDING big pharma’s role (and subsequent media cover up), but I sincerely doubt there will be an open-minded debate on Americans’ 2A RIGHTS any time soon. It’s absolutely galling intelligent debate is outlawed in Amerika.
To sum up: Amerika (USSA) creates unconstitutional gun-free zones, PROMOTES mass shooters, covers up for big pharma, pounds the table for greater gun control, then lies about everything else. Still think there’s not an agenda, born yesterday?!*
Screw you Big Gov, you’re doing a LOUSY job (save for the fact a few dummies hang on your every word).
Amerikan politicians will never allow it. Our depraved representatives want mass murder (and various forms of Anarcho-Tyranny) to continue unabated, so they can push their anti-gun agenda. OUR representatives should be behind bars for life for wantonly endangering our lives. F*CK THEM.
OUR politicians. They’ve forgotten that we the people own them and will bring them to heel.
Take the American people’s guns away and let the kriminals run wild. That’s the USSA’s motto. We’ll beg them to impose martial law!!!! The vast majority of both political parties wants this. Neo-Libs are simply playing their part.
*Mental Health Services are underfunded as our government channels taxpayer funds into one war after another, AND subsequently into the pockets of crooked politicians, defense contractors, and now pharmaceutical companies.
Danger: A clear and present agenda lurks. As of May 11, 2023, I Ronin will NEVER read another copy of the Dallas Morning News. Talk about propaganda. You’re being programmed every time you pick up the paper, and try to educate yourself.
I appreciate the free copies of DMN on my front porch every Wednesday, but it’s not worth suffering through to reach the Sports section. I used to LOVE reading the paper.
I suppose it’s just as well. THIS doesn’t get written with a glass of scotch and a copy of the WSJ.
Unfortunately, Americans who PRIDE themselves on their knowledge of current events, are doing themselves (and the rest of us) a disservice.
Ingesting propaganda, OR listening to those who do, is WORSE than knowing nothing!! This was me, until 2 1/2 years ago, so please don’t take this personally.
“Well-informed” programmed Americans occupy the very top of our economic and social food chains, AND as a result have more influence on policy making as well.
It’s another unsettling observation of mine, but I still respect the intellect and hard work it took to get where you are!! And heaven forbid, maybe a few of your credentials 🤮
This is our wake up call, AND call to action.
[Selectively cherry picking data that suits our government’s “anti-gun” agenda is more accurate, rather than outright lying.
It’s amazing how much the media can twist a story by doing this, then steer readers toward conclusions that readers believe are their own (but are really the conclusions “our” government wants readers to come to).
This is CLASSIC propaganda. It’s much more effective when the cherry picked data is true, and can be corroborated.
🚨Most of us don’t realize the extent to which we’re manipulated. I didn’t until very recently. I’ve always thought of our government as the “good guys”, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Now that I am aware of their deception, and the extent to which Americans have been hoodwinked, it makes me madder than a hornet.
Their manipulation isn’t necessary for the most part. They do it because they enjoy it.
Who would kick their family to the curb and blow up the Capitol without our rulers’ deception? NO ONE. Not ONE of us!!
We stay in line because we would rather care for our families than burn down the Beltway, etc. This is how normal folks live their lives.
Unfortunately, that’s not good enough for the demons (psychos) in power. They want absolute servitude and subjugation. Don’t ask why.] 🤷♂️
The 2A (our gun rights) is the most glaring example, but for a while it also looked as if free speech “controls” were gaining steam. State-sanctioned “free speech” if you will. OMFG.
“Censorship protects us from dangerous misinformation (or disinfo) on CoVid-19 vaccines. It’s being done for the public’s good”. No, it’s not. Nothing is done for the public’s good (only for elites’). “You have a problem with authority”. Yes, I DO (see CoVid, 9/11 and JFK).
If Trump is re-elected, I hope he doesn’t meet the same fate as the Kennedys. If he does, the public must remove and replace our representatives immediately.
🌟[In an organized manner that doesn’t make us vulnerable to foreign adversaries (it might be a legitimate false flag attack rather than a Deep State CIA false flag attack). There’s no way for US voters to know given the “conspiracy theories, disinformation, misinformation, AND now ‘malinformation’ shoved down our throats by government (CIA) media.
It’s like the little boy who cried wolf. Half of the country will NEVER believe another word you say. That’s on you corrupt Deep State bureaucrats. It’s not our fault you are pathological liars and rapacious profiteers. If there’s ever a legitimate crisis, may we the people drag you down with us.]
If I was Trump’s daughter Ivanka I would beg my father not to run. There is no way Americans could tell if the Deep State (CIA), a foreign agent, or president of Antifa’s Leftist U chapter was responsible should the unthinkable occur. Trump is obviously a decent man, or his children would have turned out like Joe Biden’s.
[What’s that? Leftist U’s entire campus is Antifa. Oh, apologies to Leftist U for my oversight. Trump DO NOT speak there!!!! Free speech, that is pro-Democracy, has consequences like death threats in Amerika.]
There is no question this would tip our country into chaos. We must stay calm if we’re presented with this awful scenario (not burn down the Capitol etc). I’m glad I’m not a Secret Service agent on Trump’s detail. I hope former president Trump is a departure from the usual POS you protect. Keep your heads on a swivel, for everyone’s sake. No pressure.
🚨We’d STILL be locked down, masked, and getting “boosted” every ninety days if we the American people were limited to government-approved messages. Thank God for OUR voices (representative democracy).
It’s mind-blowing our red shadow government (USSA) has convinced sheep we must restrict our 1A rights. Holy shit. Really!!!!
[“I’ll gladly take free speech controls (or NO free speech at all) IF it shuts Donald Trump AND his FAR-Right followers up” NEO-Liberals (anti-Liberals) cry out.
Liberals: this is EXACTLY how USSA leaders want you to feel. You’re being conned (for the UMPTEENTH time).
Conning fifty percent of Americans into accepting the elimination of free speech (through limits or controls) has been the most successful propaganda campaign in USSA history:
I NEVER dreamed the majority of Liberal voters, and a few Conservatives would be this gullible. If people are this ******, there really is no hope for our country, is there?
Great article on how the modern day Democratic party flies in the face of everything noble it once stood for. It’s not really Democratic. The whispers accusing the Liberal party of being a Kommunist front appear to be true. The Republican party isn’t much better.
“RFK Jr. Meets the Party of 'Shut up!'”: Roger Simon.
🌟[“Liberal” voters going from always questioning the establishment, to wanting to censor those of us who do, seems like a form of mass psychosis.
Of course, young Liberals don’t know any better, but are taking lessons from those who should know better, former Liberals (if there’s really such a thing) turned Neo-Liberals. This is fair criticism, yes?
I have been nudged by these Neo-Liberal elders to support the elimination of free speech and to vote for the “Democratic” party to save freedom & democracy LOL.
🚨<How many “Liberals” over the age of 65 feel like I’m trying to throw a wrench in things by now (you’re so close to the finish line)?
While you can’t travel back in time to the USSR, there happens to be a country called China with your name on it. There’s the door…
The American electorate is finally waking up if you believe komrade Joe’s imploding numbers. More voters are questioning endless war as well.
Expect interference and/or manipulation from the government (CIA) media prior to the 2024 election. JFK Liberals are as rare as Unicorns these days.
A petition to remove the “Democratic” party, Neo-Cons AND RINOs from the ballot for anti-Americanism (TREASON) before the 2024 election begins circulating…>
That I must whisper dissenting views - THE TRUTH - in public whilst looking over my shoulder is very Soviet Union. Liberals: are you feeling proud? Are you winning?
What’s left of the old guard KGB officers and the like in Communist (Eastern)-bloc countries would find this behavior ironic.
At what point can Americans try, and IF found guilty, prosecute MARXISTS for treason (politicians, college professors, CEOs etc? They have clearly abused free speech, and their positions of influence mightily.
Remember, free speech should have consequences for MARXISTS in AmeriCa, not patriots. It’s long overdue to turn the tables freedom-lovers.]
IS DONALD TRUMP FOR REAL OR IS HE PLAYING HIS PART? Whether Trump is sincere or not, Ron DeSantis looks like the safer bet. Amerikan media AND possibly Trump will try to destroy DeSantis.
If Trump cares about our country he should CONCEDE the GOP nomination for POTUS to Ron DeSantis, as many “Cuban” Americans still believe DJT’s a dictator. On the other hand, Ron is a SLAM DUNK for their votes.
🌟[Trump must spell out why he’s the one man to lead America out of darkness. Why he’s the ONLY man for the job.
He’s off to a good start if he can beat The Deep Administrative State’s false “seditious conspiracy” allegation. In a DC kangaroo court no less.
Can you imagine POTUS governing while incarcerated simply for attempting to fire corrupt bureaucrats?
What does that say about the United States government? What does it say about our electorate for jailing a man cleaning house?
I realize you have not technically jailed Trump, but you support corrupt bureaucrats who are determined to.
Weak people always support those who vow to “kill the messenger”].
Trump should ask for Governor DeSantis’ endorsement, then rally with him for Cuban-Americans, Venezuelans etc in Florida. Get on same page, and get with program.
“Democratic” party say goodbye to your Totalitarian ways in AmeriCa. Goodbye.
Liberals: I would WANT to know if I was being conned into helping our RULERS increase their power over us by carrying out Anarcho-Tyranny, censorship (Free Speech) controls,
AND Red Flag laws that encourage lying which leads to unlawful gun confiscation. You’re not fighting evil. You ARE helping evil itself!!
You’re giving the depraved rulers you so despise even GREATER POWER over us by censoring, deplatforming AND even doxing your OWN parents in some instances.
I’ll never understand why you help the tyrants in power yet hurt your fellow citizens. Maybe you have some sort of mental disorder?
You are far too THICK to get a seat at the table, but you may succeed at ruining the rest of our lives (and our country).]
The conundrum with approaching Fascism from the Left is that it gives the United Nations (WEF), ChiComs, and multinational corporations ABSOLUTE POWER. It’s infinitely worse than our faltering democracy. You ARE being used as a tool to carry this out…
Americans who follow Mainstream STATE media are so programmed it is obscene. The lion’s share of Americans who don’t pay attention to the “Liberal” press aren’t immune, as they receive their daily indoctrination from those who do.
The USSA government’s propaganda is as pervasive as it is insidious. If you study propaganda for a few years as I’ve done, what I’m saying becomes crystal clear. My writing should give you a head start. The Greek philosopher Plato wrote about this topic several millennia ago.
Plato said one to two thirds of a country’s sheep will believe their government’s lies.
Welcome to Animal Farm comrades!! Does anyone feel like they’re the only person in America who’s read these classic books (or is literate for that matter)? BAA.
*Prove me wrong people. Obviously this terrible turn of events is the last thing in the world I want to have happen to our country. We can’t allow it happen.
As we speak our government is purging our military, law enforcement agencies, & security services of personnel who respect our civil liberties in favor of those who don’t.
Who better to carry out martial law than a Totalitarian police force (Chekas) who do not give a damn about our freedom?
I suppose our military might always surprise us, and turn their guns on our tyrannical government instead. We the American people better hope that’s the case if push comes to shove.
No, I’m not advocating violence, but rather that our government wake up and exercise caution. Our country may not be as stable as they take for granted.
At the very least, we can’t allow our rulers to flee the country if they manage to turn America into Venezuela, or some other 3rd world banana republic. TSA! You feel me?
I’m worried our government may cross the military coup threshold once our generals realize our government is the UN (WEF). And that America is not a sovereign nation after all. We the people are for real, but our government is a lie.
🚨Politicians, you’re not supposed to put multinational interests AND the Chinese Communist Party ahead of the American people.
Our bureaucrats are literally molding the USSA into China (copycatting the EVIL ChiComs 💯%).
However, our government will never be able to provide upward mobility since we’re in a perpetually draining state of war.
I hope there are consequences for our political class. SEVERE ones that don’t harm ordinary Americans’ lives. Touch wood.
Neither political party will lead us to the promised land, unless you’re referring to certain death.
Beware of the Neo-Liberal Anti-Freedom Movement.
Neo-Liberals are the polar OPPOSITE of their lionized John F. Kennedy, a man I admire (and would love to believe I take after). There are still a few of you old JFK liberals left, but not nearly enough.
Governing by the barrel of a gun is NOT Liberalism.
One of our largest voting blocs is young Liberal voters in large metropolitan cities like Dallas, Texas. Neo-Lib voters are coming of age during the Amerikan-Soviet era of Big Tech deplatforming and self-censorship.
I’ve had to self-censor myself as well. As an unknown artist, I must maintain a toe-hold in social media.
Most Neo-Liberal voters are too young to have families. They are not suffering from the ill effects of their children being fed identity-based Marxism in the classroom. The UN (WEF)’s cultural genocide efforts are succeeding.
Hopefully a few young Neo-Libs are old enough to be scratching their heads by now…
ChiCom fentanyl is flooding through our borders as well. This strategy was offered (to the highest bidder) to destabilize US in James Bond’s “Thunderball” (1965). Americans have mass shootings, a heroin epidemic, and Antifa to look forward to (should Biden’s Neo-Liberals be ousted in ‘24).
Voters were told to vote out Big Brother in the last presidential election, but voted him in. I’m betting on a false flag attack before the next presidential election, or something less apocalyptic as I discussed in my “…burying the hatchet…” piece:*
*5)The SCOTUS ruling on abortion prior to the midterms swung Democratic voters preoccupation with inflation AND the economy, to abortion. Infer from this what you will. IMO, manipulating the American electorate is as easy as blowing a dog whistle.*
This wasn’t just any case that was overturned, it was the landmark “Roe v. Wade” case. Well, cut off my knees and call me Shorty. That’s not in the least bit suspicious, is it?! Talk about going nuclear (someone’s getting desperate). Roe v. Wade and now UFOs?
Our “conservative” Supreme Court’s timing was suspect if you ask me. On the off chance this was done to manipulate voters, at least the desired result of keeping the Senate in Democratic hands was accomplished nonviolently.
[Not hearing an election fraud case with over a thousand witnesses (with signed affidavits across five states), some of whom were lifelong Democratic poll watchers citing irregularities, has caused me to PERMANENTLY lose faith in our system.
Liberal voters, I will never trust another election as long as there are drop boxes and absentee ballots, or voting machines hooked up to the internet. Every Liberal I know made a point of voting in person at the midterms. I realize most of you (ex-Bolsheviks) want our elections to be above board, but voting in person is a meaningless gesture at the moment.
Of course, Republican congress has done jackdick nothingballs to put a stop to this.]
*I apologize! The Powers That Be (TPTB) appear to be joining women’s rights and Marxism at the hip. If you support women’s rights or gay marriage (which most of us do), you must vote for Neo-Liberal politicians who want to shred our Constitution and Bill of Rights (because ‘minority’ rights are forever under assault by constitutional hardliners [REPUBLICAN politicians]). That’s one HELLUVA a conundrum. Hmm…
The shorthand version: TPTB is forcing those of us who value ‘minority’ rights to vote for Neo-Liberal politicians who are hard at work to turn America into 1930s N@zi Germany, or those of us who value our civil liberties in general to vote for Republican politicians who are quite comfortable throwing ‘minorities’ under the bus. We’ll never be able to get along, and that’s EXACTLY what our politicians (criminals) want!”
The Left plays the minority trump card in theory to secure Liberal votes every 2-4 years, however it carries out free speech “controls” and attempts gun confiscation in practice. Classifying all semiautomatic firearms as fully automatic guns amounts to tyrannical confiscation in my book.**
On the other hand, if EVANGELICALS would only throw in the towel on same-sex marriage and abortion rights it would encourage Liberals who want to live in a free democratic country like ours to vote for Conservatives. Surely a few Grand Ol’ Party representatives remain who favor our system of self-governance AND who also want to limit the growth/size of our federal government.
[“In post-Roe Texas, Two Mothers With TRAUMATIC PREGNANCIES Walk Very Different Paths”: Selena Simmons-Duffins
One could afford to travel to Colorado to deliver her baby who had passed in the womb, whereas a working class Hispanic mom was forced to carry her dead child several months to term. If this doesn’t qualify as torture I’m not sure what does…
NPR’s “reporting” on CoVid and Trump was so bad I ended my 20 year tradition of listening to them in my car, but I’m glad I made an exception for this article.
There was something DEMONIC about hearing trusted voices lie emphatically and repeatedly to their loyal listeners. It was kind of spooky.]
I’m meeting a few Evangelicals who are open to gay marriage!! WE CAN DO THIS DESPITE NOT SEEING EYE TO EYE ON ABORTION AND GAY MARRIAGE.
If we could just get more Liberal voters to realize our government, its LYING media, and pharma companies are what’s really behind mass shootings.
It’s not the 2A or gun manufacturers silly. It’s the USSA comrades. Coming for what remains of your civil liberties. Welcome to Amerika…
Americans need our voices to protect us from all those hostile to our democracy and human rights interests. Let’s face it: we’re in the way of profits so we need our voices to be heard and our reps to protect us.
Our government is the bloated STAY PUFT marshmallow man from “Ghostbusters”. I can’t in good faith vote Democrat to make it larger, and more tyrannical. Conservative voters, and their representatives must find ways to connect with legitimate old school Liberals and Independents like myself…
I’M CLEARLY LIBERAL BY PRE-9/11 STANDARDS (before Liberal voters seemingly lost their minds).
As it stands, I WILL NEVER vote “Liberal” again. I demand Freedom of Speech, not “controls”. Who the F*CK do you think you are “Democratic” reps in DC?!?! GO TO HELL (OR CHINA).
⬆️I believe we will have to remove AND replace our entire government, but this may help in the short term. Most of us will have to give up a sacred cow or two to save our country. Voters: are you listening?
[Gay marriage and gun rights come to mind. Liberals: understand what I’ve written about gun rights like the back of your hand and we’ll go from there. Study some pro-2A material and you’ll see that most of us aren’t insane. Texas abortion law should obviously be loosened a little. I believe most Evangelicals would agree.
I understand Texas’ desire to push back against Kommiefornia, but we can’t let that put low income mothers into unusually cruel situations. Evangelicals don’t want this either. Conservatives are put into a bullshit situation when we’re forced to vote anti-gay marriage, or pro-Life with no exceptions every four years when a few of us are flexible.
There are way too many babies, and way too few parents. Gay parents could always do a Rumble on their grown-up children, and how straight most of them have turned out (it’s not a concern of mine, so I haven’t thought of a more PC way to express this idea), to assuage Evangelicals. Our “gay” friends shouldn’t have to, but it isn’t a bad idea!
I’d imagine many churches have a fund to aid women such as the mother in the NPR article. It may simply be a matter of stronger outreach so not one mother falls through the cracks. I hope many of these churches also have members who are willing to step up to the plate and adopt as well.
No group of voters wants to be blamed for our country imploding. Trust me (August 25, 2023)]…
The SCOTUS has issued one ruling after another to GASLIGHT voters who’re socially Liberal into voting for the tyrannical Anti-Democratic party. Conservatives, this is NOT a reason to celebrate. The USSA appears to be consolidating its grip on power through its use of Supreme Court rulings.
Five more years of this and we’re 100% of the way toward living in Sino-Amerika. I’m damn sure not handing over my guns. Free speech has bitten the dust online due to rampant censorship and deplatforming. It’s very difficult to find information that’s not USSA government approved. Apparatchiks already overwrite the truth, and will resort to Ministry of State Security (MSS) scare tactics before long.
🌟[Most debate used to occur in online forums (because it’s convenient) so one could argue… Section 230 of the Communications Act should be repealed (or that social media companies should be regulated as public utilities). Voters must understand that Twitter pre-Musk displayed violent “al Qaeda” tweets but an American no one could say “CoVid-19 vaccines AND myocarditis”. THAT’S INSANE. Even Wikipedia has been thoroughly corrupted.]
MSS encourages the Chinese people to show their patriotism by informing on fellow citizens, like Leftists (far-Left) are doing in Amerika. What kind of American citizen would be happy with this?!
We’re in a Communist country absent the gulags (nevermind, we’ve got those too). I’m not optimistic on 5-10 years out from what I’ve seen thus far. Most want to do right by themselves & their families unmolested, but those who rule the world have other plans.
**At the end of the day we have a bunch of criminals running our country. 90% are no one we’d hire, or trust to look after our children. The political class always wins. It’s a lose lose for all of us, save for those in power who profit from our intractable division (I’m still working on this topic, but I feel it’s important to say ‘I feel you’).”
Will unfavorable Supreme Court rulings giving Conservative states more power over gay marriage, and/or Trump receiving the GOP nomination for president be used to swing the vote in 2024?
As it stands, Democratic voters would turn out in droves to vanquish Trump and save the free world.
If we should be so fortunate, komrades Biden & Harris will ride quietly into the night, allowing the charade of democracy to continue. If The Deep State wants to perpetuate its house of cards, it will have to get a RINO into the oval office at the very least.
Deep State bureaucrats seem obsessed with burying Trump under false allegations. It’s remarkable DJT keeps coming up roses, when many American voters probably would not.
THOSE IN PERMANENT POWER MUST GET A NEO-CON OR RINO INTO THE OVAL OFFICE TO QUELL THE COMING POPULIST UPRISING. However, we the people will see through it, and recognize this move for what it is.
It must be Donald Trump or half of our country will be convinced that Democracy is dead. Trump has counsel to prevent him from making common errors plebes like us might make.
If the “Liberal” nominee is elected president, all pretext of democracy will be gone. However, I’m afraid those in permanent power are no longer interested in keeping their charade going…
[Now, it’s beginning to seem like Deep State bureaucrats are scared SHITLESS out of their minds. It’s far more likely Donald Trump is for real, and this should give lovers of freedom and democracy hope.
Truth is stranger than fiction. Sorry for not clarifying this a few days ago.]
The only guaranteed way to defeat Deep State bureaucrats, absent election and voter fraud, is by encouraging Liberal friends and family to vote for Trump (for free speech etc). The Marxist “Democratic” party controls 51% or more of the electorate.
If a significant minority of Liberals vote for Donald Trump, and he loses, that’s proof positive that we have rigged elections much like other third world totalitarian banana republics. I would encourage everyone who wants to live in a free country to vote for a Conservative (then lean on them to be more “minority” friendly).
As my good “buddy” Glenn Greenwald has said, the only reason to vote Democrat is because you care about trans (yourself), and ONLY trans. The rest of our country can go to hell (burst into flames) for all you care. As if anyone in Washington, D.C. gives a shit about intersex Americans. They don’t.
[You’re building yourself up on a personal level while inadvertently participating in a cultural genocide (macro or global level) intended to destroy our traditional values. It’s the same as the Chinese Cultural Revolution of 1949, just a different vehicle (means) to destroy our country. Sorry, but thems the breaks.
The choices are either putting our country and its people first, or using make-believe pronouns to force people to bow down to you. Marxist frauds pushing these lies grow rich and powerful, but you? And the rest of us? We grow weaker.]
The only silver lining of the Deep State (CIA)’s cultural genocide against Americans is that our intersex friends may be more comfortable meeting in public. I would imagine they’ve probably always been very private.
[In any event, even if I’m wrong we must go about matters as if the Communists control a slight majority of the American electorate. Hopefully a few Liberals still recognize the importance of free speech.
We have had speech limits or controls for hate speech, and bomb making instructions for a LONG time. These limits are more than enough for those of us who possess the common sense to insist on democratic self-governance.
There are Amerikan-Soviets who vote to ELIMINATE free speech? The same voices protecting citizens from corporate human rights abuses? Now I understand why Sen. McCarthy believed there were spies living among we the people.]
Why not encourage as many Liberals and Independents as possible to vote for Trump just to be on the safe side? Four more years of unfettered Deep State (CIA) rule and America’s freedom-lovers are screwed.
The United Nations and it’s private arm, the World Economic Forum (MEANING THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT), wants to replace our democracy with no strings attached multinational corporate governance. We the people would lose our voice entirely.
🚨Yes, that’s right. The majority of our government, the USSA (UN), wants to end our representative democracy in favor of something infinitely worse, and is using the UN (WEF) and WHO as vehicles to carry out their treachery unnoticed by most Americans.
Our corporate overlords will most likely implement a more “robust” surveillance and social credit scoring system, then use it to carry out human rights infringements a la the Chinese police state. It will be “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” after all.
🚨“Violations” AND “infringements” are euphemisms. Remember, we will no longer be able to voice our concerns (like we did with lockdowns, masking etc). There will be no such thing as human rights if the USSA (Amerika) gets its way.
We the people must throw up as many roadblocks as possible. For instance, Komrade Biden must not sign the WHO (ChiCom)’s “Pandemic” Treaty. Thank goodness there are a few honest politicians in DC resisting this tyranny (THANK YOU).
I’m afraid politicians who represent constituents are an endangered species in our country. “There are way too many honest politicians in DC (sixteen). They must be dealt with (send Antifa)” our Manchurian Candidates mutter to themselves. Good people must take one for the team and run for office.
🚨Elderly patriots: keep harassing OUR representatives. Don’t let Bidet & Co sign the WHO (ChiCom) “Pandemic” Treaty. The rest of us have much better things to do, like letting our country go to shit.
Biden signing the WHO (ChiCom)’s “Pandemic” Treaty is the same as Bush signing The “Patriot” Act immediately following the 9/11 attacks. It’s from the EXACT same “How to Screw Over the American People” playbook.
My thinking is: “if there’s so much as a one in a million chance of a dissenting Right vote slowing down the turning of America into China, the FAILED Soviet Union, or post-Weimar Republic Germany (with their politically motivated police force, and its dishonest citizen informants), I’m going to vote Right every time.”
It’s ironic to think that a vote for Joe Biden and his weaponized justice department could somehow benefit women and gays. Look, I do not blame you. GOP congress blows almost as hard! Neo-Lib and Neo-Con politicians are in an absolute race to the bottom.
We the people are up shit creek without a paddle, so I view the Republican party as the MARGINALLY lesser of two evils under our current system (for those of us who are determined to keep voting), BUT I promise not to think any less of those of you who continue to vote Democrat than I already do.*
When I use the term “conservative” I’m referring to conservative governance, or less intervention, not the harassment of “minorities”. For example, I’m not in favor of playing hide and seek with women’s abortion rights like the SCOTUS justices are doing. I 💯% believe they’re doing this to antagonize the hell out of us.
No, this most definitely is NOT intended as a “puff piece” or shill for Neo-Cons. I can’t stand them either. There’s scarcely a sincere soul in D.C.
[“…It's a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe…” - George Carlin.
For the less intellectual among us, there’s always the great George Carlin!! The man had it all figured out by the late 60s, or at least he had earned the artistic freedom to discuss his insights with the public by then.
The majority of both political parties and the Supreme Court, are all part of ONE very large, corrupt, ruling apparatus. Save for a very few exceptions, they are ALL against we the American people. Do I view the SCOTUS as conservative or liberal? NO, I DO NOT.
Less intellectual as in you would rather do something else with your time, than spend several hours attempting to decipher this manuscript. Most of my childhood friends aren’t aware I have a philosophical side to my personality, as I was always skating or “excelling” at other sports growing up.
🚨Could the mighty George Carlin have anticipated the majority of our political class would be Manchurian Candidates 15 years after his passing? I’m struggling to grasp the extent of ruling elites’ deception, as I grew up with the Red Dawn (1984) version of what a Communist takeover would look like. However, Senator Joseph McCarthy’s assessment has proved to be the correct one.]
If not for state & local politics there would not be a reason to keep voting. For example, both parties take money from the same defense contractors, and thus will forever keep us on a war footing. Their constituents (us) are largely irrelevant on the national stage.
It’s clearly the political class against we the American people (and the rest of the world). If we can’t figure out how to get on the same page we’re going to wake up under a regime not unlike China or North Korea’s.
DPRK came to mind because many of us may be starving like the North Korean people are at some point, as the result of our government’s numerous inflationary policies (a la the UN/WEF’s “Great Reset”).
Do “Slaughterbots” await those of us who vocally support the US Constitution and Bill of Rights?
*I’m pulling your legs.
“Steve Bannon Is Now A Political Prisoner, And The Rule Of Law Is Dead.” If America was free, Bannon would be able to speak his mind (no matter how “unhinged”): Evita Duffy-Alfonso.
High-ranking members of both parties have accused the other party of election fraud over the years, but suddenly questioning the legitimacy of the current administration is a punishable by jail time offense?
The UK’s Decision to Extradite Assange Proves The US/UK’s Freedom Lectures Are a Farce. The Assange persecution is greatest threat to Western press freedoms in years:
The State is criminalizing free speech, will confiscate our guns, then lastly encourage young Bolsheviks (Chekas) to commence pogroms of anyone who openly disapproves of their treasonous, UNCONSTITUTIONAL, rule by decree.
🚨Look out if komrade Biden is OUSTED by a conservative. All hell WILL break lose as it did in 2020, maybe another pandemic, and goodness knows what else…
“First Came 9/11. Then COVID-19. What’s the Next Crisis to Lockdown the Nation?”: John & Nisha Whitehead.
Young Chekas (Bolsheviks) have already carried out pogroms of many small businesses (some minority owned), AND pro-life clinics.
NO ONE feels safe, and that’s EXACTLY what those in power want. This is being carried out deliberately by our dangerous, amoral government.
Our rulers want us to give up our rights AND beg for their protection. Who will Leviathan target next?
“Let’s Stop Pretending America Is a Functioning Democracy”: Chris Hedges.
Lastly, they’ll replace OUR system of self-governance with a tyrannical police state (like China’s).*
🚨*[Our rulers are almost to their finish line, unbeknownst to MOST Americans. Please feel free to WAKE UP at any time comrades. Your consciousness is dearly needed.]
What Is Anarcho-Tyranny? How the state acts as a tyrant while letting all hell break loose:
6)WARNING: the remaining document contains “conspiracy theories”. Let me say, if you can’t entertain conspiracy theories (many of which have become conspiracy facts), you might as well have just fallen off a turnip truck.
I view the USSA (UN) government as Globalist (but with Chinese Communist and multinational corporate underpinnings). It stands firmly against we the American people.
🌟[I’m inadvertently writing CIA (Deep Administrative State) propaganda! What I mean is that the Deep Bureaucratic State = Amerika = The United Socialist States of Amerika = The United Nations (WEF).
The USSA should be viewed as the United Nations, as I believe our leaders created the UN to eventually supersede the United States.
This “Red Shadow” government or “Red Tide” is firmly in control without Donald Trump to gum up the works, so The Deep State is operating with impunity (without checks and balances) under komrade Biden.
*European Union and developed world governments are molding our societies into ChiCom surveillance (police) state satellites. There’s nowhere to go if you want to be unmolested by government. Maybe Argentina?!
The “Biden” administration is simply a front for this Deep Administrative State. Most Republican congressmen “siding” with DJT have gone POOF.
For now, I’ll leave numerous references to Amerika AND the USSA as it’s easy to grasp that these Totalitarian impulses are not a plus for most Americans.]
It’s precisely this source of permanent power Americans (and Europeans) should be unhappy with. Not Capitalism, nor Donald Trump.
The same Deep State who has convinced 51% of the electorate Trump is to blame for their Fascism. The one man trying to fight it.
Is Donald Trump our Tank Man? What satisfaction could the rest of the Beltway possibly gain from betraying their fellow Americans?
🚨Corporate interests wrested control of our government away from the people a long time ago. That should be a foregone conclusion by now.
Corporations have 90% control of OUR government, but want 100% (hence their ESG agenda).
Remember, the Communist-leaning United Nations gets the majority of its money from US taxpayers. Many of us forget that!
Likewise, when you read NATO (Blinken, Nuland, Rice and Co) was jerking Putin’s chain, that means the United States is jerking Putin’s chain!
America’s only path to true reform will require Liberal and Conservative voters realizing we are being manipulated (to prevent us from holding our politicians accountable), and uniting for a time.
Stirring up animosity, against one group of voters or another, is doing our corrupt US government’s bidding. Most of us fall into this trap (as humans are inherently tribal).
Election fraud is another ruse they are using to divide us, even if it's really occurring. It's just one curve ball after another to keep us off balance and at each others' throats.
It’s time for we the people to unite and hold OUR representatives accountable, while removing corporate personhood from politics. Our crooks (politicians) have violated their oath to serve we the people, choosing to represent ChiCom, and multinational corporate interests instead.
Turns out there’s more money to be made, and power to be gained by betraying their country AND its people after all!! However short-lived.
Democratic and Republican politicians take money from the same corporations and defense contractors. One party is no more likely to turn around this country than the man on the moon. All they care about is our tax dollars and our votes.
We must pressure OUR representatives to honor their oath to us before we have Civil War 2.0, WWIII, global famine, or another man-made pandemic (Event 201).
We have SERIOUS issues that won’t be resolved through political theater. True reform can only be made by adopting a unified front, and also by holding OUR representatives feet to the flames. That sure sounds fun, doesn’t it?!
My aim is to make us stronger, not to call for Anarcho-Tyranny as Congress does. These essays are solely intended to foster cooperation among us, not violence or aggression.
I believe the majority of both political parties favors Anarcho-Tyranny. YES, that includes NeoCons and RINOs.
The very same NeoCons and RINOs who ousted Trump. Somehow, I don’t think it was for the good of the American people 🤔💭
Is Trump for real? It’s beginning to look like it, unless this is the MOST elaborate political theater production of all time.
No lasting reform, such as REMOVING corporate money from politics, will come from such a divided electorate as this.
The Deep State was most likely involved with 9/11 and JFK, but I cannot imagine them forfeiting US military dominance or its corresponding petrodollar hegemony without a fight.
Biden must be stepping on A LOT of rich and powerful toes as he destroys the US dollar and carries out the UN (USSA)’s 2030 ESG Initiative.
🌟*[I wrongly assumed bureaucrats preferred a strong dollar (a strong balance sheet). To better illustrate…
Russia’s external debt to gdp is roughly 20 percent vs. OURS which is roughly 100 percent, rounded up slightly. The PRC’s external debt to gdp is also comfortably under 20 percent.
United States total debt to gdp ratio is a staggering 764.2% vs. 279.% for China (I’ll dig deeper into Russia’s later). The US taxpayer is beholden to a ton of bankers (creditors)!!
Hindsight 20/20 our bureaucrats haven’t given a shit about King Dollar since the creation of Henry Kissinger’s petrodollar (and abandonment of the gold standard).
If we pause to reflect, just WHO exactly owns the US government? Therein lies the real power. Our government clearly doesn’t own itself, and neither do we the people.
Could it be… Satan (banking & media oligarchs)?! Is this who’s really steering the ship?
As if defense contractors and big pharma buying off the USSA (UN) government isn’t bad enough, there’s a global entity (secular banking and media elites) playing for all the marbles as well? Hence global warming, ESG and the WHO Pandemic Treaty.
ESG corporate governance, which amounts to pure Fascism as well as human rights oppression, isn’t needed to be good stewards of our environment. Liberal voters you are being used to further Globalist profiteers’ aims at the expense of our voices. If successful, you’ll have played a PIVOTAL role in silencing our voices (please don’t).
Anyone who tells you otherwise is confused. There’s no shortage of Americans who are upside down in their beliefs/understanding at the moment.
Regardless of how you feel about climate change, Globalist oligarchs are offering solutions - ESG - that would eliminate our representative democracy (much as the WHO “Pandemic” Treaty would). This cannot be disputed.
Generally speaking, if someone wants to believe in a lie, go right ahead. However, in this instance, Leftist lies harm millions of innocents. That is where I take issue with destabilizing Leftist policies. For example, disarming the population then flinging the border (Arizona flood gates) wide open a la Beto O’Rourke, Gavin Newsom etc.
Everyone knows the more debt we have, the less control we have over our lives. That holds true for governments as well. Globalist bankers lend money to the USSA (UN) government for the same reason the PRC promotes its “Belt & Road Initiative”. The more money ChiComs lend developing nations, the more control they’ve over those nations.
The USSA (UN) has fallen under the spell of this foreign influence as well, whether it be from European banks or from the ChiComs, is of no importance as each is a threat to American sovereignty.
Most likely Deep State bureaucrats’ agenda is a mishmash of short term profits (rapaciousness) MIXED with long term objectives such as Corporate Governance whilst crushing dissent.]
🚨HOWEVER, I strongly suspect the vast majority of our corrupt politicians, 66.6% to 90%, have long since crossed over to the dark side (meaning they have been bought off by the UN (WEF), ChiComs and multinational corporate interests).
To reiterate: it’s a foregone conclusion that most of our representatives answer to “We The Corporations”. They do not represent we the people as they’re supposed to.
If 150M+ of us who voted in the last general election figured out the degree to which our government was corrupted by these hostile interests, the USSA would shut down the internet!!
That’s right. The USSA government has given itself the power (authority), to shut down the ENTIRE internet!! This stems from the 1934 Communications Act (non-Google it).
If The Deep Bureaucratic State cannot cancel free speech this is the direction we’re heading in. Deep State (CIA) media won’t be able to continue programming we the people otherwise.
Internet kops will first resort to the same tactics deployed by the People’s “Republic” of China (PRC). We’ll have to to use VPNs much as our Chinese friends do.
The Deep Administrative State is already carrying out many of these abuses while its CIA media (propaganda) arm publicly “scolds” their ChiCom mentors for deploying China’s “Great Firewall”.
🌟I have noticed Windows removing Mozilla from my desktop’s tray so only Google Chrome remains (this happens every other time I boot up my laptop).
Should I use a VPN service AND Google, Google repeatedly asks security questions like “identify a car” (over and over). I have to disable my VPN or return to Mozilla.
Is anyone else having these issues? I also wonder if Google may begin forcing us to log in to browse.
Those of you winning at the moment may still have your businesses or livelihoods hindered if USSA security state aktivities begin to degrade internet performance (speed) in a material way.
I also noticed a few years ago that Apple no longer let me reset the advertising pin on my iPhone. As if there was ever any doubt, our iPhones are tracking devices with fixed identifiers just like our laptops. If the feds ever ask me why something is on my phone, I’ll ask them why they planted it. It’s what our politicians would do, it’s what the feebs would do, and it’s also what George Carlin would do. All of us should keep this in mind.
A few more years of this and they’ll be rewriting or criminalizing encyclopedias. By all means, keep voting for Leftists while decrying “right-wing” Populist leaders who want to preserve and protect Free Speech.
Rightwing in quotes because common sense strongly suggests the right to dissent is critical to Americans’ safety. The fact every voter DOES NOT want this underscores the effectiveness of Deep State (CIA) media propaganda.
[I wouldn’t mind a woman in the Oval Office. However, if the last several years have taught us anything, it’s that female leaders can be as depraved (psychopathic) as male leaders.
If female PMs (world leaders) are “cute”, you can count on a specific group of voters worshipping them without conducting a lick of background research. Doesn’t matter a whit to them if they’re Klaus Schwab acolytes.
“She has a flawless Nordic complexion AND just had a baby, so she’s my hero” they coo. That she’s a tyrant is of no importance.
These voters have no idea what a Young Global(ist) Leader is. They haven’t heard of the UN’s private arm the World Economic Forum (WEF), its mission, or its founder and minister of propaganda Klown Schwab.
Swab’s Globalist disciples should wear red Reichsleiter armbands. That might finally get everyone’s attention.
Politics no longer appeals to those of us who are well-adjusted, nor to our children or grandchildren. Politics has become a playground for the deranged.]
I apologize to the few kind, decent & patriotic* politicians we have, but: “HOUSTON, WE’VE GOT A PROBLEM.”
The Marxist regressives in power have taken to using patriotic as a form of slander, which is further proof an Amerikan Marxist Revolution is indeed underway.
*To be referred to as patriotic has traditionally been one of the highest honors an American could give you, and still is.
To those of us who are religious, Marxists have always been a malevolent force. To everyone else, think of them as an amoral group of people who enjoy pissing on the Golden Rule.
🚨Liberal voters: WHY use Marxist tactics to blow up our imperfect representative democracy, but one in which Americans have a voice, only to replace democracy with a technocratic system of governance in which we the people would no longer have a say in our future?]
Marxist regressives: replacing our unique form of democratic self-governance with ESG (Blackrock), and WHO (ChiCom) rule, would silence we the American people’s voice FOREVER. It’s not a good plan. The US government may suck at times, but the alternative is exponentially worse.
It will take a SIGNIFICANT minority of Liberals to accomplish this. I am already writing off the majority of the far-Left as permanently brainwashed, but I REALLY hope you will come along for the ride too friends🤞
BLM leaders using funds earmarked for the victims’ families, to buy investment properties for themselves instead, is but one shining example of Marxist behavior. THIS is how amoral Marxists roll.
The Amerikan Marxists in power want to destroy everything good about our country. Trust me, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping and his CCP will be DELIGHTED if they get their way.
One thing is clear, all American politicians want a permanent state of war for profit, both parties.
*Should global ruling elites get their way, Democratic institutions would fall by the wayside. Centralized bodies such as the United Nations and WHO (ChiComs) would be given absolute dominion over us and would have zero accountability to the public.** For example, the UN (WEF) would shield individual corporations from liability. We would not be allowed to determine which organization committed a specific atrocity, thus giving them carte blanche over us. Sound scary? It is.
I’m clearly a proponent of returning to the good ol’ days when executives vied for our business, and loyalty to their brands!! For example, Foots Clements’ passion to have Dr. Pepper in every American household. Today’s government and corporations have forgotten they serve us. We must demand they serve us. Time’s a wastin’…
**ESG is a two-bit hustle of the United Nations’ private arm (the WEF) to speed up the transition from Democratic self-governance to multinational Corporate rule and is to be feared, despite Larry Fink’s repeated assurances and pleas to the contrary. Fink may have been thrust into this role as a result of his being chieftain of the world’s largest money manager (Blackrock). I really can’t say for sure.
🚨When you hear UN (WEF) or WHO, think USSA “red shadow” government. The USSA now comprises two-thirds or more of the American establishment (academia, bureaucracy etc). Most fellow travelers who favor “Socialism” are well-intentioned. However, global ruling elites are not well-intentioned. Look no further than gangsta CRAP, 9/11, IRAQ, CoVid-19, and now Ukraine (and/or study Globalist doctrine).
Global ruling oligarchs are psychopaths (demons). Who in their right mind would want to forfeit their voice (self-determination/governance) to them? Well, someone who’s been thoroughly brainwashed for starters.
[Grinding countries into dust (in part to cause refugee crises) is one of the USSA/UN’s many modi operandi. It’s their favorite (lethal) tool in the toolbox, as they have rigged war to make a killing at our (the US taxpayer’s) expense.
All the UN/USSA has to do is spike inflation to create many refugee crises throughout the developing world. Rulers then fling their countries’ borders wide open like Macron (France) has done for cheap labor and also to destabilize their nations.
Then citizens give up their rights AND beg their government to save them. In some instances their government will resort to martial law to further strip its citizenry of personal liberties. It’s all covered in “The Globalist Manifesto”.
The USSA has used the plandemic AND will probably turn ANTIFA loose should they lose the White House in 2024. There are MANY crises our rulers can create to “justify” martial law in the US. We rolled over three years ago. Nothing’s stopping them…
Laying countries to waste for abandoning Kissinger’s petrodollar Ponzi scheme is referred to as “Liberal Interventionism”. Our rulers and their precious F*CKING euphemisms (AND “benign” acronyms). Goddamn them!!
It’s counterintuitive as these global ruling elites sit at the top of the food chain, but apparently they’ve decided that by laying everything to waste they can tilt the board even more in their favor (or don’t care). It’s batsh*t crazy, isn’t it?!
🚨If global ruling elites topple the most powerful sovereign nation on the planet, OURS, they’ll “belatedly” usher in their new brand of Totalitarianism.
The WHOLE of Western society should shudder at the thought, and be rooting for we the American people to eradicate these psychopaths!! Nonviolently.]
Everything our rulers do is for short term personal gain (while they’re in “office”), and ignores the long term consequences of their “blunders”. I use the term office because most of them are UNELECTED bureaucrats.
🚨Blunders that greatly benefit UN (WEF), ChiCom and corporate interests. There should be no such thing as an unelected bureaucrat in America. If they haven’t been approved by we the people, there are way too many of them.
Our unelected bureaucrats should be an endangered species, NOT the handful of HONEST politicians we have.
There should be NOO such thing as unelected technocrats in the United States. Just ask your European friends about their unelected bureaucrats…
If you prefer technocratic rulers like Tony Fauci (and Bill Gates), stop being lazy AND selfish, and relocate to the EU (European Union).
USSA rulers’ short-termitis also puts us at a strategic disadvantage to the ChiComs’ multi-generational stewardship.
🚨[This is very similar to many CEOs putting a corporations’ quarterly results ahead of its long term health. Execs buy back stock to make themselves (and their investors richer) in the short run, but
keep zero cash on companies’ balance sheets because our government will bail them out during the next self-inflicted crisis. Boeing recently pulled this maneuver during the CoVid market meltdown.
When our government demanded “they” be allowed to take a stake/participate in Boeing, Boeing’s CEO told them to shove it (by citing national security), and still got bailout funds! SLEAZY.]
The “Great Reset” folks and the ChiComs are exploiting this short-termism to great effect, to carry out their long term goal of world domination. When the ChiComs & UN/WEF say “world domination” isn’t their intention, they’re lying.
Hopefully Ukraine won’t involve another “state”-sponsored act of terrorism like 9/11 for our government to justify going to war against Russia.
Surely Amerika’s Deep State warmongers can justify boots on the ground without something that involves the loss of 3,000 innocents this time.
Weakening Russia may only strengthen ChiComs. Only an illegitimate USSA (UN) “junta” would pull this crap. We don’t have a legitimate government in Washington, DC at the moment. Junta in quotes because this serious problem we have pre-dates Biden by decades. We will pay dearly if we don’t procure their resignations, and fire the rest, immediately.
I fear our government is burning all of its matches (resources), including fine young men and women who have the courage and desire to serve, on unneccesary wars.
[“A Win for Russia is a Win for China”, and “Weakening Russia Weakens China” have become recent talking points of the “Liberal” press, and the Deep State lackeys vying to become their parties’ nominee for prezident. I’m clearly hallucinating, but it seems as if CIA punditry has a copy of this manuscript. Ignore them, they’re lying as always.
Worst case scenario: I take for granted I’m at least two-thirds correct in my assertions. However, if it turns out I’m only one-third accurate there are still loads of reasons why Liberal and Conservative voters must become fast friends and begin working out their differences immediately. Remember, our representatives have a vested interest in NOT solving our problems, as that is precisely the source of their power over us.
I would love to hear these fucktards explain how Russia losing one quarter of their troops, 250k of 1M, doesn’t weaken Russia when China’s People’s Liberation Army has 10M troops on its doorstep. Nikki Haley and Co should just go to hell for their lying. You are an idiot if you believe one word they say.
Nikki was heavily compensated for sitting on the Boeing board for a while. Many of us believe she’s become a Neo-Con warmonger as a result.
Even just listening to a few minutes of the debate on “System Update” was enough to make my head spin. I hope Trump and his common sense approach to divisive issues like abortion carry the day.]
As far as the Russkiys are concerned, if this war is allowed to continue until 2025 they will lose up to 500k of their 1M troops. Glenn Greenwald believes the Ukraine war is bolstering Russia’s manufacturing capability, however, I would imagine some of their production capacity will be taken offline by Ukrainian missile strikes. Russia is more vulnerable to being overrun by China. Period.
Strikethrough as of October 23, 2023. I seem to be falling back in line with the view common among non-captured geopolitical analysts.
Supposedly the People’s “Republic” of China’s PLA has 8-10M troops including its militia members. Russia and Ukraine don’t stand a chance, neither do we if we allow ourselves to be strung out all over the world.
Americans: our representatives in DC never once asked us how we felt about this war. NOT ONCE!!!! We must figure out a way to get ahead of the curve and to prevent wars from ever happening in the first place. Instead of allowing these shitheads to destroy a country, only to decide a year or two later that “we no longer want to support the war in Ukraine”. We’ve got to do better…
If this really is about turning away the “Soviets” The Deep State may have to violate Russian airspace and get more boots on the ground.
The last thing I wanted was Ukrainian (and Syrian) lives destroyed. I have always been in favor of negotiating. Especially when Putin was massing troops AND telegraphing his intent.
Putin is sure to drive a harder bargain $200B+ later. We could have brokered a treaty, avoided war, & kept America first. Unfortunately all American political and business leaders care about are immediate profits.
I’m afraid TPTB (The Powers That Be) won’t allow for negotiation, and that the only way for them to save face is to depose Putin and risk nuclear war.
That’s taking Russia’s special military operation at face value and assuming there’s no collusion between Putin & Western governments (there is almost always collusion).
{Putin is savvy operator. The “NATO / US conduct war exercise near Russkiy border, so Russkiy bear (PUTIN) moost lumber into Ukraina” narrative that’s so common among those of us who have researched Putin’s SMO inside and out, may well be false.*
Is this really what happened, OR is this just what The Deep State wants EDUCATED American voters to believe occurred? If you don’t have to scratch your heads, you may miss the most important piece of the puzzle. I appear to have gotten ahead of myself.}
THIS COLLUSION BETWEEN PUTIN AND WESTERN POWERS SPECULATION OF MINE IS MOST LIKELY INCORRECT. I apologize if this is confusing, but I am not ready to strikethrough or delete my “error” - I hope my integrity doesn’t trip you up in the meantime. Ignore parts in Sections 7-12 should they not comport.
IT’S SURE AS HELL a huge crisis for the Ukrainian people, for US taxpayers, and also for EVERYONE’S children and grandchildren (especially the Slavs if Ukraine is given cluster munitions).
*[If you’re going to have a strong opinion about a current event, do your own research. Certainly don’t get into a fight over it based on what CNN, or Fox News says.
Once in a blue moon I will tune into Univisión to hear Spanish, or to watch a sporting event, but otherwise I feel it’s best to leave the boob tube turned off.
Your TV will have a longer life (so will you), and you’ll be a lot smarter for it!]
When was the last time the United States had a five and a half foot tall commander in chief (American women would never have it)? That Putin rose through the ranks past all the “bad hombres” in the USSR like he did would suggest…
[The US shouldn’t have a minimum height requirement for presidents?]
War for profit with NO END IN SIGHT was most likely agreed upon by Western power brokers, as was the case with the Middle East.
Anything for profit, but also to distract from crumbling infrastructure and lack of social services. Politicians cram defense contractor and pharma “gifts” into their pockets while financing war with US taxpayer dollars and mountains of debt.*
*Everything our politicians do is a wealth transfer or money laundering to further enrich the ruling class at the American taxpayer’s expense. It’s a financial slight of hand that’s been going on for generations. It was gifts until the SCOTUS made the practice of Corporate Personhood “legal”.
Supposedly the Taliban offered to turn over Osama bin Laden to avoid an invasion, but our corrupt government refused the Taliban’s offer (please do your homework to verify this).
Can you imagine if this is true?! Neo-Con warmonger George W. Bush turned down the Taliban, and went on to occupy the Middle East for twenty f*cking years?! Then Obama sends in SEAL Team Six as a publicity stunt 10 years later?!
I respect our Navy SEALs heroism, but the appropriate response would have been deploying a Tier One detachment like the SEALs immediately following 9/11 (not 10 years later).
Our government actually did this, or something similar, which makes sense if the claim of the Taliban offering to hand over UBL was bogus, but I still don’t see how 100,000 troops at peak levels was justified.
In any event, Taliban deal or no Taliban deal, the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq were completely unnecessary (ex-Saddam wanting to abandon Kissinger’s petrodollar). The truth sucks,
but we desperately need a new group in “power” who represents the interests of the average American (this is 99.999% of us including Liberals who inadvertently vote for Globalist policies).
Let us say Putin’s actions are entirely the result of US (NATO) provocations, and that the United States is trying to weaken Putin. If so, why?! The UN (WEF) government in DC may be trying to soften Russia and China for invasion. However, it’s more sensible for the United States to ally with Russia in order to keep the Chinese Communists in check. The UN (WEF)’s quest for a one-world government may be the gravest threat Western democracies like ours face:
Putin’s clearly given up for obvious reasons or… he’s also in bed with the Globalists (my initial theory two years ago). His actions are simply pushing more countries into NATO’s arms. Bad for Russia, but great for the Globalist agenda.
The whole of our Western society revolves around the premise that our leaders aren’t dangerous demons (psychopaths).
Here there be dragons (there are just too many coincidences for the astute among us):
We should be encouraging EVERYONE to question the system, as teachers once did a generation or two ago. Hopefully a few teachers still are!!
Depending on how one feels about work, some might argue that we already have a form of Corporate slavery. Why give the corporations even more power?
Obama, trusting his sincerity, may have encouraged a few more entrepreneurs to strike out on their own with the creation of his Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Everyone remembers the cry “Obama’s ACA is government overreach!” coming from Conservative pundits. Corporations were probably just fearful of losing employees.
“…but our Corporate healthcare plans are better. F*ck Obama!” Really Conservative voters (YIN)?! Today’s equivalent was Liberal voters shilling for Pfizer (YANG):
“Pfizer’s great so tell all your friends and family to get vaccinated. I’ve got 10 years of research on mRNA vaccines to back that up” says NO Liberal, I HOPE.
Neither of those sentiments make a damn bit of sense, but that’s how the corporate media told us to feel.
{Can you imagine if the Federal government I’ve described thus far could deny your family basic medical care because you believe in holding them - our government - to the US Constitution & Bill of Rights?!}
The pandemic was a nonviolent war. Fueled by tax dollars (and most likely selling T-Bills to finance), with juicy profits going to politicians as always, and to big pharma companies (rather than to our defense contractors).
Taxpayer dollars were used to pay for CoVid “vaccine” marketing (including children’s comic books encouraging children to get vaccinated). How very Soviet of them…
Who could forget mad money to Saint Fauci (Presidential Medal of Freedom winner), and also to the “Liberal” press’ favorite demigod Bill Gates (Gates is probably a PMF winner as well in our f*cked country).
[The CoVid-19 “plandemic” allowed Deep State bureaucrats to realize many of their “HOSTILE TO DEMOCRACY” aims, from destroying Trump’s presidency (bid for re-election) to automation IMO.
Arguably benefits were “too generous” in order to keep workers at home. This gave corporations more time to automate their jobs away. And kept many of us reliant, for longer, on government handouts.
<I was very impressed with the Atlanta airport workers during my Mexico trip. Employees of every age were so nice, as they deftly managed huge lines at their counters and kiosks.
The employees with bad attitudes, like me, were all at home 😂
Even TSA was understanding despite me being a pain in the ass. My MOLLE bag was stuffed with everything I could pack, including camera gear. I’d already had to unpack several times, and was losing my mind.
TSA ran a wand over my backpack, so I wouldn’t have to meticulously repack it again (which was a nightmare). I need a new system next time…
There wasn’t ONE employee with a bad attitude at Hartsfield-Jackson. I REALLY must take a page from their book on how to be polite, positive and professional!!!!
When I mention airlines in a moment, I am referring to airline execs deliberately understaffing to sweep more money into their pockets at our expense. Not airline employees.>
We simply bear the brunt of executives’ poor stewardship. It makes employees, AND customers miserable.
(Global) ruling elites won’t think twice about shutting down Western society a second time if it suits them, as we the people rolled over the last time.
🚨If Biden is allowed to sign the WHO’s “Pandemic” Treaty, it would pave the way for more severe ChiCom-style lockdowns in our future.
It’s NO DIFFERENT than Bush signing The “Patriot” Act following the 9/11 attacks. It’s from the SAME “How to Screw Over the American People” playbook.
The US Constitution would be rendered null and void. However, evidence of our politicians’ treason would be set in stone.
🚨Anyone willing to research CoVid-19, would come to the same 99.9% conclusion this virus was released deliberately. Especially when one factors in Event 201.
Never more than 99.9% unless you want your friends and family to buy you a tin foil hat for Christmas.
🚨The USSA’s (that’s the majority of our politicians who are corrupted by ChiCom and multinational interests) fingerprints are all over it.
Mull over that last statement for a few minutes… I believe the ChiComs had A LOT of help.]
The lunatics are running the asylum. Nothing is being done about it because… The lunatics are running the asylum.
Everyone should be nervous as hell our government is allowing nation states like Bill Gates, with huge investments in pharma, to shape public policy. What a TERRIBLE (Fascist) plan. Talk about conflict of interest.
Our corporate maelstrom media (MSM), just kept trotting uncle Bill out during the pandemic (the one he MAY HAVE played a role in), adding insult to “vaccine” injury (see Event 201). As they always say, follow da money.
🚨As you see, ChiCom AND corporate interests have almost “100%” captured our government, save for we the people’s diminishing voice. Why give someone like Bill Gates, or the WHO (ChiComs), greater authority over us? They already have way too much.
[9/11 could have wiped out the bulk of Manhattan if the towers had fallen in several different directions, rather than “miraculously” into their own footprints.
Likewise, CoVid-19 could have wiped out the entire human race. Anyone willing to take these kind of risks should be in jail, not in power. Any questions?
I worry it won’t be a nuclear warhead that gets us, but rather a bioweapon. Color me unimpressed by our authorities “nothing to see here, move along” investigation into CoVid-19’s origins.
It’s no different than the 9/11 & Warren Commissions back in the day. Americans can’t afford to be trusting anymore. The fate of the Western society hangs in the balance.
It’s possible our “authorities” created it themselves. Only someone born yesterday would believe a word they say. It’s long overdue to stop being so naive, or gullible (your willful ignorance is VERY SELFISH).
Be intellectually honest with yourself for your children, and grandchildren’s sakes. I don’t want to live out our psychopathic leaders twisted fantasies because half our country cannot come to grips with reality.
If you understood what was being done to us, you would not be sympathetic ALL OF the time (you would be royally pissed off). The weakness afflicting many Americans is UNACCEPTABLE.
Global ruling elites are COUNTING on you to be weak. You’re endangering our lives (mine included). If you were willing to take a mRNA shot for the team, surely you can better educate yourselves.
Full stop. Thanks for reading this! It IS a baby step. I’m sorry. If all else fails, rattle everyone’s cages!!!! REMEMBER TO VOTE FOR COMMON SENSE POPULISTS.]
Consider how different our government is from the private sector:
On the one hand, our corporations are so obsessed with rewarding their CEOs and shareholders, many are no longer able to provide quality customer care (airlines).
On the other hand, DC is creating one unnecessary regulation or agency after another, to grow a bureaucracy already numbering in the hundreds of thousands.
364,000 federal employees in the greater DC metro area when perhaps we should be gunning for 36,400. This is where the lion’s share of our tax dollars are going.
We pay out trillions in taxes to employ civil servants, yet the Federal Reserve bank must print out trillions more to bail out Wall Street banks while financing endless wars on a credit card.
Our federal deficit is approaching $31.5T, and its attendant inflation will continue to erode the standard of living for anyone not benefiting from Beltway largesse (graft).*
*[Our government is double-dicking us by leveraging the twin forces of taxation and graft. This allows our politicians to slurp champagne and caviar every night, like so many leeches.
By milking US taxpayers (tax cows), then selling Treasury Bills to “adversaries” like China to finance their reckless spending (debt), politicians don’t have to produce or repay their debts (everyone else does).
I’m assuming taxpayer funds are used to pay interest on US bonds the PRC is holding since the USSA government is a non-productive liability. Everyone else is expected to pick up our government’s tab, until they don’t. “Our” representatives only answer to the corporations ensuring they (our politicians) retire with tens of millions of dollars. The American people are largely irrelevant.
This is public-private partnership at its finest. If this is damaging to our government it should be, as any American voter running cover for them is an absolute fucktard.
If my previous paragraph on US tax cows making interest payments on debt held by foreign adversaries is false, please leave a comment below. A quick internet search wasn’t helpful].
World powers China and Brazil are in talks to leave the petrodollar, which begs the question: “how many feuds, embargos, or wars can USSA (UN) simultaneously carry out?”*
*This is a relatively common negotiating tactic of theirs. I mean, who can afford to get Iraqed?!
This WOULD BE third world BANANA REPUBLIC bullshit IF our government had not forced the rest of the world onto Kissinger’s petrodollar Ponzi scheme.
Any talk of healthcare, infrastructure, or minorities coming from our politicians is frankly just lip service for our votes every two to four years. The solution isn’t bigger government, but rather less war.
If the government was spending our tax dollars wisely, there’d be plenty left over to address critical needs like healthcare which are currently unmet or underfunded.
“$37 screws, a $7,622 coffee maker, $640 toilet seats; suppliers to our military just won’t be oversold”: Jack Smith.
Runaway inflation leads to overly indebted consumers, and record profits for global banks. Inflation also results in greater reliance on government handouts among lower income Americans. This is not sustainable for the majority of Americans, including most Liberal voters, and must be reversed immediately.
The able-bodied among us may be left with fishing boats, oil rigs and other risky forms of employment to catch up (or politics for those who want to graft off the system).
Upon further review, risk-taking endeavors seem to be as low paying as ever. Maybe due to the popularity of shows like “Deadliest Catch”? With inflation hitting highs of ?, while the average job gains ? annually, Americans need common sense Populists in office who are obsessed with lowering inflation.*
Believe me when I say, without Trump in office, those in permanent power look as if they are taking a dozen or more steps to goose inflation as much as they possibly can, or are just reckless in their pursuit of profit (it’s much more than the war in Ukraine).
*The data point that resonates in my mind is monthly savings down 81.7% since Biden took office. Back of the envelope my disposable income had been $1,000 p/mo prior to CoVid, but much of what I am purchasing now has gone up 50% to 100%. So much so that I wouldn’t have disposable income if I was still driving town car for roughly $50k p/yr: The Biden Inflation Tracker.
I strongly suspect the majority in permanent power are comprised of both reckless & deliberate. It’s a piece of cake for the deliberate and purposeful to manipulate those obsessed with immediate, short-term profits. These are the type of individuals in power, and why it’s so critical that we rid ourselves of them.
“In reality, Biden’s “green transition” has unleashed a tidal wave of spending that is now running out of control. The subsidies offered under the oddly named “Inflation Reduction Act” consisted mostly of open-ended tax credits. The result?
Whole industries seem to have become dependent on an open-ended government cheque book, feasting on an endless supply of subsidies & tax credits. The money is disappearing into executive salaries, and now into runaway wages as well.”
Biden’s Inflationary Boom Is Running Out Of Control: Matthew Lynn.
An entire industry has also sprung up to censor facts inconvenient to those in power, has billions being poured into it, and is making otherwise very worthless people rich and powerful.
The message is clear: if you want to strike it rich in Amerika, learn how to graft off the system. It no longer matters whether you’re in the public sector or private sector. It’s a revolving door…
It will be very “tempting” to vote for Michelle Obama, Liberal voters will be labeled “misogynists” or “racists” if they do not, but simply envision yourself with “-200%” disposable income. Do we really want to go there? Yes, those of us who are forced to go there because of your Leftist votes in November 2024 will be royally pissed off. Do you even have to ask? Who wants to live in a country or a world that’s run for 0.001% of the population, or fewer (some of whom are deranged)?!*
I would imagine most affluent people are being hurt as well, unless they’re top-flight commodities investors. Yes, Gold Is Being Manipulated. But To What Extent? Frank Holmes.
*The DNC’s campaign slogan should be “vote for Michelle Obama, OR ELSE (we’ll sic our Chekas (Antifa) on you.” I’m not kidding, if Donald J. Trump gets in the USSA (UN) establishment will make sure all hell breaks loose. Still not a good reason to cast a vote for the Amerikan establishment IMHO. My math may be confusing: when I say -200% I’m implying a swing from $1,000 monthly savings to $1,000 monthly debt based on my $50k salary above.
I’ve a feeling many singles making $50k p/yr as well as many couples making $100k in Dallas, Texas can relate. It’s possible a few of you have already made concessions to stay debt free on a monthly basis. Can you imagine what has happened to Americans who are living paycheck to paycheck? I’ll have to work my nuts off, and only buy natural foods to catch up…
I’ve always found Michelle Obama very attractive, but that doesn’t mean we should vote for her!!!!
Most of us will own nothing, and be happy by 2030 I predict. That’s quite an uplifting slogan for the UN’s World Economic Forum, don’t you agree?
“If your social credit score is sufficient we may share our wealth with you, or we may not bwa ha ha” Globalists and ChiComs laugh while they slap each other on the back.
Suicides and bankruptcies will increase as workers realize they will never get out of debt, while Fentanyl and terrorists flood across our border.
By all means, continue voting for policies which benefit this global “ruling” cabal at our great expense. Yes, “our” includes Liberal voters as well.
It won’t be a better, brighter future. It will be a very bleak one…
Every nominee for American President, Republican or Democrat, is most likely Deep State endorsed. Biden, Trump*, Obama, Bush etc. Envision the size and scope of the machinery that has to back you to be in the running for President of the United States.
Former Representative and PA 200m dash state champion Ron Paul is welcome to run, the United States is a free country after all (OR IS IT?!), but he’ll never have the Deep State backing necessary to get over the hump. At 88 years young you could drop dead at any moment, but I bet Ron Paul’s mind is as sharp as a tack. If he had a young, fit Libertarian running mate, perhaps his son Rand, I would be game.
The Pauls are the closest representatives we have to John F. Kennedy’s legacy that I’m aware of, and yet neither one of them will be allowed anywhere near the Democratic or Republican nomination for POTUS (because of their integrity and desire to hold the rich and powerful accountable).
RP has been slandered over the years by both parties, as neither side can bear the thought of being held accountable (this reminds me of someone else we know).
I suppose it beats being assassinated for doing the right thing (governing based on our Constitution AND Bill of Rights). It’s an absolute travesty for our country. This is just my opinion, but it’s something every voter should consider.
Questioning the Amerikan Establishment as John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, the Pauls and now Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. have done is anathema or heresy to NEO-Liberal politicians and their woters. If you have a problem with those of us who question the system, YOU ARE NOT A LIBERAL. Case closed.
Politicians are actors in a Kabuki play, whose purpose is to keep the American public distracted and divided. Globalist bankers (in addition to the CCP and multinational corporations) control the purse strings. We the people must wake up before it’s too late.
*Americans have had what amounts to a bloodless soft coup. One spanning generations. Retired academics, publishers etc are on the edge of their seats waiting to see if their beloved Kommunism will get over the hump before time’s up. I realize two thirds of you probably aren’t Communist sympathizers, but I’m going to take the opportunity to rub this in the apparatchiks’ faces. Retire in China and take your amoral ways with you. I’ve heard Hainan is nice. If Marxism was criminalized in the US, the first amendment would no longer be applicable…
I find their anti-American behavior offensive. They have clearly overstepped their bounds so I feel Marxism should be ILLEGALIZED. How about you? Giving Marxism a free pass in the USSA has been far more damaging than allowing Osama bin Laden to run amok in our Constitutional Republic. They have corrupted several generations of young minds, just as they hoped.
I cannot recall political persecutions like this since McCarthy went after Communists in the 1950s. However, after gaining majority control of the US government Marxists are coming after patriotic Americans who demand our Constitution and Bill of Rights be honored. Not surprisingly, Marxists want to shred both to use for kindling. Which side will prevail?
“The word bipartisan usually means some LARGER-THAN-USUAL deception is being carried out” - George Carlin.
Unfortunately, I’m only current through Section 1. The rest needs to be re-written to reflect that the UN (UK) is a much larger player than the Chinese Communist Party. Maybe a few strikethroughs for Trump as well, but I do hope he’s elected and does a great job for all of our sakes. Due to the law of unintended consequences, it is quite possible the UN (UK) could leverage the US military and conscription to defeat Russia, only to have China surprise us by over-running Asia with the help of Russia’s resources - there’s no need to re-write the section on Cat as it might come to pass. Messing with Russia a second time might be the costliest mistake “our” leaders could ever make (short of trying to take on China at the moment with our troops spread thin all over the world). It could spin out of control in any number of ways. “Our” UN (UK) leaders in Washington, DC always want war no matter the cost as they’ve never once had to pay the price themselves (July 4, 2024)…
This is where my second passthrough (edit) of this manuscript ground to a halt. I hope I succeeded at awakening everyone - most, but not all of the pages I’ve added recently are above this line. One exception can be referenced more quickly by hitting CTRL + F “Timothy McVeigh”. There’s no question my life’s circumstances should be moved to the end, or removed. I hope the better material is strong enough to justify shooting for 10k views per week. An hour or less a day doesn’t allow much time to perform a quality edit.
I discovered Alex Dryden’s “Anna Rensikov” series a year or two after writing about my dearest Svetlana (Cat) in the second half of this manuscript, and accidentally read books 2-3 first. In hindsight, this is how I’d recommend reading Alex’s 3-book series. Dryden appears to be a former MI-6 operator writing under an assumed name (July 4, 2024).
If you find an explanation confusing or contradictory below this line, please defer to my recent work above this demarcation. I did my best to re-write murky parts on my last pass, but I may have missed a few. Haven’t had time to ponder my campy Russian remarks either. I don’t support Putin’s actions, but I view the Russkiys as a critical ally against the soulless ChiCom politburo nonetheless. If you had any idea how evil the CCP was, you’d be alarmed by our government’s close WHO relationship with them, and very suspicious of why the USSA (UN) has chosen to weaken Russia and Ukraine.
Most of ‘us’ get involved to protect our countries and/or for excitement (as firefighters have been known to do), and only begin to question our rulers’ motives in our 30s. 20s is simply “I’m one of a few who can do this”, & “I follow orders without question”. It’s the only way to rise to the top. This is strictly to be the tip of the spear. It has nothing to do with political gain (July 4, 2024).
To further illustrate: this administration, and most of its bureaucracy including Neo-Cons and RINOs, wants to forfeit our sovereignty to the WHO by signing its WHO “Pandemic” Treaty. They would effectively be “surrendering” to their UN and WHO creations without asking one voter how they felt. One must realize ChiComs have a lot of clout within the “selfish interests”-captured WHO and United Nations. We might find ourselves subjected to the very same social credit scoring system used to terrorize the Chinese people.
Rest assured there are many Chinese and Russian “traitors” working very hard with us to maintain peace, but there are always the political animals on the seventh floor who want war - I want these types ousted from power and before a jury before it’s too late. It can be a complicated world that we live in (July 4, 2024).
“Escape or Die” MI6’s Daring Extraction of Russian Spymaster Oleg Gordievsky: Spyscape.
The US government’s actions are indicative of a “hostile to democracy” regime with an agenda no longer serving the interests of our sovereign country, nor of its people. It is very clearly an agenda meant to destroy our sovereignty, only to replace it with something much worse (for those of us not in power). HINT: 99.999% of us.
I’ll have to limit myself to sharing and light editing a few hours per week as Substack doesn’t pay its “staff writers” for traffic. We are unpaid advertising mules more or less. I am astonished but encouraged by all of my female subscribers - I continue to under-estimate women*. I will look to tone down my language a little here and there, but it’s very difficult to do so…
*Conversing about superficial matters publicly, but then being able to shift gears and perform most tasks as well or better than men. I have recently come to the conclusion women are more literal, or appear to miss sarcasm entirely, as the result of how unsafe it may have been to risk laughing “inappropriately” in the bad old days. As with most of our behaviors, this may have been hardwired into us tens of thousands of years ago (or maybe not!!).
In exchange for driving viewers to Substack, its journalists receive free web hosting, Stripe, and protection from DDOS attacks (services worth $25 p/mo). I’m not sure if “My Pillow” would advertise on my site if I hosted an independent blog, so there is scant reason to strike out on my own. As those of you who are writers know all too well, the lightbulb going off in your head can become an albatross around your neck - if you’re not earning an income. This manuscript has been extremely difficult to put down…
I’ve had to archive Sections 7-12 for the time being as it’s become nearly impossible to use Substack’s editor due to ASG’s file size being too large (June 1, 2024).
Paid subscriptions are cancelled as of Dec 15, 2024 (I had 4 paying subscribers out of 600+). Between cancellations, $18 arbitration fees and possible payment fraud, I have concluded it’s too much of a hassle. Want to help out anyway? Try my Venmo:
Here are three videos covering the cause of everything you talk about above.
I probably missed something as I made these first two videos, the second is an old documentary.
I am Halchair on TS, followed you, feel free to talk if you want to get into any details or issues you are confused on but spreading this information and wiping out their unlawful income is the first real step to winning, if we get the November election great, we still as the people have to push this case publicly.
Class-action lawsuits are very effective.
I am new to this site. I sometimes cannot figure out the acronyms . For example S9 or ASG.